Structure changes in Getting Started - Configuration, added Restore backup section

This commit is contained in:
Svetlana Maleeva 2021-04-08 20:05:19 +03:00
parent af644f138e
commit 04c3231f6b

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
<li><span class="gs_link" id="TrackingLoginHistory">Tracking login history</span></li>
<li><span class="gs_link" id="ReceivingAuditTrailData">Receiving audit trail data</span></li>
<li><span class="gs_link" id="ChangingPortalRegion">Changing portal region</span></li>
<li><span class="gs_link" id="CreatingBackup">Creating<%--/restoring--%> backup</span></li>
<li><span class="gs_link" id="CreatingBackup">Creating/restoring backup</span></li>
<li><span class="gs_link" id="DeactivatingDeletingPortal">Deactivating/deleting portal</span></li>
<li><span class="gs_link" id="AdjustingIntegrationSettings">Adjusting Integration settings</span></li>
<li><span class="gs_link" id="AdjustingSMTPSettings">Adjusting SMTP settings</span></li>
@ -58,10 +58,11 @@
<li><cc:LocalizeContent runat="Server" ControlName="~/Controls/Help/Tags/disable-module/disable-module.ascx" /></li>
<li><cc:LocalizeContent runat="Server" ControlName="~/Controls/Help/Tags/enable-module/enable-module.ascx" /></li>
<li><cc:LocalizeContent runat="Server" ControlName="~/Controls/Help/Tags/two-step-verification/two-step-verification.ascx" /></li>
<%--<li><cc:LocalizeContent runat="Server" ControlName="~/Controls/Help/Tags/sso/sso.ascx" /></li>--%>
<li><cc:LocalizeContent runat="Server" ControlName="~/Controls/Help/Tags/sso/sso.ascx" /></li>
<li><cc:LocalizeContent runat="Server" ControlName="~/Controls/Help/Tags/smtp-settings/smtp-settings.ascx" /></li>
<li><cc:LocalizeContent runat="Server" ControlName="~/Controls/Help/Tags/security/security.ascx" /></li>
<%--<li><cc:LocalizeContent runat="Server" ControlName="~/Controls/Help/Tags/restore-backup/restore-backup.ascx" /></li>--%>
<li><cc:LocalizeContent runat="Server" ControlName="~/Controls/Help/Tags/restore-backup/restore-backup.ascx" /></li>
<li><cc:LocalizeContent runat="Server" ControlName="~/Controls/Help/Tags/ldap-settings/ldap-settings.ascx" /></li>
@ -120,12 +121,14 @@
<p><b>Data Management settings</b></p>
<li>change the <a class="see_also" href="#ChangingPortalRegion_block"><b>region</b></a> of the server where your portal is hosted;</li>
<li>create <%--and restore --%>the portal data <a class="see_also" href="#CreatingBackup_block"><b>backup</b></a>;</li>
<li>create and restore the portal data <a class="see_also" href="#CreatingBackup_block"><b>backup</b></a>;</li>
<li>temporarily <a class="see_also" href="#DeactivatingDeletingPortal_block"><b>deactivate</b></a> or even <b>delete</b> the portal forever;</li>
<p><b>Integration settings</b></p>
<li>adjust <a class="see_also" href="#AdjustingIntegrationSettings_block"><b>Integration</b></a> settings to connect some third-party services;</li>
<li>enable <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#ldap")%>">LDAP</a> settings;</li>
<li>enable <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#sso")%>">SSO</a> settings;</li>
<li>connect <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#thirdparty")%>">some third-party services</a>;</li>
<li>adjust <a class="see_also" href="#AdjustingSMTPSettings_block"><b>SMTP settings</b></a> so that the email notifications to be sent using your own SMTP server;</li>
<p><b>Statistics settings</b></p>
@ -374,20 +377,6 @@
<li>Click the <b>Connect app</b> button.</li>
<p>To learn more on how to use the two-factor authentication on your portal you can read the following <a class="links" target="_blank" href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/two-factor-authentication.aspx")%>">article</a>.</p>
<h5>Single sign-on settings</h5>
<p>The <b>Single Sign-on</b> section allows you to enable/disable third-party authentication using SAML, thereby providing a more quick, easy and secure way to access the portal for users. </p>
<p>Generally, the <b>Single Sign-on</b> technology allows users to sign in only once and then get access to multiple authorized (i.e. integrated with an Identity Provider) applications/services without having to enter their credentials each time they access a different application.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Enabling SSO Authentication" target="img17_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/GettingStarted/NewConfig/small/SSO.png")%>" />
<img alt="Enabling SSO Authentication" id="img17_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/GettingStarted/NewConfig/big/SSO.png")%>" />
<div target="img17_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<p>To learn more about configuring SSO, read the corresponding articles for <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/sso-settings-saas.aspx")%>">the SaaS version</a> and <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/server/windows/community/Sso-settings.aspx")%>">the Server version</a>.</p>
<h5>LDAP settings</h5>
