diff --git a/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/es/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/es/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm index fe9d6f5a1..d2e4fcd5a 100644 --- a/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/es/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm +++ b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/es/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm @@ -32,22 +32,16 @@ Abre el panel Archivo para guardar, descargar, imprimir el documento corriente, revisar la información, crear un documento nuevo o abrir uno que ya existe, acceder a ayuda o a ajustes avanzados del editor de documentos. - Abrir ventana 'Encontrar y Reemplazar’ + Abrir ventana 'Buscar' Ctrl+F ^ Ctrl+F,
⌘ Cmd+F - Abra el cuadro de diálogo Buscar y reemplazar para comenzar a buscar un carácter/palabra/frase en el documento que se está editando. + Abra el cuadro de diálogo Buscar para comenzar a buscar un carácter/palabra/frase en el documento que se está editando. - Abra el cuadro de diálogo 'Buscar y reemplazar’ con el campo de reemplazo + Abra el cuadro de diálogo 'Buscar y reemplazar' con el campo de reemplazo Ctrl+H ^ Ctrl+H Abra el cuadro de diálogo Buscar y reemplazar con el campo de reemplazo para reemplazar una o más apariciones de los caracteres encontrados. - - - Repita la última acción de ‘Buscar’ - ⇧ Mayús+F4 - ⇧ Mayús+F4,
⌘ Cmd+G,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+F4 - Repita la acción Buscar que se ha realizado antes de pulsar la combinación de teclas. Abrir panel 'Comentarios' @@ -83,7 +77,7 @@ Descargar como... Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+S ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+S,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+S - Abra el panel Descargar como... para guardar el documento que se está editando en la unidad de disco duro del ordenador en uno de los formatos compatibles: DOCX, PDF, ODT, TXT, DOTX, PDF/A, OTT, RTF, HTML. + Abra el panel Descargar como... para guardar el documento que se está editando en la unidad de disco duro del ordenador en uno de los formatos compatibles: DOCX, DOCXF, OFORM, DOTX, ODT, OTT, RTF, TXT, HTML, FB2, EPUB, PDF, PDF/A, PNG, JPG. Pantalla completa @@ -94,25 +88,25 @@ Menú de ayuda F1 - F1 + Fn+F1 Abre el menú de Ayuda de el editor de documentos. - Abrir un archivo existente (Editores de escritorio) + Abrir un archivo existente Ctrl+O - + ⌘ Cmd+O En la pestaña Abrir archivo local de los Editores de escritorio, abre el cuadro de diálogo estándar que permite seleccionar un archivo existente. - Cerrar archivo (Editores de escritorio) - Ctrl+W,
Ctrl+F4 - ^ Ctrl+W,
⌘ Cmd+W - Cierra la ventana del documento actual en los Editores de escritorio. + Cerrar archivo + Ctrl+W + ⌘ Cmd+W + Cierra la ventana del documento actual. Menú contextual de elementos ⇧ Mayús+F10 - ⇧ Mayús+F10 + ⇧ Mayús+Fn+F10 Abre el menú contextual del elementos seleccionado. @@ -121,67 +115,67 @@ Saltar al principio de la línea Inicio - Inicio - Poner el cursor al principio de la línea actualmente editada . + ⌘ Cmd+

Inicio + Poner el cursor al principio de la línea actualmente editada. Saltar al principio del documento Ctrl+Inicio - ^ Ctrl+Inicio + ^ Ctrl+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+

^ Ctrl+Inicio,
⌘ Cmd+Inicio Poner el cursor al principio del documento actualmente editado. Saltar al fin de la línea Fin - Fin + ⌘ Cmd+

Fin Mete el cursor al fin de la línea actualmente editada. Saltar al pie del documento Ctrl+Fin - ^ Ctrl+Fin + ^ Ctrl+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+

^ Ctrl+Fin,
⌘ Cmd+Fin Poner el cursor al pie del documento actualmente editado. Saltar al principio de la página anterior Alt+Ctrl+Re Pág - + ⌥ Opción+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+

⌥ Opción+Re Pág,
⌘ Cmd+Re Pág Coloca el cursor al principio de la página que precede a la página que se está editando. Saltar al principio de la página siguiente Alt+Ctrl+Av Pág - ⌥ Opción+⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+Av Pág + ⌥ Opción+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+

⌥ Opción+Av Pág,
⌘ Cmd+Av Pág Coloca el cursor al principio de la página siguiente a la página que se está editando. Desplazar abajo Av Pág - Av Pág,
⌥ Opción+Fn+ + Fn+

Av Pág Desplaza el documento aproximadamente una página visible abajo. Desplazar arriba Re Pág - Re Pág,
⌥ Opción+Fn+ + Fn+

Re Pág Desplaza el documento aproximadamente una página visible arriba. Página siguiente Alt+Av Pág - ⌥ Opción+Av Pág + Traslada a la página siguiente del documento actualmente editado. Página anterior Alt+Re Pág - ⌥ Opción+Re Pág + Traslada a la página anterior del documento actualmente editado. Acercar Ctrl++ - ^ Ctrl+=,
⌘ Cmd+= + ^ Ctrl++,
⌘ Cmd++ Acerca el documento actualmente editado. @@ -191,48 +185,22 @@ Aleja el documento actualmente editado. - Mover un carácter a la izquierda - - - Mover el cursor un carácter a la izquierda. - - - Mover un carácter a la derecha - - - Mover el cursor un carácter a la derecha. + Mover un carácter a la izquierda/derecha, una línea hacia arriba/abajo + + + Mover el cursor un carácter a la izquierda/derecha, una línea hacia arriba/abajo. Ir al principio de una palabra o una palabra a la izquierda Ctrl+ - ^ Ctrl+,
⌘ Cmd+ + ⌥ Opción+ Mueva el cursor al principio de una palabra o una palabra a la izquierda. Mover una palabra a la derecha Ctrl+ - ^ Ctrl+,
⌘ Cmd+ + ⌥ Opción+ Mover el cursor una palabra a la derecha. - - Mover una línea hacia arriba - - - Mover el cursor una línea hacia arriba. - - - Mover una línea hacia abajo - - - Mover el cursor una línea hacia abajo. Escribiendo @@ -252,31 +220,31 @@ Borrar ← Retroceso,
Borrar - ← Retroceso,
Borrar + ← Retroceso,
Fn+Borrar Eliminar un carácter a la izquierda (← Retroceso) o a la derecha (Borrar) del cursor. Eliminar palabra a la izquierda del cursor Ctrl+← Retroceso - ^ Ctrl+← Retroceso,
⌘ Cmd+← Retroceso + ⌥ Opción+Borrar Eliminar una palabra a la izquierda del cursor. Eliminar palabra a la derecha del cursor Ctrl+Borrar - ^ Ctrl+Borrar,
⌘ Cmd+Borrar + Fn+⌥ Opción+Borrar Eliminar una palabra a la derecha del cursor. Crear espacio de no separación Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+␣ Barra espaciadora - ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+␣ Barra espaciadora,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+␣ Barra espaciadora + ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+Fn+␣ Barra espaciadora,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+Fn+␣ Barra espaciadora Crea un espacio entre caracteres que no puede ser usado para empezar la línea nueva. Crear guión de no separación - Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+Guion - ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+Guion,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+Guion + Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+- + ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+-,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+- Crea a guión entre caracteres que no puede ser usado para empezar la línea nueva. @@ -290,8 +258,8 @@ Rehacer - Ctrl+A - ^ Ctrl+A,
⌘ Cmd+A,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+Z + Ctrl+Y + ^ Ctrl+Y,
⌘ Cmd+Y Repite la última acción deshecha. @@ -300,7 +268,7 @@ Cortar Ctrl+X,
⇧ Mayús+Borrar - ⌘ Cmd+X,
⇧ Mayús+Borrar + ⌘ Cmd+X Elimina el fragmento de texto seleccionado y lo envía al portapapeles de su ordenador. Después el texto copiado se puede insertar en el otro lugar del mismo documento, en otro documento o en otro programa. @@ -318,19 +286,19 @@ Insertar hiperenlace Ctrl+K - ⌘ Cmd+K + ⌘ Cmd+K,
^ Ctrl+K Inserta un hiperenlace que puede ser usado para ir a la dirección web. Copiar estilo - Ctrl+Alt+C - ⌘ Cmd+Alt+C + Alt+Ctrl+C + ⌘ Cmd+⌥ Opción+C,
^ Ctrl+⌥ Opción+C Copia el formato del fragmento seleccionado del texto que se está editando actualmente. Después el formato copiado puede ser aplicado al otro fragmento del mismo texto. Aplicar estilo - Ctrl+Alt+V - ⌘ Cmd+Alt+V + Alt+Ctrl+V + ⌘ Cmd+⌥ Opción+V,
^ Ctrl+⌥ Opción+V Aplica el formato anteriormente copiado al texto del documento actualmente editado. @@ -339,25 +307,25 @@ Seleccionar todo Ctrl+A - ⌘ Cmd+A + ⌘ Cmd+A,
^ Ctrl+A Selecciona todo el texto del documento con tablas y imágenes. - + Seleccionar de cursor a principio de línea. ⇧ Mayús+Inicio - ⇧ Mayús+Inicio + ⇧ Mayús+Fn+

⇧ Mayús+Inicio Seleccione un fragmento de texto desde el cursor hasta el principio de la línea actual. Seleccionar de cursor a extremo de línea ⇧ Mayús+Fin - ⇧ Mayús+Fin + ⇧ Mayús+Fn+

⇧ Mayús+Fin Seleccione un fragmento de texto desde el cursor hasta el final de la línea actual. @@ -375,13 +343,13 @@ Seleccione hasta el final de una palabra Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+ - + ⇧ Mayús+⌥ Opción+ Seleccione un fragmento de texto desde el cursor hasta el final de una palabra. Seleccione al principio de una palabra Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+ - + ⇧ Mayús+⌥ Opción+ Seleccione un fragmento de texto desde el cursor hasta el principio de una palabra. @@ -399,13 +367,13 @@ Seleccione la página hacia arriba ⇧ Mayús+Re Pág - ⇧ Mayús+Re Pág + ⇧ Mayús+Fn+

⇧ Mayús+Re Pág Seleccione la parte de la página desde la posición del cursor hasta la parte superior de la pantalla. Seleccione la página hacia abajo ⇧ Mayús+Av Pág - ⇧ Mayús+Av Pág + ⇧ Mayús+Fn+

⇧ Mayús+Av Pág Seleccione la parte de la página desde la posición del cursor hasta la parte inferior de la pantalla. @@ -432,37 +400,37 @@ Tachado Ctrl+5 - ^ Ctrl+5,
⌘ Cmd+5 + ⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+x Aplica el estilo tachado a un fragmento de texto seleccionado. Subíndice Ctrl+. - ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+>,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+> + ^ Ctrl+.,
⌘ Cmd+. Reducir el fragmento de texto seleccionado y situarlo en la parte inferior de la línea de texto, por ejemplo, como en las fórmulas químicas. Subíndice Ctrl+, - ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+<,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+< + ^ Ctrl+,,
⌘ Cmd+, Reducir el fragmento de texto seleccionado y situarlo en la parte superior de la línea de texto, por ejemplo, como en las fracciones. Heading 1 Alt+1 - ⌥ Opción+^ Ctrl+1 + ⌥ Opción+^ Ctrl+1,
⌥ Opción+⌘ Cmd+1 Aplica el estilo de título 1 a un fragmento del texto seleccionado. Heading 2 Alt+2 - ⌥ Opción+^ Ctrl+2 + ⌥ Opción+^ Ctrl+2,
⌥ Opción+⌘ Cmd+2 Aplica el estilo de título 2 a un fragmento del texto seleccionado. Heading 3 Alt+3 - ⌥ Opción+^ Ctrl+3 + ⌥ Opción+^ Ctrl+3,
⌥ Opción+⌘ Cmd+3 Aplica el estilo de título 3 a un fragmento del texto seleccionado. @@ -474,53 +442,44 @@ Eliminar formato Ctrl+␣ Barra espaciadora - + ^ Ctrl+Fn+␣ Barra espaciadora,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+␣ Barra espaciadora Eliminar el formato del fragmento de texto seleccionado. Aumenta el tipo de letra - Ctrl+] - ⌘ Cmd+] + Ctrl+¡ + ⌘ Cmd+¡,
^ Ctrl+¡ Aumenta el tamaño de las letras de un fragmento del texto seleccionado en un punto. Disminuye el tipo de letra - Ctrl+[ - ⌘ Cmd+[ + Ctrl+' + ⌘ Cmd+'
^ Ctrl+' Disminuye el tamaño de las letras de un fragmento del texto seleccionado en un punto. - Alinea centro/izquierda + Alinea centro Ctrl+E ^ Ctrl+E,
⌘ Cmd+E Alterna un párrafo entre el centro y alineado a la izquierda. - Alinea justificado/izquierda + Alinea justificado Ctrl+J,
Ctrl+L ^ Ctrl+J,
⌘ Cmd+J Cambiar un párrafo entre justificado y alineado a la izquierda. - Alinear derecha /izquierda + Alinear derecha Ctrl+R ^ Ctrl+R,
⌘ Cmd+R Alterna un párrafo entre alineado a la derecha y alineado a la izquierda. - - Aplicar formato de subíndice (espaciado automático) - Ctrl+= - - Aplicar formato de subíndice al fragmento de texto seleccionado. - + - Aplicar formato de superíndice (espaciado automático) - Ctrl+⇧ Mayús++ - - Aplicar formato de superíndice al fragmento de texto seleccionado. + Alinear izquierda + Ctrl+L + ^ Ctrl+L,
⌘ Cmd+L + Alinear un párrafo a la izquierda. Insertar salto de página @@ -541,7 +500,7 @@ Disminuye la sangría del párrafo de la izquierda incrementalmente. - Add page number + Añada el número de página Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+P ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+P,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+P Añada el número de página actual en la posición actual del cursor. @@ -551,22 +510,10 @@ Add a dash. --> Caracteres no imprimibles - Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+Num8 - + Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+Num8,
Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+8 + ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+8,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+8 Muestra u oculta la visualización de los caracteres que no se imprimen. - - Eliminar un carácter a la izquierda - ← Retroceso - ← Retroceso - Borrar un carácter a la izquierda del cursor. - - - Eliminar un carácter a la derecha - Borrar - Borrar - Eliminar un carácter a la derecha del cursor. - Modificación de objetos @@ -596,8 +543,8 @@ Desplazar en incrementos de tres píxeles - Ctrl+ - + Ctrl+ + ⌘ Cmd+ Mantenga apretada la tecla Ctrl y use las flechas del teclado para desplazar el objeto seleccionado un píxel a la vez. @@ -648,8 +595,8 @@ Insert the Euro sign (€) at the current cursor position. --> Insertar ecuación - Alt+= - ⌥ Option+^ Ctrl+= + Alt++ + ⌥ Opción+^ Ctrl++,⌥ Opción+⌘ Cmd++ Insertar una ecuación en la posición actual del cursor. diff --git a/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/it/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/it/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm index 6adc44a9a..8f5a691b6 100644 --- a/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/it/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm +++ b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/it/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm @@ -1,666 +1,940 @@  - - Keyboard Shortcuts - - - - - - - - - - -
+ + Keyboard Shortcuts + + + + + + + + + + +

