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<div class="changelog-open-in-new-window"><a target="_blank" href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/desktop/documents/allplatforms/desktop-editors-changelog.aspx")%>">Open in new window</a></div>
<div class="changelog-version-block hide_elements">
<p class="changelog-main-header">Version 5.2.8</p>
<p class="changelog-release-date">Release date: <span class="crd-date">01/18/2019</span></p>
<div class="changelog-switcher">
<p class="changelog-subheader">Fixes</p>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">All Editors</p>
<li>Major bugfix for interaction with Nextcloud and ownCloud portals.</li>
<div class="changelog-version-block">
<p class="changelog-main-header">Version 5.2.4</p>
<p class="changelog-release-date">Release date: <span class="crd-date">12/21/2018</span></p>
<div class="changelog-switcher">
<p class="changelog-subheader">New features</p>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">All editors</p>
<li>Added Polish as a new interface language;</li>
<li>Added an option to change the user interface language;</li>
<li>Added an option to change the user name;</li>
<li>Improved HiDPI screens detection;</li>
<li>Extended the list of providers for collaboration portals (ownCloud, Nextcloud);</li>
<li>Added encryption options (developer preview version);</li>
<li>Added a warning when opening a file protected with password;</li>
<li>The resolved comments are now not shown by default in <b>Document Editor</b> and <b>Spreadsheet Editor</b>;</li>
<li>Added the possibility to customize availability of help in the editor;</li>
<li>Added the display of the <b>File</b> and <b>Plugins</b> tabs for viewers;</li>
<li>The username is now highlihgted by color in the comments, review changes, chat messages;</li>
<li>Prevented the duplication of online users in the left chat panel;</li>
<li>Added the possibility to sort comments in the popover by ascending creation time.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Document Editor</p>
<li>Added the possibility to work with bookmarks;</li>
<li>Added the possibility to add/change hyperlinks anchored to bookmarks/headings;</li>
<li>Added the possibility to change numbering value, start/continue numbering;</li>
<li>Added settings for content controls (highlighting and appearance);</li>
<li>Review changes and comments are now displayed in the combined window;</li>
<li>Added presets for А0, А1, А2, А6 page size (bug #36583);</li>
<li>Enabled closing the chart dialog while loading (bug #36870);</li>
<li>Changed the encoding format for the <code>TXT</code> files (bug #36998);</li>
<li>Added the mode for filling forms;</li>
<li>Enabled closing the window when saving to <code>TXT</code> format;</li>
<li>Enabled inserting shapes when a shape is selected;</li>
<li>The new revisions are now checked in the <b>Fast</b> co-editing mode.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Spreadsheet Editor</p>
<li>Added the cell settings in the right panel;</li>
<li>Added the <b>Layout</b> tab;</li>
<li>Added the hint for autofilters;</li>
<li>Added the possibility to change the encoding format for <code>CSV</code> files (bug #36998);</li>
<li>Enabled saving page options to a file before printing;</li>
<li>Added the possibility to view combo charts;</li>
<li>Enhanced the application due to the completely rewritten scroll;</li>
<li>Added support of R1C1 references style.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Presentation Editor</p>
<li>Added hints to presentation themes (bug #21362);</li>
<li>Added the presenter preview in the viewer (bug #37499);</li>
<li>Enabled closing the chart dialog while loading (bug #36870).</li>
<p class="changelog-subheader">Fixes</p>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">All editors</p>
<li>Updated translations;</li>
<li>Fixed the position for the zoom buttons in the toolbar;</li>
<li>Fixed the <b>File</b> tab which had lost active state when the inner panels had been clicked;</li>
<li>Fixed the <b>Replace image by URL</b> context menu option (bug #37651);</li>
<li>Fixed the possibility to copy the comments from the comment balloon (bug #37666, #35896);</li>
<li>Fixed the footnote dialog layout (bug #37660);</li>
<li>Fixed the JavaScript error which occurred when the autoshape connector was changed (bug #37788);</li>
<li>Fixed the error which occurred when the default tab in a shape was changed (bug #38084);</li>
<li>Fixed the issues with opening a custom color for shapes (bug #37841);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue when comments from other users were missing (bug #37570);</li>
<li>Fixed the bug with <code>CFF</code> fonts (glyph loader);</li>
<li>Fixed the <code>Cannot read property '$icon' of undefined</code> error when using the <code>Ctrl+S</code> keyboard shortcut in chart editor (bug #39254);</li>
<li>Removed the <code>Command+H</code> keyboard shortcut used for Mac OS;</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with special paste icon when inserting ClipArt (bug #39462);</li>
<li>Added the display of conversion error in case a <code>PDF</code> had been renamed to <code>DOCX</code>;</li>
<li>Fixed the bug with a solid fill without a color;</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with opening the presenter view on ownCloud\Nextcloud (bug #39559);</li>
<li>Fixed the bug when a new font was applied (current font name and new name are empty);</li>
<li>Fixed a lot of bugs in the files in all supported formats received from the users.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Document Editor</p>
<li>Fixed getting the parent cell in <code>blocklevelstd</code>;</li>
<li>Fixed the chinese text justification (bug #37659, <a target="_blank" href="">DocumentServer issue #293</a>);</li>
<li>Fixed the setting for the <b>Real-time collaboration changes</b> option when <b>View All</b> is selected;</li>
<li>Fixed the window layout issue with a protected document (bug #37658);</li>
