Updates for v12.5 (impersonation, dark theme, branding, password length)

This commit is contained in:
Svetlana Maleeva 2022-12-13 16:27:21 +03:00
parent 87b805ab47
commit 2e8b8fcfb6
61 changed files with 160 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -3364,9 +3364,6 @@
<data name="MobSERegionalSettings" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Change regional settings</value>
<data name="MobSERegionalSettings" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Change regional settings</value>
<data name="DESaveDownloadPrint" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Save, download, print your document</value>
@ -3463,4 +3460,10 @@
<data name="SwitchingOODocsCEtoHTTPSWin" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Switching ONLYOFFICE Docs Community Edition for Windows to HTTPS protocol</value>
<data name="Impersonation" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Logging in on behalf of other users in the server version</value>
<data name="ImpersonationTitle" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Change impersonation settings on your local server to log in to the portal on behalf of any user</value>

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@ -243,6 +243,7 @@
<li><a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/people.aspx#permissionsprojects")%>">Permissions for Projects module</a></li>
<li><cc:LocalizeContent runat="Server" ControlName="~/Controls/Help/ArticlesCompleteList/Guides/092_change-to-guest/092_change-to-guest.ascx" /></li>
<li><cc:localizecontent runat="Server" controlname="~/Controls/Help/ArticlesCompleteList/TipsTricks/178_active-connections.ascx" /></li>
<li><cc:localizecontent runat="Server" controlname="~/Controls/Help/ArticlesCompleteList/TipsTricks/180_impersonation.ascx" /></li>
<h2>Deleting users</h2>

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@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
<li><a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/people.aspx#permissionsprojects")%>">Permissions for Projects module</a></li>
<li><cc:LocalizeContent runat="Server" ControlName="~/Controls/Help/ArticlesCompleteList/Guides/092_change-to-guest/092_change-to-guest.ascx" /></li>
<li><cc:localizecontent runat="Server" controlname="~/Controls/Help/ArticlesCompleteList/TipsTricks/178_active-connections.ascx" /></li>
<li><cc:localizecontent runat="Server" controlname="~/Controls/Help/ArticlesCompleteList/TipsTricks/180_impersonation.ascx" /></li>
<h2>Deleting users</h2>

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@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
<div class="notehelp">The <em>.com</em>, <em>.eu</em>, or <em>.sg</em> domain zone is determined depending on your location, you cannot change it when creating a portal. When the portal is created and paid, you can <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/gettingstarted/configuration.aspx#ChangingPortalRegion_block")%>">change the portal region</a> using the <b>Migration</b> feature available in the portal settings. </div>
<li>set a <b>Password</b> you will use to access your portal the next time. Your password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>30</b> characters long;</li>
<li>set a <b>Password</b> you will use to access your portal the next time. By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>120</b> characters long;</li>
<li>specify, if you want to be informed about the service possibilities, then review the service Terms and Conditions.</li>
<p>When all the fields are filled in click the <b>START NOW</b> button.</p>

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<%@ Control Language="C#" %>
<a class="crm-task-title sm_tipstricks sm_saas sm_people" id="link_180" title="<asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources:Resource, ImpersonationTitle %>" />"
href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/impersonation-settings.aspx")%>"><asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources:Resource, Impersonation %>" /></a>

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@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
<li>enter a <b>Name</b> for your portal in the <b>Create account name</b> field.
<div class="notehelp"> The portal name <b>CANNOT</b> be less than <b>6</b> characters long.</div>
<li>set a <b>Password</b> you will use to access your portal. Your password must be at least <b>8</b> characters long.</li>
<li>set a <b>Password</b> you will use to access your portal. By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> characters long.</li>
<li>specify if you want to be informed about the service possibilities, then review the service Terms and Conditions.</li>
<p>When all the fields are filled in click the <b>START NOW</b> button.</p>