Keyboard Shortcuts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Working with Document
Open 'File' panelAlt+F^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+FOpen the File panel to save, download, print the current document, view its info, create a new document or open an existing one, access Document Editor help or advanced settings.
Open 'Find and Replace' dialog boxCtrl+F^ Ctrl+F,
⌘ Cmd+F
Open the Find and Replace dialog box to start searching for a character/word/phrase in the currently edited document.
Open 'Find and Replace' dialog box with replacement fieldCtrl+H^ Ctrl+HOpen the Find and Replace dialog box with the replacement field to replace one or more occurrences of the found characters.
Repeat the last 'Find' action⇧ Shift+F4⇧ Shift+F4,
⌘ Cmd+G,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+F4
Repeat the Find action which has been performed before the key combination press.
Open 'Comments' panelCtrl+⇧ Shift+H^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+H,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+H
Open the Comments panel to add your own comment or reply to other users' comments.
Open comment fieldAlt+H⌘ Cmd+⌥ Option+AOpen a data entry field where you can add the text of your comment.
Open 'Chat' panelAlt+Q^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+QOpen the Chat panel and send a message.
Save documentCtrl+S^ Ctrl+S,
⌘ Cmd+S
Save all the changes to the document currently edited with Document Editor. The active file will be saved with its current file name, location, and file format.
Print documentCtrl+P^ Ctrl+P,
⌘ Cmd+P
Print the document with one of the available printers or save it to a file.
Download As...Ctrl+⇧ Shift+S^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+S,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+S
Open the Download as... panel to save the currently edited document to the computer hard disk drive in one of the supported formats: DOCX, PDF, ODT, TXT, DOTX, PDF/A, OTT, RTF, HTML.
Full screenF11Switch to the full screen view to fit Document Editor into your screen.
Help menuF1F1Open Document Editor Help menu.
Open existing file (Desktop Editors)Ctrl+OOn the Open local file tab in Desktop Editors, opens the standard dialog box that allows to select an existing file.
Close file (Desktop Editors)Ctrl+W,
^ Ctrl+W,
⌘ Cmd+W
Close the current document window in Desktop Editors.
Element contextual menu⇧ Shift+F10⇧ Shift+F10Open the selected element contextual menu.
Jump to the beginning of the lineHomeHomePut the cursor to the beginning of the currently edited line.
Jump to the beginning of the documentCtrl+Home^ Ctrl+HomePut the cursor to the very beginning of the currently edited document.
Jump to the end of the lineEndEndPut the cursor to the end of the currently edited line.
Jump to the end of the documentCtrl+End^ Ctrl+EndPut the cursor to the very end of the currently edited document.
Jump to the beginning of the previous pageAlt+Ctrl+Page UpPut the cursor to the very beginning of the page which preceeds the currently edited one.
Jump to the beginning of the next pageAlt+Ctrl+Page Down⌥ Option+⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Page DownPut the cursor to the very beginning of the page which follows the currently edited one.
Scroll downPage DownPage Down,
⌥ Option+Fn+
Scroll the document approximately one visible page down.
Scroll upPage UpPage Up,
⌥ Option+Fn+
Scroll the document approximately one visible page up.
Next pageAlt+Page Down⌥ Option+Page DownGo to the next page in the currently edited document.
Previous pageAlt+Page Up⌥ Option+Page UpGo to the previous page in the currently edited document.
Zoom InCtrl++^ Ctrl+=,
⌘ Cmd+=
Zoom in the currently edited document.
Zoom OutCtrl+-^ Ctrl+-,
⌘ Cmd+-
Zoom out the currently edited document.
Move one character to the leftMove the cursor one character to the left.
Move one character to the rightMove the cursor one character to the right.
Move to the beginning of a word or one word to the leftCtrl+^ Ctrl+,
⌘ Cmd+
Move the cursor to the beginning of a word or one word to the left.
Move one word to the rightCtrl+^ Ctrl+,
⌘ Cmd+
Move the cursor one word to the right.
Move one line upMove the cursor one line up.
Move one line downMove the cursor one line down.
End paragraph↵ Enter↵ ReturnEnd the current paragraph and start a new one.
Add line break⇧ Shift+↵ Enter⇧ Shift+↵ ReturnAdd a line break without starting a new paragraph.
Delete← Backspace,
← Backspace,
Delete one character to the left (← Backspace) or to the right (Delete) of the cursor.
Delete word to the left of cursorCtrl+← Backspace^ Ctrl+← Backspace,
⌘ Cmd+← Backspace
Delete one word to the left of the cursor.
Delete word to the right of cursorCtrl+Delete^ Ctrl+Delete,
⌘ Cmd+Delete
Delete one word to the right of the cursor.
Create nonbreaking spaceCtrl+⇧ Shift+␣ Spacebar^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+␣ Spacebar,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+␣ Spacebar
Create a space between characters which cannot be used to start a new line.
Create nonbreaking hyphenCtrl+⇧ Shift+Hyphen^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Hyphen,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Hyphen
Create a hyphen between characters which cannot be used to start a new line.
Undo and Redo
UndoCtrl+Z^ Ctrl+Z,
⌘ Cmd+Z
Reverse the latest performed action.
RedoCtrl+Y^ Ctrl+Y,
⌘ Cmd+Y,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Z
Repeat the latest undone action.
Cut, Copy, and Paste
⇧ Shift+Delete
⌘ Cmd+X,
⇧ Shift+Delete
Delete the selected text fragment and send it to the computer clipboard memory. The copied text can be later inserted to another place in the same document, into another document, or into some other program.
⌘ Cmd+CSend the selected text fragment to the computer clipboard memory. The copied text can be later inserted to another place in the same document, into another document, or into some other program.
⇧ Shift+Insert
⌘ Cmd+VInsert the previously copied text fragment from the computer clipboard memory to the current cursor position. The text can be previously copied from the same document, from another document, or from some other program.
Insert hyperlinkCtrl+K⌘ Cmd+KInsert a hyperlink which can be used to go to a web address.
Copy styleCtrl+Alt+C⌘ Cmd+Alt+CCopy the formatting from the selected fragment of the currently edited text. The copied formatting can be later applied to another text fragment in the same document.
Apply styleCtrl+Alt+V⌘ Cmd+Alt+VApply the previously copied formatting to the text in the currently edited document.
Text Selection
Select allCtrl+A⌘ Cmd+ASelect all the document text with tables and images.
Select fragment⇧ Shift+ ⇧ Shift+ Select the text character by character.
Select from cursor to beginning of line⇧ Shift+Home⇧ Shift+HomeSelect a text fragment from the cursor to the beginning of the current line.
Select from cursor to end of line⇧ Shift+End⇧ Shift+EndSelect a text fragment from the cursor to the end of the current line.
Select one character to the right⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one character to the right of the cursor position.
Select one character to the left⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one character to the left of the cursor position.
Select to the end of a wordCtrl+⇧ Shift+Select a text fragment from the cursor to the end of a word.
Select to the beginning of a wordCtrl+⇧ Shift+Select a text fragment from the cursor to the beginning of a word.
Select one line up⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one line up (with the cursor at the beginning of a line).
Select one line down⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one line down (with the cursor at the beginning of a line).
Select the page up⇧ Shift+Page Up⇧ Shift+Page UpSelect the page part from the cursor position to the upper part of the screen.
Select the page down⇧ Shift+Page Down⇧ Shift+Page DownSelect the page part from the cursor position to the lower part of the screen.
Text Styling
BoldCtrl+B^ Ctrl+B,
⌘ Cmd+B
Make the font of the selected text fragment bold giving it more weight.
ItalicCtrl+I^ Ctrl+I,
⌘ Cmd+I
Make the font of the selected text fragment italicized giving it some right side tilt.
UnderlineCtrl+U^ Ctrl+U,
⌘ Cmd+U
Make the selected text fragment underlined with the line going under the letters.
StrikeoutCtrl+5^ Ctrl+5,
⌘ Cmd+5
Make the selected text fragment struck out with the line going through the letters.
SubscriptCtrl+.^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+>,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+>
Make the selected text fragment smaller and place it to the lower part of the text line, e.g. as in chemical formulas.
SuperscriptCtrl+,^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+<,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+<
Make the selected text fragment smaller and place it to the upper part of the text line, e.g. as in fractions.
Heading 1 styleAlt+1⌥ Option+^ Ctrl+1Apply the style of the heading 1 to the selected text fragment.
Heading 2 styleAlt+2⌥ Option+^ Ctrl+2Apply the style of the heading 2 to the selected text fragment.
Heading 3 styleAlt+3⌥ Option+^ Ctrl+3Apply the style of the heading 3 to the selected text fragment.
Bulleted listCtrl+⇧ Shift+L^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+L,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+L
Create an unordered bulleted list from the selected text fragment or start a new one.
Remove formattingCtrl+␣ SpacebarRemove formatting from the selected text fragment.
Increase fontCtrl+]⌘ Cmd+]Increase the size of the font for the selected text fragment 1 point.
Decrease fontCtrl+[⌘ Cmd+[Decrease the size of the font for the selected text fragment 1 point.
Align center/leftCtrl+E^ Ctrl+E,
⌘ Cmd+E
Switch a paragraph between centered and left-aligned.
Align justified/leftCtrl+J,
^ Ctrl+J,
⌘ Cmd+J
Switch a paragraph between justified and left-aligned.
Align right/leftCtrl+R^ Ctrl+R,
⌘ Cmd+R
Switch a paragraph between right-aligned and left-aligned.
Apply subscript formatting (automatic spacing)Ctrl+=Apply subscript formatting to the selected text fragment.
Apply superscript formatting (automatic spacing)Ctrl+⇧ Shift++Apply superscript formatting to the selected text fragment.
Insert page breakCtrl+↵ Enter^ Ctrl+↵ Return,
⌘ Cmd+↵ Return
Insert a page break at the current cursor position.
Increase indentCtrl+M^ Ctrl+M,
⌘ Cmd+M
Indent a paragraph from the left incrementally.
Decrease indentCtrl+⇧ Shift+M^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+M,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+M
Remove a paragraph indent from the left incrementally.
Add page numberCtrl+⇧ Shift+P^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+P,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+P
Add the current page number at the current cursor position.
Nonprinting charactersCtrl+⇧ Shift+Num8Show or hide the display of nonprinting characters.
Delete one character to the left← Backspace← BackspaceDelete one character to the left of the cursor.
Delete one character to the rightDeleteDeleteDelete one character to the right of the cursor.
Modifying Objects
Constrain movement⇧ Shift + drag⇧ Shift + dragConstrain the movement of the selected object horizontally or vertically.
Set 15-degree rotation⇧ Shift + drag (when rotating)⇧ Shift + drag (when rotating)Constrain the rotation angle to 15-degree increments.
Maintain proportions⇧ Shift + drag (when resizing)⇧ Shift + drag (when resizing)Maintain the proportions of the selected object when resizing.
Draw straight line or arrow⇧ Shift + drag (when drawing lines/arrows)⇧ Shift + drag (when drawing lines/arrows)Draw a straight vertical/horizontal/45-degree line or arrow.
Movement by one-pixel incrementsCtrl+ Hold down the Ctrl key and use the keybord arrows to move the selected object by one pixel at a time.
Working with Tables
Move to the next cell in a row↹ Tab↹ TabGo to the next cell in a table row.
Move to the previous cell in a row⇧ Shift+↹ Tab⇧ Shift+↹ TabGo to the previous cell in a table row.
Move to the next rowGo to the next row in a table.
Move to the previous rowGo to the previous row in a table.
Start new paragraph↵ Enter↵ ReturnStart a new paragraph within a cell.
Add new row↹ Tab in the lower right table cell.↹ Tab in the lower right table cell.Add a new row at the bottom of the table.
Inserting special characters
Insert equationAlt+=⌥ Option+^ Ctrl+=Insert an equation at the current cursor position.
- +

Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard Shortcuts for Key Tips


Use keyboard shortcuts for a faster and easier access to the features of the Document Editor without using a mouse.

  1. Press Alt (Option for macOS) key to turn on all key tips for the editor header, the top toolbar, the right and the left sidebars and the status bar.
  2. +
  3. + Press the letter that corresponds to the item you wish to use. The additional key tips may appear depending on the key you press. The first key tips hide when additional key tips appear. +

    For example, to access the Insert tab, press Alt (Option for macOS) to see all primary key tips.


    Primary Key Tips


    Press letter I to access the Insert tab, and to see all the available shortcuts for this tab.


    Secondary Key Tips


    Then press the letter that corresponds to the item you wish to configure.

  4. +
  5. Press Alt (Option for macOS) to hide all key tips, or press Escape to go back to the previous group of key tips.
  6. +

Find the most common keyboard shortcuts in the list below.


Please note: for macOS, some shortcuts contain the Home, End, Page Up and Page Down keys which are only available on the extended keyboard. If you don't have these keys, use the keyboard shortcuts specified above (i.e. use ^ Ctrl/⌘ Cmd+ or Fn+ instead of Home, ^ Ctrl/⌘ Cmd+ or Fn+ instead of End, Fn+ instead of Page Up, Fn+ instead of Page Down).

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Working with Document
Open 'File' panelAlt+F^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+FOpen the File panel to save, download, print the current document, view its info, create a new document or open an existing one, access the Document Editor Help Center or advanced settings.
Open 'Find' dialog windowCtrl+F^ Ctrl+F,
⌘ Cmd+F
Open the Find dialog window to start searching for a character/word/phrase in the currently edited document.
Open 'Find and Replace' menu (panel) with replacement fieldCtrl+H^ Ctrl+HOpen the Find and Replace menu (panel) with the replacement field to replace one or more occurrences of the found characters.
Open 'Comments' panelCtrl+⇧ Shift+H^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+H,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+H
Open the Comments panel to add your own comment or reply to other users' comments.
Open comment fieldAlt+H⌘ Cmd+⌥ Option+AOpen a data entry field where you can add the text of your comment.
Open 'Chat' panel (Online Editors)Alt+Q^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+QOpen the Chat panel in the Online Editors and send a message.
Save documentCtrl+S^ Ctrl+S,
⌘ Cmd+S
Save all the changes to the document currently edited with The Document Editor. The active file will be saved with its current file name, location, and file format.
Print documentCtrl+P^ Ctrl+P,
⌘ Cmd+P
Print the document with one of the available printers or save it as a file.
Download As...Ctrl+⇧ Shift+S^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+S,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+S
Open the Download as... panel to save the currently edited document to the hard disk drive of your computer in one of the supported formats: DOCX, DOCXF, OFORM, DOTX, ODT, OTT, RTF, TXT, HTML, FB2, EPUB, PDF, PDF/A, PNG, JPG.
Full screen (Online Editors)F11Switch to the full screen view in the Online Editors to fit the Document Editor into your screen.
Help menuF1Fn+F1Open the Document Editor Help menu.
Open existing fileCtrl+O⌘ Cmd+OOpen the standard dialog box that allows selecting an existing file. If you select the file in this dialog box and click Open, the file will be opened in a new tab or window of Desktop Editors.
Switch to the next tabCtrl+↹ Tab^ Ctrl+↹ TabSwitch to the next file tab in Desktop Editors or browser tab in Online Editors.
Switch to the previous tabCtrl+Shift+↹ Tab^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+↹ TabSwitch to the previous file tab in Desktop Editors or browser tab in Online Editors.
Close fileCtrl+W⌘ Cmd+WClose the current document window.
Element contextual menu⇧ Shift+F10⇧ Shift+Fn+F10Open the selected element contextual menu.
Close menu or modal window, reset modes, etc.EscEscClose a menu or modal window. Reset pop-ups and balloons with comments and review changes. Reset drawing and erasing table mode. Reset text drag-n-drop. Reset marker selection mode. Reset format painter mode. Deselect shapes. Reset adding shapes mode. Exit from the header/footer. Exit from filling in forms.
Reset the ‘Zoom’ parameterCtrl+0^ Ctrl+0 or ⌘ Cmd+0Reset the ‘Zoom’ parameter of the current document to a default 100%.
Update fieldsF9Fn+F9Update fields (e.g., Table of Contents).
Jump to the beginning of the lineHome⌘ Cmd+

Put the cursor to the beginning of the currently edited line.
Jump to the beginning of the documentCtrl+Home^ Ctrl+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+

^ Ctrl+Home,
⌘ Cmd+Home
Put the cursor to the very beginning of the currently edited document.
Jump to the end of the lineEnd⌘ Cmd+

Put the cursor to the end of the currently edited line.
Jump to the end of the documentCtrl+End^ Ctrl+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+

^ Ctrl+End,
⌘ Cmd+End
Put the cursor to the very end of the currently edited document.
Jump to the beginning of the previous pageAlt+Ctrl+Page Up⌥ Option+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+

⌥ Option+Page Up,
⌘ Cmd+Page Up
Put the cursor to the very beginning of the page which preceeds the currently edited one.
Jump to the beginning of the next pageAlt+Ctrl+Page Down⌥ Option+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+

⌥ Option+Page Down,
⌘ Cmd+Page Down
Put the cursor to the very beginning of the page which follows the currently edited one.
Scroll downPage DownFn+

Page Down
Scroll the document approximately one visible page down.
Scroll upPage UpFn+

Page Up
Scroll the document approximately one visible page up.
Next pageAlt+Page DownGo to the next page in the currently edited document.
Previous pageAlt+Page UpGo to the previous page in the currently edited document.
Zoom InCtrl+Num+,
Ctrl++ (on the main keyboard)
^ Ctrl++,
⌘ Cmd++
Zoom in the currently edited document.
Zoom OutCtrl+- (on the main keyboard)^ Ctrl+-,
⌘ Cmd+-
Zoom out the currently edited document.
Move one character to the left/right or one line up/down Move the cursor one character to the left/right or one line up/down.
Move to the beginning of a word or one word to the leftCtrl+⌥ Option+Move the cursor to the beginning of a word or one word to the left.
Move one word to the rightCtrl+⌥ Option+Move the cursor one word to the right.
Navigate between controls in modal dialogues↹ Tab/⇧ Shift+↹ Tab↹ Tab/⇧ Shift+↹ TabNavigate between controls to give focus to the next or previous control in modal dialogues.
Move to lower header/footerPage DownFn+

Page Down
Move to the lower header/footer (if the cursor is in the header/footer).
Move to upper header/footerPage UpFn+

Page Up
Move to the upper header/footer (if the cursor is in the header/footer).
Move to lower headerAlt+Page Down⌥ Option+Fn+

⌥ Option+Page Down
Move to the lower header (if the cursor is in the header/footer).
Move to upper headerAlt+Page Up⌥ Option+Fn+

⌥ Option+Page Up
Move to the upper header (if the cursor is in the header/footer).
End paragraph↵ Enter↵ ReturnEnd the current paragraph and start a new one.
Add line break⇧ Shift+↵ Enter⇧ Shift+↵ ReturnAdd a line break without starting a new paragraph.
Add new placeholder to equation argumentEnterReturnAdd a new placeholder to the equation argument.
Change the alignment level of the operator to the left⇧ Shift+↹ Tab⇧ Shift+↹ TabChange the alignment level of the operator to the left (for the second line of the equation with a forced break).
Change the alignment level of the operator to the right↹ Tab↹ TabChange the alignment level of the operator to the right (for the second line of the equation with a forced break).
Delete character on the left← BackspaceDeleteDelete one character to the left of the cursor.
Delete character on the rightDeleteFn+DeleteDelete one character to the right of the cursor.
Delete word/selection/graphical object to the left of cursorCtrl+← Backspace⌥ Option+DeleteDelete one word/selection/graphical object to the left of the cursor.
Delete word/selection/graphical object to the right of cursorCtrl+DeleteFn+⌥ Option+DeleteDelete one word/selection/graphical object to the right of the cursor.
Create nonbreaking spaceCtrl+⇧ Shift+␣ Spacebar^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Fn+␣ Spacebar,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Fn+␣ Spacebar
Create a space between characters which cannot be used to start a new line.
Create nonbreaking hyphenCtrl+⇧ Shift+-^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+-,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+-
Create a hyphen between characters which cannot be used to start a new line.
Undo and Redo
UndoCtrl+Z^ Ctrl+Z,
⌘ Cmd+Z
Reverse the latest performed action.
RedoCtrl+Y^ Ctrl+Y,
⌘ Cmd+Y
Repeat the latest undone action.
Cut, Copy, and Paste
⇧ Shift+Delete
⌘ Cmd+XDelete the selected text fragment and send it to the computer clipboard memory. The copied text can be later inserted to another place in the same document, into another document, or into some other program.
⌘ Cmd+CSend the selected text fragment to the computer clipboard memory. The copied text can be later inserted to another place in the same document, into another document, or into some other program.
⇧ Shift+Insert
⌘ Cmd+VInsert the previously copied text fragment from the computer clipboard memory to the current cursor position. The text can be previously copied from the same document, from another document, or from some other program.
Paste text without style formattingCtrl+⇧ Shift+V⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+VInsert the previously copied text fragment from the computer clipboard memory to the current cursor position without preserving its original formatting. The text can be previously copied from the same document, from another document, or from some other program.
Copy styleAlt+Ctrl+C⌘ Cmd+⌥ Option+C,
^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+C
Copy the formatting from the selected fragment of the currently edited text. The copied formatting can be later applied to another text fragment in the same document.
Apply styleAlt+Ctrl+V⌘ Cmd+⌥ Option+V,
^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+V
Apply the previously copied formatting to the text in the currently edited document.
Paste Special options 1
Keep source formattingCtrl then K^ Ctrl then KKeep the source formatting of the copied text.
Keep text onlyCtrl then T^ Ctrl then TPaste the text without its original formatting.
Overwrite cellsCtrl then O^ Ctrl then OReplace the contents of the existing table with the copied data.
Nest tableCtrl then N^ Ctrl then NPaste the copied table as a nested table into the selected cell of the existing table.
Working with Hyperlinks
Insert hyperlinkCtrl+K⌘ Cmd+K,
^ Ctrl+K
Insert a hyperlink which can be used to go to a web address.
Visit hyperlinkEnterReturnVisit a hyperlink (with the cursor in the hyperlink).
Text Selection
Select allCtrl+A⌘ Cmd+A,
^ Ctrl+A
Select all the document text with tables and images.
Select from cursor to beginning of line⇧ Shift+Home⇧ Shift+Fn+