<li>Disabled bookmarks in the document headers (bug #38957);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with opening a <code>DOCX</code> file with track changes and calculations created by Aspose;</li>
<li>Fixed the problem with reading the ID of a content control;</li>
<li>Fixed the crash in <code>CNumberingLvlLegacy.ReadFromBinary</code>;</li>
<li>Fixed the problem with table selection;</li>
<li>Fixed the problem with replacing a misspelled word with another;</li>
<li>Fixed the critical issue which occurred when the document had been locked on the undo in the <b>Fast</b> collaboration mode;</li>
<li>Fixed the missing <b>Hide Degree</b> menu entry for equations (bug #39135);</li>
<li>Fixed the problem which occurred when recalculations were made in co-editing;</li>
<li>Fixed the problem with processing the <code>pageDown</code> button in co-editing;</li>
<li>Fixed the <code>Cannot read property 'eb' of nul</code> error which occurred when a table column was deleted (bug #39252);</li>
<li>Fixed the problem with rendering which occurred when replacing the text (bug #39269);</li>
<li>Fixed the problem with saving/loading the table state on undo/redo;</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with displaying the chart added with macros (bug #39304);</li>
<li>Fixed the problem with calculating large tables separated by columns;</li>
<li>Fixed the error which occurred after the selection of the font name in combo box was discarded;</li>
<li>Fixed the inputs for Korean, Chinese and Japanese characters in content control (bug #39724);</li>
<li>Fixed the problem with recalculating large tables in a document;</li>
<li>Fixed the problem with accepting/rejecting uncalculated revision changes;</li>
<li>Fixed the bug with recalculating a document when a section was deleted;</li>
<li>Fixed the problem which occurred when complex fields in selection were checked;</li>
<li>Fixed the problem with updating cursor position in collaborative editing;</li>
<li>Fixed the bug with moving cursor through a table;</li>
<li>Fixed the problem with moving an image inside a large table;</li>
<li>Fixed the problem with updating the current position in table after accepting changes;</li>
<li>Fixed the bug with special paste of paragraph with numbering;</li>
<li>Fixed the issues with reading comments in <code>RTF</code> format files;</li>
<li>Fixed the bug with opening a file containing image in a shape (bug #37902).</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Spreadsheet Editor</p>
<li>Fixed the issue with entering the functions with the arrow keys and scrolling;</li>
<li>Fixed the multiselect autofit column width, now autofit will affect existing columns only (bug #37555);</li>
<li>Fixed the function dependency and file generation after copying with drag and drop;</li>
<li>Fixed the <code>Out of memory</code> error when inserting rows to the file with many columns;</li>
<li>Fixed the error occurring for chart with an empty dataset (bug #37762);</li>
<li>Fixed the issues with comment deleting (bug #37772);</li>
<li>Fixed the issues with opening <code>XLSX</code> files received from users (bug #38113);</li>
<li>Fixed the hyphen position for Сhinese symbols with wrapping;</li>
<li>Fixed the missing translation for the functions into French and Spanish;</li>
<li>Fixed the missing region formats;</li>
<li>Disabled the table settings when the cell is edited;</li>
<li>Fixed the issue which occurred when the active cell in selection across merge was merged;</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with the selection which occurred when selecting a row/column/all;</li>
<li>The options for hiding headings, gridlines, freeze panes are hidden in the viewer (bug #38033);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with the comments being lost after reopening an <code>XLSX</code> file (bug #37892) (<a target="_blank" href="">DocumentServer issue #316</a>);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with opening a file with an unknown image format;</li>
<li>Fixed problems with files containing combo charts (bug #37945, #37946);</li>
<li>Fixed the crash which occurred when a file was built with comment changes;</li>
<li>Fixed the issue when an incorrect chart was added to the area with autofilter (bug #39168);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with the incorrectly selected cells when a formula was changed using the keyboard (bug #39181);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue when the browser hung on some files with formulas (bug #39190);</li>
<li>Fixed the incorrect display of doughnut chart with autofilter (bug #39200);</li>
<li>Fixed the incorrect <code>IF</code> function values (bug #39233);</li>
<li>Fixed the problem with the number of replacements made (bug #39273);</li>
<li>Fixed the <code>Cannot read property 'Zb' of null</code> which occurred when trying to copy a shape deleted by another user (bug #39312);</li>
<li>Fixed the <code>this.dPc is not a function</code> which occurred during the data sorting (bug #39397);</li>
<li>Fixed the issues with undo applied to the filter in specific files (bug #39402);</li>
<li>Fixed the scroll to end of the table issue (bug #21946);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with sorting of the first row in some files (bug #39397);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with the sorting range if filtered data was present in it (bug #39410);</li>
<li>Fixed the double columns borders display issue (bug #39392);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with rendering of the last rows in some files (bug #39394);</li>
<li>Disabled the cell settings when editor is disconnected;</li>
<li>Fixed the issues with printing and calculation; sped up cache preparation;</li>
<li>Fixed the issues with scrolling in some files (bug #39395);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with data loss in the second table sheet (bug #39511);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue when the editor was freezing after consequent use of cut and paste for several columns (bug #37965);</li>