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@ -316,9 +316,10 @@
<li>Replace all the image <b>Logos</b> which appear in the online office:
<li><b>Logo for the portal header (284x46)</b> - this logo appears in the upper left corner of every portal page.</li>
<li><b>Logo for the Login page (432x70)</b> - this logo appears on the <b>Sign In</b> page of the portal.</li>
<li><b>Logo for the Login page - light theme (432x70)</b> - this logo appears on the <b>Sign In</b> page of the portal, is used if the light theme is enabled.</li>
<li><b>Logo for the Login page - dark theme (432x70)</b> - this logo appears on the <b>Sign In</b> page of the portal, is used if the dark theme is enabled.</li>
<li><b>Favicon (32x32)</b> - this logo appears in the address bar or tab of a web browser when the portal is opened in it, or on the bookmarks panel if you've added the portal address to the bookmarks.</li>
<li><b>Logo for the editors header (172x40)</b> - this logo appears in the upper left corner of the online editors launched.</li>
<li><b>Logo for the editors header (172x40)</b> - this logo appears in the upper left corner of the online editors launched. The first, second and third logos are used for document, spreadsheet and presentation editors correspondingly if the light theme is enabled, the fourth logo is used for all editors if the dark theme is enabled.</li>
<li><b>Logo for the editors header - embedded mode (172x40)</b> - this logo appears in the upper left corner of your portal documents embedded into web pages.</li>
<p>Click the <b>Change Logo</b> link below the logo you want to replace. In the Windows Explorer window, browse for the necessary image file and click the <b>Open</b> button. The image will be loaded and displayed in the corresponding <b>Logo</b> field.</p>
@ -353,8 +354,8 @@
<h5 id="passwordstrength">Password strength settings</h5>
<p>This section allows you to determine password complexity (the effectiveness of a password in resisting guessing and brute-force attacks). To do that,</p>
<li>use the <b>Minimum password length</b> bar to determine how long the password should be to be considered strong,
<p>The password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>30</b> characters long.</p>
<li>use the <b>Password length range</b> bar to determine how long the password should be to be considered strong,
<p>By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>120</b> characters long.</p>
<li>check the appropriate boxes below the bar to determine the character set that must be used in the password: <b>capital letters</b>, <b>digits</b>, <b>special characters</b>,</li>
<li>click the <b>Save</b> button at the bottom of the section to make the parameters you set take effect.</li>
@ -762,7 +763,6 @@
<li><b>DocuSign</b> - to send files from the <b>Documents</b> module for electronic signature to your portal employees.</li>
<li><b>Twilio</b> - to be able to call your CRM contacts from a web browser. You can also use <b>Twilio</b> to enable the two-factor authentication.</li>
<li><b>EasyBib</b> - to create bibliographic lists in your documents.</li>
<li><b>Amazon AWS S3</b>, <b>Google Cloud Storage</b>, <b>Rackspace Cloud Storage</b> or <b>Selectel Cloud Storage</b> - to backup and store data from your portal.</li>
<p>For more details on the third-party service integration, please refer to our instructions for the <a class="links" target="_blank" href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/authorization-keys-saas.aspx")%>">SaaS version</a> or <a class="links" target="_blank" href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/server/windows/community/authorization-keys.aspx")%>">server version</a>.</p>

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@ -319,9 +319,10 @@
<li>Замените графические <b>Логотипы</b>, которые встречаются в онлайн-офисе:
<li><b>Логотип для шапки портала (284x46)</b> - этот логотип находится в левом верхнем углу любой страницы портала.</li>
<li><b>Логотип для страницы входа (432x70)</b> - этот логотип находится на странице <b>Входа</b> на портал.</li>
<li><b>Логотип для страницы входа - светлая тема (432x70)</b> - этот логотип находится на странице <b>Входа</b> на портал, используется, если включена светлая тема.</li>
<li><b>Логотип для страницы входа - темная тема (432x70)</b> - этот логотип находится на странице <b>Входа</b> на портал, используется, если включена темная тема.</li>
<li><b>Иконка сайта (32x32)</b> - этот логотип находится в адресной строке или вкладке браузера, когда портал открыт в нем, или на панели закладок, если вы добавили адрес портала в закладки.</li>
<li><b>Логотип для шапки редакторов (172x40)</b> - этот логотип находится в левом верхнем углу запущенных онлайн-редакторов.</li>
<li><b>Логотип для шапки редакторов (172x40)</b> - этот логотип находится в левом верхнем углу запущенных онлайн-редакторов. Первый, второй и третий логотипы используются для редакторов документов, таблиц и презентаций соответственно, если включена светлая тема, четвертый логотип используется для всех редакторов, если включена темная тема.</li>
<li><b>Логотип для шапки редакторов - встроенный режим (172x40)</b> - этот логотип находится в левом верхнем углу документов портала, встроенных в веб-страницы.</li>
<p>Нажмите на ссылку <b>Сменить логотип</b> под логотипом, который надо заменить. В окне Проводника Windows выберите нужный графический файл и нажмите кнопку <b>Открыть</b>. Изображение будет загружено и отображено в поле соответствующего <b>Логотипа</b>.</p>
@ -355,8 +356,8 @@
<h5 id="passwordstrength">Настройки надежности пароля</h5>
<p>Этот раздел позволяет определить сложность пароля (эффективность пароля при сопротивлении угадыванию и прямому подбору). Для этого:</p>
<li>используйте ползунок <b>Минимальная длина пароля</b>, чтобы установить, насколько длинным должен быть пароль, чтобы считаться надежным,
<p>Пароль должен содержать не менее <b>8</b>, но не более <b>30</b> символов.</p>
<li>используйте ползунок <b>Диапазон длины пароля</b>, чтобы установить, насколько длинным должен быть пароль, чтобы считаться надежным,
<p>По умолчанию пароль должен содержать не менее <b>8</b>, но не более <b>120</b> символов.</p>
<li>отметьте подходящие опции ниже, чтобы определить, какой набор символов должен использоваться в пароле: <b>заглавные буквы</b>, <b>цифры</b>, <b>специальные символы</b>,</li>
<li>нажмите кнопку <b>Сохранить</b> внизу раздела, чтобы заданные настройки вступили в силу.</li>
@ -761,7 +762,6 @@
<li><b>DocuSign</b> - чтобы отправлять файлы из модуля <b>Документы</b> на получение электронной подписи сотрудникам портала.</li>
<li><b>Twilio</b> - чтобы иметь возможность звонить CRM-контактам прямо из браузера. Сервис <b>Twilio</b> также можно использовать для включения двухфакторной аутентификации.</li>
<li><b>EasyBib</b> - чтобы создавать библиографические списки в документах.</li>
<li><b>Amazon AWS S3</b>, <b>Google Cloud Storage</b>, <b>Rackspace Cloud Storage</b> или <b>Selectel Облачное хранилище</b> - для резервного копирования и хранения данных портала.</li>
<p>Для получения дополнительной информации по интеграции со сторонними сервисами обратитесь к нашим инструкциям для <a class="links" target="_blank" href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/authorization-keys-saas.aspx")%>">SaaS-версии</a> или <a class="links" target="_blank" href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/server/windows/community/authorization-keys.aspx")%>">серверной версии</a>.</p>