⇧ Shift+Home
Select a text fragment from the cursor to the beginning of the current line.
Select from cursor to end of line⇧ Shift+End⇧ Shift+Fn+

⇧ Shift+End
Select a text fragment from the cursor to the end of the current line.
Select from cursor to beginning of documentCtrl+⇧ Shift+Home^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Fn+

^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Home,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Home
Select a text fragment from the cursor to the beginning of the document.
Select from cursor to end of documentCtrl+⇧ Shift+End^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Fn+

^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+End,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+End
Select a text fragment from the cursor to the end of the document.
Select one character to the right⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one character to the right of the cursor position.
Select one character to the left⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one character to the left of the cursor position.
Select to the end of a wordCtrl+⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+⌥ Option+Select a text fragment from the cursor to the end of a word.
Select to the beginning of a wordCtrl+⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+⌥ Option+Select a text fragment from the cursor to the beginning of a word.
Select one line up⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one line up (with the cursor at the beginning of a line).
Select one line down⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one line down (with the cursor at the end of a line).
Select the page up to the upper part of the screen⇧ Shift+Page Up⇧ Shift+Fn+

⇧ Shift+Page Up
Select the page part from the cursor position to the upper part of the screen.
Select the page down to the lower part of the screen⇧ Shift+Page Down⇧ Shift+Fn+

⇧ Shift+Page Down
Select the page part from the cursor position to the lower part of the screen.
Select to the beginning of the previous pageCtrl+⇧ Shift+Page Up^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Fn+

^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Page Up,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Page Up
Select a text fragment from the cursor to the beginning of the previous page.
Select to the beginning of the next pageCtrl+⇧ Shift+Page Down^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Fn+

^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Page Down,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Page Down
Select a text fragment from the cursor to the beginning of the next page.
Text Styling
BoldCtrl+B^ Ctrl+B,
⌘ Cmd+B
Make the font of the selected text fragment darker and heavier than normal.
ItalicCtrl+I^ Ctrl+I,
⌘ Cmd+I
Make the font of the selected text fragment italicized and slightly slanted.
UnderlineCtrl+U^ Ctrl+U,
⌘ Cmd+U
Make the selected text fragment underlined with a line going below the letters.
StrikeoutCtrl+5⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+xMake the selected text fragment struck out with a line going through the letters.
SubscriptCtrl+.^ Ctrl+.,
⌘ Cmd+.
Make the selected text fragment smaller and place it to the lower part of the text line, e.g. as in chemical formulas.
SuperscriptCtrl+,^ Ctrl+,,
⌘ Cmd+,
Make the selected text fragment smaller and place it to the upper part of the text line, e.g. as in fractions.
Heading 1 styleAlt+1⌥ Option+^ Ctrl+1,
⌥ Option+⌘ Cmd+1
Apply the style of the heading 1 to the selected text fragment.
Heading 2 styleAlt+2⌥ Option+^ Ctrl+2,
⌥ Option+⌘ Cmd+2
Apply the style of the heading 2 to the selected text fragment.
Heading 3 styleAlt+3⌥ Option+^ Ctrl+3,
⌥ Option+⌘ Cmd+3
Apply the style of the heading 3 to the selected text fragment.
Bulleted listCtrl+⇧ Shift+L^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+L,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+L
Create an unordered bulleted list from the selected text fragment or start a new one.
Clear formattingCtrl+␣ Spacebar^ Ctrl+Fn+␣ Spacebar,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+␣ Spacebar
Clear formatting of the selected text fragment.
Increase fontCtrl+ì⌘ Cmd+ì,
^ Ctrl+ì
Increase the size of the font for the selected text fragment 1 point.
Decrease fontCtrl+⌘ Cmd+,
^ Ctrl+
Decrease the size of the font for the selected text fragment 1 point.
Align centerCtrl+E^ Ctrl+E,
⌘ Cmd+E
Switch a paragraph between centered and left-aligned.
Align justifiedCtrl+J^ Ctrl+J,
⌘ Cmd+J
Switch a paragraph between justified and left-aligned.
Align rightCtrl+R^ Ctrl+R,
⌘ Cmd+R
Switch a paragraph between right-aligned and left-aligned.
Align leftCtrl+L^ Ctrl+L,
⌘ Cmd+L
Align a paragraph left.
Insert page breakCtrl+↵ Enter^ Ctrl+↵ Return,
⌘ Cmd+↵ Return
Insert a page break at the current cursor position.
Increase indentCtrl+M^ Ctrl+M,
⌘ Cmd+M
Indent a paragraph from the left incrementally.
Decrease indentCtrl+⇧ Shift+M^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+M,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+M
Remove a paragraph indent from the left incrementally.
Add page numberCtrl+⇧ Shift+P^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+P,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+P
Add the current page number at the current cursor position.
Nonprinting charactersCtrl+⇧ Shift+Num8,
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+8
^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+8,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+8
Show or hide the display of nonprinting characters.
Increase list/indent level↹ Tab↹ TabIncrease the list/indent level (with the cursor at the beginning of a paragraph).
Decrease list/indent level⇧ Shift+↹ Tab⇧ Shift+↹ TabDecrease the list/indent level (with the cursor at the beginning of a paragraph).
Add tab character to paragraph↹ Tab↹ TabAdd the tab character to a paragraph (if the cursor is not at the beginning of a paragraph).
Increase indent for selected paragraphs↹ Tab↹ TabIncrease the indent for the selected paragraphs.
Decrease indent for selected paragraphs⇧ Shift+↹ Tab⇧ Shift+↹ TabDecrease the lindent for the selected paragraphs.
Modifying Objects
Working with shapes↵ EnterReturnWhen the shape is selected, if it does not contain content, create content and move the cursor to the beginning of the line. If the content is empty, move the cursor to it, otherwise select the entire content.
Working with charts↵ EnterWhen the chart title is selected, if the title is empty, move the cursor to the beginning of the line, otherwise select the text.
Create a copy when draggingCtrl^ CtrlSelect an object and hold down the specified key when dragging the object to create the copy of the object in the location where it was moved.
Constrain movement⇧ Shift + drag⇧ Shift + dragConstrain the movement of the selected object horizontally or vertically.
Set 15-degree rotation⇧ Shift + drag (when rotating)⇧ Shift + drag (when rotating)Constrain the rotation angle to 15-degree increments.
Maintain proportions⇧ Shift + drag (when resizing)⇧ Shift + drag (when resizing)Maintain the proportions of the selected object when resizing.
Change angle of line/arrow when drawing⇧ Shift + drag (when drawing lines/arrows)⇧ Shift + drag (when drawing lines/arrows)Hold down the Shift key while drawing the line/arrow and rotate the spout of the arrow/end of the line to change the angle of the line/arrow when drawing it. The line/arrow will be rotated exactly 45 degrees.
Movement by one-pixel incrementsCtrl+ ⌘ Cmd+ Hold down the specified key and use the keybord arrows to move the selected object to the left, right, up, or down by one pixel at a time.
Move shape by a big step Use the keybord arrows to move the selected object by a big step to the left, right, up, or down.
Move focus to the next object↹ Tab↹ TabMove focus to the next object after the currently selected one.
Move focus to the previous object⇧ Shift+↹ Tab⇧ Shift+↹ TabMove focus to the previous object before the currently selected one.
Working with Endnotes/Footnotes
Insert endnoteCtrl+Alt+D^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+DInsert an endnote.
Insert footnoteCtrl+Alt+FInsert a footnote.
Working with Tables
Move to the next cell in a row↹ Tab↹ TabGo to the next cell in a table row.
Move to the previous cell in a row⇧ Shift+↹ Tab⇧ Shift+↹ TabGo to the previous cell in a table row.
Move to the next rowGo to the next row in a table.
Move to the previous rowGo to the previous row in a table.
Start new paragraph↵ Enter↵ ReturnStart a new paragraph within a cell.
Add new row↹ Tab in the lower right table cell.↹ Tab in the lower right table cell.Add a new row at the bottom of the table.
Insert table breakCtrl+⇧ Shift+↵ Enter^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+↵ Return,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+↵ Return
Insert a table break within the table.
Working with Forms
Move to the next form↹ TabMove to the next form.
Move to the previous form⇧ Shift+↹ TabMove to the previous form.
Choose the next combo box option in the formChoose the next combo box option in the form.
Choose the previous combo box option in the formChoose the previous combo box option in the form.
Add line break in the multiline formEnterAdd a line break in the multiline form.
Inserting special characters
Insert equationAlt++⌥ Option+^ Ctrl++,⌥ Option+⌘ Cmd++Insert an equation at the current cursor position.
Insert an em dashAlt+Ctrl+Num-⌥ Option+⇧ Shift+-Insert an em dash ‘—’ within the current document and to the right of the cursor.
Insert an en dashCtrl+Num-⌥ Option+-Insert an en dash ‘-’ within the current document and to the right of the cursor.
Insert a copyright symbolCtrl+Alt+G⌘ Cmd+⌥ Option+G,
^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+G
Insert a copyright symbol ‘©’ within the current document and to the right of the cursor.
Insert the Euro signCtrl+Alt+E⌘ Cmd+⌥ Option+E,
^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+E
Insert the Euro sign (€) at the current cursor position.
Insert the registered trademark signCtrl+Alt+R⌘ Cmd+⌥ Option+R,
^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+R
Insert the registered trademark sign (®) at the current cursor position.
Insert the trademark signCtrl+Alt+T⌘ Cmd+⌥ Option+T,
^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+T
Insert the trademark sign (™) at the current cursor position.
Insert ellipsisCtrl+Alt+.⌥ Option+;Insert the ellipsis sign (...) at the current cursor position.
Replace selected Unicode code with symbolAlt+X⌥ Option+⌘ Cmd+X,
⌥ Option+^ Ctrl+X
Replace the selected Unicode code with a symbol.
Work with keyboard supporting the ability to insert Unicode symbols⌥ Option+Q,
⌥ Option+F,
⇧ Shift+⌥ Option+7,
and others
+ When using the ⌥ Option+keyboard symbol shortcuts, for the keyboards supporting the ability to insert Unicode symbols, the keyboard symbols are added. The examples are listed below.
+ With the English ABC layout, the ⌥ Option+Q shortcut inserts the "œ" symbol, the ⌥ Option+F shortcut inserts the “ƒ” function symbol.
+ With the US International w/o deadkeys layout, the ⌥ Option+Q shortcut inserts the “ä” symbol.
+ With the Swiss-german layout, the ⇧ Shift+⌥ Option+7 shortcut inserts the "\” symbol. +

Paste the copied data using Ctrl+V on Windows or Cmd+V on macOS. After pasting the copied data, use the Ctrl key to open the Paste Special menu, then press the letter key which corresponds to the necessary option.

+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/it/images/keytips1.png b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/it/images/keytips1.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7eaf1d8d5 Binary files /dev/null and b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/it/images/keytips1.png differ diff --git a/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/it/images/keytips2.png b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/it/images/keytips2.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f472b29b4 Binary files /dev/null and b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/documenteditor/main/resources/help/it/images/keytips2.png differ diff --git a/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/presentationeditor/main/resources/help/es/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/presentationeditor/main/resources/help/es/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm index 7c81236df..42d39d5df 100644 --- a/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/presentationeditor/main/resources/help/es/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm +++ b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/presentationeditor/main/resources/help/es/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm @@ -32,11 +32,17 @@ Abre el panel Archivo para guardar, descargar, imprimir la presentación actual, ver su información, crear una presentación nueva o abrir la existente, acceder a la ayuda o los ajustes avanzados de el Editor de Presentaciones. - Abrir el cuadro de diálogo ‘Buscar’ + Abrir el cuadro de diálogo 'Buscar' Ctrl+F ^ Ctrl+F,
⌘ Cmd+F Abre el cuadro de diálogo Buscar para empezar a buscar el carácter/palabra/frase en la presentación que se está editando actualmente. + + Abra el cuadro de diálogo 'Buscar y reemplazar' con el campo de reemplazo + Ctrl+H + ^ Ctrl+H + Abra el cuadro de diálogo Buscar y reemplazar con el campo de reemplazo para reemplazar una o más apariciones de los caracteres encontrados. + Abrir panel 'Comentarios' Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+H @@ -71,7 +77,7 @@ Descargar como... Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+S ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+S,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+S - Abra el panel Descargar como... para guardar la presentación que está siendo editada actualmente en la unidad de disco duro del ordenador en uno de los formatos admitidos: PPTX, PDF, ODP, POTX, PDF/A, OTP. + Abra el panel Descargar como... para guardar la presentación que está siendo editada actualmente en la unidad de disco duro del ordenador en uno de los formatos admitidos: PPTX, PPSX, PDF, ODP, POTX, PDF/A, OTP, PNG, JPG. Pantalla completa @@ -82,25 +88,25 @@ Menú de ayuda F1 - F1 + Fn+F1 Abre el menú de Ayuda del editor de presentaciones. - Abrir un archivo existente (Editores de escritorio) + Abrir un archivo existente Ctrl+O - + ⌘ Cmd+O En la pestaña Abrir archivo local de los Editores de escritorio, abre el cuadro de diálogo estándar que permite seleccionar un archivo existente. - Cerrar archivo (Editores de escritorio) + Cerrar archivo Ctrl+W,
Ctrl+F4 - ^ Ctrl+W,
⌘ Cmd+W - Cierra la ventana de la presentación actual en los Editores de escritorio. + ⌘ Cmd+W + Cierra la ventana de la presentación actual. Menú contextual de elementos ⇧ Mayús+F10 - ⇧ Mayús+F10 + ⇧ Mayús+Fn+F10 Abre el menú contextual del elementos seleccionado. @@ -109,31 +115,31 @@ La primera diapositiva Inicio - Inicio,
Fn+ + Fn+

Inicio Abre la primera diapositiva de la presentación actualmente editada. La última diapositiva Fin - Fin,
Fn+ + Fn+

Fin Abre la última diapositiva de la presentación actualmente editada. Siguiente diapositiva - Av Pág - Av Pág,
Fn+ + Av Pág,
+ ,

Av Pág Abre la diapositiva siguiente de la presentación que está editando. Diapositiva anterior - Re Pág - Re Pág,
Fn+ + Re Pág,
+ ,

Re Pág Abre la diapositiva anterior de la presentación que esta editando. Acercar Ctrl++ - ^ Ctrl+=,
⌘ Cmd+= + ^ Ctrl++,
⌘ Cmd++ Acerca la presentación que se está editando. @@ -147,14 +153,14 @@ Diapositiva nueva - Ctrl+M - ^ Ctrl+M,
⌘ Cmd+M + Ctrl+M,
Enter + ^ Ctrl+M,
⌘ Cmd+M,
↵ Volver Crea una diapositiva nueva y añádala después de la seleccionada. Duplicar diapositiva Ctrl+D - ⌘ Cmd+D + ⌘ Cmd+D,
^ Ctrl+D Duplica la diapositiva seleccionada. @@ -171,14 +177,14 @@ Desplazar diapositiva al principio - Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+ - ⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+ + Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+,
Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+Re Pág + ⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+,
^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+

⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+Re Pág,
^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+Re Pág Desplaza la diapositiva seleccionada a la primera posición en la lista. Desplazar diapositiva al final - Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+ - ⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+ + Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+,
Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+Av Pág + ⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+,
^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+

⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+Av Pág,
^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+Av Pág Desplaza la diapositiva seleccionada a la última posición en la lista. @@ -186,20 +192,20 @@ Crear una copia - Ctrl + arrastrar,
Ctrl+D - ^ Ctrl + arrastrar,
⌘ Cmd + arrastrar,
^ Ctrl+D,
⌘ Cmd+D + Ctrl+D + ^ Ctrl+D,
⌘ Cmd+D Mantenga apretada la tecla Ctrl tecla al arrastrar el objeto seleccionado o se pulsa Ctrl+D (⌘ Cmd+D para Mac) para crear su copia. Agrupar Ctrl+G - ⌘ Cmd+G + ⌘ Cmd+G,
^ Ctrl+G Agrupa los objetos seleccionados. Desagrupar Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+G - ⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+G + ⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+G,
^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+G Desagrupa el grupo de objetos seleccionado. @@ -219,6 +225,12 @@ ⇧ Mayús + arrastrar (al dibujar líneas/flechas) ⇧ Mayús + arrastrar (al dibujar líneas/flechas) Dibujar una línea o flecha recta vertical/horizontal/45 grados. + + + Desplazar píxel a píxel + Ctrl+ + ⌘ Cmd+ + Mantenga apretada la tecla Ctrl (⌘ Cmd para Mac) y utilice las flechas del teclado para mover el objeto seleccionado un píxel a la vez. Modificación de objetos @@ -241,12 +253,6 @@ ⇧ Mayús + arrastrar (mientras redimensiona) Mantener las proporciones del objeto seleccionado al redimensionar. - - Desplazar píxel a píxel - Ctrl+ - ⌘ Cmd+ - Mantenga apretada la tecla Ctrl (⌘ Cmd para Mac) y utilice las flechas del teclado para mover el objeto seleccionado un píxel a la vez. - Trabajar con tablas @@ -292,19 +298,19 @@ Obtener una vista previa desde el principio Ctrl+F5 - ^ Ctrl+F5 + ⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+↵ Volver Muestra la vista previa de una presentación empezando con la primera diapositiva. Navegar hacia delante ↵ Entrar,
Av Pág,
␣ Barra espaciadora - ↵ Volver,
Av Pág,
␣ Barra espaciadora + ↵ Volver,
␣ Barra espaciadora