<li>Fixed the incorrect sum function for the copied sheet (bug #39548);</li>
<li>Fixed the JavaScript error which occurred when more data than cell width is entered (bug #39623);</li>
<li>Fixed the incorrect digit counting when using the <b>Decrease Decimal</b> option (bug #39661);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with opening file with <code>si</code> and <code>formula</code> parameters used without <code>ref</code>;</li>
<li>Fixed the issue which occurred when some files with chart are opened (bug #39902);</li>
<li>Fixed the JavaScript error which occurred when specific sheet was copied to file during co-editing (bug #39921).</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Presentation Editor</p>
<li>Fixed the issue with deleting the placholder text in strict co-editing mode (bug #37712);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with the comment duplication in exported <code>PPTX</code> (bug #37698);</li>
<li>Fixed the JavaScript error occurring when opening an empty presentation in the comment mode (bug #37679);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with copying and pasting the text into the 'Slide Title' placeholder in <b>Fast</b> co-editing mode (bug #37922);</li>
<li>Fixed the bug with copying and pasting a slide containing a picture (bug #37928);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with placeholder titles in Chinese (bug #37927) (<a target="_blank" href="">onlyoffice-owncloud issue #189</a>);</li>
<li>Fixed the <code>Cannot read property 'Ia' of null</code> error which occurred when some <code>PPTX</code> files were opened (bug #39191);</li>
<li>Fixed the problem with negative spacing;</li>
<li>Fixed the <code>Cannot read property 'W' of undefined</code> error which occurred when copying a table (bug #39264);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with opening some <code>PPT</code> files (bug #39901).</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Backend</p>
<li>Updated the <code>compatibilityMode</code> setting now preventing opening the files in MS Word 2016 compatibility mode;</li>
<li>Fixed the issues which occurred when opening some <code>DOC</code>, <code>RTF</code> and <code>XLS</code> files received from users;</li>
<li>Fixed the export of the current list from <code>XLSX</code> to <code>CSV</code> (bug #37579);</li>
<li>Fixed the issues which occurred when opening specific <code>PPTX</code> files (bug #37589);</li>
<li>Fixed the issues which occurred when opening specific <code>RTF</code> files (bug #37500);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with saving comments for presentation;</li>
<li>Fixed the issues with slide themes when exporting to <code>ODT</code> (bug #37740);</li>
<li>Fixed the issues with chart legend in <code>ODS</code> files (bug #37746);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue when an empty <code>RTF</code> file was opened (bug #39172);</li>
<li>Fixed the problems with opening of some <code>ODS</code> files (bug #39192);</li>
<li>Fixed the conversion to raster for graphiscs on linux without set fonts;</li>
<li>Fixed the binary conversion of <code>mathType</code> version over 3.0 with <code>PptxFormat</code> component;</li>
<li>Fixed the problems with the document structure for specific files (bug #39236);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue which occurred when opening in some resulting files in MS Word (bug #39216);</li>
<li>Fixed the problems with opening specific <code>DOCX</code> files (bug #39248);</li>
<li>Fixed the problems with opening of some <code>RTF</code> files (bug #39315);</li>
<li>Fixed the row selection issue in <code>PDF</code> files (bug #39214);</li>
<li>Fixed the loss of grouped autoshapes in <code>ODT</code> (bug #39467);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with conversion of some <code>WMF</code> files (bug #39533);</li>
<li>Fixed the bug with metadata in UTF-16 format;</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with conversion of some <code>XLS</code> files (bug #39541);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with conversion of some <code>VML</code> files with <code>drawing_ml</code> markup;</li>
<li>Refactoring of auto shapes for <code>OdfFormat</code>;</li>
<li>Fixed the bug with calculating an inverse matrix in <code>PDF</code>.</li>
<div class="changelog-version-block">
<p class="changelog-main-header">Version 5.1.27</p>
<p class="changelog-release-date">Release date: <span class="crd-date">05/23/2018</span></p>
<div class="changelog-switcher">
<p class="changelog-subheader">New features</p>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">All editors</p>
<li>Added the new <b>View Settings</b> menu option at the top right corner of the editor window;</li>
<li>Added the possibility to replace the image via context menu (bug #11493);</li>
<li>Updated translations;</li>
<li>Added the new no-squares font engine, which finds the best replacement font for the <code>□</code> characters;</li>
<li>Added the possibility to distribute the data in tables;</li>
<li>Completely rewritten the composite input for characters;</li>
<li>Added the new header and background color;</li>
<li>Added the support of shape side panel for images;</li>
<li>Added the support for changing the table size using drag'n'drop;</li>
<li>Added the new bullet list marker: <code></code>;</li>
<li>Increased the document supported size (without media content).</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Document Editor</p>
<li>Implemented the East Asian script and line break in hieroglyphs support (<a target="_blank" href="">sdkjs issue #300</a>);</li>
<li>Added the <code>Ctrl+Shift+Num8</code> hotkey to show/hide nonprinting characters;</li>
<li>Added the support of multiple comments display in the comment balloon (bug #37422);</li>
<li>Added the support for the <b>Table of Contents</b>;</li>