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@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
<li><b>Port</b> - the port number used by the POP or IMAP server (by default, port 993 is used for IMAP Server, port 995 is used for POP Server, with the SSL encryption).</li>
<li><b>Login</b> - your email address.</li>
<li><b>Password</b> - the password you use to access the email box.</li>
<li><b>Authentication type</b> - <em>Simple password</em> or <em>Encrypted password</em>.</li>
<li><b>Authentication type</b> - <em>Simple password</em>, <em>Encrypted password</em>, or <em>NTLM password</em>.</li>
<li><b>Encryption for POP or IMAP Server</b> - select the <em>SSL</em> or <em>STARTTLS</em> option depending on the encryption used for your POP or IMAP Server.</li>

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@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
<li><b>Порт</b> - номер порта, используемый POP- или IMAP-сервером (по умолчанию порт 993 используется для IMAP-сервера, порт 995 используется для POP-сервера, с SSL-шифрованием).</li>
<li><b>Логин</b> - ваш адрес электронной почты.</li>
<li><b>Пароль</b> - пароль, который вы используете для входа в почтовый ящик.</li>
<li><b>Тип аутентификации</b> - <em>Простой пароль</em> или <em>Зашифрованный пароль</em>.</li>
<li><b>Тип аутентификации</b> - <em>Простой пароль</em>, <em>Зашифрованный пароль</em> или <em>Пароль NTLM</em>.</li>
<li><b>Шифрование для POP- или IMAP-сервера</b> - выберите опцию <em>SSL</em> или <em>STARTTLS</em>, в зависимости от шифрования, используемого для вашего POP- или IMAP-сервера.</li>