↵ Volver,
Av Pág,
␣ Barra espaciadora Realiza la animación siguiente o abre la diapositiva siguiente. Navegar hacia atrás Re Pág,
- Re Pág,
+ Fn+,

Re Pág,
Realiza la animación anterior o abre la diapositiva anterior. @@ -324,8 +330,8 @@ Rehacer - Ctrl+A - ^ Ctrl+A,
⌘ Cmd+A + Ctrl+Y + ^ Ctrl+Y,
⌘ Cmd+Y Repite la última acción deshecha. @@ -357,14 +363,14 @@ Copiar estilo - Ctrl+Alt+C - ^ Ctrl+Alt+C,
⌘ Cmd+Alt+C - Copia el formato del fragmento seleccionado del texto que se está editando actualmente. Después el formato copiado se puede aplicar a cualquier fragmento de la misma presentación. + Alt+Ctrl+C + ⌘ Cmd+⌥ Opción+C,
^ Ctrl+⌥ Opción+C + Copia el formato del fragmento seleccionado del texto que se está editando actualmente. Después el formato copiado se puede aplicar a cualquier fragmento de la misma presentación. Aplicar estilo - Ctrl+Alt+V - ^ Ctrl+Alt+V,
⌘ Cmd+Alt+V + Alt+Ctrl+V + ⌘ Cmd+⌥ Opción+V,
^ Ctrl+⌥ Opción+V Aplica el formato anteriormente copiado al texto en el cuadro de texto que se está editando. @@ -394,13 +400,13 @@ Seleccionar texto desde el cursor hasta principio de línea ⇧ Mayús+Inicio - + ⇧ Mayús+Fn+

⇧ Mayús+Inicio Seleccione un fragmento de texto desde el cursor hasta el principio de la línea actual. Seleccionar texto desde el cursor hasta el final de línea ⇧ Mayús+Fin - + ⇧ Mayús+Fn+

⇧ Mayús+Fin Seleccione un fragmento de texto desde el cursor hasta el final de la línea actual. @@ -418,13 +424,13 @@ Seleccione hasta el final de una palabra Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+ - + ⇧ Mayús+⌥ Opción+ Seleccione un fragmento de texto desde el cursor hasta el final de una palabra. Seleccione al principio de una palabra Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+ - + ⇧ Mayús+⌥ Opción+ Seleccione un fragmento de texto desde el cursor hasta el principio de una palabra. @@ -451,7 +457,7 @@ Cursiva Ctrl+I - ^ Ctrl+I,
⌘ Cmd+I + ⌘ Cmd+I Pone un fragmento del texto seleccionado en cursiva dándole el plano inclinado a la derecha. @@ -468,14 +474,14 @@ Subíndice - Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+> - ⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+> + Ctrl+. + ^ Ctrl+.,
⌘ Cmd+. Reducir el fragmento de texto seleccionado y colocarlo en la parte inferior de la línea de texto, por ejemplo, como en las fórmulas químicas. Subíndice - Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+< - ⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+< + Ctrl+, + ^ Ctrl+,,
⌘ Cmd+, Reducir el fragmento de texto seleccionado y colocarlo en la parte superior de la línea de texto, por ejemplo, como en las fracciones. @@ -487,43 +493,43 @@ Eliminar formato Ctrl+␣ Barra espaciadora - + ^ Ctrl+Fn+␣ Barra espaciadora,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+␣ Barra espaciadora Eliminar el formato del fragmento de texto seleccionado. Aumenta el tipo de letra - Ctrl+] - ^ Ctrl+],
⌘ Cmd+] + Ctrl+¡ + ^ Ctrl+¡,
⌘ Cmd+¡ Aumenta el tamaño de las letras de un fragmento del texto seleccionado en un punto. Disminuye el tipo de letra - Ctrl+[ - ^ Ctrl+[,
⌘ Cmd+[ + Ctrl+' + ^ Ctrl+',
⌘ Cmd+' Disminuye el tamaño de las letras de un fragmento del texto seleccionado en un punto. Alinear centro Ctrl+E - + ^ Ctrl+E,
⌘ Cmd+E Centrar el texto entre los bordes izquierdo y derecho. Alinear justificado Ctrl+J - + ^ Ctrl+J,
⌘ Cmd+J Justificar el texto del párrafo añadiendo un espacio adicional entre las palabras para que los bordes izquierdo y derecho del texto se alineen con los márgenes del párrafo. Alinea a la derecha Ctrl+R - + ^ Ctrl+R,
⌘ Cmd+R Alinear a la derecha con el texto alineado por el lado derecho del cuadro de texto, el lado izquierdo permanece sin alinear. Alinear a la izquierda Ctrl+L - + ^ Ctrl+L,
⌘ Cmd+L Alinea el fragmento de texto a la izquierda, la parte derecha permanece sin alinear. @@ -541,7 +547,7 @@ Eliminar un carácter a la izquierda ← Retroceso - ← Retroceso + Borrar Borrar un carácter a la izquierda del cursor. @@ -554,39 +560,21 @@ Desplazarse en texto - Mover un carácter a la izquierda - - - Mover el cursor un carácter a la izquierda. - - - Mover un carácter a la derecha - - - Mover el cursor un carácter a la derecha. - - - Mover una línea hacia arriba - - - Mover el cursor una línea hacia arriba. - - - Mover una línea hacia abajo - - - Mover el cursor una línea hacia abajo. - + Mover un carácter a la izquierda/derecha, una línea hacia arriba/abajo + + + Mover el cursor un carácter a la izquierda/derecha, una línea hacia arriba/abajo. + Ir al principio de una palabra o una palabra a la izquierda Ctrl+ - ⌘ Cmd+ + ⌥ Opción+ Mueva el cursor al principio de una palabra o una palabra a la izquierda. Mover una palabra a la derecha Ctrl+ - ⌘ Cmd+ + ⌥ Opción+ Mover el cursor una palabra a la derecha. @@ -608,25 +596,25 @@ --> Saltar al principio de la línea Inicio - Inicio + ⌘ Cmd+

Inicio Poner el cursor al principio de la línea actualmente editada . Saltar al fin de la línea Fin - Fin + ⌘ Cmd+

Fin Mete el cursor al fin de la línea actualmente editada. Saltar al principio del cuadro de texto Ctrl+Inicio - + ^ Ctrl+Fn+

^ Ctrl+Inicio Coloque el cursor al principio de la caja de texto actualmente editada. Saltar al final del cuadro de texto Ctrl+Fin - + ^ Ctrl+Fn+

^ Ctrl+Fin Coloque el cursor al final del cuadro de texto que se está editando actualmente. diff --git a/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/presentationeditor/main/resources/help/it/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/presentationeditor/main/resources/help/it/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm index c2b43fab5..82daf742b 100644 --- a/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/presentationeditor/main/resources/help/it/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm +++ b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/presentationeditor/main/resources/help/it/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm @@ -1,637 +1,868 @@  - - Keyboard Shortcuts - - - - - - - - - - -
+ + Keyboard Shortcuts + + + + + + + + + + +

Keyboard Shortcuts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Working with Presentation
Open 'File' panelAlt+F^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+FOpen the File panel to save, download, print the current presentation, view its info, create a new presentation or open an existing one, access Presentation Editor help or advanced settings.
Open 'Search' dialog boxCtrl+F^ Ctrl+F,
⌘ Cmd+F
Open the Search dialog box to start searching for a character/word/phrase in the currently edited presentation.
Open 'Comments' panelCtrl+⇧ Shift+H^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+H,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+H
Open the Comments panel to add your own comment or reply to other users' comments.
Open comment fieldAlt+H⌘ Cmd+⌥ Option+AOpen a data entry field where you can add the text of your comment.
Open 'Chat' panelAlt+Q^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+QOpen the Chat panel and send a message.
Save presentationCtrl+S^ Ctrl+S,
⌘ Cmd+S
Save all the changes to the presentation currently edited with Presentation Editor. The active file will be saved with its current file name, location, and file format.
Print presentationCtrl+P^ Ctrl+P,
⌘ Cmd+P
Print the presentation with one of the available printers or save it to a file.
Download As...Ctrl+⇧ Shift+S^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+S,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+S
Open the Download as... panel to save the currently edited presentation to the computer hard disk drive in one of the supported formats: PPTX, PDF, ODP, POTX, PDF/A, OTP.
Full screenF11Switch to the full screen view to fit Presentation Editor into your screen.
Help menuF1F1Open Presentation Editor Help menu.
Open existing file (Desktop Editors)Ctrl+OOn the Open local file tab in Desktop Editors, opens the standard dialog box that allows to select an existing file.
Close file (Desktop Editors)Ctrl+W,
^ Ctrl+W,
⌘ Cmd+W
Close the current presentation window in Desktop Editors.
Element contextual menu⇧ Shift+F10⇧ Shift+F10Open the selected element contextual menu.
The first slideHomeHome,
Go to the first slide of the currently edited presentation.
The last slideEndEnd,
Go to the last slide of the currently edited presentation.
Next slidePage DownPage Down,
Go to the next slide of the currently edited presentation.
Previous slidePage UpPage Up,
Go to the previous slide of the currently edited presentation.
Zoom InCtrl++^ Ctrl+=,
⌘ Cmd+=
Zoom in the currently edited presentation.
Zoom OutCtrl+-^ Ctrl+-,
⌘ Cmd+-
Zoom out the currently edited presentation.
Performing Actions on Slides
New slideCtrl+M^ Ctrl+M,
⌘ Cmd+M
Create a new slide and add it after the selected one in the list.
Duplicate slideCtrl+D⌘ Cmd+DDuplicate the selected slide in the list.
Move slide upCtrl+⌘ Cmd+Move the selected slide above the previous one in the list.
Move slide downCtrl+⌘ Cmd+Move the selected slide below the following one in the list.
Move slide to beginningCtrl+⇧ Shift+⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Move the selected slide to the very first position in the list.
Move slide to endCtrl+⇧ Shift+⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Move the selected slide to the very last position in the list.
Performing Actions on Objects
Create a copyCtrl + drag,
^ Ctrl + drag,
⌘ Cmd + drag,
^ Ctrl+D,
⌘ Cmd+D
Hold down the Ctrl key when dragging the selected object or press Ctrl+D (⌘ Cmd+D for Mac) to create its copy.
GroupCtrl+G⌘ Cmd+GGroup the selected objects.
UngroupCtrl+⇧ Shift+G⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+GUngroup the selected group of objects.
Select the next object↹ Tab↹ TabSelect the next object after the currently selected one.
Select the previous object⇧ Shift+↹ Tab⇧ Shift+↹ TabSelect the previous object before the currently selected one.
Draw straight line or arrow⇧ Shift + drag (when drawing lines/arrows)⇧ Shift + drag (when drawing lines/arrows)Draw a straight vertical/horizontal/45-degree line or arrow.
Modifying Objects
Constrain movement⇧ Shift + drag⇧ Shift + dragConstrain the movement of the selected object horizontally or vertically.
Set 15-degree-rotation⇧ Shift + drag (when rotating)⇧ Shift + drag (when rotating)Constrain the rotation angle to 15 degree increments.
Maintain proportions⇧ Shift + drag (when resizing)⇧ Shift + drag (when resizing)Maintain the proportions of the selected object when resizing.
Movement pixel by pixelCtrl+ ⌘ Cmd+ Hold down the Ctrl (⌘ Cmd for Mac) key and use the keybord arrows to move the selected object by one pixel at a time.
Working with Tables
Move to the next cell in a row↹ Tab↹ TabGo to the next cell in a table row.
Move to the previous cell in a row⇧ Shift+↹ Tab⇧ Shift+↹ TabGo to the previous cell in a table row.
Move to the next rowGo to the next row in a table.
Move to the previous rowGo to the previous row in a table.
Start new paragraph↵ Enter↵ ReturnStart a new paragraph within a cell.
Add new row↹ Tab in the lower right table cell.↹ Tab in the lower right table cell.Add a new row at the bottom of the table.
Previewing Presentation
Start preview from the beginningCtrl+F5^ Ctrl+F5Start a presentation from the beginning.
Navigate forward↵ Enter,
Page Down,
␣ Spacebar
↵ Return,
Page Down,
␣ Spacebar
Display the next transition effect or advance to the next slide.
Navigate backwardPage Up,
Page Up,
Display the previous transition effect or return to the previous slide.
Close previewEscEscEnd a presentation.
Undo and Redo
UndoCtrl+Z^ Ctrl+Z,
⌘ Cmd+Z
Reverse the latest performed action.
RedoCtrl+Y^ Ctrl+Y,
⌘ Cmd+Y
Repeat the latest undone action.
Cut, Copy, and Paste
⇧ Shift+Delete
⌘ Cmd+XCut the selected object and send it to the computer clipboard memory. The cut object can be later inserted to another place in the same presentation.
⌘ Cmd+CSend the selected object to the computer clipboard memory. The copied object can be later inserted to another place in the same presentation.
⇧ Shift+Insert
⌘ Cmd+VInsert the previously copied object from the computer clipboard memory to the current cursor position. The object can be previously copied from the same presentation.
Insert hyperlinkCtrl+K^ Ctrl+K,
⌘ Cmd+K
Insert a hyperlink which can be used to go to a web address or to a certain slide in the presentation.
Copy styleCtrl+Alt+C^ Ctrl+Alt+C,
⌘ Cmd+Alt+C
Copy the formatting from the selected fragment of the currently edited text. The copied formatting can be later applied to another text fragment in the same presentation.
Apply styleCtrl+Alt+V^ Ctrl+Alt+V,
⌘ Cmd+Alt+V
Apply the previously copied formatting to the text in the currently edited text box.
Selecting with the Mouse
Add to the selected fragment⇧ Shift⇧ ShiftStart the selection, hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click where you need to end the selection.
Selecting using the Keyboard
Select allCtrl+A^ Ctrl+A,
⌘ Cmd+A
Select all the slides (in the slides list) or all the objects within the slide (in the slide editing area) or all the text (within the text box) - depending on where the mouse cursor is located.
Select text fragment⇧ Shift+ ⇧ Shift+ Select the text character by character.
Select text from cursor to beginning of line⇧ Shift+HomeSelect a text fragment from the cursor to the beginning of the current line.
Select text from cursor to end of line⇧ Shift+EndSelect a text fragment from the cursor to the end of the current line.
Select one character to the right⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one character to the right of the cursor position.
Select one character to the left⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one character to the left of the cursor position.
Select to the end of a wordCtrl+⇧ Shift+Select a text fragment from the cursor to the end of a word.
Select to the beginning of a wordCtrl+⇧ Shift+Select a text fragment from the cursor to the beginning of a word.
Select one line up⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one line up (with the cursor at the beginning of a line).
Select one line down⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one line down (with the cursor at the beginning of a line).
Text Styling
BoldCtrl+B^ Ctrl+B,
⌘ Cmd+B
Make the font of the selected text fragment bold giving it more weight.
ItalicCtrl+I^ Ctrl+I,
⌘ Cmd+I
Make the font of the selected text fragment italicized giving it some right side tilt.
UnderlineCtrl+U^ Ctrl+U,
⌘ Cmd+U
Make the selected text fragment underlined with the line going under the letters.
StrikeoutCtrl+5^ Ctrl+5,
⌘ Cmd+5
Make the selected text fragment struck out with the line going through the letters.
SubscriptCtrl+⇧ Shift+>⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+>Make the selected text fragment smaller and place it to the lower part of the text line, e.g. as in chemical formulas.
SuperscriptCtrl+⇧ Shift+<⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+<Make the selected text fragment smaller and place it to the upper part of the text line, e.g. as in fractions.
Bulleted listCtrl+⇧ Shift+L^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+L,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+L
Create an unordered bulleted list from the selected text fragment or start a new one.
Remove formattingCtrl+␣ SpacebarRemove formatting from the selected text fragment.
Increase fontCtrl+]^ Ctrl+],
⌘ Cmd+]
Increase the size of the font for the selected text fragment 1 point.
Decrease fontCtrl+[^ Ctrl+[,
⌘ Cmd+[
Decrease the size of the font for the selected text fragment 1 point.
Align centerCtrl+ECenter the text between the left and the right edges.
Align justifiedCtrl+JJustify the text in the paragraph adding additional space between words so that the left and the right text edges were aligned with the paragraph margins.
Align rightCtrl+RAlign right with the text lined up by the right side of the text box, the left side remains unaligned.
Align leftCtrl+LAlign left with the text lined up by the left side of the text box, the right side remains unaligned.
Increase left indentCtrl+M^ Ctrl+M,
⌘ Cmd+M
Increase the paragraph left indent by one tabulation position.
Decrease left indentCtrl+⇧ Shift+M^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+M,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+M
Decrease the paragraph left indent by one tabulation position.
Delete one character to the left← Backspace← BackspaceDelete one character to the left of the cursor.
Delete one character to the rightDeleteFn+DeleteDelete one character to the right of the cursor.
Moving around in text
Move one character to the leftMove the cursor one character to the left.
Move one character to the rightMove the cursor one character to the right.
Move one line upMove the cursor one line up.
Move one line downMove the cursor one line down.
Move to the beginning of a word or one word to the leftCtrl+⌘ Cmd+Move the cursor to the beginning of a word or one word to the left.
Move one word to the rightCtrl+⌘ Cmd+Move the cursor one word to the right.
Move to next placeholderCtrl+↵ Enter^ Ctrl+↵ Return,
⌘ Cmd+↵ Return
Move to the next title or body text placeholder. If it is the last placeholder on a slide, this will insert a new slide with the same slide layout as the original slide
Jump to the beginning of the lineHomeHomePut the cursor to the beginning of the currently edited line.
Jump to the end of the lineEndEndPut the cursor to the end of the currently edited line.
Jump to the beginning of the text boxCtrl+HomePut the cursor to the beginning of the currently edited text box.
Jump to the end of the text boxCtrl+EndPut the cursor to the end of the currently edited text box.
- +

Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard Shortcuts for Key Tips


Use keyboard shortcuts for a faster and easier access to the features of the Presentation Editor without using a mouse.

