2021-06-01 12:21:51 +03:00

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// *
// * (c) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010-2018
// *
// * This program is freeware. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
// * General Public License (GPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation (
// * In accordance with Section 7(a) of the GNU GPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect that
// * Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement of any third-party rights.
// *
// * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For more details, see GNU GPL at
// *
// * You can contact Ascensio System SIA by email at
// *
// * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of ONLYOFFICE must display
// * Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU GPL version 3.
// *
// * Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(b) of the GNU GPL you must retain the original ONLYOFFICE logo which contains
// * relevant author attributions when distributing the software. If the display of the logo in its graphic
// * form is not reasonably feasible for technical reasons, you must include the words "Powered by ONLYOFFICE"
// * in every copy of the program you distribute.
// * Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(e) we decline to grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
// *
//#if DEBUG
//namespace ASC.Core.Common.Tests
// using System.Linq;
// using System.Text.Json;
// using ASC.Core.Billing;
// using ASC.Core.Data;
// using ASC.Core.Tenants;
// using NUnit.Framework;
// [TestFixture]
// class DbQuotaServiceTest : DbBaseTest<DbQuotaService>
// {
// public DbQuotaServiceTest()
// {
// }
// [OneTimeSetUp]
// public void ClearData()
// {
// Service.RemoveTenantQuota(Tenant);
// foreach (var row in Service.FindTenantQuotaRows(Tenant))
// {
// //DeleteQuotaRow(row);
// }
// }
// [Test]
// public void QuotaMethod()
// {
// var quota1 = new TenantQuota(Tenant)
// {
// MaxFileSize = 3,
// MaxTotalSize = 4,
// ActiveUsers = 30,
// };
// Service.SaveTenantQuota(quota1);
// CompareQuotas(quota1, Service.GetTenantQuota(quota1.Id));
// Service.RemoveTenantQuota(Tenant);
// Assert.IsNull(Service.GetTenantQuota(quota1.Id));
// var row = new TenantQuotaRow { Tenant = this.Tenant, Path = "path", Counter = 1000, Tag = "tag" };
// Service.SetTenantQuotaRow(row, false);
// var rows = Service.FindTenantQuotaRows(Tenant).ToList();
// CompareQuotaRows(row, rows.Find(r => r.Tenant == row.Tenant && r.Tag == row.Tag));
// Service.SetTenantQuotaRow(row, true);
// row.Counter += 1000;
// rows = Service.FindTenantQuotaRows(Tenant).ToList();
// CompareQuotaRows(row, rows.Find(r => r.Tenant == row.Tenant && r.Tag == row.Tag));
// //DeleteQuotaRow(row);
// }
// [Test]
// public void SerializeTest()
// {
// var quota1 = new TenantQuota(Tenant)
// {
// AvangateId = "1",
// Features = "trial,year",
// Name = "quota1",
// Price = 12.5m,
// Price2 = 45.23m,
// Visible = true,
// MaxFileSize = 3,
// MaxTotalSize = 4,
// ActiveUsers = 30,
// };
// var json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(quota1);
// Assert.AreEqual("{\"Id\":1024,\"Name\":\"quota1\",\"MaxFileSize\":3,\"MaxTotalSize\":4,\"ActiveUsers\":30,\"Features\":\"trial,year\",\"Price\":12.5,\"Price2\":45.23,\"AvangateId\":\"1\",\"Visible\":true}", json);
// }
// [Test]
// public void SyncTest()
// {
// using var client = new TariffSyncClient();
// var quotas = client.GetTariffs(1, "key");
// Assert.AreNotEqual(0, quotas.Count());
// }
// private void CompareQuotas(TenantQuota q1, TenantQuota q2)
// {
// Assert.AreEqual(q1.Id, q2.Id);
// Assert.AreEqual(q1.Name, q2.Name);
// Assert.AreEqual(q1.MaxFileSize, q2.MaxFileSize);
// Assert.AreEqual(q1.MaxTotalSize, q2.MaxTotalSize);
// Assert.AreEqual(q1.ActiveUsers, q2.ActiveUsers);
// Assert.AreEqual(q1.Features, q2.Features);
// Assert.AreEqual(q1.Price, q2.Price);
// Assert.AreEqual(q1.Price2, q2.Price2);
// Assert.AreEqual(q1.AvangateId, q2.AvangateId);
// Assert.AreEqual(q1.Visible, q2.Visible);
// }
// private void CompareQuotaRows(TenantQuotaRow r1, TenantQuotaRow r2)
// {
// Assert.AreEqual(r1.Path, r2.Path);
// Assert.AreEqual(r1.Tag, r2.Tag);
// Assert.AreEqual(r1.Tenant, r2.Tenant);
// Assert.AreEqual(r1.Counter, r2.Counter);
// }
// //private void DeleteQuotaRow(TenantQuotaRow row)
// //{
// // var d = new SqlDelete(DbQuotaService.tenants_quotarow).Where("tenant", row.Tenant).Where("path", row.Path);
// // var dbManager = DbOptionsManager.Value;
// // dbManager.ExecuteNonQuery(d);
// //}
// }