2020-07-10 18:37:02 +03:00

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// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License in the project root for license information.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace Microsoft.Graph
internal static class ErrorConstants
internal static class Codes
internal static string GeneralException = "generalException";
internal static string InvalidRequest = "invalidRequest";
internal static string ItemNotFound = "itemNotFound";
internal static string NotAllowed = "notAllowed";
internal static string Timeout = "timeout";
internal static string TooManyRedirects = "tooManyRedirects";
internal static string TooManyRetries = "tooManyRetries";
internal static string MaximumValueExceeded = "MaximumValueExceeded";
internal static string InvalidArgument = "invalidArgument";
internal static class Messages
internal static string AuthenticationProviderMissing = "Authentication provider is required before sending a request.";
internal static string BaseUrlMissing = "Base URL cannot be null or empty.";
internal static string InvalidTypeForDateConverter = "DateConverter can only serialize objects of type Date.";
internal static string LocationHeaderNotSetOnRedirect = "Location header not present in redirection response.";
internal static string OverallTimeoutCannotBeSet = "Overall timeout cannot be set after the first request is sent.";
internal static string RequestTimedOut = "The request timed out.";
internal static string RequestUrlMissing = "Request URL is required to send a request.";
internal static string TooManyRedirectsFormatString = "More than {0} redirects encountered while sending the request.";
internal static string TooManyRetriesFormatString = "More than {0} retries encountered while sending the request.";
internal static string UnableToCreateInstanceOfTypeFormatString = "Unable to create an instance of type {0}.";
internal static string UnableToDeserializeDate = "Unable to deserialize the returned Date.";
internal static string UnexpectedExceptionOnSend = "An error occurred sending the request.";
internal static string UnexpectedExceptionResponse = "Unexpected exception returned from the service.";
internal static string MaximumValueExceeded = "{0} exceeds the maximum value of {1}.";
internal static string NullParameter = "{0} parameter cannot be null.";
internal static string UnableToDeserializexContent = "Unable to deserialize content.";
internal static string InvalidDependsOnRequestId = "Corresponding batch request id not found for the specified dependsOn relation.";
internal static string ExpiredUploadSession = "Upload session expired. Upload cannot resume";
internal static string NoResponseForUpload = "No Response Received for upload.";
public static string InvalidProxyArgument = "Proxy cannot be set more once. Proxy can only be set on the proxy or defaultHttpHandler argument and not both.";