  1. Press Alt (Option for macOS) key to turn on all key tips for the editor header, the top toolbar, the right and left sidebars and the status bar.
  2. +
  3. + Press the letter that corresponds to the item you wish to use. The additional key tips may appear depending on the key you press. The first key tips hide when additional key tips appear. +

    For example, to access the Insert tab, press Alt (Option for macOS) to see all primary key tips.


    Primary Key Tips


    Press letter I to access the Insert tab and you will see all the available shortcuts for this tab.


    Secondary Key Tips


    Then press the letter that corresponds to the item you wish to configure.

  4. +
  5. Press Alt (Option for macOS) to hide all key tips, or press Escape to go back to the previous group of key tips.
  6. +

Find the most common keyboard shortcuts in the list below.


Please note: for macOS, some shortcuts contain the Home, End, Page Up and Page Down keys which are only available on the extended keyboard. If you don't have these keys, use the keyboard shortcuts specified above (i.e. use ^ Ctrl/⌘ Cmd+ or Fn+ instead of Home, ^ Ctrl/⌘ Cmd+ or Fn+ instead of End, Fn+ instead of Page Up, Fn+ instead of Page Down).

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Working with Presentation
Open 'File' panelAlt+F^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+FOpen the File panel to save, download, print the current presentation, view its info, create a new presentation or open an existing one, access the Presentation Editor help or advanced settings.
Open 'Find' dialog windowCtrl+F^ Ctrl+F,
⌘ Cmd+F
Open the Find dialog window to start searching for a character/word/phrase in the currently edited presentation.
Open 'Find and Replace' menu (panel) with replacement fieldCtrl+H^ Ctrl+HOpen the Find and Replace menu (panel) with the replacement field to replace one or more occurrences of the found characters.
Open 'Comments' panelCtrl+⇧ Shift+H^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+H,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+H
Open the Comments panel to add your own comment or reply to comments from other users.
Open comment fieldAlt+H⌘ Cmd+⌥ Option+AOpen a data entry field where you can add the text of your comment.
Open 'Chat' panel (Online Editors)Alt+Q^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+QOpen the Chat panel in the Online Editors and send a message.
Save presentationCtrl+S^ Ctrl+S,
⌘ Cmd+S
Save all the changes to the presentation currently edited with the Presentation Editor. The active file will be saved under its current name, in the same location and file format.
Print presentationCtrl+P^ Ctrl+P,
⌘ Cmd+P
Print the presentation with one of the available printers or save it to a file.
Download As...Ctrl+⇧ Shift+S^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+S,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+S
Open the Download as... panel to save the currently edited presentation to the hard disk drive of your computer in one of the supported formats: PPTX, PPSX, PDF, ODP, POTX, PDF/A, OTP, PNG, JPG.
Full screen (Online Editors)F11Switch to the full screen view in the Online Editors to fit the Presentation Editor into your screen.
Help menuF1Fn+F1Open the Presentation Editor Help menu.
Open existing fileCtrl+O⌘ Cmd+OOpen the standard dialog box that allows selecting an existing file. If you select the file in this dialog box and click Open, the file will be opened in a new tab or window of Desktop Editors.
Switch to the next tabCtrl+↹ Tab^ Ctrl+↹ TabSwitch to the next file tab in Desktop Editors or browser tab in Online Editors.
Switch to the previous tabCtrl+Shift+↹ Tab^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+↹ TabSwitch to the previous file tab in Desktop Editors or browser tab in Online Editors.
Close fileCtrl+W,
⌘ Cmd+WClose the current presentation window.
Element contextual menu⇧ Shift+F10⇧ Shift+Fn+F10Open the selected element contextual menu.
Close menu or modal window, reset modes, etc.EscEscClose a menu or modal window. Reset adding shapes mode. Remove the cursor from the shape content. Remove selection step by step (e.g., if the content of a shape within a group is selected, the cursor will be removed from the content first, then from the shape, then from the group). Deselect the copied format. Reset text drag-n-drop. Reset marker selection mode.
Reset the ‘Zoom’ parameterCtrl+0^ Ctrl+0 or ⌘ Cmd+0Reset the ‘Zoom’ parameter of the current presentation to the default 'Fit to slide' value.
The first slideHomeFn+

Go to the first slide of the currently edited presentation/first thumbnail in the thumbnails list.
The last slideEndFn+

Go to the last slide of the currently edited presentation/last thumbnail in the thumbnails list.
Next slidePage Down,

Page Down
Go to the next slide of the currently edited presentation/next thumbnail in the thumbnails list.
Previous slidePage Up,

Page Up
Go to the previous slide of the currently edited presentation/previous thumbnail in the thumbnails list.
Zoom InCtrl++^ Ctrl++,
⌘ Cmd++
Zoom in the currently edited presentation.
Zoom OutCtrl+-^ Ctrl+-,
⌘ Cmd+-
Zoom out the currently edited presentation.
Navigate between controls in modal dialogues↹ Tab/⇧ Shift+↹ Tab↹ Tab/⇧ Shift+↹ TabNavigate between controls to give focus to the next or previous control in modal dialogues.
Performing Actions on Slides
New slideCtrl+M,
^ Ctrl+M,
⌘ Cmd+M,
Create a new slide and add it after the selected one in the list. The Ctrl+M shortcut is also used to create the first slide in the presentation which does not contain any slides.
Remove slideDelete,
Remove the currently selected slide in the list or several selected slides.
Duplicate slideCtrl+D⌘ Cmd+D,
^ Ctrl+D
Duplicate the selected slide in the list.
Move slide upCtrl+⌘ Cmd+Move the selected slide or several selected slides above the previous one in the list (when the focus is on thumbnails).
Move slide downCtrl+⌘ Cmd+Move the selected slide or several selected slides below the following one in the list (when the focus is on thumbnails).
Move slide to beginningCtrl+⇧ Shift+,
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Page Up
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+,
^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+

⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Page Up,
^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Page Up
Move the selected slide or several slides to the very first position in the list (when the focus is on thumbnails).
Move slide to endCtrl+⇧ Shift+,
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Page Down
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+,
^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+

⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Page Down,
^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Page Down
Move the selected slide or several slides to the very last position in the list (when the focus is on thumbnails).
Performing Actions on Objects
Working with shapes↵ Enter↵ ReturnWhen the shape is selected, if it does not contain content, create content and move the cursor to the beginning of the line. If the content is empty, move the cursor to it, otherwise select the entire content.
Working with charts↵ Enter↵ ReturnWhen the chart title is selected, if the title is empty, move the cursor to the beginning of the line, otherwise select the text.
Create a copy when draggingCtrl^ CtrlSelect an object and hold down the specified key when dragging the object to create the copy of the object in the location where it was moved.
Create a copyCtrl+D^ Ctrl+D,
⌘ Cmd+D
Select an object and press the specified keyboard shortcut to create the copy of the object next to the selected object.
GroupCtrl+G⌘ Cmd+G,
^ Ctrl+G
Group the selected objects.
UngroupCtrl+⇧ Shift+G⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+G,
^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+G
Ungroup the selected group of objects.
Move focus to the next object↹ Tab↹ TabMove focus to the next object after the currently selected one.
Move focus to the previous object⇧ Shift+↹ Tab⇧ Shift+↹ TabMove focus to the previous object before the currently selected one.
Change angle of line/arrow when drawing⇧ Shift + drag (when drawing lines/arrows)⇧ Shift + drag (when drawing lines/arrows)Hold down the Shift key while drawing the line/arrow and rotate the spout of the arrow/end of the line to change the angle of the line/arrow when drawing it. The line/arrow will be rotated exactly 45 degrees.
Movement pixel by pixelCtrl+ ⌘ Cmd+ Hold down the specified key and use the keybord arrows to move the selected object to the left, right, up, or down by one pixel at a time.
Move shape by a big step Use the keybord arrows to move the selected object by a big step to the left, right, up, or down.
Modifying Objects
Constrain movement⇧ Shift + drag⇧ Shift + dragConstrain the movement of the selected object horizontally or vertically.
Set 15-degree-rotation⇧ Shift + drag (when rotating)⇧ Shift + drag (when rotating)Constrain the rotation angle to 15 degree increments.
Maintain proportions⇧ Shift + drag (when resizing)⇧ Shift + drag (when resizing)Maintain the proportions of the selected object when resizing.
Working with Tables
Move to the next cell in a row↹ Tab↹ TabGo to the next cell in a table row.
Move to the previous cell in a row⇧ Shift+↹ Tab⇧ Shift+↹ TabGo to the previous cell in a table row.
Move to the next rowGo to the next row in a table.
Move to the previous rowGo to the previous row in a table.
Start new paragraph↵ Enter↵ ReturnStart a new paragraph within a cell. If cells are selected, delete their contents. If the table is selected, move the cursor to the first cell. If it is empty, move the cursor to the beginning, otherwise select the contents of the cell.
Add new row↹ Tab in the lower right table cell.↹ Tab in the lower right table cell.Add a new row at the bottom of the table.
Previewing Presentation
Start a presentationCtrl+F5⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+↵ ReturnStart a presentation from the beginning.
Navigate forward↵ Enter,
Page Down,
␣ Spacebar
↵ Return,
␣ Spacebar

↵ Return,
Page Down,
␣ Spacebar
Display the next transition effect or advance to the next slide.
Navigate backwardPage Up,

Page Up,
Display the previous transition effect or return to the previous slide.
Navigate to the first slideHomeFn+

Navigate to the first slide.
Navigate to the last slideEndFn+

Navigate to the last slide.
Navigate to the specified slideslide number+Enterslide number+↵ ReturnNavigate to the specified slide.
Close previewEscEscEnd a presentation. For the web version, the first pressing of Esc is an exit from the full-screen mode of a browser, the second one is an exit from the demonstration mode.
Undo and Redo
UndoCtrl+Z^ Ctrl+Z,
⌘ Cmd+Z
Reverse the latest performed action.
RedoCtrl+Y^ Ctrl+Y,
⌘ Cmd+Y
Repeat the latest undone action.
Cut, Copy, and Paste
⇧ Shift+Delete
⌘ Cmd+XCut the selected object/text/slide in the slide list and send it to the computer clipboard memory. The cut object can be later inserted to another place in the same presentation.
⌘ Cmd+CSend the selected object/text/slide in the slide list to the computer clipboard memory. The copied object can be later inserted to another place in the same presentation.
⇧ Shift+Insert
⌘ Cmd+VInsert the previously copied object/text/slide in the slide list from the computer clipboard memory to the current cursor position. The object can be previously copied from the same presentation, from another presentation, from another editor, or from some other program.
Paste text without style formattingCtrl+⇧ Shift+V⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+VInsert the previously copied text fragment from the computer clipboard memory to the current cursor position without preserving its original formatting. The text can be previously copied from the same document, from another document, or from some other program.
Copy styleAlt+Ctrl+C⌘ Cmd+⌥ Option+C,
^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+C
Copy the formatting from the selected fragment of the currently edited text. The copied formatting can be later applied to another text fragment in the same presentation.
Apply styleAlt+Ctrl+V⌘ Cmd+⌥ Option+V,
^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+V
Apply the previously copied formatting to the text in the currently edited text box.
Paste Special options 1
Use destination themeCtrl then H^ Ctrl then HApply the formatting specified by the theme of the current presentation.
Keep source formattingCtrl then K^ Ctrl then KKeep the source formatting of the copied text.
Paste as pictureCtrl then U^ Ctrl then UPaste the text as an image so that it cannot be edited.
Keep text onlyCtrl then T^ Ctrl then TPaste the text without its original formatting.
Working with Hyperlinks
Insert hyperlinkCtrl+K^ Ctrl+K,
⌘ Cmd+K
Insert a hyperlink which can be used to go to a web address or to a certain slide in the presentation.
Visit hyperlinkEnterReturnVisit a hyperlink (with the cursor in the hyperlink).
Selecting with the Mouse
Add to the selected fragment⇧ Shift⇧ ShiftStart the selection, hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click where you need to end the selection.
Selecting using the Keyboard
Select allCtrl+A^ Ctrl+A,
⌘ Cmd+A
Select all the slides (in the slides list) or all the objects within the slide (in the slide editing area) or all the text (within the text box) - depending on where the mouse cursor is located.
Add the next slide in the slide list to the selectionShift+Page Down,
⇧ Shift+
⇧ Shift+,
⇧ Shift+Fn+

⇧ Shift+,
⇧ Shift+Page Down
Add the next slide in the slide list to the selection (when the focus is on thumbnails).
Add the previous slide in the slide list to the selectionShift+Page Up,
⇧ Shift+
⇧ Shift+,
⇧ Shift+Fn+

⇧ Shift+,
⇧ Shift+Page Up
Add the previous slide in the slide list to the selection (when the focus is on thumbnails).
Select to the first slideShift+Home⇧ Shift+Fn+

⇧ Shift+Home
Select slides to the first slide starting from the current slide where the focus is located in the thumbnails list.
Select to the last slideShift+End⇧ Shift+Fn+

⇧ Shift+End
Select slides to the last slide starting from the current slide where the focus is located in the thumbnails list.
Select text from cursor to beginning of line⇧ Shift+Home⇧ Shift+Fn+

⇧ Shift+Home
Select a text fragment from the cursor to the beginning of the current line.
Select text from cursor to end of line⇧ Shift+End⇧ Shift+Fn+

⇧ Shift+End
Select a text fragment from the cursor to the end of the current line.
Select one character to the right⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one character to the right of the cursor position.
Select one character to the left⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one character to the left of the cursor position.
Select to the end of a wordCtrl+⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+⌥ Option+Select a text fragment from the cursor to the end of a word.
Select to the beginning of a wordCtrl+⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+⌥ Option+Select a text fragment from the cursor to the beginning of a word.
Select one line up⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one line up (with the cursor at the beginning of a line).
Select one line down⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one line down (with the cursor at the end of a line).
Deselect all⇧ Shift+EscEsc,
⇧ Shift+Esc
Deselect all the selection.
Text Styling
Nonprinting charactersCtrl+⇧ Shift+8^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+8,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+8
Show or hide the display of nonprinting characters.
BoldCtrl+B^ Ctrl+B,
⌘ Cmd+B
Make the font of the selected text fragment bold giving it a heavier appearance.
ItalicCtrl+I⌘ Cmd+IMake the font of the selected text fragment slightly slanted to the right.
UnderlineCtrl+U^ Ctrl+U,
⌘ Cmd+U
Make the selected text fragment underlined with a line going under the letters.
StrikeoutCtrl+5^ Ctrl+5,
⌘ Cmd+5
Make the selected text fragment struck out with a line going through the letters.
SubscriptCtrl+.^ Ctrl+.,
⌘ Cmd+.
Make the selected text fragment smaller placing it to the lower part of the text line, e.g. as in chemical formulas.
SuperscriptCtrl+,^ Ctrl+,,
⌘ Cmd+,
Make the selected text fragment smaller placing it to the upper part of the text line, e.g. as in fractions.
Bulleted listCtrl+⇧ Shift+L^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+L,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+L
Create an unordered bulleted list from the selected text fragment or start a new one.
Clear formattingCtrl+␣ Spacebar^ Ctrl+Fn+␣ Spacebar,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+␣ Spacebar
Clear formatting of the selected text fragment.
Increase fontCtrl+ì^ Ctrl+ì,
⌘ Cmd+ì
Increase the size of the font for the selected text fragment 1 point.
Decrease fontCtrl+^ Ctrl+,
⌘ Cmd+
Decrease the size of the font for the selected text fragment 1 point.
Align centerCtrl+E^ Ctrl+E,
⌘ Cmd+E
Center the text between the left and the right edges.
Align justifiedCtrl+J^ Ctrl+J,
⌘ Cmd+J
Justify the text in the paragraph adding additional space between words so that the left and the right text edges will be aligned with the paragraph margins.
Align rightCtrl+R^ Ctrl+R,
⌘ Cmd+R
Align right with the text lined up on the right side of the text box, the left side remains unaligned.
Align leftCtrl+L^ Ctrl+L,
⌘ Cmd+L
Align left with the text lined up on the left side of the text box, the right side remains unaligned.
Increase left indentCtrl+M^ Ctrl+M,
⌘ Cmd+M
Increase the paragraph left indent by one tabulation position.
Decrease left indentCtrl+⇧ Shift+M^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+M,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+M
Decrease the paragraph left indent by one tabulation position.
Delete one character to the left← BackspaceDeleteDelete one character/selection/graphical object to the left of the cursor.
Delete one character to the rightDeleteFn+DeleteDelete one character/selection/graphical object to the right of the cursor.
Delete word/selection/graphical object to the left of cursorCtrl+← Backspace⌥ Option+DeleteDelete one word/selection/graphical object to the left of the cursor.
Delete word/selection/graphical object to the right of cursorCtrl+DeleteFn+⌥ Option+DeleteDelete one word/selection/graphical object to the right of the cursor.
Increase list item level↹ Tab↹ TabAdd a level to the numbering of a paragrapf (with the cursor at the beginning of a line).
Decrease list item level⇧ Shift+↹ Tab⇧ Shift+↹ TabRemove a level from the numbering of a paragrapf (with the cursor at the beginning of a line).
Add tab character to paragraph↹ Tab↹ TabAdd the tab character to a paragraph.
Add new placeholder to equation argumentShift+Enter,
⇧ Shift+Return,
Add a new placeholder to the equation argument.
Add line break to textShift+Enter⇧ Shift+ReturnAdd a line break to the text.
Add paragraphEnterReturnAdd a new paragraph or add a new line to the Title/Subtitle placeholder.
Inserting special characters
Insert the Euro signCtrl+Alt+E^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+E,
⌘ Cmd+⌥ Option+E
Insert the Euro sign (€) at the current cursor position.
Insert an em dash⌥ Option+⇧ Shift+-Insert an em dash ‘—’ at the current cursor position.
Insert an en dash⌥ Option+-Insert an en dash ‘-’ at the current cursor position.
Create nonbreaking spaceCtrl+⇧ Shift+␣ Spacebar^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Fn+␣ Spacebar,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Fn+␣ Spacebar
Create a space between characters which cannot be used to start a new line.
Work with keyboard supporting the ability to insert Unicode symbols⌥ Option+Q,
⌥ Option+F,
⇧ Shift+⌥ Option+7,
and others
+ When using the ⌥ Option+keyboard symbol shortcuts, for the keyboards supporting the ability to insert Unicode symbols, the keyboard symbols are added. The examples are listed below.
+ With the English ABC layout, the ⌥ Option+Q shortcut inserts the "œ" symbol, the ⌥ Option+F shortcut inserts the “ƒ” function symbol.
+ With the US International w/o deadkeys layout, the ⌥ Option+Q shortcut inserts the “ä” symbol.
+ With the Swiss-german layout, the ⇧ Shift+⌥ Option+7 shortcut inserts the "\” symbol. +
Moving around in text
Move one character to the left/right or one line up/down Move the cursor one character to the left/right or one line up/down.
Move to the beginning of a word or one word to the leftCtrl+⌥ Option+Move the cursor to the beginning of a word or one word to the left.
Move one word to the rightCtrl+⌥ Option+Move the cursor one word to the right.
Move to next placeholder or create new slideCtrl+↵ Enter^ Ctrl+↵ Return,
⌘ Cmd+↵ Return
Move to the next title or body text placeholder. If it is the last placeholder on a slide, this will insert a new slide with the same slide layout as the original slide
Jump to the beginning of the lineHome⌘ Cmd+

Put the cursor to the beginning of the currently edited line.
Jump to the end of the lineEnd⌘ Cmd+

Put the cursor to the end of the currently edited line.
Jump to the beginning of the contentCtrl+Home^ Ctrl+Fn+

^ Ctrl+Home
Put the cursor to the beginning of the currently edited text box or to the upper left cell of a table.
Jump to the end of the contentCtrl+End^ Ctrl+Fn+

^ Ctrl+End
Put the cursor to the end of the currently edited text box or to the lower right cell of a table.

