2020-03-13 16:40:58 +03:00

243 lines
9.2 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using AppLimit.CloudComputing.SharpBox.Common.Cache;
using AppLimit.CloudComputing.SharpBox.Common.Net.Json;
using AppLimit.CloudComputing.SharpBox.Common.Net.oAuth;
using AppLimit.CloudComputing.SharpBox.Common.Net.Web;
using AppLimit.CloudComputing.SharpBox.Exceptions;
using AppLimit.CloudComputing.SharpBox.StorageProvider.API;
using AppLimit.CloudComputing.SharpBox.StorageProvider.BaseObjects;
namespace AppLimit.CloudComputing.SharpBox.StorageProvider.DropBox.Logic
internal class DropBoxRequestParser
public static string RequestResourceByUrl(string url, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session, out int netErrorCode)
return RequestResourceByUrl(url, null, service, session, out netErrorCode);
private static readonly CachedDictionary<KeyValuePair<string, string>> SessionHashStorage
= new CachedDictionary<KeyValuePair<string, string>>("dropbox-requests-hash", TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30), x => true);
public static void Addhash(string url, string hash, string response, IStorageProviderSession session)
SessionHashStorage.Add(session.SessionToken.ToString(), url, new KeyValuePair<string, string>(hash, response));
public static string RequestResourceByUrl(string url, Dictionary<string, string> parameters, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session, out int netErrorCode)
// cast the dropbox session
var dropBoxSession = session as DropBoxStorageProviderSession;
// instance the oAuthServer
var svc = new OAuthService();
var urlhash = new KeyValuePair<string, string>();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) && url.Contains("/metadata/"))
//Add the hash attr if any
urlhash = SessionHashStorage.Get(session.SessionToken.ToString(), url, () => new KeyValuePair<string, string>());
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Value))
//Add params
if (parameters == null)
parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
parameters.Add("hash", urlhash.Key);
// build the webrequest to protected resource
var request = svc.CreateWebRequest(url, WebRequestMethodsEx.Http.Get, null, null, dropBoxSession.Context, (DropBoxToken)dropBoxSession.SessionToken, parameters);
// get the error code
WebException ex;
// perform a simple webrequest
using (Stream s = svc.PerformWebRequest(request, null, out netErrorCode, out ex,
code => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Value) && code == 304) /*to check code without downloading*/)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(urlhash.Value) && netErrorCode == 304)
return urlhash.Value;
if (s == null)
return "";
// read the memory stream and convert to string
using (var response = new StreamReader(s))
return response.ReadToEnd();
public static BaseFileEntry CreateObjectsFromJsonString(string jsonMessage, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session)
return UpdateObjectFromJsonString(jsonMessage, null, service, session);
public static BaseFileEntry UpdateObjectFromJsonString(string jsonMessage, BaseFileEntry objectToUpdate, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session)
// verify if we have a directory or a file
var jc = new JsonHelper();
if (!jc.ParseJsonMessage(jsonMessage))
throw new SharpBoxException(SharpBoxErrorCodes.ErrorInvalidFileOrDirectoryName);
var isDir = jc.GetBooleanProperty("is_dir");
// create the entry
BaseFileEntry dbentry;
bool bEntryOk;
if (isDir)
if (objectToUpdate == null)
dbentry = new BaseDirectoryEntry("Name", 0, DateTime.Now, service, session);
dbentry = objectToUpdate as BaseDirectoryEntry;
bEntryOk = BuildDirectyEntry(dbentry as BaseDirectoryEntry, jc, service, session);
if (objectToUpdate == null)
dbentry = new BaseFileEntry("Name", 0, DateTime.Now, service, session);
dbentry = objectToUpdate;
bEntryOk = BuildFileEntry(dbentry, jc);
// parse the childs and fill the entry as self
if (!bEntryOk)
throw new SharpBoxException(SharpBoxErrorCodes.ErrorCouldNotContactStorageService);
// set the is deleted flag
// try to read the is_deleted property
dbentry.IsDeleted = jc.GetBooleanProperty("is_deleted");
catch (Exception)
// the is_deleted proprty is missing (so it's not a deleted file or folder)
dbentry.IsDeleted = false;
// return the child
return dbentry;
private static bool BuildFileEntry(BaseFileEntry fileEntry, JsonHelper jh)
* "revision": 29251,
"thumb_exists": false,
"bytes": 37941660,
"modified": "Tue, 01 Jun 2010 14:45:09 +0000",
"path": "/Public/2010_06_01 15_53_48_336.nvl",
"is_dir": false,
"icon": "page_white",
"mime_type": "application/octet-stream",
"size": "36.2MB"
* */
// set the size
fileEntry.Length = Convert.ToInt64(jh.GetProperty("bytes"));
// set the modified time
fileEntry.Modified = jh.GetDateTimeProperty("modified");
// build the displayname
var DropBoxPath = jh.GetProperty("path");
var arr = DropBoxPath.Split('/');
fileEntry.Name = arr.Length > 0 ? arr[arr.Length - 1] : DropBoxPath;
if (DropBoxPath.Equals("/"))
fileEntry.Id = "/";
fileEntry.ParentID = null;
fileEntry.Id = DropBoxPath.Trim('/');
fileEntry.ParentID = DropBoxResourceIDHelpers.GetParentID(DropBoxPath);
// set the hash property if possible
var hashValue = jh.GetProperty("hash");
if (hashValue.Length > 0)
fileEntry.SetPropertyValue("hash", hashValue);
// set the path property
fileEntry.SetPropertyValue("path", DropBoxPath.Equals("/") ? "" : DropBoxPath);
// set the revision value if possible
var revValue = jh.GetProperty("rev");
if (revValue.Length > 0)
fileEntry.SetPropertyValue("rev", revValue);
// go ahead
return true;
private static bool BuildDirectyEntry(BaseDirectoryEntry dirEntry, JsonHelper jh, IStorageProviderService service, IStorageProviderSession session)
// build the file entry part
if (!BuildFileEntry(dirEntry, jh))
return false;
// now take the content
var content = jh.GetListProperty("contents");
if (content.Count == 0)
return true;
// remove all childs
// add the childs
foreach (var jsonContent in content)
// parse the item
var jc = new JsonHelper();
if (!jc.ParseJsonMessage(jsonContent))
// check if we have a directory
var isDir = jc.GetBooleanProperty("is_dir");
BaseFileEntry fentry;
if (isDir)
fentry = new BaseDirectoryEntry("Name", 0, DateTime.Now, service, session);
fentry = new BaseFileEntry("Name", 0, DateTime.Now, service, session);
// build the file attributes
BuildFileEntry(fentry, jc);
// establish parent child realtionship
// set the length
dirEntry.Length = dirEntry.Count;
// go ahead
return true;