<li>Added the possibility to set the Tab leading symbols;</li>
<li>Added the new <b>Navigation</b> left sidebar item;</li>
<li>Added the new <b>References</b> tab;</li>
<li>Fixed the issue when version history could not be saved if the second user joined the co-editing in the <b>Strict</b> mode; now it is saved if the first user has autosaving disabled;</li>
<li>Renamed the <b>Display Modes</b> entries for <b>Track Changes</b> option;</li>
<li>Changed the behavior of the <b>Go to documents</b> option, it now opens a new tab;</li>
<li>Added the possibility to set negative values for the top and bottom page margins;</li>
<li>Copying the paragraph style will not overwrite the custom set style;</li>
<li>Added the special paste of tables.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Spreadsheet Editor</p>
<li>Added the translation of functions into French;</li>
<li>Added the translation of functions and their descriptions into Spanish;</li>
<li>Added the possibility to select the cell format via context menu (bug #16272);</li>
<li>Custom user cell styles are now placed before the default ones;</li>
<li>Added the new functions: <code>F.TEST</code>, <code>FORECAST.ETS</code>, <code>FORECAST.ETS.CONFINT</code>, <code>FORECAST.ETS.SEASONALITY</code>, <code>FORECAST.ETS.STAT</code>, <code>FORMULATEXT</code>, <code>IFS</code>, <code>PDURATION</code>, <code>CONVERT</code>, <code>FTEST</code>, <code>HYPGEOM.DIST</code>;</li>
<li>Added the new <b>None</b> table template;</li>
<li>Added the new regional presets: Deutsch (Schweiz), Español (México), Nederlands (Nederland), Slovenčina (Slovenská republika);</li>
<li>Added the new date formats: <code>yy/m/d</code>, <code>yy/mm/dd</code>, <code>yyyy/m/d</code>;</li>
<li>Added the preview for the <code>CSV</code> files before opening them;</li>
<li>Added the new selector for link type.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Presentation Editor</p>
<li>Added hints for presentation themes (bug #21362);</li>
<li>Added the special paste;</li>
<li>Added the presentation level comments;</li>
<li>Added the new selector for link type.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Backend</p>
<li>Updated the ICU dependency version from 5.5 to 6.0;</li>
<li>Added the support for a lot of features for <code>XLS</code> format (macros, controls, etc.);</li>
<li>5-10% speedup of opening <code>OOXML</code> files;</li>
<li>Better compatibility with <code>OpenFormat</code> and <code>RTF</code>;</li>
<li>Fixed a lot of bugs in the files in all supported formats received from the users.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Documentation</p>
<li>New documentation articles describing the <b>5.1</b> version new features;</li>
<li>Added the translation of the documentation for <b>Document Editor</b> and <b>Presentation Editor</b> into French, Spanish, German, for <b>Spreadsheet Editor</b> into French;</li>
<li>Added search in the documentation pages.</li>
<p class="changelog-subheader">Fixes</p>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">All editors</p>
<li>Fixed the crash on opening the files with empty pie charts <a target="_blank" href="">(sdkjs issue #318</a>);</li>
<li>Fixed the undo error occurring after copy/paste in co-editing (bug #37424);</li>
<li>Fix problems with some Thai symbols (bug #37446) (<a target="_blank" href="">sdkjs issue #297</a>);</li>
<li>The fonts with the zero width of the glyphs are now hidden from the font picker;</li>
<li>The changes for undo/redo are not saved in server build mode;</li>
<li>Changed the size of the images pasted from <code>HTML</code>;</li>
<li>Fixed the problem with the text selection when using the <b>Shift</b> key;</li>
<li>Fixed the redundant symbol appearing in cells after undo-redo operation (bug #37343);</li>
<li>Fixed the problems with the icons of some buttons;</li>
<li>Fixed the synchronization of the co-editing mode between the top toolbar button and the menu (bug #37377);</li>
<li>Fixed the toolbar icons problems.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Document Editor</p>
<li>Fixed the issue with the table display after <code>HTML</code> conversion (bug #37472);</li>
<li>Fixed the bug which occurred when a comment was added to the whole document (bug #37425, <a target="_blank" href="">DocumentServer issue #287</a>, <a target="_blank" href="">sdkjs issue #319</a>);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with copying the Rich Text Content from a table (bug #37546) (<a target="_blank" href="">sdkjs issue #320</a>);</li>
<li>Replaced the content control <code>GetTag</code> method used with the <code>GetLabel</code> one (<a target="_blank" href="">sdkjs issue #296</a>);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with searching the text in drawings (<a target="_blank" href="">sdkjs issue #292</a>);</li>
<li>Fixed the problem with loading a <code>PDF</code> file which has been renamed to <code>DOCX</code> (<a target="_blank" href="">sdkjs issue #295</a>);</li>
<li>Fixed the right-mouse button menu for the table of contents (#37241);</li>
<li>The images in Text Art objects are not clipped;</li>
<li>Added the vertical clip for drawing the inline objects;</li>
<li>Fixed the problems with drawing the inline objects;</li>
<li>Fixed the bug with wrong calculation of the text clip rectangle.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Spreadsheet Editor</p>
<li>Fixed the issues with the function dependencies and file assembly after adding a column or row (<a target="_blank" href="">sdkjs issue #312</a>);</li>
<li>Fixed the issues with opening some <code>XSLX</code> files (bug #37515) (<a target="_blank" href="">sdkjs issue #316</a>);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with opening the pivot tables which contain <code>VALUES</code> (<a target="_blank" href="">sdkjs issue #298</a>);</li>
<li>Fixed the right mouse button error (bug #37330);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue occurring when hieroglyphs from the text editor were inserted (bug #37356);</li>