Paste the copied data using Ctrl+V on Windows or Cmd+V on macOS. After pasting the copied data, use the Ctrl key to open the Paste Special menu, then press the letter key which corresponds to the necessary option.

+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/presentationeditor/main/resources/help/it/images/keytips1.png b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/presentationeditor/main/resources/help/it/images/keytips1.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e25749eba Binary files /dev/null and b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/presentationeditor/main/resources/help/it/images/keytips1.png differ diff --git a/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/presentationeditor/main/resources/help/it/images/keytips2.png b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/presentationeditor/main/resources/help/it/images/keytips2.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..256b1b8de Binary files /dev/null and b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/presentationeditor/main/resources/help/it/images/keytips2.png differ diff --git a/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/es/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/es/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm index 72258633e..fb67b8b40 100644 --- a/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/es/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm +++ b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/es/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm @@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ Abre el panel Archivo para guardar, descargar, imprimir la hoja de cálculo actual, revisar la información, crear una hoja de cálculo nueva o abrir una ya existente, acceder al editor de ayuda o a ajustes avanzados del editor de hojas de cálculo. - Abrir ventana 'Encontrar y Reemplazar’ + Abrir ventana 'Buscar' Ctrl+F ^ Ctrl+F,
⌘ Cmd+F - Abre el cuando de diálogo Buscar y reemplazar para empezar a buscar una celda que contenga los caracteres que busque. + Abre el cuando de diálogo Buscar para empezar a buscar una celda que contenga los caracteres que busque. - Abra el cuadro de diálogo 'Buscar y reemplazar’ con el campo de reemplazo + Abra el cuadro de diálogo 'Buscar y reemplazar' con el campo de reemplazo Ctrl+H ^ Ctrl+H Abra el cuadro de diálogo Buscar y reemplazar con el campo de reemplazo para reemplazar una o más apariciones de los caracteres encontrados. @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Descargar como Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+S ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+S,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+S - Abrir el panel Descargar como... para guardar la hoja de cálculo que está siendo editada actualmente en la unidad de disco duro del ordenador en uno de los formatos admitidos: XLSX, PDF, ODS, CSV, XLTX, PDF/A, OTS. + Abrir el panel Descargar como... para guardar la hoja de cálculo que está siendo editada actualmente en la unidad de disco duro del ordenador en uno de los formatos admitidos: XLSX, XLTX, PDF, PDF/A, ODS, OTS, CSV, PNG, JPG. Pantalla completa @@ -88,25 +88,25 @@ Menú de ayuda F1 - F1 + Fn+F1 Abre el menú de Ayuda del editor de documentos. - Abrir un archivo existente (Editores de escritorio) + Abrir un archivo existente Ctrl+O - + ⌘ Cmd+O En la pestaña Abrir archivo local de los Editores de escritorio, abre el cuadro de diálogo estándar que permite seleccionar un archivo existente. - Cerrar archivo (Editores de escritorio) + Cerrar archivo Ctrl+W,
Ctrl+F4 - ^ Ctrl+W,
⌘ Cmd+W - Cierra la ventana de la hoja de cálculo actual en los Editores de escritorio. + ⌘ Cmd+W + Cierra la ventana de la hoja de cálculo actual. Menú contextual de elementos ⇧ Mayús+F10 - ⇧ Mayús+F10 + ⇧ Mayús+Fn+F10 Abre el menú contextual del elementos seleccionado. @@ -117,47 +117,59 @@ Destacar una celda por encima/debajo de la seleccionada actualmente o a la izquierda/derecha de la misma. + + + Desplazar a una celda a la derecha + ↹ Tab + ↹ Tab + Desplazar una celda a la derecha. + + + Desplazar a una celda a la izquierda + ⇧ Mayús+↹ Tab + ⇧ Mayús+↹ Tab + Desplazar una celda a la izquierda. Ir al borde de la región de datos actual Ctrl+ - ⌘ Cmd+ + ⌘ Cmd+

Inicio Fin Re Pág Av Pág Destacar en una hoja de trabajo una celda en el borde de la región de datos actual. Saltar al principio de la fila Inicio - Inicio + Fn+

Inicio Destacar una celda en la columna A de la fila actual. Saltar al principio de la hoja de cálculo Ctrl+Inicio - ^ Ctrl+Inicio + ^ Ctrl+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+

^ Ctrl+Inicio,
⌘ Cmd+Inicio Destacar la celda A1. Saltar al final de la fila Fin,
Ctrl+ - Fin,
⌘ Cmd+ + Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+

Fin Destaca la última celda de la fila actual. Saltar al pie de la hoja de cálculo Ctrl+Fin - ^ Ctrl+Fin + ^ Ctrl+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+

^ Ctrl+Fin,
⌘ Cmd+Fin Destacar la celda inferior derecha usada en la hoja de trabajo situada en la fila inferior con los datos de la columna de la derecha con los datos. Si el cursor se encuentra en la barra de fórmulas, se pondrá al final del texto. Mover a la hoja anterior Alt+Re Pág - ⌥ Option+Re Pág + ⌥ Opción+Fn+

⌥ Opción+Re Pág Mueve a la hoja anterior de su hoja de cálculo. Mover a la hoja siguiente Alt+Av Pág - ⌥ Option+Av Pág + ⌥ Opción+Fn+

⌥ Opción+Av Pág Mueve a la hoja siguiente de su hoja de cálculo. @@ -187,19 +199,19 @@ Desplazar una pantalla hacia abajo Av Pág - Av Pág + Fn+

Av Pág Desplazar una pantalla hacia abajo en la hoja de trabajo. Desplazar una pantalla hacia arriba Re Pág - Re Pág + Fn+

Re Pág Desplazar una pantalla hacia arriba en la hoja de trabajo. Acercar Ctrl++ - ^ Ctrl+=,
⌘ Cmd+= + ^ Ctrl++,
⌘ Cmd++ Ampliar la hoja de cálculo que se está editando. @@ -214,13 +226,13 @@ Seleccionar todo Ctrl+A,
Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+␣ Barra espaciadora - ⌘ Cmd+A + ⌘ Cmd+A,
^ Ctrl+A Selecciona la hoja de cálculo entera. Seleccionar columna Ctrl+␣ Barra espaciadora - ^ Ctrl+␣ Barra espaciadora + ^ Ctrl+Fn+␣ Barra espaciadora,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+␣ Barra espaciadora Selecciona una columna entera en la hoja de cálculo. @@ -238,49 +250,37 @@ Selecciona desde el cursor al principio de una fila ⇧ Mayús+Inicio - ⇧ Mayús+Inicio + ⇧ Mayús+Fn+

⇧ Mayús+Inicio Selecciona un fragmento del cursor al principio de la fila actual. Selecciona del cursor al final de una fila ⇧ Mayús+Fin - ⇧ Mayús+Fin + ⇧ Mayús+Fn+

⇧ Mayús+Fin Selecciona un fragmento del cursor al final de la fila actual. Extender la selección Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+Inicio - ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+Inicio + ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+Fn+

^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+Inicio,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+Inicio Seleccionar un fragmento desde las celdas elegidas al principio de la hoja de cálculo. Extender la selección hasta la celda que se ha usado por último Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+Fin - ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+Fin + ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+Fn+

^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+Fin,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Mayús+Fin Seleccionar un fragmento de la celda que está seleccionada en ese momento hasta la última celda utilizada en la hoja de trabajo (en la fila inferior con los datos de la columna de la derecha con los datos). Si el cursor se encuentra en la barra de fórmulas, se seleccionará todo el texto de la barra de fórmulas desde la posición del cursor hasta el final sin afectar a la altura de la barra de fórmulas. - - - Seleccione una celda a la izquierda - ⇧ Mayús+↹ Tab - ⇧ Mayús+↹ Tab - Seleccionar una celda a la izquierda en una tabla. - - - Seleccionar una celda a la derecha - ↹ Tab - ↹ Tab - Seleccionar una celda a la derecha en una tabla. - + Extender la selección a la celda no vacía más cercana a la derecha - ⇧ Mayús+Alt+Fin,
Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+ - ⇧ Mayús+Fin + ⇧ Mayús+Fin,
Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+ + ⇧ Mayús+Fn+

⇧ Mayús+Fin Extender la selección a la celda no vacía más cercana en la misma fila a la derecha de la celda activa. Si la siguiente celda está vacía, la selección se extenderá a la siguiente celda no vacía. Extender la selección a la celda no vacía más cercana a la izquierda - ⇧ Mayús+Alt+Inicio,
Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+ - ⇧ Mayús+Inicio + Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+ + Extender la selección a la celda no vacía más cercana en la misma fila a la izquierda de la celda activa. Si la siguiente celda está vacía, la selección se extenderá a la siguiente celda no vacía. @@ -292,13 +292,13 @@ Extender la selección una pantalla hacia abajo ⇧ Mayús+Av Pág - ⇧ Mayús+Av Pág + ⇧ Mayús+Fn+

⇧ Mayús+Av Pág Extender la selección para incluir todas las celdas una pantalla más abajo de la celda activa. Extender la selección una pantalla hacia arriba ⇧ Mayús+Re Pág - ⇧ Mayús+Re Pág + ⇧ Mayús+Fn+

⇧ Mayús+Re Pág Extender la selección para incluir todas las celdas una pantalla más arriba de la celda activa. @@ -307,13 +307,13 @@ Deshacer Ctrl+Z - ⌘ Cmd+Z + ⌘ Cmd+Z,
^ Ctrl+Z Invierte las últimas acciones realizadas. Rehacer - Ctrl+A - ⌘ Cmd+A + Ctrl+Y + ⌘ Cmd+Y,
^ Ctrl+Y Repite la última acción deshecha. @@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ Cursiva Ctrl+I - ^ Ctrl+I,
⌘ Cmd+I + ⌘ Cmd+I Pone un fragmento del texto seleccionado en cursiva dándole un plano inclinado a la derecha o quita este formato. @@ -367,13 +367,13 @@ Añadir hiperenlace Ctrl+K - ⌘ Cmd+K + ⌘ Cmd+K,
^ Ctrl+K Inserta un hiperenlace a un sitio web externo u otra hoja de cálculo. Editar la celda activa F2 - F2 + Fn+F2 Editar la celda activa y posicionar el punto de inserción al final del contenido de la celda. Si la edición en una celda está desactivada, el punto de inserción se moverá a la barra de fórmulas. @@ -406,10 +406,22 @@ ⇧ Mayús+↵ Volver Termina la entrada de información en una celda seleccionada y mueve a la celda de arriba. + + Completar una entrada de celda y moverse a la derecha + ↹ Tab + ↹ Tab + Completar una entrada de celda en la celda seleccionada o en la barra de fórmulas y moverse a la celda de la derecha. + + + Completar una entrada de celda y moverse a la izquierda + ⇧ Mayús+↹ Tab + ⇧ Mayús+↹ Tab + Completar una entrada de celda en la celda seleccionada o en la barra de fórmulas y moverse a la celda de la izquierda . + Empezar línea nueva Alt+↵ Entrar - + ⌥ Opción+↵ Volver Empieza una línea nueva en la misma celda. @@ -421,54 +433,36 @@ Borrar a la izquierda ← Retroceso - ← Retroceso + Borrar Borra un carácter a la izquierda en la barra de fórmulas o en la celda seleccionada cuando el modo de edición de una celda está activado. También elimina el contenido de la celda activa. Borrar a la derecha Borrar - Borrar,
Fn+← Retroceso + Fn+Borrar Borra un carácter a la derecha en la barra de fórmulas o en la celda seleccionada cuando el modo de edición de una celda está activado. También elimina el contenido de las celdas (datos y fórmulas) de las celdas seleccionadas sin afectar los formatos o comentarios de las celdas. Eliminar contenido de celda Borrar,
← Retroceso - Borrar,
← Retroceso + Borrar Elimina el contenido (datos y fórmulas) de celdas seleccionadas sin afectar a comentarios o formato de celdas. - - Completar una entrada de celda y moverse a la derecha - ↹ Tab - ↹ Tab - Completar una entrada de celda en la celda seleccionada o en la barra de fórmulas y moverse a la celda de la derecha. - - - Completar una entrada de celda y moverse a la izquierda - ⇧ Mayús+↹ Tab - ⇧ Mayús+↹ Tab - Completar una entrada de celda en la celda seleccionada o en la barra de fórmulas y moverse a la celda de la izquierda . - Funciones Función SUMA - Alt+= - ⌥ Option+Ctrl+= + Alt++ + ⌥ Opción+Ctrl++ Inserta la función SUMA en la celda seleccionada. Abrir lista desplegable Alt+ - + ⌥ Opción+ Abra una lista desplegable seleccionada. - - Abrir el menú contextual - ≣ Menú - - Abre un menú contextual para la celda o rango de celdas seleccionado. - Formatos de datos @@ -480,8 +474,8 @@ Aplicar el formato general - Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+~ - ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+~ + Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+ñ + ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+ñ Aplica el formato de número General. @@ -498,20 +492,20 @@ Aplicar el formato exponencial - Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+^ - ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+^ + Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+& + ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+& Aplica el formato de número Exponencial con dos decimales. Aplicar el formato de fecha - Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+# - ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+# + Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+. + ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+. Aplica el formato deFecha con el día, mes y año. Aplicar el formato de hora - Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+@ - ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+@ + Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+" + ^ Ctrl+⇧ Mayús+" Aplica el formato de Hora con la hora y los minutos, y AM o PM.. @@ -550,7 +544,7 @@ Desplazar en incrementos de tres píxeles Ctrl+ - + ⌘ Cmd+ Mantenga apretada la tecla Ctrl y use las flechas del teclado para desplazar el objeto seleccionado un píxel a la vez. diff --git a/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/it/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/it/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm index f1569b7d5..86f5af644 100644 --- a/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/it/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm +++ b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/it/HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm @@ -1,571 +1,1160 @@  - - Keyboard Shortcuts - - - - - - - - - - -
- -

