diff --git a/Web/Controls/Help/Server/HostingSolutions/Whmcs/whmcs.ascx b/Web/Controls/Help/Server/HostingSolutions/Whmcs/whmcs.ascx deleted file mode 100644 index 57a7ca7ca..000000000 --- a/Web/Controls/Help/Server/HostingSolutions/Whmcs/whmcs.ascx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,216 +0,0 @@ -<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="BaseContentUserControls"%> -<%@ Register Namespace="TeamLab.Controls" Assembly="__Code" TagPrefix="cc" %> - - - -

How to integrate Hosting Edition with the WHMCS payment system

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Hosting Edition is a ready-to-use solution that can be installed on your own servers and easily integrated with WHMCS so that you can provide the full-featured online office to your customers as a SaaS solution.


Hosting Edition installed on a server with Windows2012 operating system offers you the possibility to manage the portal creation, deletion and adjustment via API that is described on the api.teamlab.info website.

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System requirements


For the full deployment of the system, the following requirements must be fulfilled:

  1. Server workload -
    • Server with at least 6-core CPU and 8 GB RAM with Windows Server 2012 OS installed for Hosting Edition installation
    • -
    • Server with 4-core CPU and 6 GB RAM with Ubuntu LTS 14.04 or CentOS 7 installed for standalone Document Server installation
    • -
    • Server with 2-core CPU and 4 GB RAM with or CentOS 7 (recommended) or Ubuntu LTS 14.04 installed for the WHMCS billing system installation
    • -

    All the servers must have network access, dedicated external IP addresses and the following open ports:

    • 80
    • -
    • 443
    • -
    • Windows - 3389 (for RDP access)
    • -
    • Unix - 22 (for SSH access)
    • -

    Internet channel bandwidth - 500-750 Mb/s

  2. -
  3. Configuration requirements -
    • Wildcard A record of the following form: Windows Server 2012 IP <> *.domainname.com -

      domainname.com - the second-level domain intended for all portals.

      • portal1.domainname.com - the name of the first portal
      • -
      • portal2.domainname.com - the name of the second portal
      • -

      A portal name (instead of portal1 and portal2) is specified by an end user during the portal creation process within the WHMCS interface.

    • -
  4. -
  5. Security requirements -
    • Wildcard SSL certificate issued for the domain name that will be used. -
      - The certificate presence is not obligatory if you install the solution on the test stand, but it is required when you start the product sales. -
    • -
  6. -
  7. Access -
    • The access to servers is performed based on pre-agreed conditions using RDP for Windows Server 2012 and using SSH for Ubuntu/CentOS servers.
    • -
    • All the servers with the product components that reside on a local network must have access to each other.
    • -
  8. -
  9. Hosting Edition setup and configuration -

    Setup and configuration of all the Hosting Edition components are performed by ONLYOFFICE technical support specialists if all the requirement (items 1-4 above) are fulfilled.

  10. -
  11. Integration with WHMCS billing system -

    The integration process is described in the next section.

  12. -
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Integration Instructions


To integrate WHMCS payment system and Hosting Edition you will need:

  1. Use an already installed WHMCS version or install a new version following this instruction.
  2. -
  3. Copy the onlyoffice.php file (which is sent upon request) to the /modules/servers/onlyoffice folder located on the server where WHMCS is installed.
  4. -
  5. In WHMCS, create a product group, then create the necessary products: -
    • Go to Setup>>Products/Services>>Products/Services.
    • -
    • Click the Create a New Group button to add a new group. You need to create the following two groups: ONLYOFFICE plans and Services.
    • -
    • Use the Create a New Product button to create products for each group. The details on how to create and configure a new product are described in the next section.
    • -
  6. -
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Product Creation


A product is created with predefined parameters, i.e. the number of users, disk storage space are specified in advance. To create a product:

  1. Click Create a New Product. A new product creation form will open. -
    • Select the Other Product/Service option in the Product Type list.
    • -
    • Choose the Product Group you want to include this product to (ONLYOFFICE plans or Services).
    • -
    • Specify the desired Product Name, for example, ONLYOFFICE 11-20 users and click the Continue button. -
      - Creating product" /> - Creating product" /> -
    • -
  2. -
  3. Go to the Details tab. -
    • Make sure that the Other option is selected in the Product Type field. If necessary, you can also correct the Product Group or Product Name selected at the previous step.
    • -
    • Optionally, you can add a Description of the product.
    • -
    • Uncheck the Require Domain option and save the changes. -
      - Details tab" /> - Details tab" /> -
    • -
  4. -
  5. Go to the Pricing tab. -
    • Select the Recurring radio button in the Payment Type field.
    • -
    • Enable the Annually and Triennially billing cycles by checking the corresponding checkboxes below.
    • -
    • Specify Prices for each of the enabled billing cycles. The prices must coincide with the ones published on the pricing page of our official website. If necessary, you can also set your own Setup Fees. Save the changes. -
      - Pricing tab" /> - Pricing tab" /> -
    • -
  6. -
  7. Go to the Module Settings tab. -
    • Select the Onlyoffice option from the Module Name field.
    • -
    • Add the Api Url of the following form: http://apisystem.domainname.com specifying your own domain name. -
      - When working with an SSL certificate, do not forget to specify the https protocol in the Api Url instead of the http one: https://apisystem.domainname.com. -
    • -
    • Insert the Core Machine Key from the <add key="core.machinekey" value="XXXXXXX" /> string that the web.appsettings.config file contains.
    • -
    • Set the number of users allowed for this tariff plan in the Active Users field and specify available disk storage space in the Max total size GB field.
    • -
    • Select one of the four options for product setup which suits you best and save the changes. -
      - Module Settings tab" /> - Module Settings tab" /> -
    • -
  8. -
  9. Go to the Custom Fields tab. -

    You will need to add five obligatory fields listed below. For all these fields, the Text Box option must be selected in the Field Type list. The Required Field and Show on Order Form options are also must be checked for each of these fields. The following fields are required:

    • First Name
    • -
    • Last Name
    • -
    • Email Address
    • -
    • Portal Name - when creating this field, you need to specify the following value in the Validation field: -

      This means that the portal name must be 6 to 100 characters long and can contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores.

    • -
    • Password - when creating this field, you need to specify the following value in the Validation field: -

      This means that the password must be at least 6 characters long and can contain any characters.

      - Custom Fields tab" /> - Custom Fields tab" /> -

      You can also set the desired field order using the Display Order field, if necessary.


      These values will be forwarded to the Portal Setup Wizard and will be used to login using the specified account.

    • -
  10. -
  11. That's all. Now you can go to the Shopping Cart and verify that the added product is displayed correctly. The Direct Shopping Cart Link can be found on the Links tab in the product parameters.
  12. -
  13. After all the necessary products are created, set the tariff change rules for each of them. -
    • Select the necessary product in the Products/Services list and click the Edit Icon" /> Edit icon on the right.
    • -
    • Switch to the Upgrades tab.
    • -
    • To allow your users to change the selected tariff to another one, select the necessary package in the Packages Upgrades field to enable switching to this tariff. To select several packages, hold down the Ctrl key when selecting them.
    • -
    • Save the changes. -
      - Upgrades tab" /> - Upgrades tab" /> -

      You can allow those users who have the ONLYOFFICE 11-20 users tariff to upgrade it (selecting the ONLYOFFICE 21-30 users and ONLYOFFICE 31-50 users tariff plans).

    • -
  14. -
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