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@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
<li><b>Edit</b> - to change personal information displayed on your profile page: first or last name, registration date, title, location, sex, date of birth, contact details, avatar photo</li>
<li><b>Change password</b> - to change your password you use to log in to the portal (you can do that also by clicking the <img alt="Edit Icon" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/editicon.png")%>" /> icon next to the current password on your profile page)
<div class="notehelp">
Your password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>30</b> characters long.
By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>120</b> characters long.
<li><b>Change email</b> - to change your registration email address (you can do that also by clicking the <img alt="Edit Icon" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/editicon.png")%>" /> icon next to the current email on your profile page)</li>
@ -121,6 +121,7 @@
<li>enter your email address and password into the corresponding fields within the opened window</li>
<li>allow the online office to access your account data pressing the appropriate button</li>
<p>The <b>Interface Theme</b> section allows you to choose the preferred interface theme: light, dark, or system theme (to automatically switch between light and dark themes according to your system settings).</p>
<p>It's also possible to manage your subscriptions within all portal modules on your profile page. To view the whole list of the portal content you are subscribed to, click the <b>Show</b> link next to the <b>Subscriptions</b> caption.
Here you can unsubscribe from the content that isn't interesting to you any more and change the way you want to be informed about updates selecting one of the available notification types: via Talk, email or both. For further information, please refer to this <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/userguides/workspace-managing-subscriptions.aspx")%>">article</a>.</p>
<p>You can also disable or enable back tooltips that appear on the screen to introduce you to the basic features of each module when you log in for the first time or to inform you of new features added. Click the <b>Show</b> link next to the <b>Tooltips</b> caption and click the on-off control. The tooltips will be enabled or disabled for all modules at once.</p>
@ -166,7 +167,7 @@
<p>When creating a user you can specify an existing email address or create a new email on the domain previously connected in the <b>Mail</b> module. For a guest you can specify an existing email address only. To create a new mailbox for a user, click the <b>Create email on domain</b> link. Enter a user name for the new mailbox in the entry field. If you have several domains connected in the <b>Mail</b> module select the necessary domain from the drop-down list.</p>
<p>When creating a user/guest it's also possible to create a temporary password so that the user/guest can access the portal for the first time (he/she can change this password later at his/her profile page). To create a password click the <b>Set password</b> link. Once you click this link, the field becomes obligatory. You can enter a password manually or generate it automatically. The password is validated as you type, its compliance with the password strength requirements is indicated by color. To generate a new password automatically click the <img alt="Generate password" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/generatepassword.png")%>" /> icon. The requirements for the password generation and validation are determined by the <b>Password Strength Settings</b> specified in the portal <b>Security</b> settings. </p>
<div class="notehelp">
The password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>30</b> characters long.
By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>120</b> characters long.
<p>The specified email and password can be copied to the clipboard by clicking the <b>Copy email and password</b> link.</p>
<div class="notehelp">

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@ -120,6 +120,7 @@
<li>в соответствующих полях открывшегося окна введите свой адрес электронной почты и пароль</li>
<li>разрешите онлайн-офису доступ к данным вашего аккаунта, нажав на соответствующую кнопку</li>
<p>В разделе <b>Тема интерфейса</b> можно выбрать предпочтительную тему интерфейса: светлую, темную, или системную тему (чтобы автоматически переключаться между светлой и темной темой в соответствии с настройками системы).</p>
<p>На странице вашего профиля можно также управлять вашими подписками во всех модулях портала. Чтобы просмотреть полный список материалов портала, на которые вы подписаны, нажмите на ссылку <b>Показать</b> рядом с заголовком <b>Подписки</b>.
Здесь можно отписаться от материалов, которые вас больше не интересуют, и изменить способ, которым вы хотите получать оповещения об обновлениях, выбрав один из доступных типов оповещения: через Чат, по электронной почте или обоими способами. Для получения дополнительной информации обратитесь к этой <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/userguides/workspace-managing-subscriptions.aspx")%>">статье</a>.</p>
<p>Вы также можете отключить или снова включить всплывающие подсказки, которые появляются на экране, чтобы познакомить вас с основными возможностями каждого модуля при первом входе или проинформировать о новых добавленных функциях. Нажмите на ссылку <b>Показать</b> рядом с заголовком <b>Подсказки</b> и нажмите на переключатель on-off ('Включено' или 'Выключено'). Подсказки будут включены или отключены для всех модулей одновременно.</p>

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@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
<li>fill in the required fields of the <b>Create New Profile</b> form: <b>First Name</b>, <b>Last Name</b> and <b>Email</b>,</li>
<li>if necessary, create a temporary password clicking the <b>Set password</b> link,
<div class="notehelp">
The password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>30</b> characters long.
By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>120</b> characters long.
<li>enter any additional information you have,</li>

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
<li>enter and repeat a password, then tap the <b>Create portal</b> button.
<div class="notehelp">
The password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>30</b> characters long.
By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>120</b> characters long.

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
<li>enter and repeat a password, then tap the <b>Create portal</b> button.
<div class="notehelp">
The password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>30</b> characters long.
By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>120</b> characters long.

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
<li>enter and repeat a password, then tap the <b>Create portal</b> button.
<div class="notehelp">
The password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>30</b> characters long.
By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>120</b> characters long.

View File

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
<li>fill in the registration form: create your <b>Portal address</b> (e.g. <em>portalname.onlyoffice.com</em>), enter your <b>Email</b>, <b>First name</b>, <b>Last name</b> and tap <b>NEXT</b>,</li>
<li>enter and repeat a password, then tap the <b>CREATE</b> button.
<div class="notehelp">
The password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>30</b> characters long.
By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>120</b> characters long.

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
<li>fill in the registration form: create <b>Your Account Name</b>, enter your <b>First Name</b>, <b>Last Name</b>, <b>Email Address</b>, and tap <b>Continue</b>,</li>
<li>enter and confirm a password, then tap the <b>Create portal</b> button.
<div class="notehelp">
The password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>30</b> characters long.
By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>120</b> characters long.