Keyboard Shortcuts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Working with Spreadsheet
Open 'File' panelAlt+F^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+FOpen the File panel to save, download, print the current spreadsheet, view its info, create a new spreadsheet or open an existing one, access Spreadsheet Editor help or advanced settings.
Open 'Find and Replace' dialog boxCtrl+F^ Ctrl+F,
⌘ Cmd+F
Open the Find and Replace dialog box to start searching for a cell containing the characters you need.
Open 'Find and Replace' dialog box with replacement fieldCtrl+H^ Ctrl+HOpen the Find and Replace dialog box with the replacement field to replace one or more occurrences of the found characters.
Open 'Comments' panelCtrl+⇧ Shift+H^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+H,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+H
Open the Comments panel to add your own comment or reply to other users' comments.
Open comment fieldAlt+H⌘ Cmd+⌥ Option+AOpen a data entry field where you can add the text of your comment.
Open 'Chat' panelAlt+Q^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+QOpen the Chat panel and send a message.
Save spreadsheetCtrl+S^ Ctrl+S,
⌘ Cmd+S
Save all the changes to the spreadsheet currently edited with Spreadsheet Editor. The active file will be saved with its current file name, location, and file format.
Print spreadsheetCtrl+P^ Ctrl+P,
⌘ Cmd+P
Print your spreadsheet with one of the available printers or save it to a file.
Download as...Ctrl+⇧ Shift+S^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+S,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+S
Open the Download as... panel to save the currently edited spreadsheet to the computer hard disk drive in one of the supported formats: XLSX, PDF, ODS, CSV, XLTX, PDF/A, OTS.
Full screenF11Switch to the full screen view to fit Spreadsheet Editor into your screen.
Help menuF1F1Open Spreadsheet Editor Help menu.
Open existing file (Desktop Editors)Ctrl+OOn the Open local file tab in Desktop Editors, opens the standard dialog box that allows to select an existing file.
Close file (Desktop Editors)Ctrl+W,
^ Ctrl+W,
⌘ Cmd+W
Close the current spreadsheet window in Desktop Editors.
Element contextual menu⇧ Shift+F10⇧ Shift+F10Open the selected element contextual menu.
Move one cell up, down, left, or right Outline a cell above/below the currently selected one or to the left/to the right of it.
Jump to the edge of the current data regionCtrl+ ⌘ Cmd+ Outline a cell at the edge of the current data region in a worksheet.
Jump to the beginning of the rowHomeHomeOutline a cell in the column A of the current row.
Jump to the beginning of the spreadsheetCtrl+Home^ Ctrl+HomeOutline the cell A1.
Jump to the end of the rowEnd,
⌘ Cmd+
Outline the last cell of the current row.
Jump to the end of the spreadsheetCtrl+End^ Ctrl+EndOutline the lower right used cell on the worksheet situated at the bottommost row with data of the rightmost column with data. If the cursor is in the formula bar, it will be placed to the end of the text.
Move to the previous sheetAlt+Page Up⌥ Option+Page UpMove to the previous sheet in your spreadsheet.
Move to the next sheetAlt+Page Down⌥ Option+Page DownMove to the next sheet in your spreadsheet.
Move up one row,
⇧ Shift+↵ Enter
⇧ Shift+↵ ReturnOutline the cell above the current one in the same column.
Move down one row,
↵ Enter
↵ ReturnOutline the cell below the current one in the same column.
Move left one column,
⇧ Shift+↹ Tab
⇧ Shift+↹ Tab
Outline the previous cell of the current row.
Move right one column,
↹ Tab
↹ Tab
Outline the next cell of the current row.
Move down one screenPage DownPage DownMove one screen down in the worksheet.
Move up one screenPage UpPage UpMove one screen up in the worksheet.
Zoom InCtrl++^ Ctrl+=,
⌘ Cmd+=
Zoom in the currently edited spreadsheet.
Zoom OutCtrl+-^ Ctrl+-,
⌘ Cmd+-
Zoom out the currently edited spreadsheet.
Data Selection
Select allCtrl+A,
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+␣ Spacebar
⌘ Cmd+ASelect the entire worksheet.
Select columnCtrl+␣ Spacebar^ Ctrl+␣ SpacebarSelect an entire column in a worksheet.
Select row⇧ Shift+␣ Spacebar⇧ Shift+␣ SpacebarSelect an entire row in a worksheet.
Select fragment⇧ Shift+ ⇧ Shift+ Select the cell by cell.
Select from cursor to beginning of row⇧ Shift+Home⇧ Shift+HomeSelect a fragment from the cursor to the beginning of the current row.
Select from cursor to end of row⇧ Shift+End⇧ Shift+EndSelect a fragment from the cursor to the end of the current row.
Extend the selection to beginning of worksheetCtrl+⇧ Shift+Home^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+HomeSelect a fragment from the current selected cells to the beginning of the worksheet.
Extend the selection to the last used cellCtrl+⇧ Shift+End^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+EndSelect a fragment from the current selected cells to the last used cell on the worksheet (at the bottommost row with data of the rightmost column with data). If the cursor is in the formula bar, this will select all text in the formula bar from the cursor position to the end without affecting the height of the formula bar.
Select one cell to the left⇧ Shift+↹ Tab⇧ Shift+↹ TabSelect one cell to the left in a table.
Select one cell to the right↹ Tab↹ TabSelect one cell to the right in a table.
Extend the selection to the nearest nonblank cell to the right⇧ Shift+End,
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+
⇧ Shift+EndExtend the selection to the nearest nonblank cell in the same row to the right of the active cell. If the next cell is blank, the selection will be extended to the next nonblank cell.
Extend the selection to the nearest nonblank cell to the left⇧ Shift+Home,
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+
⇧ Shift+HomeExtend the selection to the nearest nonblank cell in the same row to the left of the active cell. If the next cell is blank, the selection will be extended to the next nonblank cell.
Extend the selection to the nearest nonblank cell up/down the columnCtrl+⇧ Shift+ Extend the selection to the nearest nonblank cell in the same column up/down from the active cell. If the next cell is blank, the selection will be extended to the next nonblank cell.
Extend the selection down one screen⇧ Shift+Page Down⇧ Shift+Page DownExtend the selection to include all the cells one screen down from the active cell.
Extend the selection up one screen⇧ Shift+Page Up⇧ Shift+Page UpExtend the selection to include all the cells one screen up from the active cell.
Undo and Redo
UndoCtrl+Z⌘ Cmd+ZReverse the latest performed action.
RedoCtrl+Y⌘ Cmd+YRepeat the latest undone action.
Cut, Copy, and Paste
⇧ Shift+Delete
⌘ Cmd+XCut the the selected data and send them to the computer clipboard memory. The cut data can be later inserted to another place in the same worksheet, into another spreadsheet, or into some other program.
⌘ Cmd+CSend the selected data to the computer clipboard memory. The copied data can be later inserted to another place in the same worksheet, into another spreadsheet, or into some other program.
⇧ Shift+Insert
⌘ Cmd+VInsert the previously copied/cut data from the computer clipboard memory to the current cursor position. The data can be previously copied from the same worksheet, from another spreadsheet, or from some other program.
Data Formatting
BoldCtrl+B^ Ctrl+B,
⌘ Cmd+B
Make the font of the selected text fragment bold giving it more weight or remove bold formatting.
ItalicCtrl+I^ Ctrl+I,
⌘ Cmd+I
Make the font of the selected text fragment italicized giving it some right side tilt or remove italic formatting.
UnderlineCtrl+U^ Ctrl+U,
⌘ Cmd+U
Make the selected text fragment underlined with the line going under the letters or remove underlining.
StrikeoutCtrl+5^ Ctrl+5,
⌘ Cmd+5
Make the selected text fragment struck out with the line going through the letters or remove strikeout formatting.
Add HyperlinkCtrl+K⌘ Cmd+KInsert a hyperlink to an external website or another worksheet.
Edit active cellF2F2Edit the active cell and position the insertion point at the end of the cell contents. If editing in a cell is turned off, the insertion point will be moved into the Formula Bar.
Data Filtering
Enable/Remove FilterCtrl+⇧ Shift+L^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+L,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+L
Enable a filter for a selected cell range or remove the filter.
Format as table templateCtrl+L^ Ctrl+L,
⌘ Cmd+L
Apply a table template to a selected cell range.
Data Entry
Complete cell entry and move down↵ Enter↵ ReturnComplete a cell entry in the selected cell or the formula bar, and move to the cell below.
Complete cell entry and move up⇧ Shift+↵ Enter⇧ Shift+↵ ReturnComplete a cell entry in the selected cell, and move to the cell above.
Start new lineAlt+↵ EnterStart a new line in the same cell.
CancelEscEscCancel an entry in the selected cell or the formula bar.
Delete to the left← Backspace← BackspaceDelete one character to the left in the formula bar or in the selected cell when the cell editing mode is activated. Also removes the content of the active cell.
Delete to the rightDeleteDelete,
Fn+← Backspace
Delete one character to the right in the formula bar or in the selected cell when the cell editing mode is activated. Also removes the cell contents (data and formulas) from selected cells without affecting cell formats or comments.
Clear cell contentDelete,
← Backspace
← Backspace
Remove the content (data and formulas) from selected cells without affecting cell format or comments.
Complete a cell entry and move to the right↹ Tab↹ TabComplete a cell entry in the selected cell or the formula bar and move to the cell on the right.
Complete a cell entry and move to the left⇧ Shift+↹ Tab⇧ Shift+↹ TabComplete a cell entry in the selected cell or the formula bar and move to the cell on the left .
SUM functionAlt+=⌥ Option+Ctrl+=Insert the SUM function into the selected cell.
Open drop-down listAlt+Open a selected drop-down list.
Open contextual menu≣ MenuOpen a contextual menu for the selected cell or cell range.
Recalculate functionsF9F9Recalculate the entire workbook.
Recalculate functions⇧ Shift+F9⇧ Shift+F9Recalculate the current worksheet.
Data Formats
Open the 'Number Format' dialog boxCtrl+1^ Ctrl+1,
⌘ Cmd+1
Open the Number Format dialog box.
Apply the General formatCtrl+⇧ Shift+~^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+~Applies the General number format.
Apply the Currency formatCtrl+⇧ Shift+$^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+$Applies the Currency format with two decimal places (negative numbers in parentheses).
Apply the Percentage formatCtrl+⇧ Shift+%^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+%Applies the Percentage format with no decimal places.
Apply the Exponential formatCtrl+⇧ Shift+^^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+^Applies the Exponential number format with two decimal places.
Apply the Date formatCtrl+⇧ Shift+#^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+#Applies the Date format with the day, month, and year.
Apply the Time formatCtrl+⇧ Shift+@^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+@Applies the Time format with the hour and minute, and AM or PM.
Apply the Number formatCtrl+⇧ Shift+!^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+!Applies the Number format with two decimal places, thousands separator, and minus sign (-) for negative values.
Modifying Objects
Constrain movement⇧ Shift + drag⇧ Shift + dragConstrain the movement of the selected object horizontally or vertically.
Set 15-degree rotation⇧ Shift + drag (when rotating)⇧ Shift + drag (when rotating)Constrain the rotation angle to 15-degree increments.
Maintain proportions⇧ Shift + drag (when resizing)⇧ Shift + drag (when resizing)Maintain the proportions of the selected object when resizing.
Draw straight line or arrow⇧ Shift + drag (when drawing lines/arrows)⇧ Shift + drag (when drawing lines/arrows)Draw a straight vertical/horizontal/45-degree line or arrow.
Movement by one-pixel incrementsCtrl+ Hold down the Ctrl key and use the keybord arrows to move the selected object by one pixel at a time.
- + + Keyboard Shortcuts + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +

Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard Shortcuts for Key Tips


Use keyboard shortcuts for a faster and easier access to the features of the Spreadsheet Editor without using a mouse.

  1. Press Alt (Option for macOS) key to turn on all key tips for the editor header, the top toolbar, the right and left sidebars and the status bar.
  2. +
  3. + Press the letter that corresponds to the item you wish to use. The additional key tips may appear depending on the key you press. The first key tips hide when additional key tips appear. +

    For example, to access the Insert tab, press Alt (Option for macOS) to see all primary key tips.


    Primary Key Tips


    Press letter I to access the Insert tab and you will see all the available shortcuts for this tab.


    Secondary Key Tips


    Then press the letter that corresponds to the item you wish to configure.

  4. +
  5. Press Alt (Option for macOS) to hide all key tips, or press Escape to go back to the previous group of key tips.
  6. +

Find the most common keyboard shortcuts in the list below.


Please note: for macOS, some shortcuts contain the Home, End, Page Up and Page Down keys which are only available on the extended keyboard. If you don't have these keys, use the keyboard shortcuts specified above (i.e. use ^ Ctrl/⌘ Cmd+ or Fn+ instead of Home, ^ Ctrl/⌘ Cmd+ or Fn+ instead of End, Fn+ instead of Page Up, Fn+ instead of Page Down).

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Working with Spreadsheet
Open 'File' panelAlt+F^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+FOpen the File panel to save, download, print the current spreadsheet, view its info, create a new spreadsheet or open an existing one, access the help menu of the Spreadsheet Editor or its advanced settings.
Open 'Find' dialog windowCtrl+F^ Ctrl+F,
⌘ Cmd+F
Open the Find dialog window to start searching for a cell containing the required characters.
Open 'Find and Replace' menu (panel) with replacement fieldCtrl+H^ Ctrl+HOpen the Find and Replace menu (panel) with the replacement field to replace one or more occurrences of the found characters.
Open 'Comments' panelCtrl+⇧ Shift+H^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+H,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+H
Open the Comments panel to add your own comment or reply to other users' comments.
Open comment fieldAlt+H⌘ Cmd+⌥ Option+AOpen a data entry field where you can add the text of your comment.
Open 'Chat' panel (Online Editors)Alt+Q^ Ctrl+⌥ Option+QOpen the Chat panel in the Online Editors and send a message.
Save spreadsheetCtrl+S^ Ctrl+S,
⌘ Cmd+S
Save all the changes to the spreadsheet currently edited with the Spreadsheet Editor. The active file will be saved with its current file name, location, and file format.
Print spreadsheetCtrl+P^ Ctrl+P,
⌘ Cmd+P
Print your spreadsheet with one of the available printers or save it to a file.
Download as...Ctrl+⇧ Shift+S^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+S,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+S
Open the Download as... panel to save the currently edited spreadsheet to the computer hard disk drive in one of the supported formats: XLSX, XLTX, PDF, PDF/A, ODS, OTS, CSV, PNG, JPG.
Full screen (Online Editors)F11Switch to the full screen view in the Online Editors to fit the Spreadsheet Editor on the screen.
Help menuF1Fn+F1Open the Help menu of the Spreadsheet Editor.
Open existing fileCtrl+O⌘ Cmd+OOpen the standard dialog box that allows selecting an existing file. If you select the file in this dialog box and click Open, the file will be opened in a new tab or window of Desktop Editors.
Switch to the next tabCtrl+↹ Tab^ Ctrl+↹ TabSwitch to the next file tab in Desktop Editors or browser tab in Online Editors.
Switch to the previous tabCtrl+Shift+↹ Tab^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+↹ TabSwitch to the previous file tab in Desktop Editors or browser tab in Online Editors.
Close fileCtrl+W,
⌘ Cmd+WClose the current spreadsheet window.
Element contextual menu⇧ Shift+F10⇧ Shift+Fn+F10Open the contextual menu of the selected element.
Close menu or modal window, reset modes, etc.EscEscClose a menu or modal window. Suspend copying formats. Reset adding shapes mode. Clear clipboard when cutting/copying cells. Hide the Paste Special button.
Reset the ‘Zoom’ parameterCtrl+0^ Ctrl+0 or ⌘ Cmd+0Reset the ‘Zoom’ parameter of the current spreadsheet to a default 100%.
Duplicate a worksheetPress and hold down Ctrl+ drag the sheet tabPress and hold down ⌥ Option+ drag the sheet tabCopy an entire worksheet in a workbook and move it to the tab location you need.
Move one cell up, down, left, or right Outline a cell above/below the currently selected one or to the left/to the right of it.
Move active cell down↵ Enter↵ ReturnMove to the cell below.
Move active cell up⇧ Shift+↵ Enter⇧ Shift+↵ ReturnMove to the cell above.
Move active cell to the right↹ Tab↹ TabMove to the cell on the right.
Move active cell to the left⇧ Shift+↹ Tab⇧ Shift+↹ TabMove to the cell on the left .
Jump to the edge of the visible data region or the next cell with dataCtrl+ ⌘ Cmd+

Home End Page Up Page Down
Outline a cell at the edge of the visible data region or the next cell with data in a worksheet. If the region does not contain data, the last cell of the visible area will be selected. If the region contains data, the next cell with data will be selected.
Jump to the beginning of the rowHomeFn+

Outline a cell in the column A of the current row.
Jump to the beginning of the spreadsheetCtrl+Home^ Ctrl+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+

^ Ctrl+Home,
⌘ Cmd+Home
Outline the cell A1.
Jump to the end of the rowEnd,
⌘ Cmd+

Outline the last cell of the current row.
Jump to the end of the spreadsheetCtrl+End^ Ctrl+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+

^ Ctrl+End,
⌘ Cmd+End
Outline the lower right used cell in the worksheet situated in the bottommost row with data of the rightmost column with data. If the cursor is in the formula bar, it will be placed to the end of the text.
Move to the previous sheetAlt+Page Up⌥ Option+Fn+

⌥ Option+Page Up
Move to the previous sheet in your spreadsheet.
Move to the next sheetAlt+Page Down⌥ Option+Fn+

⌥ Option+Page Down
Move to the next sheet in your spreadsheet.
Move up one row,
⇧ Shift+↵ Enter
⇧ Shift+↵ ReturnOutline the cell above the current one in the same column.
Move down one row,
↵ Enter
↵ ReturnOutline the cell below the current one in the same column.
Move left one column,
⇧ Shift+↹ Tab
⇧ Shift+↹ Tab
Outline the previous cell of the current row.
Move right one column,
↹ Tab
↹ Tab
Outline the next cell of the current row.
Move down one screenPage DownFn+

Page Down
Move one screen down in the worksheet.
Move up one screenPage UpFn+

Page Up
Move one screen up in the worksheet.
Move vertical scrollbar Up/DownMouse scroll Up/DownMouse scroll Up/DownMove vertical scrollbar up/down.
Move horizontal scrollbar Left/Right⇧ Shift+Mouse scroll Up/Down⇧ Shift+Mouse scroll Up/DownMove horizontal scrollbar left/right. To move the scrollbar to the right, scroll the mouse wheel down. To move the scrollbar to the left, scroll the mouse wheel up.
Zoom InCtrl++^ Ctrl++,
⌘ Cmd++
Zoom in the currently edited spreadsheet.
Zoom OutCtrl+-^ Ctrl+-,
⌘ Cmd+-
Zoom out the currently edited spreadsheet.
Navigate between controls in modal dialogues↹ Tab/⇧ Shift+↹ Tab↹ Tab/⇧ Shift+↹ TabNavigate between controls to give focus to the next or previous control in modal dialogues.
Data Selection
Select the entire worksheetCtrl+A,
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+␣ Spacebar
⌘ Cmd+A,
^ Ctrl+A
Select the entire worksheet (when the focus is on a cell).
Select columnCtrl+␣ Spacebar^ Ctrl+Fn+␣ Spacebar,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+␣ Spacebar
Select an entire column in a worksheet.
Select row⇧ Shift+␣ Spacebar⇧ Shift+␣ SpacebarSelect an entire row in a worksheet.
Select one cell to the right⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one cell to the right.
Select one cell to the left⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one cell to the left.
Select one cell up⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one cell up.
Select one cell down⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one cell down.
Select from cursor to beginning of row⇧ Shift+Home⇧ Shift+Fn+

⇧ Shift+Home
Select a fragment from the cursor to the beginning of the current row.
Select from cursor to end of row⇧ Shift+End⇧ Shift+Fn+

⇧ Shift+End
Select a fragment from the cursor to the end of the current row.
Select to the next nonblank cell to the rightCtrl+⇧ Shift+^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+
Select cells to the next nonblank cell to the right of the active cell or to the edge of the visible area.
Select to the next nonblank cell to the leftCtrl+⇧ Shift+^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+
Select cells to the next nonblank cell to the left of the active cell or to the edge of the visible area.
Select to the next nonblank cell upCtrl+⇧ Shift+^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+
Select cells to the next nonblank cell up from the active cell or to the edge of the visible area.
Select to the next nonblank cell downCtrl+⇧ Shift+^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+
Select cells to the next nonblank cell down from the active cell or to the edge of the visible area.
Extend the selection to beginning of worksheetCtrl+⇧ Shift+Home^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Fn+

^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Home,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Home
Select a fragment from the current selected cells to the beginning of the worksheet.
Extend the selection to the last used cellCtrl+⇧ Shift+End^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Fn+

