Removed whmcs.ascx

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Svetlana Maleeva 2021-06-07 12:55:31 +03:00
parent 3daebe0484
commit 72635cc3bf

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PageTitle = PageCaption = "How to integrate Hosting Edition with the WHMCS payment system";
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MetaDescription = "Hosting Edition. Learn how to integrate Hosting Edition with the WHMCS payment system.";
<div class="MainHelpCenter">
<h1 class="subHeaderFeaturesCaption Guides_Video_Captions">How to integrate Hosting Edition with the WHMCS payment system</h1>
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<h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
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<p><b>Hosting Edition</b> is a ready-to-use solution that can be installed on your own servers and easily integrated with WHMCS so that you can provide the full-featured online office to your customers as a SaaS solution.</p>
<p><b>Hosting Edition</b> installed on a server with <b>Windows2012</b> operating system offers you the possibility to manage the portal creation, deletion and adjustment via API that is described on the <a target="_blank" class="links" href=""></a> website.</p>
<h2 id="SystemRequirements">System requirements</h2>
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<p>For the full deployment of the system, the following requirements must be fulfilled:</p>
<li><b>Server workload</b>
<li>Server with at least <b>6-core CPU</b> and <b>8 GB RAM</b> with <b>Windows Server 2012</b> OS installed for <b>Hosting Edition</b> installation</li>
<li>Server with <b>4-core CPU</b> and <b>6 GB RAM</b> with <b>Ubuntu LTS 14.04</b> or <b>CentOS 7</b> installed for standalone <b>Document Server</b> installation</li>
<li>Server with <b>2-core CPU</b> and <b>4 GB RAM</b> with or <b>CentOS 7</b> (recommended) or <b>Ubuntu LTS 14.04</b> installed for the <b>WHMCS</b> billing system installation</li>
<p>All the servers must have network access, dedicated external IP addresses and the following open ports:</p>
<li>Windows - <b>3389</b> (for RDP access)</li>
<li>Unix - <b>22</b> (for SSH access)</li>
<p>Internet channel bandwidth - <b>500-750 Mb/s</b></p>
<li><b>Configuration requirements</b>
<li><b>Wildcard A record</b> of the following form: <b>Windows Server 2012 IP <> *</b>
<div class="example">
<p><b></b> - the second-level domain intended for all portals.</p>
<li><b></b> - the name of the first portal</li>
<li><b></b> - the name of the second portal</li>
<p>A portal name (instead of <code>portal1</code> and <code>portal2</code>) is specified by an end user during the portal creation process within the <b>WHMCS</b> interface.</p>
<li><b>Security requirements</b>
<li><b>Wildcard SSL certificate</b> issued for the domain name that will be used.
<div class="notehelp">
The certificate presence is not obligatory if you install the solution on the test stand, but it is required when you start the product sales.
<li>The access to servers is performed based on pre-agreed conditions using RDP for Windows Server 2012 and using SSH for Ubuntu/CentOS servers.</li>
<li>All the servers with the product components that reside on a local network must have access to each other.</li>
<li><b>Hosting Edition setup and configuration</b>
<p>Setup and configuration of all the <b>Hosting Edition</b> components are performed by ONLYOFFICE technical support specialists if all the requirement (items 1-4 above) are fulfilled.</p>
<li><b>Integration with WHMCS</b> billing system
<p>The integration process is described in the next section.</p>
<h2 id="step1">Integration Instructions</h2>
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<p>To integrate <b>WHMCS</b> payment system and <b>Hosting Edition</b> you will need:</p>
<li>Use an already installed <b>WHMCS</b> version or install a new version following this <a target="_blank" class="links" href="">instruction</a>.</li>
<li>Copy the <b>onlyoffice.php</b> file (which is sent upon request) to the <b>/modules/servers/onlyoffice</b> folder located on the server where <b>WHMCS</b> is installed.</li>
<li>In <b>WHMCS</b>, create a product group, then create the necessary products:
<li>Go to <b>Setup</b>>><b>Products/Services</b>>><b>Products/Services</b>.</li>
<li>Click the <b>Create a New Group</b> button to add a new group. You need to create the following two groups: <code>ONLYOFFICE plans</code> and <code>Services</code>.</li>
<li>Use the <b>Create a New Product</b> button to create products for each group. The details on how to create and configure a new product are described in the next section.</li>
<h2 id="step2">Product Creation</h2>
<div class="block_of_step">
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<p>A product is created with predefined parameters, i.e. the number of users, disk storage space are specified in advance. To create a product:</p>
<li>Click <b>Create a New Product</b>. A new product creation form will open.
<li>Select the <b>Other Product/Service</b> option in the <b>Product Type</b> list.</li>
<li>Choose the <b>Product Group</b> you want to include this product to (<code>ONLYOFFICE plans</code> or <code>Services</code>).</li>
<li>Specify the desired <b>Product Name</b>, for example, <code>ONLYOFFICE 11-20 users</code> and click the <b>Continue</b> button.
