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// (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2022
// This program is a free software product.
// You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
// of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3 as published by the Free Software
// Foundation. In accordance with Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended
// to the effect that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement of
// any third-party rights.
// This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty
// the GNU AGPL at:
// You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1021.
// The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions of the Program must
// display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
// Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product logo when
// distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to grant you any rights under
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// All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as well as technical writing
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// International. See the License terms at
namespace ASC.Core.Caching;
public class UserServiceCache
public const string Users = "users";
public const string Refs = "refs";
private const string Groups = "groups";
internal readonly ICache Cache;
internal readonly CoreBaseSettings CoreBaseSettings;
internal readonly ICacheNotify<UserInfoCacheItem> CacheUserInfoItem;
internal readonly ICacheNotify<UserPhotoCacheItem> CacheUserPhotoItem;
internal readonly ICacheNotify<GroupCacheItem> CacheGroupCacheItem;
internal readonly ICacheNotify<UserGroupRefCacheItem> CacheUserGroupRefItem;
public UserServiceCache(ICacheNotify<GroupCacheItem> cacheGroupCacheItem)
CacheGroupCacheItem = cacheGroupCacheItem;
public UserServiceCache(
CoreBaseSettings coreBaseSettings,
ICacheNotify<UserInfoCacheItem> cacheUserInfoItem,
ICacheNotify<UserPhotoCacheItem> cacheUserPhotoItem,
ICacheNotify<GroupCacheItem> cacheGroupCacheItem,
ICacheNotify<UserGroupRefCacheItem> cacheUserGroupRefItem,
ICache cache)
Cache = cache;
CoreBaseSettings = coreBaseSettings;
CacheUserInfoItem = cacheUserInfoItem;
CacheUserPhotoItem = cacheUserPhotoItem;
CacheGroupCacheItem = cacheGroupCacheItem;
CacheUserGroupRefItem = cacheUserGroupRefItem;
cacheUserInfoItem.Subscribe((u) => InvalidateCache(u), CacheNotifyAction.Any);
cacheUserPhotoItem.Subscribe((p) => Cache.Remove(p.Key), CacheNotifyAction.Remove);
cacheGroupCacheItem.Subscribe((g) => InvalidateCache(g), CacheNotifyAction.Any);
cacheUserGroupRefItem.Subscribe((r) => UpdateUserGroupRefCache(r), CacheNotifyAction.Remove);
cacheUserGroupRefItem.Subscribe((r) => UpdateUserGroupRefCache(r), CacheNotifyAction.InsertOrUpdate);
private void InvalidateCache(UserInfoCacheItem userInfo)
if (userInfo != null)
var key = GetUserCacheKey(userInfo.Tenant);
if (Guid.TryParse(userInfo.Id, out var userId))
var userKey = GetUserCacheKey(userInfo.Tenant, userId);
private void InvalidateCache(GroupCacheItem groupCacheItem)
if (groupCacheItem != null)
var key = GetGroupCacheKey(groupCacheItem.Tenant, new Guid(groupCacheItem.Id));
private void UpdateUserGroupRefCache(UserGroupRef r)
var key = GetRefCacheKey(r.Tenant);
var refs = Cache.Get<UserGroupRefStore>(key);
if (refs != null)
lock (refs)
refs[r.CreateKey()] = r;
public static string GetUserPhotoCacheKey(int tenant, Guid userId)
return tenant.ToString() + "userphoto" + userId.ToString();
public static string GetGroupCacheKey(int tenant)
return tenant.ToString() + Groups;
public static string GetGroupCacheKey(int tenant, Guid groupId)