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
<li>enter and repeat a password, then tap the <b>Create portal</b> button.
<div class="notehelp">
The password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>30</b> characters long.
By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>120</b> characters long.
</ol> --%>

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
<li>enter and repeat a password, then tap the <b>Create portal</b> button.
<div class="notehelp">
The password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>30</b> characters long.
By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>120</b> characters long.
</ol> --%>

View File

@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
<div target="img21_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<p>Set your account password an confirm it. Enter your email address.</p>
<p>These email and password will be used to access your portal administrator account via a web browser. Your password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>30</b> characters long.</p>
<p>These email and password will be used to access your portal administrator account via a web browser. By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>120</b> characters long.</p>
<p>Specify your <b>Instance ID</b> in the corresponding field. It can be found in the <a target="_blank" class="links" href="https://ecs.console.aliyun.com/#/home"><b>Alibaba Cloud ECS console</b></a>. Open the <b>Instances</b> section of the left menu. Select the region where the instance is deployed on the top navigation bar. Find the instance ID in the instance list.</p>
<p>You can also change the portal language and time zone using the corresponding drop-down lists. The time zone must be specified to ensure the correct work of the portal notifications and calendar reminders.</p>
<p>Click the <b>Continue</b> button.</p>

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@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
<div target="img21_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<p>Set your account password an confirm it. Enter your email address.</p>
<p>These email and password will be used to access your portal administrator account via a web browser. Your password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>30</b> characters long.</p>
<p>These email and password will be used to access your portal administrator account via a web browser. By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>120</b> characters long.</p>
<p>Specify your <b>Instance ID</b> in the corresponding field. It can be found in the <b>AWS Management Console</b> at the instance <b>Description</b> tab. Click the <img alt="Copy icon" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/Guides/big/guide114/copyicon.png")%>" /> icon to the left of the <b>Instance ID</b> to copy it to the clipboard.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Access your portal via a web browser" target="img22_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/Guides/small/guide114/step14.png")%>" />

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@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
<div target="img3_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<div class="screen_text">
<p>The <b>Portal Setup</b> page will open in a new browser tab. Specify and confirm your password (password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>30</b> characters long), optionally change the email to create the <b>Administrator</b> account. You will not need to upload the license file as it is applied to all the portals at once.</p>
<p>The <b>Portal Setup</b> page will open in a new browser tab. Specify and confirm your password (By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>120</b> characters long), optionally change the email to create the <b>Administrator</b> account. You will not need to upload the license file as it is applied to all the portals at once.</p>
<p>To configure some individual settings for the new portal, go to the <b>Portal Settings</b>. You can adjust <b>Customization</b> settings (portal language and time zone, welcome page settings, team template, color scheme), select the necessary <b>Modules and Tools</b> to use, specify <b>Security</b> settings and <b>SMTP</b> settings.</p>

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@ -59,10 +59,11 @@
We recommended that you use images in the <b>PNG</b> format with a transparent background. To improve your logos legibility and make their outline clearly distinguishable, you also need to optimize them for use on dark or light backgrounds. The image sizes must strictly correspond to the sizes specified next to each logo.
<li><b>Logo for the editor headers (172x40)</b> (available for the paid server version only) - this logo appears in the upper left corner of the online editors launched.</li>
<li><b>Logo for the editor headers (172x40)</b> (available for the paid server version only) - this logo appears in the upper left corner of the online editors launched. The first, second and third logos are used for document, spreadsheet and presentation editors correspondingly if the light theme is enabled, the fourth logo is used for all editors if the dark theme is enabled.</li>
<li><b>Logo for the editors header - embedded mode (172x40)</b> (available for the paid server version only) - this logo appears in the upper left corner of your portal documents embedded into web pages.</li>
<li><b>Logo for the portal header (284x46)</b> - this logo appears in the upper left corner of every portal page.</li>
<li><b>Logo for the About/Login page (432x70)</b> - this logo appears on the <b>Sign In</b> page of the portal, the <b>About</b> page of the portal (user profile -> About this program), and the <b>About</b> page in the online editors.</li>
<li><b>Logo for the Login page - light theme (432x70)</b> - this logo appears on the <b>Sign In</b> page of the portal, is used if the light theme is enabled.</li>
<li><b>Logo for the Login page - dark theme (432x70)</b> - this logo appears on the <b>Sign In</b> page of the portal, is used if the dark theme is enabled.</li>
<li><b>Favicon (32x32)</b> - this logo appears in the address bar or tab of a web browser when the portal is opened in it, or on the bookmarks panel if you've added the portal address to the bookmarks.</li>
<p>Click the <b>CHANGE</b> button to the right of the logo you want to replace. In the window that opens, browse for the necessary image file and click the <b>Open</b> button. The image will be loaded and displayed in the corresponding <b>Logo</b> field.</p>
@ -85,6 +86,12 @@
<div target="img4_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<li>Replace the logo for the About page:
<li><b>Logo for the About page - light theme (432x70)</b> - this logo appears on the <b>About</b> page of the portal (user profile -> About this program), and the <b>About</b> page in the online editors, is used if the light theme is enabled.</li>
<li><b>Logo for the About page - dark theme (432x70)</b> - this logo appears on the <b>About</b> page of the portal (user profile -> About this program), and the <b>About</b> page in the online editors, is used if the dark theme is enabled.</li>
<li>Enter your <em>company name</em>, <em>email address</em>, <em>phone number</em>, <em>website URL address</em> and <em>postal address</em> into the corresponding fields.</li>
<li>Click the <b>SAVE</b> button at the bottom of this section.</li>
@ -94,7 +101,7 @@
<img alt="Advanced branding settings" id="img5_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/guides/big/guide76/resources.png")%>" />
<div target="img5_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<li>Uncheck the elements you want to hide and leave checked the ones you want to display:
<li><em>Show Feedback & Support link</em> - is used to hide or show the link to the Feedback and Support form which is used to contact ONLYOFFICE support team.</li>

