diff --git a/Web/Controls/Help/GettingStarted/Integration/Zapier/GettingStartedZapier.ascx b/Web/Controls/Help/GettingStarted/Integration/Zapier/GettingStartedZapier.ascx new file mode 100644 index 000000000..02cea0f94 --- /dev/null +++ b/Web/Controls/Help/GettingStarted/Integration/Zapier/GettingStartedZapier.ascx @@ -0,0 +1,629 @@ +<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="BaseContentUserControls"%> +<%@ Register Namespace="TeamLab.Controls" Assembly="__Code" TagPrefix="cc" %> +<%@ Register TagPrefix="cc" TagName="LinuxVersionTag" Src="~/Controls/Help/Tags/linux-version/linux-version.ascx" %> + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +

About the ONLYOFFICE and Zapier integration


ONLYOFFICE offers an official connector to integrate ONLYOFFICE DocSpace with Zapier. This app allows users to create their own DocSpace integration and configure actions of the "If X happens, then you need to do Y" format without any programming. These interactions are called Zaps.

+ +

Examples of Zaps


The list of implemented Zaps:

  • DocSpace and Zoom. The "">User Added" trigger was used. When adding a new user in DocSpace, a Zoom meeting is automatically created for the company employee, with the topic on teaching a new user how to use DocSpace.
  • +
  • DocSpace and Google Docs. The "">File Created in My Documents" trigger was used. After a user creates a document in DocSpace, its copy is added to Google Docs.
  • +
  • DocSpace and GMail. The "">File Created" trigger was used. A user creates a file in DocSpace and gets its copy to GMail email, for further work, or for sending to customers.
  • +
  • DocSpace, Slack and Discord. The "">Room Created" trigger was used. After creating a new room in DocSpace, a channel in Slack is automatically created and a notification is sent to Discord.
  • +
  • DocSpace and Google Chat. The "">Room Archived" trigger was used. After a user moves a room to the archive, a notification is automatically sent to Google Chat.
  • +
  • Asana and DocSpace. The "">Search Folder" and "Delete Folder" actions were used. A folder is created in DocSpace according to the task name in Asana. When the task is closed, the folder in DocSpace will be automatically removed.
  • +
  • DocSpace and Telegram. The "">Room Created" trigger and "Share Room" action were used. When creating a room in DocSpace, a Telegram notification is automatically sent to an administrator or a certain user.
  • +
  • Linear.app and DocSpace. The "">Create Room" action was used. When creating a new task in Linear.app, a room in DocSpace is automatically created.
  • +
  • OneDrive and DocSpace. The "">Upload File" action was used. When adding a file to OneDrive, its copy is automatically sent to DocSpace.
  • +
  • HubSpot and DocSpace. The "">Invite User" action was used. When adding a new contact in HubSpot, an invitation to register in the DocSpace workspace is automatically sent to this contact.
  • +
+ + <%--

What's new in version 2.2.2



  • JWT support
  • +

The full change log is available here.

--%> + +
+ +

Connecting ONLYOFFICE DocSpace to Zapier

+ +


  • Zapier
  • +
  • +
  • Zapier ONLYOFFICE integration app
  • +
+ + +

Installing the ONLYOFFICE DocSpace connector for Zapier


The ONLYOFFICE DocSpace app can be found and connected in the Zapier Apps section:

  • Sign up for a Zapier account or log in.
  • +
  • Go to the Apps -> My Apps section.
  • +
  • Click the + Add connection button and find ONLYOFFICE DocSpace.
  • +
  • Enter URL to your DocSpace, email and password to connect your account.
  • +
  • Start creating a new Zap with using DocSpace.
  • +
+ +

Start using ONLYOFFICE DocSpace within Zapier


Creating Zaps

  • To create a chain of actions, select the trigger event from which the chain begins. +

    For example, we selected a trigger on creating a file in the "My documents" section. In the App & event section, choose the File Created in My Documents event.

    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • + Then we need to authorize in DocSpace where we will track the file creation. In the Account section, click Sign in. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +

    In the authorization window, specify the DocSpace portal URL, email address and password. Click Yes, Continue to ONLYOFFICE DocSpace.

    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • In the Trigger section, you can set up your trigger. In this case, you can optionally select the necessary folder or leave the default settings. +

    Then, it’s necessary to test the trigger. Click the Test trigger button.

    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Select a record and click the Continue with selected record button. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Then we can create the following events in the chain, test them and publish the Zap. More details for available Zaps are described below. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
+ +

User Added trigger




When adding a new user in DocSpace, a Zoom meeting is automatically created for the company employee, with the topic on teaching a new user how to use DocSpace.



  • Add the DocSpace "User Added" trigger, so that obtain data about new users in DocSpace. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Test the trigger and make sure that everything works. Select a record example for further work. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Add the Zapier "Delay After Queue" action to get current time. +

    Set the desired delay for the event, 0 minutes is set in the example. Choose the responsible for the task. If necessary, select several responsibles.

    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Then add the Zoom "Create Meeting" action. +

    Set up the action depending on your needs. Type in the meeting topic, choose the date, duration, enter a password if necessary.

