2020-09-30 14:50:39 +03:00

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* (c) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010-2018
* This program is freeware. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
* General Public License (GPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation (
* In accordance with Section 7(a) of the GNU GPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect that
* Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement of any third-party rights.
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA by email at
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of ONLYOFFICE must display
* Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU GPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(b) of the GNU GPL you must retain the original ONLYOFFICE logo which contains
* relevant author attributions when distributing the software. If the display of the logo in its graphic
* form is not reasonably feasible for technical reasons, you must include the words "Powered by ONLYOFFICE"
* in every copy of the program you distribute.
* Pursuant to Section 7 § 3(e) we decline to grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using ASC.Core;
using ASC.Core.Common;
using ASC.Core.Common.Configuration;
using ASC.Core.Common.EF;
using ASC.Core.Common.EF.Context;
using ASC.Core.Common.EF.Model;
using ASC.Core.Tenants;
using ASC.VoipService.Twilio;
namespace ASC.VoipService.Dao
public class VoipDao : AbstractDao
public VoipDao(
TenantManager tenantManager,
DbContextManager<VoipDbContext> dbOptions,
AuthContext authContext,
TenantUtil tenantUtil,
SecurityContext securityContext,
BaseCommonLinkUtility baseCommonLinkUtility,
ConsumerFactory consumerFactory)
: base(dbOptions, tenantManager)
AuthContext = authContext;
TenantUtil = tenantUtil;
SecurityContext = securityContext;
BaseCommonLinkUtility = baseCommonLinkUtility;
ConsumerFactory = consumerFactory;
public virtual VoipPhone SaveOrUpdateNumber(VoipPhone phone)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(phone.Number))
phone.Number = phone.Number.TrimStart('+');
var voipNumber = new VoipNumber
Id = phone.Id,
Number = phone.Number,
Alias = phone.Alias,
Settings = phone.Settings.ToString(),
TenantId = TenantID
_ = VoipDbContext.VoipNumbers.Add(voipNumber);
_ = VoipDbContext.SaveChanges();
return phone;
public virtual void DeleteNumber(string phoneId = "")
var number = VoipDbContext.VoipNumbers.Where(r => r.Id == phoneId && r.TenantId == TenantID).FirstOrDefault();
_ = VoipDbContext.VoipNumbers.Remove(number);
_ = VoipDbContext.SaveChanges();
public virtual IEnumerable<VoipPhone> GetNumbers(params string[] ids)
var numbers = VoipDbContext.VoipNumbers.Where(r => r.TenantId == TenantID);
if (ids.Any())
numbers = numbers.Where(r => ids.Any(a => a == r.Number || a == r.Id));
return numbers.ToList().ConvertAll(ToPhone);
public VoipPhone GetNumber(string id)
return GetNumbers(id.TrimStart('+')).FirstOrDefault();
public virtual VoipPhone GetCurrentNumber()
return GetNumbers().FirstOrDefault(r => r.Caller != null);
public VoipCall SaveOrUpdateCall(VoipCall call)
var voipCall = new DbVoipCall
TenantId = TenantID,
Id = call.Id,
NumberFrom = call.From,
NumberTo = call.To,
ContactId = call.ContactId
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(call.ParentID))
voipCall.ParentCallId = call.ParentID;
if (call.Status.HasValue)
voipCall.Status = (int)call.Status.Value;
if (!call.AnsweredBy.Equals(Guid.Empty))
voipCall.AnsweredBy = call.AnsweredBy;
if (call.DialDate == DateTime.MinValue)
call.DialDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
voipCall.DialDate = TenantUtil.DateTimeToUtc(call.DialDate);
if (call.DialDuration > 0)
voipCall.DialDuration = call.DialDuration;
if (call.Price > decimal.Zero)
voipCall.Price = call.Price;
if (call.VoipRecord != null)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(call.VoipRecord.Id))
voipCall.RecordSid = call.VoipRecord.Id;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(call.VoipRecord.Uri))
voipCall.RecordUrl = call.VoipRecord.Uri;
if (call.VoipRecord.Duration != 0)
voipCall.RecordDuration = call.VoipRecord.Duration;
if (call.VoipRecord.Price != default)
voipCall.RecordPrice = call.VoipRecord.Price;
_ = VoipDbContext.VoipCalls.Add(voipCall);
_ = VoipDbContext.SaveChanges();
return call;
public IEnumerable<VoipCall> GetCalls(VoipCallFilter filter)
var query = GetCallsQuery(filter);
if (filter.SortByColumn != null)
_ = query.OrderBy(filter.SortByColumn, filter.SortOrder);
query = query.Skip((int)filter.Offset);
query = query.Take((int)filter.Max * 3);