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@ -62,10 +62,11 @@
Рекомендуется использовать изображения в формате <b>PNG</b> с прозрачным фоном. Чтобы улучшить читаемость логотипов и сделать их контур четко различимым, их также необходимо адаптировать под темные или светлые фоны. Размеры изображений должны точно соответствовать размерам, указанным рядом с каждым логотипом.
<li><b>Логотип для шапки редакторов (172x40)</b> (доступно только для платной серверной версии) - этот логотип находится в левом верхнем углу запущенных онлайн-редакторов.</li>
<li><b>Логотип для шапки редакторов (172x40)</b> (доступно только для платной серверной версии) - этот логотип находится в левом верхнем углу запущенных онлайн-редакторов. Первый, второй и третий логотипы используются для редакторов документов, таблиц и презентаций соответственно, если включена светлая тема, четвертый логотип используется для всех редакторов, если включена темная тема.</li>
<li><b>Логотип для шапки редакторов - встроенный режим (172x40)</b> (доступно только для платной серверной версии) - этот логотип находится в левом верхнем углу документов портала, встроенных в веб-страницы.</li>
<li><b>Логотип для шапки портала (284x46)</b> - этот логотип находится в левом верхнем углу любой страницы портала.</li>
<li><b>Логотип для страницы входа, страницы "О программе" (432x70)</b> - этот логотип находится на странице <b>Входа</b> на портал, на странице портала <b>О программе</b> (профиль пользователя -> О программе) и на странице <b>О программе</b> в онлайн-редакторах.</li>
<li><b>Логотип для страницы входа - светлая тема (432x70)</b> - этот логотип находится на странице <b>Входа</b> на портал, используется, если включена светлая тема.</li>
<li><b>Логотип для страницы входа - темная тема (432x70)</b> - этот логотип находится на странице <b>Входа</b> на портал, используется, если включена темная тема.</li>
<li><b>Иконка сайта (32x32)</b> - этот логотип находится в адресной строке или вкладке браузера, когда портал открыт в нем, или на панели закладок, если вы добавили адрес портала в закладки.</li>
<p>Нажмите на кнопку <b>ИЗМЕНИТЬ</b> справа от логотипа, который надо заменить. В открывшемся окне выберите нужный графический файл и нажмите кнопку <b>Открыть</b>. Изображение будет загружено и отображено в поле соответствующего <b>Логотипа</b>.</p>
@ -88,6 +89,12 @@
<div target="img4_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<li>Замените логотип для страницы О программе:
<li><b>Логотип для страницы "О программе" - светлая тема (432x70)</b> - этот логотип находится на странице портала <b>О программе</b> (профиль пользователя -> О программе) и на странице <b>О программе</b> в онлайн-редакторах, используется, если включена светлая тема.</li>
<li><b>Логотип для страницы "О программе" - темная тема (432x70)</b> - этот логотип находится на странице портала <b>О программе</b> (профиль пользователя -> О программе) и на странице <b>О программе</b> в онлайн-редакторах, используется, если включена темная тема.</li>
<li>Введите <em>название компании</em>, <em>адрес электронной почты</em>, <em>номер телефона</em>, <em>URL-адрес сайта</em> и <em>почтовый адрес</em> в соответствующие поля.</li>
<li>Нажмите кнопку <b>СОХРАНИТЬ</b> внизу этого раздела.</li>
@ -97,7 +104,7 @@
<img alt="Расширенные настройки брендинга" id="img5_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/ru/guides/big/guide76/resources.png")%>" />
<div target="img5_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<li>Снимите пометку с тех элементов, которые вы хотите скрыть, и оставьте отмеченными те, которые хотите показывать:
<li><em>Показывать ссылку Обратная связь и поддержка</em> - используется, чтобы скрыть или показать ссылку на страницу с формой обращения в службу поддержки, которая используется, чтобы связаться со службой поддержки ONLYOFFICE.</li>