return tenant.ToString() + Groups + groupId;
public static string GetRefCacheKey(int tenant)
return tenant.ToString() + Refs;
public static string GetRefCacheKey(int tenant, Guid groupId, UserGroupRefType refType)
return tenant.ToString() + groupId + (int)refType;
public static string GetUserCacheKey(int tenant)
return tenant.ToString() + Users;
public static string GetUserCacheKey(int tenant, Guid userId)
return tenant.ToString() + Users + userId;
public class CachedUserService : IUserService, ICachedService
internal IUserService Service { get; set; }
internal ICache Cache { get; set; }
internal CoreBaseSettings CoreBaseSettings { get; set; }
internal UserServiceCache UserServiceCache { get; set; }
internal ICacheNotify<UserInfoCacheItem> CacheUserInfoItem { get; set; }
internal ICacheNotify<UserPhotoCacheItem> CacheUserPhotoItem { get; set; }
internal ICacheNotify<GroupCacheItem> CacheGroupCacheItem { get; set; }
internal ICacheNotify<UserGroupRefCacheItem> CacheUserGroupRefItem { get; set; }
private readonly TimeSpan _cacheExpiration;
private readonly TimeSpan _photoExpiration;
public CachedUserService(ICacheNotify<GroupCacheItem> cacheGroupCacheItem)
CacheGroupCacheItem = cacheGroupCacheItem;
public CachedUserService()
_cacheExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20);
_photoExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10);
public CachedUserService(
EFUserService service,
CoreBaseSettings coreBaseSettings,
UserServiceCache userServiceCache
) : this()
Service = service ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(service));
CoreBaseSettings = coreBaseSettings;
UserServiceCache = userServiceCache;
Cache = userServiceCache.Cache;
CacheUserInfoItem = userServiceCache.CacheUserInfoItem;
CacheUserPhotoItem = userServiceCache.CacheUserPhotoItem;
CacheGroupCacheItem = userServiceCache.CacheGroupCacheItem;
CacheUserGroupRefItem = userServiceCache.CacheUserGroupRefItem;
public IQueryable<UserInfo> GetUsers(
int tenant,
bool isDocSpaceAdmin,
EmployeeStatus? employeeStatus,
List<List<Guid>> includeGroups,
List<Guid> excludeGroups,
EmployeeActivationStatus? activationStatus,
AccountLoginType? accountLoginType,
string text,
string sortBy,
bool sortOrderAsc,
long limit,
long offset,
out int total,
out int count)
return Service.GetUsers(tenant, isDocSpaceAdmin, employeeStatus, includeGroups, excludeGroups, activationStatus, accountLoginType, text, sortBy, sortOrderAsc, limit, offset, out total, out count);
public UserInfo GetUser(int tenant, Guid id)
var key = UserServiceCache.GetUserCacheKey(tenant, id);
var user = Cache.Get<UserInfo>(key);
if (user == null)
user = Service.GetUser(tenant, id);
if (user != null)
Cache.Insert(key, user, _cacheExpiration);
return user;
public UserInfo GetUser(int tenant, string email)
return Service.GetUser(tenant, email);
public UserInfo GetUserByUserName(int tenant, string userName)
return Service.GetUserByUserName(tenant, userName);
public UserInfo GetUserByPasswordHash(int tenant, string login, string passwordHash)
return Service.GetUserByPasswordHash(tenant, login, passwordHash);
public IEnumerable<UserInfo> GetUsersAllTenants(IEnumerable<Guid> userIds)
return Service.GetUsersAllTenants(userIds);
public UserInfo SaveUser(int tenant, UserInfo user)
user = Service.SaveUser(tenant, user);
CacheUserInfoItem.Publish(new UserInfoCacheItem { Id = user.Id.ToString(), Tenant = tenant }, CacheNotifyAction.Any);
return user;
public IEnumerable<int> GetTenantsWithFeeds(DateTime from)
return Service.GetTenantsWithFeeds(from);
public void RemoveUser(int tenant, Guid id)
Service.RemoveUser(tenant, id);