<li>Fixed the bug occurring when autocomplete did not work for functions if the point character is present in function name (bug #37300);</li>
<li>Fixed the bug occurring when autocomplete did not work for functions if the <code>_</code> or <code>\</code> character are used in the named range (bug #37354);</li>
<li>Fixed the bug occurring when autocomplete did not work for functions if Chinese numbers were used;</li>
<li>Fixed the issues with sheet context menu visibility (bug #37307);</li>
<li>Fixed the translations for functions;</li>
<li>Fixed the problems with inserting the function into the cell which is opened for editing (bug #37348).</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Presentation Editor</p>
<li>Fixed the problem with hieroglyphs in chart title (bug #37293);</li>
<li>Fixed the chart title focusing problem during co-editing (bug #37295);</li>
<li>Fixed the object selection problem during co-editing (bug #37336);</li>
<li>Fixed the bug with clearing the cached canvas;</li>
<li>Fixed the bug with calculation of slide layout bounds.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Backend</p>
<li>Fixed the issues which occurred in some user files containing tables (<a target="_blank" href="">core issue #71</a>);</li>
<li>Fixed the issues with opening <code>DOCX</code>, <code>PPTX</code>, <code>RTF</code>, and <code>ODF</code> files received from users (<a target="_blank" href="">core issue #75</a> and <a target="_blank" href="">core issue #76</a>);</li>
<li>Fixed the Mac OS related build problems;</li>
<li>Fixed the shape geometry occurring in <code>PPT</code> files from the latest MS Office versions;</li>
<li>Fixed the font generation;</li>
<li>Fixed the issue which occurred when reopening files containing macros (bug #37323);</li>
<li>Fixed the issues which occurred when opening some <code>DOCX</code> and <code>XLS</code> files received from users.</li>
<div class="changelog-version-block">
<p class="changelog-main-header">Version 4.8.7</p>
<p class="changelog-release-date">Release date: <span class="crd-date">02/14/2018</span></p>
<div class="changelog-switcher">
<p class="changelog-subheader">New features</p>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">All editors</p>
<li>Added support for the two-factor authentication;</li>
<li>Added Brazilian Portuguese as a new interface language.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Spreadsheet Editor</p>
<li>Added strikeout, superscript and subscript options to the top toolbar (bug #26581).</li>
<p class="changelog-subheader">Fixes</p>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">All editors</p>
<li>Updated translations.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Document Editor</p>
<li>Fixed the issue with opening <code>DOCX</code> file containing formula in MS Word (bug #36490);</li>
<li>Fixed the JavaScript error which occurred while inserting a spreadsheet cell with comment (bug #36506);</li>
<li>Fixed the bug with inserting the content control into a math equation;</li>
<li>Fixed the selection from object in header/footer not being reset after keyboard move.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Spreadsheet Editor</p>
<li>Fixed the wrong dependence in some functions with references to other sheets which occurred after a sheet was removed;</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with opening an <code>ODT</code> file containing a chart;</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with calculating a sparkline in some cases (bug #36603);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with printing an image outside of the printing range (bug #36573).</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Presentation Editor</p>
<li>Fixed the issue with blocking the shape for the users co-editing in different modes (bug #36435);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with the <b>Constant proportions</b> chart button working only once (bug #36494);</li>
<li>Fixed the JavaScript error which occurred while inserting a page number from <b>Document Editor</b> (bug #36508);</li>
<li>Fixed the JavaScript error which occurred while undoing a table (bug #36515).</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Conversion</p>
<li>Fixed the issues with some <code>DOCX</code>, <code>DOC</code>, <code>RTF</code> files from the users;</li>
<li>Fixed the issues with <code>MathType</code> equations in some <code>DOCX</code> files (bug #36524).</li>
<div class="changelog-version-block">
<p class="changelog-main-header">Version 4.8.0</p>
<p class="changelog-release-date">Release date: <span class="crd-date">12/23/2017</span></p>
<div class="changelog-switcher">
<p class="changelog-subheader">New features</p>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">All editors</p>
<li>New preinstalled plugin set;</li>
<li>Added the support for SSO authorization at the portals;</li>
<li>Added Czech and Slovak as new interface languages;</li>
<li>Added the support for macros;</li>
<li>Added the support for <code>FODS</code>, <code>FODT</code>, <code>FODP</code> formats.</li>
<p class="changelog-subheader">Fixes</p>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">All editors</p>
<li>Fixed the bug with image paths.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Document Editor</p>
<li>Fixed the JavaScript error which occurred when inserting an empty cell to the chart title (bug #36441);</li>
<li>Fixed the red cross issue with the images in some situations;</li>
<li>Fixed the bug with the synchronization of data from several dialog windows;</li>
<li>Fixed the line ending in thumbnails;</li>
<li>Fixed the issues with pasting the simple text to equations;</li>
<li>Fixed the cursor issues with object rotation (bug #36114);</li>
<li>Fixed issues with opening some <code>DOCX</code> files (bug #35307);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with the chart legend being blocked during co-editing (bug #35492);</li>
<li>Fixed issues when the tab was set several times (bug #34923);</li>