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@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
<div class="block_of_step">
<div class="screen_text">
<p>In a web browser, enter <code>http://</code> + <code>your droplet IP address</code> into the address bar. The initialization of your portal may take a few minutes.</p>
<p>The portal setup wizard opens. Set your account password an confirm it. Your password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>30</b> characters long. Enter your email address.</p>
<p>The portal setup wizard opens. Set your account password an confirm it. By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>120</b> characters long. Enter your email address.</p>
<p>These email and password will be used to access your portal administrator account via a web browser.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Access your portal via a web browser" target="img8_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/Guides/small/guide102/step3-1.png")%>" />

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@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
<p>We will consider that you have already completed the portal initial setup, i.e. specified your email and password, uploaded the license file and optionally changed the portal <b>Language</b> and <b>Time Zone</b>.</p>
<div class="notehelp">
Your password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>30</b> characters long.
By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>120</b> characters long.
<div class="screen_block">

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@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
<div class="block_of_step">
<div class="screen_text">
<p>In a web browser, enter <code>http://</code> + <code>your instance IP address</code> into the address bar. The initialization of your portal may take a few minutes.</p>
<p>The portal setup wizard opens. Set your account password an confirm it. Your password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>30</b> characters long. Enter your email address.</p>
<p>The portal setup wizard opens. Set your account password an confirm it. By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>120</b> characters long. Enter your email address.</p>
<p>These email and password will be used to access your portal administrator account via a web browser.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Access your portal via a web browser" target="img9_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/Guides/small/guide102/step3-1.png")%>" />

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@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ onlyoffice.resources.sql
<div class="screen_text">
<p>If you performed all the steps, then your <b>ONLYOFFICE Groups</b> portal should be available at the <span class="param-type">http://communityserver</span> address. To start work with the portal follow the wizard and set up the following parameters:</p>
<li><b>Password</b>: Enter the password you are going to use for the portal access and confirm it. The password must be at least 6 characters long.</li>
<li><b>Password</b>: Enter the password you are going to use for the portal access and confirm it. The password must be at least 8 characters long.</li>
<li><b>Email address</b>: The request for the address confirmation will be sent to the entered mailbox. Use the link from that email message to complete the registration procedure.</li>
<li>Set <b>Language</b> and <b>Time Zone</b> parameters.</li>

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@ -216,7 +216,7 @@
<div class="block_of_step">
<div class="screen_text">
<div class="notehelp">For the security reasons the password setup procedure <b>MUST</b> be performed.</div>
<p>Enter a <b>Password</b> you will use to access your <b>ONLYOFFICE Groups</b> portal the next time and confirm it. Your password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>30</b> characters long.</p>
<p>Enter a <b>Password</b> you will use to access your <b>ONLYOFFICE Groups</b> portal the next time and confirm it. By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>120</b> characters long.</p>
<p>Specify your email address. The <b>Email Activation</b> message will be sent to the specified email. Follow the link provided in this email to complete your email activation procedure.</p>
<p>Accept the <b>License Agreement</b> terms by checking the corresponding box (obligatory). Optionally, check the boxes if you want to subscribe to the ONLYOFFICE newsletter and/or agree to send anonymous usage data to improve ONLYOFFICE.</p>

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@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
<div class="screen_text">
<p>The <b>Portal Setup</b> page will open in your default browser at the <em>http://localhost/wizard.aspx</em> address. Now you need to perform the portal initial setup: specify your password and email<span class="enterprise_display">, upload the license file</span> and optionally change the portal <b>Language</b> and <b>Time Zone</b>. </p>
<li>Enter a <b>Password</b> you will use to access your <b><%= ((BasePage)Page).EditionVersion %></b> portal the next time and confirm it. Your password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>30</b> characters long.
<li>Enter a <b>Password</b> you will use to access your <b><%= ((BasePage)Page).EditionVersion %></b> portal the next time and confirm it. By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>120</b> characters long.
<div class="notehelp">For the security reasons the password setup procedure <b>MUST</b> be performed.</div>