CacheUserInfoItem.Publish(new UserInfoCacheItem { Tenant = tenant, Id = id.ToString() }, CacheNotifyAction.Any);
public byte[] GetUserPhoto(int tenant, Guid id)
var photo = Cache.Get<byte[]>(UserServiceCache.GetUserPhotoCacheKey(tenant, id));
if (photo == null)
photo = Service.GetUserPhoto(tenant, id);
Cache.Insert(UserServiceCache.GetUserPhotoCacheKey(tenant, id), photo, _photoExpiration);
return photo;
public void SetUserPhoto(int tenant, Guid id, byte[] photo)
Service.SetUserPhoto(tenant, id, photo);
CacheUserPhotoItem.Publish(new UserPhotoCacheItem { Key = UserServiceCache.GetUserPhotoCacheKey(tenant, id) }, CacheNotifyAction.Remove);
CacheUserInfoItem.Publish(new UserInfoCacheItem { Id = id.ToString(), Tenant = tenant }, CacheNotifyAction.Any);
public DateTime GetUserPasswordStamp(int tenant, Guid id)
return Service.GetUserPasswordStamp(tenant, id);
public void SetUserPasswordHash(int tenant, Guid id, string passwordHash)
Service.SetUserPasswordHash(tenant, id, passwordHash);
public Group GetGroup(int tenant, Guid id)
var key = UserServiceCache.GetGroupCacheKey(tenant, id);
var group = Cache.Get<Group>(key);
if (group == null)
group = Service.GetGroup(tenant, id);
if (group != null)
Cache.Insert(key, group, _cacheExpiration);
return group;
public Group SaveGroup(int tenant, Group group)
group = Service.SaveGroup(tenant, group);
CacheGroupCacheItem.Publish(new GroupCacheItem { Id = group.Id.ToString(), Tenant = tenant }, CacheNotifyAction.Any);
return group;
public void RemoveGroup(int tenant, Guid id)
Service.RemoveGroup(tenant, id);
CacheGroupCacheItem.Publish(new GroupCacheItem { Id = id.ToString(), Tenant = tenant }, CacheNotifyAction.Any);
public IDictionary<string, UserGroupRef> GetUserGroupRefs(int tenant)
var key = UserServiceCache.GetRefCacheKey(tenant);
if (Cache.Get<UserGroupRefStore>(key) is not IDictionary<string, UserGroupRef> refs)
refs = Service.GetUserGroupRefs(tenant);
Cache.Insert(key, new UserGroupRefStore(refs), _cacheExpiration);
return refs;
public UserGroupRef GetUserGroupRef(int tenant, Guid groupId, UserGroupRefType refType)
var key = UserServiceCache.GetRefCacheKey(tenant, groupId, refType);
var groupRef = Cache.Get<UserGroupRef>(key);
if (groupRef == null)
groupRef = Service.GetUserGroupRef(tenant, groupId, refType);
if (groupRef != null)
Cache.Insert(key, groupRef, _cacheExpiration);
return groupRef;
public UserGroupRef SaveUserGroupRef(int tenant, UserGroupRef r)
r = Service.SaveUserGroupRef(tenant, r);
CacheUserGroupRefItem.Publish(r, CacheNotifyAction.InsertOrUpdate);
return r;
public void RemoveUserGroupRef(int tenant, Guid userId, Guid groupId, UserGroupRefType refType)
Service.RemoveUserGroupRef(tenant, userId, groupId, refType);
var r = new UserGroupRef(userId, groupId, refType) { Tenant = tenant, Removed = true };
CacheUserGroupRefItem.Publish(r, CacheNotifyAction.Remove);
public IEnumerable<UserInfo> GetUsers(int tenant)
var key = UserServiceCache.GetUserCacheKey(tenant);
var users = Cache.Get<IEnumerable<UserInfo>>(key);
if (users == null)
users = Service.GetUsers(tenant);
Cache.Insert(key, users, _cacheExpiration);
return users;
public IEnumerable<Group> GetGroups(int tenant)
var key = UserServiceCache.GetGroupCacheKey(tenant);
var groups = Cache.Get<IEnumerable<Group>>(key);
if (groups == null)
groups = Service.GetGroups(tenant);
Cache.Insert(key, groups, _cacheExpiration);
return groups;
public void InvalidateCache()
public UserInfo GetUser(int tenant, Guid id, Expression<Func<User, UserInfo>> exp)
if (exp == null)
return GetUser(tenant, id);
return Service.GetUser(tenant, id, exp);
public IEnumerable<string> GetDavUserEmails(int tenant)
return Service.GetDavUserEmails(tenant);