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// (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2024
// This program is a free software product.
// You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
// of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software
// Foundation. In accordance with Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended
// to the effect that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement of
// any third-party rights.
// This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty
// the GNU AGPL at:
// You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1021.
// The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of the Program must
// display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
// Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product logo when
// distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to grant you any rights under
// trademark law for use of our trademarks.
// All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as well as technical writing
// content are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
// International. See the License terms at
import React from "react";
import { Meta, StoryObj } from "@storybook/react";
// import NavLogoIcon from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/nav.logo.opened.react.svg";
// import CatalogEmployeeReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/catalog.employee.react.svg?url";
// import CatalogGuestReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/catalog.guest.react.svg?url";
// import CopyReactSvgUrl from "PUBLIC_DIR/images/copy.react.svg?url";
// import { IconSizeType } from "../../utils";
// import { DropDownItem } from "../drop-down-item";
import { ComboBox } from "./ComboBox";
// import RadioButton from "../radio-button";
// import ComboBoxDocs from "./";
import { ComboboxProps } from "./Combobox.types";
const meta = {
title: "Components/ComboBox",
component: ComboBox,
// tags: ["autodocs"],
parameters: {
docs: {
// page: ComboBoxDocs,
} satisfies Meta<typeof ComboBox>;
type Story = StoryObj<typeof ComboBox>;
export default meta;
// const comboOptions = [
// {
// key: 1,
// icon: CatalogEmployeeReactSvgUrl,
// label: "Option 1",
// },
// {
// key: 2,
// icon: CatalogGuestReactSvgUrl,
// label: "Option 2",
// },
// {
// key: 3,
// disabled: true,
// label: "Option 3",
// },
// {
// key: 4,
// label: "Option 4",
// },
// {
// key: 5,
// icon: CopyReactSvgUrl,
// label: "Option 5",
// },
// {
// key: 6,
// label: "Option 6",
// },
// {
// key: 7,
// label: "Option 7",
// },
// ];
// const childrenArr = [];
// const advancedOptions = (
// <>
// <DropDownItem key="1" noHover>
// {/* <RadioButton value="asc" name="first" label="A-Z" isChecked /> */}
// </DropDownItem>
// <DropDownItem key="2" noHover>
// {/* <RadioButton value="desc" name="first" label="Z-A" /> */}
// </DropDownItem>
// <DropDownItem key="3" isSeparator />
// <DropDownItem key="4" noHover>
// {/* <RadioButton value="first" name="second" label="First name" /> */}
// </DropDownItem>
// <DropDownItem key="5" noHover>
// {/* <RadioButton
// value="last"
// name="second"
// label="Last name"
// isChecked
// /> */}
// </DropDownItem>
// </>
// );
const Wrapper = ({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) => {
return <div style={{ height: "220px" }}>{children}</div>;
// const childrenItems = childrenArr.length > 0 ? childrenArr : null;
// const BadgeTypeTemplate = (args: ComboboxProps) => (
// <Wrapper>
// <ComboBox
// {...args}
// fixedDirection
// isDefaultMode={false}
// options={[
// { key: 1, label: "Open", backgroundColor: "#4781D1", color: "#FFFFFF" },
// { key: 2, label: "Done", backgroundColor: "#444", color: "#FFFFFF" },
// {
// key: 3,
// label: "2nd turn",
// backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF",
// color: "#555F65",
// border: "#4781D1",
// },
// {
// key: 4,
// label: "3rd turn",
// backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF",
// color: "#555F65",
// border: "#4781D1",
// },
// ]}
// selectedOption={{
// key: 0,
// label: "Select",
// }}
// />
// </Wrapper>
// );
const Template = (args: ComboboxProps) => (
{ key: 1, label: "Option 1" },
{ key: 2, label: "Option 2" },
key: 0,
label: "Select",
// const BaseOptionsTemplate = (args: ComboboxProps) => (
// <Wrapper>
// <ComboBox
// {...args}
// isDefaultMode={false}
// directionY="both"
// fixedDirection
// options={comboOptions}
// onSelect={(option: any) => args.onSelect(option)}
// selectedOption={{
// key: 0,
// label: "Select",
// default: true,
// }}
// >
// {childrenItems}
// </ComboBox>
// </Wrapper>
// );
// const AdvancedOptionsTemplate = (args: ComboboxProps) => {
// const { onSelect } = args;
// return (
// <Wrapper>
// <ComboBox
// {...args}
// isDefaultMode={false}
// fixedDirection
// directionY="both"
// options={[]}
// advancedOptions={advancedOptions}
// onSelect={(option?: TOption) => onSelect(option)}
// selectedOption={{
// key: 0,
// label: "Select",
// default: true,
// }}
// >
// <NavLogoIcon size={IconSizeType.medium} key="comboIcon" />
// </ComboBox>
// </Wrapper>
// );
// };
export const Default: Story = {
render: (args) => <Template {...args} />,
args: {
scaled: false,
options: [
{ key: 1, label: "Open", backgroundColor: "#4781D1", color: "#FFFFFF" },
{ key: 2, label: "Done", backgroundColor: "#444", color: "#FFFFFF" },
key: 3,
label: "2nd turn",
backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF",
color: "#555F65",
border: "#4781D1",
key: 4,
label: "3rd turn",
backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF",
color: "#555F65",
border: "#4781D1",
selectedOption: {
key: 0,
label: "Select",
dropDownMaxHeight: 1500,
// export const BaseOption: Story = {
// render: (args) => <BaseOptionsTemplate {...args} />,
// args: {
// options: [
// { key: 1, label: "Open", backgroundColor: "#4781D1", color: "#FFFFFF" },
// { key: 2, label: "Done", backgroundColor: "#444", color: "#FFFFFF" },
// {
// key: 3,
// label: "2nd turn",
// backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF",
// color: "#555F65",
// border: "#4781D1",
// },
// {
// key: 4,
// label: "3rd turn",
// backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF",
// color: "#555F65",
// border: "#4781D1",
// },
// ],
// selectedOption: {
// key: 0,
// label: "Select",
// },
// scaledOptions: false,
// scaled: false,
// noBorder: false,
// isDisabled: false,
// },
// };
// export const advancedOption = AdvancedOptionsTemplate.bind({});
// advancedOption.args = {
// isDisabled: false,
// scaled: false,
// size: "content",
// directionX: "right",
// directionY: "bottom",
// };
// export const badgeType = BadgeTypeTemplate.bind({});
// badgeType.args = {
// scaled: false,
// type: "badge",
// size: "content",
// scaledOptions: true,
// };