<p>When using <b>ONLYOFFICE Workspace</b>, the first thing that you need to do is to create accounts for all your company employees. But if it numbers more than 50 persons, the process of creating new portal users will take a lot of time. <span class="serverversion_display">The <b>Control Panel</b> offers you</span><span class="saasversion_display">Your portal offers you</span> the <b>LDAP Support</b> option which allows you to import the necessary users and groups from an LDAP Server (e.g. OpenLDAP Server or Microsoft Active Directory) to your portal, literally, in several minutes. The newly created users, in turn, don't need to memorize new passwords and logins because they will sign in to the portal using their credentials stored on your LDAP Server.</p>
<p class="serverversion_display">To access the <b>Control Panel</b>, sign in to your portal and click the 'Control Panel' link on the <b>Start Page</b>. Alternatively, you can go to the portal 'Settings' and click the 'Control Panel' link on the left-side panel.</p>
<p class="saasversion_display">Go to the portal <b>Settings</b> and click the 'LDAP Settings' link in the <b>Integration</b> section.</p>
<p>Fill out the required fields and click <b>Save</b>. For more detailed information on each field and corresponding values, please refer to the following instructions for <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~administration/ldap-settings-saas.aspx")%>">the SaaS version</a> and <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/server/windows/community/Ldap-settings.aspx")%>">the Server version</a>.</p>
<%--<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="TrustedDomain">Trusted mail domain settings</h5>
<p>This section allows you to specify the mail servers used for user self-registration on your portal. By default, this option is disabled. To enable it,</p>
@ -668,26 +657,29 @@
<li>click the <b>Save</b> button.</li>
<p>Backups will be created automatically with the specified periodicity.</p>
<%--<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5>Data restore</h5>
<p>To restore your portal data from the previously created backup file,</p>
<div class="notehelp">
The <b>Restore</b> function is only available if your pricing plan includes restoring from a backup.
<p>To restore your portal data from the previously created backup file that has been hashed (for ONLYOFFICE Workspace Cloud 11.5 or later),</p>
<li>select the <b>Source</b> where your backup files are stored:
<li>select the <b>Documents</b> radio button and click the <b>Choose</b> button below. In the <b>Select file</b> window, choose the necessary backup file stored in the <b>Common Documents</b> and click <b>OK</b>.</li>
<li>select the <b>DropBox,, OneDrive, Google Drive</b> radio button and click the <b>Choose</b> button below. In the <b>Select file</b> window, choose the necessary backup file stored in the third-party resource directory located in the <b>Common Documents</b> section and click <b>OK</b>.</li>
<li>select the <b>Amazon Cloud</b> radio button and enter the necessary data to access Amazon: <b>Access Key ID</b>, <b>Secret Access Key</b>, your unique <b>Bucket Name</b>. Open the <b>Choose Region</b> drop-down list and select an AWS region where your Amazon bucket resides. Specify the necessary backup <b>File URL</b>.</li>
<li>select the <b>Computer file</b> radio button and click the <b>Choose</b> button below. In the <b>Windows Explorer</b> window, choose the necessary backup file stored on your computer HDD and click <b>Open</b>.
<div class="notehelp">
Instead of selecting a backup file from a certain <b>Source</b>, you can just click the <b>Show the backup list</b> link below the radio buttons to select the necessary backup file from the backup history (if a backup file was deleted manually from the storage, it will not be available in the list). Click the <b>Restore</b> link next to the necessary backup file. To delete a backup file from the list, click the <img alt="Remove Icon" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/GettingStarted/RemoveServerIcon.png")%>" /> icon.
<li>Select the <b>Source</b> where the backup is stored.
<li>select the <b>ONLYOFFICE Documents</b> option and click the <b>Choose</b> button below. In the <b>Select file</b> window, choose the necessary backup file stored in the <b>Common</b> folder and click OK.</li>
<li>select the <b>DropBox</b>, <b></b>, <b>OneDrive</b>, <b>Google Drive</b> option (third-party services connected to the <b>Documents</b> module, including services connected via the WebDAV protocol) and click the <b>Choose</b> button below. In the <b>Select file</b> window, choose the necessary backup file stored in the third-party resource directory and click <b>OK</b>.</li>
<li>select the <b>Third-Party Storage</b> option, choose the necessary third-party storage previously connected in the <b>Integration</b> section and enter the data required to to access the chosen storage.</li>
<li>select the <b>Computer file</b> option, click the <b>Choose</b> button below, and browse for the necessary backup file stored on your local drive.
<div class="notehelp">
Instead of selecting a backup file from a certain <b>Source</b>, you can just click the <b>Show the backup list</b> link below the Choose field to select the necessary backup file from the backup history (if a backup file was deleted manually from the storage, it will not be available in the list). Click the <b>Restore</b> link next to the necessary backup file. To delete a backup file from the list, click the <img alt="Delete Icon" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/Guides/big/guide148/deleteicon.png")%>" /> icon.