<li>Fixed printing in Microsoft Edge (bug #35323);</li>
<li>Fixed the documentation on moving the shape by a pixel (bug #34983);</li>
<li>Fixed the special paste in fast co-editing mode (bug #35310);</li>
<li>Fixed issues with duplicates in strict co-editing mode after the special paste (bug #35312);</li>
<li>Fixed bug with moving the cursor to the beginning of the document after removing the content control;</li>
<li>Fixed minor problems with co-editing in real time (bugs #35398, #35399, #35400);</li>
<li>A lot of fixes in the existing translations.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Spreadsheet Editor</p>
<li>Fixed the <code>a.Se is not a function</code> error while opening some files (bug #36344);</li>
<li>Fixed the error with merged table colors;</li>
<li>Fixed the cell merging after a table template is applied (bug #36405);</li>
<li>Fixed the JavaScript error for some pivot table styles (bug #36290);</li>
<li>Checked the <code>xfIndexNumber</code> when merging styles to avoid the errors with column styles;</li>
<li>Fixed the conditional formatting while changing cell values (bug #36253);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with the shape size not changing with the help of yellow markers (bug #35451);</li>
<li>Fixed the <code>VLOOKUP</code> and <code>HLOOKUP</code> functions being case sensitive (bug #35528, <a target="_blank" href="">DocumentServer#140</a>);</li>
<li>Fixed the <b>Show empty cells as</b> box in Russian (bug #35299);</li>
<li>Fixed the sparkline type in the settings window (bug #35296);</li>
<li>Fixed the JavaScript error in the conditional formatting with the function and offset (duplicate variable) (bug #35334);</li>
<li>Fixed the JavaScript error in <code>SEARCH</code> function (bug #35340);</li>
<li>Fixed the freeze pane shadow which had not been hiding (bug #35359);</li>
<li>Fixed showing the hidden objects;</li>
<li>Fixed the <code>VLOOKUP</code> cell format;</li>
<li>A lot of fixes in the existing translations.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Presentation Editor</p>
<li>Fixed the issue with the button layout in the reporter mode;</li>
<li>Disabled the scroll to target function in <code>selectwheel</code> (when the selection is empty);</li>
<li>Fixed applying the image as a background for several slides (bug #36399);</li>
<li>Fixed the mouse slide scroll without the zoom change (bug #28096);</li>
<li>Fixed disabling the <b>Previous</b>/<b>Next</b> buttons during the slide demonstration;</li>
<li>Fixed the presentation demonstration issue appearing when starting from the beginning;</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with scrolling the notes;</li>
<li>Fixed the text insert operation duration (bug #36208);</li>
<li>Fixed the browser zoom problem with the pointer;</li>
<li>Fixed the reporter mode resizing in Microsoft IE;</li>
<li>Fixed the bug with positioning the hyperlink and slide number tooltips;</li>
<li>Fixed the slide resizing bug;</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with the text search in a placeholder (bug #36133);</li>
<li>Fixed the layout problem in the reporter mode;</li>
<li>Fixed the JavaScript error in <code>Tables_test.pptx</code> file (bug #17147);</li>
<li>Fixed the comment bug (bug #35408);</li>
<li>Fixed the bug with drag-and-dropping the chart into a title;</li>
<li>Fixed changing the presentation language if no shape was selected (bug #35231);</li>
<li>Fixed the columns in the placeholder (bug #35074);</li>
<li>Fixed the connector losing shape when moving shapes in a group (bug #35317);</li>
<li>Fixed the hidden markers for the connector on a chart and an image (bug #35300);</li>
<li>Fixed the cell link reference issue after the copy-paste operation (bug #35362, <a target="_blank" href="">DocumentServer#122</a>);</li>
<li>A lot of fixes in the existing translations.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Plugins</p>
<li>Fixed crashes when resizing an unknown OLE object;</li>
<li>Fixed the problems with scrolling.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Conversion</p>
<li>Fixed the colors schemes for table cells (bug #36322);</li>
<li>Fixed the problem with the images in footnote (bug #36380);</li>
<li>Fixed saving some files to <code>ODT</code> (bug #35389);</li>
<li>Fixed the custom shape for the connectors in <code>XLS</code>;</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with margins in <code>ODS</code>;</li>
<li>Fixed the converted named range with the formulas in <code>ODS</code>;</li>
<li>Fixed the audio <code>WAV</code> files in <code>PPTX</code>;</li>
<li>Fixed the old <code>OLE</code> standard in <code>PPTX</code>.</li>
<div class="changelog-version-block">
<p class="changelog-main-header">Version 4.4.1</p>
<p class="changelog-release-date">Release date: <span class="crd-date">07/12/2017</span></p>
<div class="changelog-switcher">
<p class="changelog-subheader">New features</p>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Document Editor</p>
<li>Added the <code>Special Paste</code> feature;</li>
<li>Added the rich text content support;</li>
<li>Added translations for the paragraph styles;</li>
<li>Added the comments display in the view mode;</li>
<li>Added the option to hide the resolved comments;</li>
<li>Added the option to specify custom columns.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Spreadsheet Editor</p>
<li>Added the support for the functions with conditional formatting;</li>
<li>Added the possibility to specify a custom delimiter for the <code>CSV</code> file import/export;</li>