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Creating product" target="img2_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/Guides/small/guide84/createproduct.png")%>" />
<img alt="Creating product" id="img2_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/Guides/big/guide84/createproduct.png")%>" />
<div target="img2_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<li>Go to the <b>Details</b> tab.
<li>Make sure that the <b>Other</b> option is selected in the <b>Product Type</b> field. If necessary, you can also correct the <b>Product Group</b> or <b>Product Name</b> selected at the previous step.</li>
<li>Optionally, you can add a <b>Description</b> of the product.</li>
<li>Uncheck the <b>Require Domain</b> option and save the changes.
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Details tab" target="img3_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/Guides/small/guide84/details.png")%>" />
<img alt="Details tab" id="img3_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/Guides/big/guide84/details.png")%>" />
<div target="img3_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<li>Go to the <b>Pricing</b> tab.
<li>Select the <b>Recurring</b> radio button in the <b>Payment Type</b> field.</li>
<li>Enable the <b>Annually</b> and <b>Triennially</b> billing cycles by checking the corresponding checkboxes below.</li>
<li>Specify <b>Prices</b> for each of the enabled billing cycles. The prices must coincide with the ones published on the <a target="_blank" class="links" href="">pricing page</a> of our official website. If necessary, you can also set your own <b>Setup Fees</b>. Save the changes.
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Pricing tab" target="img4_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/Guides/small/guide84/pricing.png")%>" />
<img alt="Pricing tab" id="img4_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/Guides/big/guide84/pricing.png")%>" />
<div target="img4_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<li>Go to the <b>Module Settings</b> tab.
<li>Select the <b>Onlyoffice</b> option from the <b>Module Name</b> field.</li>
<li>Add the <b>Api Url</b> of the following form: <code></code> specifying your own domain name.
<div class="notehelp">
When working with an SSL certificate, do not forget to specify the <b>https</b> protocol in the <b>Api Url</b> instead of the <b>http</b> one: <code></code>.
<li>Insert the <b>Core Machine Key</b> from the <code>&lt;add key="core.machinekey" value="XXXXXXX" /&gt;</code> string that the <b>web.appsettings.config</b> file contains.</li>
<li>Set the number of users allowed for this tariff plan in the <b>Active Users</b> field and specify available disk storage space in the <b>Max total size GB</b> field.</li>
<li>Select one of the four options for product setup which suits you best and save the changes.
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Module Settings tab" target="img5_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/Guides/small/guide84/module.png")%>" />
<img alt="Module Settings tab" id="img5_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/Guides/big/guide84/module.png")%>" />
<div target="img5_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<li>Go to the <b>Custom Fields</b> tab.
<p>You will need to add five obligatory fields listed below. For all these fields, the <b>Text Box</b> option must be selected in the <b>Field Type</b> list. The <b>Required Field</b> and <b>Show on Order Form</b> options are also must be checked for each of these fields. The following fields are required:</p>
<li><b>First Name</b></li>
<li><b>Last Name</b></li>
<li><b>Email Address</b></li>
<li><b>Portal Name</b> - when creating this field, you need to specify the following value in the <b>Validation</b> field:
<p>This means that the portal name must be 6 to 100 characters long and can contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores.</p>
<li><b>Password</b> - when creating this field, you need to specify the following value in the <b>Validation</b> field:
<p>This means that the password must be at least 6 characters long and can contain any characters.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Custom Fields tab" target="img6_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/Guides/small/guide84/fields.png")%>" />
<img alt="Custom Fields tab" id="img6_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/Guides/big/guide84/fields.png")%>" />
<div target="img6_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<p>You can also set the desired field order using the <b>Display Order</b> field, if necessary.</p>
<p>These values will be forwarded to the <b>Portal Setup Wizard</b> and will be used to login using the specified account.</p>
<li>That's all. Now you can go to the <b>Shopping Cart</b> and verify that the added product is displayed correctly. The <b>Direct Shopping Cart Link</b> can be found on the <b>Links</b> tab in the product parameters.</li>
<li>After all the necessary products are created, set the tariff change rules for each of them.
<li>Select the necessary product in the <b>Products/Services</b> list and click the <img alt="Edit Icon" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/Guides/big/guide84/edit_icon.png")%>" /> <b>Edit</b> icon on the right.</li>
<li>Switch to the <b>Upgrades</b> tab.</li>
<li>To allow your users to change the selected tariff to another one, select the necessary package in the <b>Packages Upgrades</b> field to enable switching to this tariff. To select several packages, hold down the <b>Ctrl</b> key when selecting them.</li>
<li>Save the changes.
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Upgrades tab" target="img7_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/Guides/small/guide84/upgrade.png")%>" />
<img alt="Upgrades tab" id="img7_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/Guides/big/guide84/upgrade.png")%>" />
<div target="img7_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<div class="example">
<p>You can allow those users who have the <code>ONLYOFFICE 11-20 users</code> tariff to upgrade it (selecting the <code>ONLYOFFICE 21-30 users</code> and <code>ONLYOFFICE 31-50 users</code> tariff plans).</p>