<li>if necessary, leave the <b>Send notification about portal restoring to users</b> box checked to notify your portal users;</li>
<li>click the <b>Restore</b> button.</li>
<p>For more tips, you can refer to <a class="links" href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/backup-saas.aspx")%>">this article</a>.</p>
<li>If necessary, leave the <b>Send notification about portal restoring to users</b> box checked to notify your portal users;</li>
<li>Click the <b>Restore</b> button.</li>
<p>For more tips, you can refer to this article for <a class="links" href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/backup-saas.aspx")%>">the Cloud version</a> and <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/control-panel-backup.aspx")%>">the Server version</a>.</p>
@ -729,8 +721,27 @@
<div class="gs_content" id="AdjustingIntegrationSettings_block">
<h2>Integration settings</h2>
<div class="PortalHelp">
<p>The <b>Integration</b> section is used to integrate your portal with third-party services and adjust the <a class="see_also" href="#AdjustingSMTPSettings_block"><b>SMTP settings</b></a>.</p>
<h5>Third-party service integration</h5>
<p>The <b>Integration</b> section is used to enable <a class="see_also" href="/administration/configuration.aspx#ldap"><b>LDAP</b></a> and <a class="see_also" href="/administration/configuration.aspx#sso"><b>SSO</b></a> settings, integrate your portal with <a class="see_also" href="/administration/configuration.aspx#thirdparty"><b>third-party services</b></a> and adjust the <a class="see_also" href="#AdjustingSMTPSettings_block"><b>SMTP settings</b></a>.</p>
<h5 id="ldap">LDAP settings</h5>
<p>When using <b>ONLYOFFICE Workspace</b>, the first thing that you need to do is to create accounts for all your company employees. But if it numbers more than 50 persons, the process of creating new portal users will take a lot of time. <%--<span class="serverversion_display">The <b>Control Panel</b> offers you</span>--%><span class="saasversion_display">Your portal offers you</span> the <b>LDAP Support</b> option which allows you to import the necessary users and groups from an LDAP Server (e.g. OpenLDAP Server or Microsoft Active Directory) to your portal, literally, in several minutes. The newly created users, in turn, don't need to memorize new passwords and logins because they will sign in to the portal using their credentials stored on your LDAP Server.</p>
<%--<p class="serverversion_display">To access the <b>Control Panel</b>, sign in to your portal and click the 'Control Panel' link on the <b>Start Page</b>. Alternatively, you can go to the portal 'Settings' and click the 'Control Panel' link on the left-side panel.</p>
<p class="saasversion_display">Go to the portal <b>Settings</b> and click the 'LDAP Settings' link in the <b>Integration</b> section.</p>
--%><p>Fill out the required fields and click <b>Save</b>. For more detailed information on each field and corresponding values, please refer to the following instructions for <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/ldap-settings-saas.aspx")%>">the SaaS version</a> and <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/server/windows/community/Ldap-settings.aspx")%>">the Server version</a>.</p>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="sso">Single sign-on settings</h5>
<p>The <b>Single Sign-on</b> section allows you to enable/disable third-party authentication using SAML, thereby providing a more quick, easy and secure way to access the portal for users. </p>
<p>Generally, the <b>Single Sign-on</b> technology allows users to sign in only once and then get access to multiple authorized (i.e. integrated with an Identity Provider) applications/services without having to enter their credentials each time they access a different application.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Enabling SSO Authentication" target="img17_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/GettingStarted/NewConfig/small/SSO.png")%>" />
<img alt="Enabling SSO Authentication" id="img17_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/GettingStarted/NewConfig/big/SSO.png")%>" />
<div target="img17_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<p>To learn more about configuring SSO, read the corresponding articles for <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/sso-settings-saas.aspx")%>">the SaaS version</a> and <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/server/windows/community/Sso-settings.aspx")%>">the Server version</a>.</p>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="thirdparty">Third-party service integration</h5>
<p>If you use the SaaS version, the authorization keys parameters for most services, such as <b>Facebook</b>, <b>Twitter</b>, <b>Google</b>, <b>LinkedIn</b>, <b>Box</b>, <b>Dropbox</b>, <b>OneDrive</b>, <b>Bitly</b>, <b>Firebase</b>, and <b>Yahoo</b> are set up automatically, so the corresponding switchers are disabled. You can connect your <b>Facebook/Google/LinkedIn/Twitter</b> account on your profile page right away or follow <a class="links" target="_blank" href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/tipstricks/add-resource.aspx")%>">this article</a> instructions to learn how to connect third-party services within the <b>Documents</b> module.</p>
<p>In the SaaS version, you can connect the following services on the <b>Third-Party Services</b> page:</p>