<li>Added support for the <code>ACOT</code>, <code>ACOTH</code>, <code>ARABIC</code>, <code>BASE</code>, <code>BETA.DIST</code>, <code>BETA.INV</code>, <code>BETADIST</code>, <code>BINOM.DIST</code>, <code>BINOM.INV</code>, <code>CEILING.MATH</code>, <code>CEILING.PRECISE</code>, <code>CHIDIST</code>, <code>CHIINV</code>, <code>CHISQ.DIST</code>, <code>CHISQ.DIST.RT</code>, <code>CHISQ.INV</code>, <code>CHISQ.INV.RT</code>, <code>COMBINA</code>, <code>CONCAT</code>, <code>CONFIDENCE.NORM</code>, <code>CONFIDENCE.T</code>, <code>COT</code>, <code>COTH</code>, <code>CSC</code>, <code>CSCH</code>, <code>DECIMAL</code>, <code>EXPON.DIST</code>, <code>F.DIST</code>, <code>F.DIST.RT</code>, <code>F.INV</code>, <code>F.INV.RT</code>, <code>FDIST</code>, <code>FINV</code>, <code>FLOOR.MATH</code>, <code>FLOOR.PRECISE</code>, <code>GAMMA</code>, <code>GAMMA.DIST</code>, <code>GAMMA.INV</code>, <code>GAMMA.PRECISE</code>, <code>GAMMADIST</code>, <code>GAMMAINV</code>, <code>GAUSS</code>, <code>IFNA</code>, <code>IMCOSH</code>, <code>IMCOT</code>, <code>IMCSC</code>, <code>IMCSCH</code>, <code>IMSEC</code>, <code>IMSECH</code>, <code>IMSINH</code>, <code>IMTAN</code>, <code>ISO.CEILING</code>, <code>LOGNORM.DIST</code>, <code>LOGNORM.INV</code>, <code>NUMBERVALUE</code>, <code>PERCENTILE.EXC</code>, <code>PERCENTILE.INC</code>, <code>PERCENTRANK.EXC</code>, <code>PERCENTRANK.INC</code>, <code>RANK</code>, <code>RANK.AVG</code>, <code>RANK.EQ</code>, <code>SEC</code>, <code>SECH</code>, <code>T.DIST</code>, <code>T.DIST.2T</code>, <code>T.DIST.RT</code>, <code>T.INV</code>, <code>T.INV.2T</code>, <code>TDIST</code>, <code>TINV</code>, <code>XOR</code> functions;</li>
<li>The hidden rows are now excluded from copying, autofilling, formatting etc.;</li>
<li>Updated the active cell color;</li>
<li>Changed the frozen pane display: now it has shadow;</li>
<li>Added translations for the cell styles;</li>
<li>Added the possibility to search and replace using the data from the selection;</li>
<li>Added the option to hide the resolved comments;</li>
<li>Added the possibitity to specify bullets and numbering for the text within a shape;</li>
<li>Added the possibility to specify columns for the text areas;</li>
<li>Added the possibility to add the connectors for the shapes;</li>
<li>Added the support for <code>Shift+Delete</code>, <code>Ctrl+Insert</code> and <code>Shift+Insert</code> keyboard shortcuts for cut/paste operations.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Presentation Editor</p>
<li>Added the possibility to connect shapes using the lines;</li>
<li>Added the possibility to specify columns for the text areas;</li>
<li>Added the possibitity to specify bullets and numbering for the text within a shape;</li>
<li>Added the spellchecker;</li>
<li>Added the possibitity to download the file as <code>ODP</code>.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Plugins</p>
<li>Added the new plugin window type (without borders, shadows, buttons).</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">x2t</p>
<li>Dramatically increased the speed for opening the <code>OOXML</code> files: 200% faster in Windows, 20% faster in Linux;</li>
<li>Enhanced the conversion from/to <code>RTF</code> format;</li>
<li>Enhanced support for password protected <code>OOXML</code> and binary Microsoft files (<code>DOC</code>, <code>XLS</code>);</li>
<li>Added support for password protected <code>PPT</code> files.</li>
<p class="changelog-subheader">Fixes</p>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Spreadsheet Editor</p>
<li>Fixed duplicate text appearing after the carriage return (<a target="_blank" href="">DocumentServer issue #109</a>).</li>
<div class="changelog-version-block">
<p class="changelog-main-header">Version 4.3.2</p>
<p class="changelog-release-date">Release date: <span class="crd-date">04/13/2017</span></p>
<div class="changelog-switcher">
<p class="changelog-subheader">New features</p>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">All editors</p>
<li>Added full support of high-DPI monitors;</li>
<li>Added the possibility to set alternative text for shapes.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Document Editor</p>
<li>Added the undo option for the <b>Fast</b> co-editing mode;</li>
<li>Added the <b>All changes saved</b> caption in the bottom toolbar;</li>
<li>Added an option to add and edit footnotes;</li>
<li>Added new languages for spellchecker (43 in total).</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Spreadsheet Editor</p>
<li>Added support for the <code>AVERAGEIFS</code>, <code>COUNTIFS</code>, <code>SUMIFS</code> functions;</li>
<li>Refactoring and improvements for formulas;</li>
<li>Added a totally new <b>Cell Format</b> window with more options;</li>
<li>Added the possibility to use sort options window while sorting ranges;</li>
<li>Added the sorting direction for the filter buttons;</li>
<li>Added the filter condition at statistical information;</li>
<li>Added the special paste feature;</li>
<li>Added the support for the surface chart;</li>
<li>Added the new cell border styles (11 in total).</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Presentation Editor</p>
<li>Added the undo option for the <b>Fast</b> co-editing mode.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Conversion</p>
<li>Optimization and speed-up;</li>
<li>Better support for all formats, including (but not limited to) the ones listed below:
<p class="changelog-3subheader">DOC</p>
<li>Support for the page backgrounds.</li>
<p class="changelog-3subheader">XLS</p>
<li>Support for data validation;</li>
<li>Support for decryption.</li>
<p class="changelog-3subheader">ODF</p>
<li>Support for global document settings;</li>
<li>SVG refactoring;</li>
<li>Support for the page backgrounds (image, pattern, gradient);</li>
<li>Support for the smart art conversion;</li>
<li>Support for sheet/workbook views;</li>
<li>Support OLE and other embedded objects conversion.</li>
<p class="changelog-3subheader">RTF</p>
<li>Added hyperlink text replacement generation if it is absent;</li>
<li>Added support for office digital signatures;</li>
<li>Added extended drawings;</li>
<li>Added custom shapes;</li>
<li>Added support for the text when drawing shapes.</li>
<p class="changelog-subheader">Fixes</p>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Document Editor</p>