var calls = query.ToList().ConvertAll(ToCall);
calls = calls.GroupJoin(calls, call => call.Id, h => h.ParentID, (call, h) =>
return call;
}).Where(r => string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.ParentID)).ToList();
return calls;
public VoipCall GetCall(string id)
return GetCalls(new VoipCallFilter { Id = id }).FirstOrDefault();
public int GetCallsCount(VoipCallFilter filter)
return GetCallsQuery(filter).Where(r => r.DbVoipCall.ParentCallId == "").Count();
public IEnumerable<VoipCall> GetMissedCalls(Guid agent, long count = 0, DateTime? from = null)
var query = GetCallsQuery(new VoipCallFilter { Agent = agent, SortBy = "date", SortOrder = true, Type = "missed" });
if (from.HasValue)
query = query.Where(r => r.DbVoipCall.DialDate >= TenantUtil.DateTimeFromUtc(from.Value));
if (count != 0)
query = query.Take((int)count);
var a = query.Select(ca => new
dbVoipCall = ca,
tmpDate = VoipDbContext.VoipCalls
.Where(tmp => tmp.TenantId == ca.DbVoipCall.TenantId)
.Where(tmp => tmp.NumberFrom == ca.DbVoipCall.NumberFrom || tmp.NumberTo == ca.DbVoipCall.NumberFrom)
.Where(tmp => tmp.Status <= (int)VoipCallStatus.Missed)
.Max(tmp => tmp.DialDate)
}).Where(r => r.dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.DialDate >= r.tmpDate || r.tmpDate == default);
return a.ToList().ConvertAll(r => ToCall(r.dbVoipCall));
private IQueryable<CallContact> GetCallsQuery(VoipCallFilter filter)
var q = VoipDbContext.VoipCalls
.Where(r => r.TenantId == TenantID);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Id))
q = q.Where(r => r.Id == filter.Id || r.ParentCallId == filter.Id);
if (filter.ContactID.HasValue)
q = q.Where(r => r.ContactId == filter.ContactID.Value);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter.SearchText))
q = q.Where(r => r.Id.StartsWith(filter.SearchText));
if (filter.TypeStatus.HasValue)
q = q.Where(r => r.Status == filter.TypeStatus.Value);
if (filter.FromDate.HasValue)
q = q.Where(r => r.DialDate >= filter.FromDate.Value);
if (filter.ToDate.HasValue)
q = q.Where(r => r.DialDate <= filter.ToDate.Value);
if (filter.Agent.HasValue)
q = q.Where(r => r.AnsweredBy == filter.Agent.Value);
return q
.GroupBy(r => r.Id, r => r)
r => r.FirstOrDefault().ContactId,
c => c.Id,
(call, contact) => new CallContact { DbVoipCall = call.FirstOrDefault(), CrmContact = contact })
class CallContact
public DbVoipCall DbVoipCall { get; set; }
public CrmContact CrmContact { get; set; }
#region Converters
private VoipPhone ToPhone(VoipNumber r)
return GetProvider().GetPhone(r);
private VoipCall ToCall(CallContact dbVoipCall)
var call = new VoipCall
Id = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.Id,
ParentID = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.ParentCallId,
From = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.NumberFrom,
To = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.NumberTo,
AnsweredBy = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.AnsweredBy,
DialDate = TenantUtil.DateTimeFromUtc(dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.DialDate),
DialDuration = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.DialDuration,
Price = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.Price,
Status = (VoipCallStatus)dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.Status,
VoipRecord = new VoipRecord
Id = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.RecordSid,
Uri = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.RecordUrl,
Duration = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.RecordDuration,
Price = dbVoipCall.DbVoipCall.RecordPrice
ContactId = dbVoipCall.CrmContact.Id,
ContactIsCompany = dbVoipCall.CrmContact.IsCompany,
if (call.ContactId != 0)
call.ContactTitle = call.ContactIsCompany
? dbVoipCall.CrmContact.CompanyName
: dbVoipCall.CrmContact.FirstName == null || dbVoipCall.CrmContact.LastName == null ? null : string.Format("{0} {1}", dbVoipCall.CrmContact.FirstName, dbVoipCall.CrmContact.LastName);
return call;
public Consumer Consumer
get { return ConsumerFactory.GetByKey("twilio"); }
public TwilioProvider GetProvider()
return new TwilioProvider(Consumer["twilioAccountSid"], Consumer["twilioAuthToken"], AuthContext, TenantUtil, SecurityContext, BaseCommonLinkUtility);
public bool ConfigSettingsExist
return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Consumer["twilioAccountSid"]) &&
private AuthContext AuthContext { get; }
private TenantUtil TenantUtil { get; }
private SecurityContext SecurityContext { get; }
private BaseCommonLinkUtility BaseCommonLinkUtility { get; }
private ConsumerFactory ConsumerFactory { get; }