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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="BaseContentUserControls"%>
<%@ Register Namespace="TeamLab.Controls" Assembly="__Code" TagPrefix="cc" %>
<script runat="server">
protected override void Init()
PageTitle = PageCaption = "Logging in on behalf of other users in the server version";
MetaKeyWords = "impersonation, server version";
MetaDescription = "ONLYOFFICE. Change impersonation settings on your local server to log in to the portal on behalf of any user";
var guides = new GuidesModel();
(Page as BasePage).Guides = guides;
<div class="main_buscall_container dataBackup">
<div class="MainHelpCenter">
<h1 class="subHeaderFeaturesCaption">Logging in on behalf of other users in the server version</h1>
<p><b>Impersonation Settings</b> allow the portal owner and full access administrators to log in to the portal on behalf of any user.</p>
<h2 id="Enabling">Enabling the impersonation feature</h2>
<p>By default, this feature is disabled. If the owner wants to use it, it's necessary to enable the feature in the configuration file:</p>
<ol class="instructions">
<li>Open the <b>/var/www/onlyoffice/WebStudio/web.appsettings.config</b> file with a text editor.</li>
<li>Find the <b>core.user.impersonate</b> key.</li>
<li>Set the value to <code>true</code> and save the changes.</li>
<li>Restart the monoserve service:
<pre><code>sudo service monoserve restart</code></pre>
<p>After that, the <b>Impersonation Settings</b> section will appear in the portal settings. It will be available for the owner only.</p>
<h2 id="Adjusting">Adjusting impersonation settings</h2>
<p>Once the feature is enabled in the configuration file, the owner can adjust portal settings:</p>
<ol class="instructions">
<li>Enter your portal.</li>
<li>Click the <img alt="Settings Icon" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/tipstricks/settingsicon.png")%>" /> icon in the right upper corner to open the 'Settings' section.</li>
<li>Switch to the <b>Access Rights</b> tab at the left-side panel, then go to the <b>Impersonation Settings</b> subsection.</li>
<li>Turn on the <b>Enable Impersonation</b> switcher. If you save the settings, only the owner will be able to log in to the portal on behalf of any user.</li>
<li>If you want to allow full access administrators to impersonate other users, go to the <b>Access for Admins</b> section and select the full access administrators who can use this feature.
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="impersonation" target="img1_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/tipstricks/people/small/impersonation.png")%>" />
<img alt="impersonation" id="img1_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/tipstricks/people/impersonation.png")%>" />
<div target="img1_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<li><b>Disable</b> - to make this feature available for the owner only.</li>
<li><b>Enable for all admins</b> - to make this feature available for the owner and all full access admins.</li>
<li><b>Limit to a list of admins</b> - to make this feature available for the owner and the full access admins selected from the list. Click <b>Add</b> and choose the necessary full access admins.</li>
<li>If the feature is enabled for admins, the <b>Restrict access</b> section appears. It allows you to restrict logging in on behalf of certain users.
<li><b>Allow Impersonation only within full admins own group</b> - to restrict logging in on behalf of the users who do not belong to the full administrator's group.</li>
<li><b>Restrict access to users and groups</b> - to restrict logging in on behalf of the users selected from the list. Click <b>Add users</b> or <b>Add groups</b> and choose the necessary users or groups.</li>
<div class="notehelp">These restrictions are applied to full admins only. The owner can impersonate any user or admin regardless of the restrictions.</div>
<li>Click the <b>Save</b> button at the bottom of the section to make the parameters you set take effect.</li>
<h2 id="LoggingIn">Logging in on behalf of a user</h2>
<p>Once the feature is enabled in the portal settings, the owner or full access admins can log in to the portal on behalf of a user.</p>
<div class="notehelp">It is not possible to access the private room section while logging in as a user. The owner can impersonate any user or admin, but admins cannot impersonate other admins.</div>
<ol class="instructions">
<li>Go to the <b>People</b> module.</li>
<li>Click the <img alt="Actions Icon" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/GettingStarted/actionsicon.png")%>" /> icon to the right of the necessary user.</li>
<li>Select the <b>Login as User</b> option from the menu.</li>
<li>In the confirmation window, click <b>Yes</b>.</li>
<li>You will be logged in under the selected user. To return to your account, use the <b>Sign Out</b> option.</li>

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<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Masters/Administration/AdministrationArticles.master" %>
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<cc:localizecontent runat="Server" controlname="~/Controls/Help/TipsTricks/People/Impersonation/Impersonation.ascx" />
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<div class="administrationworkspacepage people">
<div id="SeeAlsoBlockLinks">
<div class="caption gs one">
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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 18 KiB