<li>Fixed the issue with drag'n'dropping a table inside a footnote (bug #33548);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with cropping of shape group (bug #33110).</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Spreadsheet Editor</p>
<li>Fixed the issue with the absolute reference when inserting a new row (ONLYOFFICE/DocumentServer#41);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with the <code>onDocumentStateChange</code> event (ONLYOFFICE/DocumentServer#88);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with the formula translations (ONLYOFFICE/DesktopEditors#23);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with the password-protected <code>XLSX</code> (ONLYOFFICE/DesktopEditors#24);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with a non-breaking space (ONLYOFFICE/DesktopEditors#26);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with the <code>AVERAGEA</code> function which has text format;</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with the broken workbook after copying the list (bug #33588);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with the formula recalculation by F4 hotkey (bug #32901);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with <code>SUMIFS</code> function (bug #33602);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with the image size when inserting (bug #33604);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with the sparkline zero values (bug #33612);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with changing the number format when changing the regional format (bug #31395);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with replacing the formula delimiters (bug #33608);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with cell size while drag'n'dropping (bug #33607);</li>
<li>Fixed the issue with the cursor size in @2x resolution (bug #33606);</li>
<li>Fixed the error when the files got broken if you tried to change the style of an unsupported chart (bug #34650);</li>
<li>Fixed the stack error while copying a big array of formula data;</li>
<li>Fixed the error of rendering a 3D diagram in a small area (bug #34632);</li>
<li>Fixed the error when chart range was changed while applying a preset.</li>
<li>Many other minor and major bugfixes.</li>
<div class="changelog-version-block">
<p class="changelog-main-header">Version 4.2.2</p>
<p class="changelog-release-date">Release date: <span class="crd-date">02/16/2017</span></p>
<div class="changelog-switcher">
<p class="changelog-subheader">Fixes</p>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">All Editors</p>
<li>Prevent editors from performing the save operation if there are no changes to save.</li>
<li>Fixed a rare problem occurring when saving a file with a specific chart type.</li>
<li>Fixed the problems with copy-paste functions.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Document Editor</p>
<li>Fixed the problem with the changes missing when several users enter the text at the same time (bug #33726)</li>
<li>Fixed the bug with the cursor positioning after the <code>InsertContent</code> function is used.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Spreadsheet Editor</p>
<li>Fixed the wrong order of elements in equations (bug #34029).</li>
<li>Fixed entering the characters with diacritical symbols (bug #33908)</li>
<li>Fixed the horizontal scroll when using a trackpad (bug #27197)</li>
<li>Fixed error occurring when assembling files with <b>Ranges</b> in some rare cases.</li>
<li>Fixed errors occurring when converting from the <code>XLSX</code> to the <code>CSV</code> format.</li>
<li>Fixed the <code>Match</code> formula return value in some cases (bug #33735)</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Presentation Editor</p>
<li>Fixed a problem occurring when saving a file with the notes copied from <b>Document Editor</b>;</li>
<li>Fixed a problem occurring when saving a file with a chart copied from <b>Presentation Editor</b>.</li>
<div class="changelog-version-block">
<p class="changelog-main-header">Version 4.2.1</p>
<p class="changelog-release-date">Release date: <span class="crd-date">12/20/2016</span></p>
<div class="changelog-switcher">
<p class="changelog-subheader">New Features</p>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">All Editors</p>
<li>Added the possibility to set a dash type for shapes;</li>
<li>Better support of HiDPI systems.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Document Editor</p>
<li>Added the possibility to open and edit footnotes;</li>
<li>Ability to insert number of pages into the document;</li>
<li>Remade version history. Added the possibility to hide minor features.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Spreadsheet Editor</p>
<li>Added the possibility to insert equations in Spreadsheet Editor;</li>
<li>Added the possibility to open and edit sparklines;</li>
<li>Added a new <b>SUMIFS</b> function;</li>
<li>Added the possibility to select data from the drop-down menu in the context menu;</li>
<li>Added a multiselection support;</li>
<li>Added the rotation of 3D charts;</li>
<li>Updated and improved the visual styles for all chart types;</li>
<li>Brought back the <b>Freeze Panes</b> option in the <b>View Settings</b> menu;</li>
<li>Added the new algorithm for calculating a cell height.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Presentation Editor</p>
<li>Added the possibility to insert equations in Presentation Editor.</li>
<p class="changelog-subheader">Fixes</p>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Document Editor</p>
<li>Fixed the broken <b>Insert number of pages</b> button;</li>
<li>Fixed the problem with the last hieroglyph duplicate;</li>
<li>Fixed the problem with changing the chart type from 2D to 3D.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">Spreadsheet Editor</p>
<li>Fixed the problem with an empty cell when changing sparklines.</li>
<p class="changelog-subsubheader">x2t</p>
<li>Improved compatibility with the <code>DOC</code> format.</li>