    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +

    Then test the Zap. If all tests passed successfully, publish it.

  • +
+ +

File Created in My Documents trigger




After a user creates a document in DocSpace, its copy is added to Google Docs.



  • Add the DocSpace "File Created in My Documents" trigger. This trigger is activated when creating or adding a new document. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +

    If necessary, select the folder for which the trigger will work.

  • +
  • Test the trigger and make sure that everything works. Select a record example for further work. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • To obtain a file from DocSpace, it’s necessary to download it first. To do that, add the "Download File" action. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • In the action settings, select the file ID. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Add the new Google Docs "Upload Document" action. Select the File field and the folder in Google Docs for uploading files. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +

    Then test the Zap. If all tests passed successfully, publish it.

  • +
+ +

File Created trigger




A user creates a file in DocSpace and gets its copy to GMail email, for further work, or for sending to customers.



  • Add the DocSpace "File Created" trigger. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +

    If necessary, select the room and/or folder for which the trigger will work.

  • +
  • Test the trigger and make sure that everything works. Select a record example for further work. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Add the new DocSpace "Download File" action, which will download the file. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • In the Action settings, select the file ID. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Add the new GMail "Send Email" action. Enter necessary parameters in the settings. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • In the Attachment field, specify the value from the "Download File" action. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +

    Then test the Zap. If all tests passed successfully, publish it.

  • +
+ +

Room Created trigger




After creating a new room in DocSpace, a channel in Slack is automatically created and a notification is sent to Discord.



  • Add the DocSpace "Room Created" trigger. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Test the trigger and make sure that everything works. Select a record example for further work. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Add the Slack "Create Channel" action. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • In the Action settings, select the Channel Name. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Add the new Discord "Send Message" action. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Select the recipient and the message text. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +

    Then test the Zap. If all tests passed successfully, publish it.

  • +
+ +

Room Archived trigger




After a user moves a room to the archive, a notification is automatically sent to Google Chat.



  • Add the DocSpace "Room Archived" trigger. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Test the trigger and make sure that everything works. Select a record example for further work. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Add the Google Chat "Create Message" action. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • In the settings, select a channel and create the message text using the constructor. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +

    Then test the Zap. If all tests passed successfully, publish it.

  • +
+ +

Search Folder and Delete Folder actions




A folder is created in DocSpace according to the task name in Asana. When the task is closed, the folder in DocSpace will be automatically removed.



  • Add the Asana "Completed Task" trigger. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Select the Workspace and Project in Asana. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Test the trigger and make sure that everything works. Select a record example for further work. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Add the new DocSpace "Search Folder" action, which will be search for a folder by the task name. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • In the settings, select the section where to search for the folder and choose the field with the folder name. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Add the Delete Folder action. Depending on the folder location, choose "Delete Folder" or "Delete Folder From My Documents". +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • In the settings, choose the field with the folder ID. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +

    Then test the Zap. If all tests passed successfully, publish it.

  • +
+ +

Share Room action




The DocSpace administrator wants to have access to all rooms that will be created and receive a Telegram notification.



  • Add the DocSpace "Room Created" trigger. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Test the trigger and make sure that everything works. Select a record example for further work. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Add the DocSpace "Share Room" action which will automatically provide access to a room. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • In the Action settings, choose the room ID, the user we grant access to, and the role. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Add the Telegram "Send Message" action. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • In the settings, choose "Chat Id". In the "Message Text" field, create the message text using the constructor. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +

    Then test the Zap. If all tests passed successfully, publish it.

  • +
+ +

Create Room action




When creating a new task in Linear.app, a room in DocSpace is automatically created.



  • Add the Linear "New Issue" trigger. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Test the trigger and make sure that everything works. Select a record example for further work. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Add the new DocSpace "Create Room" action, which will automatically create a new room. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • In the settings, select the room title and type. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +

    Then test the Zap. If all tests passed successfully, publish it.

  • +
+ +

Upload File action




When adding a file to OneDrive, its copy is automatically sent to DocSpace.



  • Add the OneDrive "New File" trigger. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Test the trigger and make sure that everything works. Select a record example for further work. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Add the new DocSpace "Upload File to My Documents" action. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • In the settings, choose the field with the attachment. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +

    Then test the Zap. When testing the Zap, the value in the url field must started and ended with the hydrate tag. If all tests passed successfully, publish it.

    If an error occurs when testing the "Upload File" action, it’s recommended to reconnect the app. To do that, in the Zapier Apps section, select the ONLYOFFICE app. Remove the existing connection and add it again.
  • +
+ +

Invite User action




When adding a new contact in HubSpot, an invitation to register in the DocSpace workspace is automatically sent to this contact.



  • Add the HubSpot "New Contact" trigger. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Test the trigger and make sure that everything works. Select a record example for further work. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • Add the new DocSpace "Invite User" action. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +
  • +
  • In the settings, choose the field containing Email and select the user role. +
    + Creating a Zap" /> + Creating a Zap" /> +

    Then test the Zap. If all tests passed successfully, publish it.

    + +
  • +
+ +
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Integration Guides

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