^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+End,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+End
Select a fragment from the current selected cells to the last used cell in the worksheet (in the bottommost row with data of the rightmost column with data). If the cursor is in the formula bar, this will select all text in the formula bar from the cursor position to the end without affecting the height of the formula bar.
Extend the selection to the nearest nonblank cell to the right⇧ Shift+End,
Ctrl+⇧ Shift+
⇧ Shift+Fn+

⇧ Shift+End
Extend the selection to the nearest nonblank cell in the same row to the right of the active cell. If the next cell is blank, the selection will be extended to the next nonblank cell.
Extend the selection to the nonblank cell to the leftCtrl+⇧ Shift+Extend the selection to the nonblank cell to the left.
Extend the selection to the first column⇧ Shift+Home⇧ Shift+Fn+

⇧ Shift+Home
Extend the selection to the first column (A).
Extend the selection to the nearest nonblank cell up/down the columnCtrl+⇧ Shift+ Extend the selection to the nearest nonblank cell in the same column up/down from the active cell. If the next cell is blank, the selection will be extended to the next nonblank cell.
Extend the selection down one screen⇧ Shift+Page Down⇧ Shift+Fn+

⇧ Shift+Page Down
Extend the selection to include all the cells one screen down from the active cell. All cells in the columns of the previously selected range will be selected.
Extend the selection up one screen⇧ Shift+Page Up⇧ Shift+Fn+

⇧ Shift+Page Up
Extend the selection to include all the cells one screen up from the active cell. All cells in the columns of the previously selected range will be selected.
Undo and Redo
UndoCtrl+Z⌘ Cmd+Z,
^ Ctrl+Z
Reverse the latest performed action.
RedoCtrl+Y⌘ Cmd+Y,
^ Ctrl+Y
Repeat the latest undone action.
Cut, Copy, and Paste
⇧ Shift+Delete
⌘ Cmd+XCut the the selected data/graphics and send them to the computer clipboard memory. The cut data can be later inserted to another place in the same worksheet, into another spreadsheet, or into some other program.
⌘ Cmd+CSend the selected data/graphics to the computer clipboard memory. The copied data can be later inserted to another place in the same worksheet, into another spreadsheet, or into some other program.
⇧ Shift+Insert
⌘ Cmd+VInsert the previously copied/cut data/graphics from the computer clipboard memory to the current cursor position. The data can be previously copied from the same worksheet, from another spreadsheet, or from some other program.
Paste Special options 1
Paste only formulaCtrl then F^ Ctrl then FPaste formulas without pasting the data formatting.
Paste formula + number formatCtrl then O^ Ctrl then OPaste formulas with the formatting applied to numbers.
Paste formula + all formattingCtrl then K^ Ctrl then KPaste formulas with all the data formatting.
Paste formula without bordersCtrl then B^ Ctrl then BPaste formulas with all the data formatting except the cell borders.
Paste formula + column widthCtrl then W^ Ctrl then WPaste formulas with all the data formatting and set the source column`s width for the cell range.
TransposeCtrl then T^ Ctrl then TPaste data switching them from columns to rows, or vice versa. This option is available for regular data ranges, but not for formatted tables.
Paste only valueCtrl then V^ Ctrl then VPaste the formula results without pasting the data formatting.
Paste value + number formatCtrl then A^ Ctrl then APaste the formula results with the formatting applied to numbers.
Paste value + all formattingCtrl then E^ Ctrl then EPaste the formula results with all the data formatting.
Paste only formattingCtrl then R^ Ctrl then RPaste the cell formatting only without pasting the cell contents.
Paste linkCtrl then N^ Ctrl then NPaste the external link to a cell or range of cells in another spreadsheet within the current portal (in the online editor) or in a local file (in the desktop editor).
Working with Hyperlinks
Insert hyperlinkCtrl+K⌘ Cmd+K,
^ Ctrl+K
Insert a hyperlink which can be used to go to a web address.
Visit hyperlinkEnterReturnVisit a hyperlink (with the cursor in the hyperlink).
Data Formatting
BoldCtrl+B^ Ctrl+B,
⌘ Cmd+B
Make the font of the selected text fragment darker and heavier than normal or remove the bold formatting.
ItalicCtrl+I⌘ Cmd+IMake the font of the selected text fragment italicized and slightly slanted or remove italic formatting.
UnderlineCtrl+U^ Ctrl+U,
⌘ Cmd+U
Make the selected text fragment underlined with a line going under the letters or remove underlining.
StrikeoutCtrl+5^ Ctrl+5,
⌘ Cmd+5
Make the selected text fragment struck out with a line going through the letters or remove strikeout formatting.
Edit active cellF2Fn+F2Edit the active cell and position the insertion point at the end of the cell contents. If editing in a cell is turned off, the insertion point will be moved into the Formula Bar.
Data Filtering
Enable/Remove FilterCtrl+⇧ Shift+L^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+L,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+L
Enable a filter for a selected cell range or remove the filter.
Open filter windowAlt+⌥ Option+In the header of a column with a filter, open the filter window.
Format as table templateCtrl+L^ Ctrl+L,
⌘ Cmd+L
Apply a table template to a selected cell range.
Data Entry
Complete cell entry and move down↵ Enter↵ ReturnComplete a cell entry in the selected cell or the formula bar, and move to the cell below.
Complete cell entry and move up⇧ Shift+↵ Enter⇧ Shift+↵ ReturnComplete a cell entry in the selected cell, and move to the cell above.
Complete cell entry and move to the right↹ Tab↹ TabComplete a cell entry in the selected cell or the formula bar and move to the cell on the right.
Complete cell entry and move to the left⇧ Shift+↹ Tab⇧ Shift+↹ TabComplete a cell entry in the selected cell or the formula bar and move to the cell on the left .
Complete cell entry and stay in itCtrl+⇧ Shift+↵ Enter,
Ctrl+↵ Enter
^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+↵ Return,
^ Ctrl+↵ Return
Complete a cell entry in the selected cell or the formula bar and stay in it.
Fill the selected cell range with the current entryCtrl+↵ Enter^ Ctrl+↵ ReturnFill the selected cell range with the current entry. Select a cell range, type data to the active cell and press the specified keys to fill all the selected cells with entered data.
Start new lineAlt+↵ Enter⌥ Option+↵ ReturnStart a new line in the same cell.
Add new placeholder to equation argumentEnterReturn,
⇧ Shift+Return
Add a new placeholder to the equation argument.
CancelEscEscCancel an entry in the selected cell or the formula bar.
Delete to the left← BackspaceDeleteDelete one character to the left in the formula bar or in the selected cell when the cell editing mode is activated. Remove the selection. Also removes the content of the active cell. It is also applicable to text in graphical objects.
Delete to the rightDeleteFn+DeleteDelete one character to the right in the formula bar or in the selected cell when the cell editing mode is activated. Remove the selection. Also removes the cell contents (data and formulas) from selected cells without affecting cell formats or comments. It is also applicable to text in graphical objects.
Clear active cell contentDelete,
← Backspace
DeleteRemove the content (data and formulas) from the active cell without affecting the cell format or comments.
Clear content of all selected cellsDeleteFn+DeleteRemove the content (data and formulas) from all selected cells without affecting the cell format or comments.
Insert cellsCtrl+⇧ Shift++Ctrl+⇧ Shift++,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift++
Open the dialog box for inserting new cells within current spreadsheet with an added parameter of a shift to the right, a shift down, inserting an entire row or an entire column.
Delete cellsCtrl+⇧ Shift+-Ctrl+⇧ Shift+-,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+-
Open the dialog box for deleting cells within current spreadsheet with an added parameter of a shift to the left, a shift up, deleting an entire row or an entire column.
Insert the current dateCtrl+èCtrl+è,
⌘ Cmd+è
Insert the today date within an active cell.
Insert the current timeCtrl+⇧ Shift+èCtrl+⇧ Shift+è,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+è
Insert the current time within an active cell.
Insert the current date and timeCtrl+è then ␣ Spacebar then Ctrl+⇧ Shift+èCtrl+è then ␣ Spacebar then Ctrl+⇧ Shift+è,
⌘ Cmd+è then ␣ Spacebar then ⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+è
Insert the current date and time within an active cell.
Insert separatorNumpad .Insert separator within an active cell.
Auto Fill (Open drop-down list)Alt+⌥ Option+Use this shortcut in an empty cell below or above existing values in the column. A drop-down list with existing values will appear. Select one of the available text values to fill an empty cell.
Insert an em dash⌥ Option+⇧ Shift+-Insert an em dash ‘—’ within the current cell.
Insert an en dash⌥ Option+-Insert an en dash ‘-’ within the current cell.
Work with keyboard supporting the ability to insert Unicode symbols⌥ Option+Q,
⌥ Option+F,
⇧ Shift+⌥ Option+7,
and others
+ When using the ⌥ Option+keyboard symbol shortcuts, for the keyboards supporting the ability to insert Unicode symbols, the keyboard symbols are added. The examples are listed below.
+ With the English ABC layout, the ⌥ Option+Q shortcut inserts the "œ" symbol, the ⌥ Option+F shortcut inserts the “ƒ” function symbol.
+ With the US International w/o deadkeys layout, the ⌥ Option+Q shortcut inserts the “ä” symbol.
+ With the Swiss-german layout, the ⇧ Shift+⌥ Option+7 shortcut inserts the "\” symbol. +
Working with text in cells and graphical objects
Remove word, selection to the leftCtrl+Backspace⌥ Option+DeleteRemove a word, selection to the left of the cursor.
Remove word, selection to the rightCtrl+DeleteFn+⌥ Option+DeleteRemove a word, selection to the right of the cursor.
Select allCtrl+A⌘ Cmd+A,
^ Ctrl+A
Select the entire shape content (when the cursor is within the shape content). Select the entire cell content (when the cursor is within the cell).
Move one character to the left/right or one line up/down Move the cursor one character to the left/right or one line up/down.
Select one character to the right⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one character to the right of the cursor position.
Select one character to the left⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one character to the left of the cursor position.
Move the cursor one word to the leftCtrl+⌥ Option+Move the cursor one word to the left.
Move the cursor one word to the rightCtrl+⌥ Option+Move the cursor one word to the right.
Select one word to the leftCtrl+⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+⌥ Option+Select one word to the left of the cursor.
Select one word to the rightCtrl+⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+⌥ Option+Select one word to the right of the cursor.
Jump to the beginning of the textCtrl+Home^ Ctrl+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+

^ Ctrl+Home,
⌘ Cmd+Home
Put the cursor to the very beginning of the text in a cell or shape.
Jump to the end of the textCtrl+End^ Ctrl+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+Fn+

^ Ctrl+End,
⌘ Cmd+End
Put the cursor to the very end of the text in a cell or shape.
Select from cursor to beginning of textCtrl+⇧ Shift+Home^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Fn+

^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Home,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Home
Select a text fragment from the cursor to the beginning of the text in a cell or shape.
Select from cursor to end of textCtrl+⇧ Shift+End^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+Fn+,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+Fn+

^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+End,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+End
Select a text fragment from the cursor to the end of the text in a cell or shape.
Jump to the beginning of the lineHome⌘ Cmd+

Put the cursor to the beginning of the currently edited line.
Jump to the end of the lineEnd⌘ Cmd+

Put the cursor to the end of the currently edited line.
Select from cursor to beginning of line⇧ Shift+Home⇧ Shift+Fn+

⇧ Shift+Home
Select a text fragment from the cursor to the beginning of the current line.
Select from cursor to end of line⇧ Shift+End⇧ Shift+Fn+

⇧ Shift+End
Select a text fragment from the cursor to the end of the current line.
Select one line up⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one line up (with the cursor at the beginning of a line).
Select one line down⇧ Shift+⇧ Shift+Select one line down (with the cursor at the end of a line).
Pivot tables
Update pivot tableAlt+F5⌥ Option+Fn+F5Update the previously selected pivot table.
Update all pivot tablesCtrl+Alt+F5 2Ctrl+⌥ Option+Fn+F5Update all pivot tables.
Clear selected valuesAlt+CCtrl+⌥ Option+C,
⌘ Cmd+⌥ Option+C
Clear selected values for a slicer.
Switch multi-selectAlt+SCtrl+⌥ Option+S,
⌘ Cmd+⌥ Option+S
Enable/disabler multi-select for a slicer.
Formatted tables
Add summary rowCtrl+⇧ Shift+RCtrl+⇧ Shift+R,
⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+R
Add the Summary row for a formatted table.
Insert function⇧ Shift+F3⇧ Shift+Fn+F3Open the dialog box for inserting a new function by choosing from the provided list.
SUM functionAlt++⌥ Option+Ctrl++Insert the SUM function into the selected cell.
Recalculate functionsF9Fn+F9Recalculate the entire workbook.
Recalculate functions⇧ Shift+F9⇧ Shift+Fn+F9Recalculate the current worksheet.
Display functions on sheetCtrl+òCtrl+òDisplay functions (not their values) on a sheet for printing them.
Switch the type of referenceF4Fn+F4Switch the type of a reference to a cell in the formula bar (absolute, relative).
Data Formats
Open the 'Number Format' dialog boxCtrl+1^ Ctrl+1,
⌘ Cmd+1
Open the Number Format dialog box.
Apply the General formatCtrl+⇧ Shift+ò^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+òApply the General number format.
Apply the Currency formatCtrl+⇧ Shift+$^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+$Apply the Currency format with two decimal places.
Apply the Percentage formatCtrl+⇧ Shift+%^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+%Apply the Percentage format with no decimal places.
Apply the Exponential formatCtrl+⇧ Shift+&^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+&Apply the Exponential number format with two decimal places.
Apply the Date formatCtrl+⇧ Shift+£^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+£Apply the Date format with the day, month, and year.
Apply the Time formatCtrl+⇧ Shift+"^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+"Apply the Time format with the hour and minute, and AM or PM.
Apply the Number formatCtrl+⇧ Shift+!^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+!Apply the Number format with two decimal places, thousands separator, and minus sign (-) for negative values.
Modifying Objects
Working with shapes↵ EnterReturnWhen the shape is selected, if it does not contain content, create content and move the cursor to the beginning of the line. If the content is empty, move the cursor to it, otherwise select the entire content.
Working with charts↵ EnterWhen the chart title is selected, select the text.
Create a copy when draggingCtrl^ CtrlSelect an object and hold down the specified key when dragging the object to create the copy of the object in the location where it was moved.
Constrain movement⇧ Shift + drag⇧ Shift + dragConstrain the movement of the selected object horizontally or vertically.
Set 15-degree rotation⇧ Shift + drag (when rotating)⇧ Shift + drag (when rotating)Constrain the rotation angle to 15-degree increments.
Maintain proportions⇧ Shift + drag (when resizing)⇧ Shift + drag (when resizing)Maintain the proportions of the selected object when resizing.
Change angle of line/arrow when drawing⇧ Shift + drag (when drawing lines/arrows)⇧ Shift + drag (when drawing lines/arrows)Hold down the Shift key while drawing the line/arrow and rotate the spout of the arrow/end of the line to change the angle of the line/arrow when drawing it. The line/arrow will be rotated exactly 45 degrees.
Movement by one-pixel incrementsCtrl+ ⌘ Cmd+ Hold down the specified key and use the keybord arrows to move the selected object to the left, right, up, or down by one pixel at a time.
Move shape by a big step Use the keybord arrows to move the selected object by a big step to the left, right, up, or down.
Move focus to the next object↹ Tab↹ TabMove focus to the next object after the currently selected one.
Move focus to the previous object⇧ Shift+↹ Tab⇧ Shift+↹ TabMove focus to the previous object before the currently selected one.
Select allCtrl+A⌘ Cmd+A,
^ Ctrl+A
Select all shapes (when the focus is on a shape).
Add tab character to the object content↹ Tab↹ TabAdd the tab character to the object content.
SubscriptCtrl+.^ Ctrl+.,
⌘ Cmd+.
Make the selected text fragment smaller and place it to the lower part of the text line, e.g. as in chemical formulas. Works only with text within a graphical object.
SuperscriptCtrl+,^ Ctrl+,,
⌘ Cmd+,
Make the selected text fragment smaller and place it to the upper part of the text line, e.g. as in fractions. Works only with text within a graphical object.
Increase fontCtrl+ì⌘ Cmd+ì,
^ Ctrl+ì
Increase the size of the font for the selected text fragment 1 point. Works only with text within a graphical object.
Decrease fontCtrl+⌘ Cmd+,
^ Ctrl+
Decrease the size of the font for the selected text fragment 1 point. Works only with text within a graphical object.
Align centerCtrl+E^ Ctrl+E,
⌘ Cmd+E
Switch a paragraph between centered and left-aligned. Works only with text within a graphical object.
Align justifiedCtrl+J^ Ctrl+J,
⌘ Cmd+J
Switch a paragraph between justified and left-aligned. Works only with text within a graphical object.
Align rightCtrl+R^ Ctrl+R,
⌘ Cmd+R
Switch a paragraph between right-aligned and left-aligned. Works only with text within a graphical object.
Align leftCtrl+L^ Ctrl+L,
⌘ Cmd+L
Align a paragraph left. Works only with text within a graphical object.
End paragraph and start a new one↵ Enter↵ ReturnEnd the current paragraph and start a new one when entering text within a graphical object.
Add line break⇧ Shift+↵ Enter⇧ Shift+↵ ReturnAdd a line break without starting a new paragraph when entering text within a graphical object.
Remove graphical objectDelete,
⌥ Option+Delete
Remove graphical object.
Exit from adding shapes mode, remove selection step by stepEscEscExit from adding shapes mode. Remove selection step by step (e.g., if the content of a shape within a group is selected, the cursor will be removed from the content first, then from the shape, then from the group).

1 - Paste the copied data using Ctrl+V on Windows or Cmd+V on macOS. After pasting the copied data, use the Ctrl key to open the Paste Special menu, then press the letter key which corresponds to the necessary option.


2 - This keyboard shortcut does not work on Linux.

+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/it/images/keytips1.png b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/it/images/keytips1.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4283eaf29 Binary files /dev/null and b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/it/images/keytips1.png differ diff --git a/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/it/images/keytips2.png b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/it/images/keytips2.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1bc36ca14 Binary files /dev/null and b/Web/OfficeWeb/apps/spreadsheeteditor/main/resources/help/it/images/keytips2.png differ