Composed articles for new features in version 6.1

This commit is contained in:
Olga Vlasiuk 2020-11-06 18:38:00 +03:00
parent 8f72e1bbe8
commit 984578aaa7
13 changed files with 338 additions and 72 deletions

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<h1>Insert cross-references</h1>
<p>Cross-references are used to create links leading to other parts of the same document, e.g. headings or objects such as charts or tables. Such references appear in the form of a hyperlink.</p>
<h2>Creating a cross-reference</h2>
<li>Position your cursor in the place you want to insert a cross-reference.</li>
<li>Go to the <b>References</b> tab and click on the <b>Cross-reference</b> icon.</li>
<li>Set the required parameters in the opened <b>Cross-reference</b> window:
<li>The <b>Reference type</b> drop-down menu specifies the item you wish to refer to, i.e. a numbered item (set by default), <em>a heading, a bookmark, a footnote, an endnote, an equation, a figure,</em> and <em>a table</em>. Choose the required item type.</li>
<li>The <b>Insert reference to</b> drop-down menu specifies the text or numeric value of a reference you want to insert depending on the item you chose in the <b>Reference type</b> menu. For example, if you chose the <b>Heading</b> option, you may specify the following contents: <em>Heading text, Page number, Heading number, Heading number (no context), Heading number (full context), Above/below</em>. See the table below for more information on each option.</li>
<li>Check the <b>Insert as hyperlink</b> box to turn the reference into an active link.</li>
<li>Check the <b>Include above/below</b> box (if available) to specify the position of the item you refer to. The ONLYOFFICE Document Editor will automatically insert words “<em>above</em>” or “<em>below</em>” depending on the position of the item.</li>
<li>Check the <b>Separate numbers with</b> box to specify the separator in the box to the right. The separators are needed for full context references. See the table below for more information on full/no context.</li>
<li>The <b>For which</b> field offers you the items available according to the <b>Reference type</b> you have chosen, e.g. if you chose the <b>Heading</b> option, you will see the full list of the headings in the document.</li>
<li>Click <b>Insert</b> to create a cross-reference.</li>
<h2>Removing a cross-reference</h2>
<p>To delete a cross-reference, select the cross-reference you wish to remove and press the <b>Delete</b> key.</p>

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@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
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<title>Insert endnotes</title>
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<h1>Insert endnotes</h1>
<p>You can insert endnotes to add explanations or comments to specific terms or sentences, make references to the sources, etc. that are displayed at end of the document.</p>
<h2>Inserting endnotes</h2>
<p>To insert an endnote into your document,</p>
<li>position the insertion point at the end of the text passage or at the word that you want to add the endnote to,</li>
<li>switch to the <b>References</b> tab located at the top toolbar,</li>
click the <img alt="Footnote icon" src="../images/addfootnote.png" /> <b>Footnote</b> icon on the top toolbar and select the <b>Insert Endnote</b> option from the menu.<br />
<p>The endnote mark (i.e. the superscript character that indicates an endnote) appears in the text of the document, and the insertion point moves to the end of the document.</p>
<li>type in the endnote text.</li>
<p>Repeat the above mentioned operations to add subsequent endnotes for other text passages in the document. The endnotes are numbered automatically: <em>i, ii, iii,</em> etc. by default.</p>
<p><img alt="Endnotes" src="../images/endnotesadded.png" /></p>
<h2>Display of endnotes in the document</h2>
<p>If you hover the mouse pointer over the endnote mark in the document text, a small pop-up window with the endnote text appears.</p>
<p><img alt="Endnote text" src="../images/endnotetext.png" /></p>
<h2>Navigating through endnotes</h2>
<p>To easily navigate through the added endnotes in the text of the document,</p>
<li>click the arrow next to the <img alt="Footnote icon" src="../images/addfootnote.png" /> <b>Footnote</b> icon on the <b>References</b> tab located at the top toolbar,</li>
<li>in the <b>Go to Endnotes</b> section, use the <img alt="Previous endnote icon" src="../images/previousfootnote.png" /> arrow to go to the previous endnote or the <img alt="Next endnote icon" src="../images/nextfootnote.png" /> arrow to go to the next endnote.</li>
<h2>Editing endnotes</h2>
<p>To edit the endnotes settings,</p>
<li>click the arrow next to the <img alt="Footnote icon" src="../images/addfootnote.png" /> <b>Footnote</b> icon on the <b>References</b> tab located at the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the <b>Notes Settings</b> option from the menu,</li>
change the current parameters in the <b>Notes Settings</b> window that will appear:
<p><img alt="Endnotes Settings window" src="../images/endnotes_settings.png" /></p>
Adjust the endnotes <b>Format</b>:
<li><b>Number Format</b> - select the necessary number format from the available ones: <em>1, 2, 3,...</em>, <em>a, b, c,...</em>, <em>A, B, C,...</em>, <em>i, ii, iii,...</em>, <em>I, II, III,...</em>.</li>
<li><b>Start at</b> - use the arrows to set the number or letter you want to start numbering with.</li>
<b>Numbering</b> - select a way to number your endnotes:
<li><b>Continuous</b> - to number endnotes sequentially throughout the document,</li>
<li><b>Restart each section</b> - to start endnote numbering with 1 (or another specified character) at the beginning of each section,</li>
<li><b>Restart each page</b> - to start endnote numbering with 1 (or another specified character) at the beginning of each page.</li>
<li><b>Custom Mark</b> - set a special character or a word you want to use as the endnote mark (e.g. * or Note1). Enter the necessary character/word into the text entry field and click the <b>Insert</b> button at the bottom of the <b>Notes Settings</b> window.</li>
Use the <b>Apply changes to</b> drop-down list if you want to apply the specified notes settings to the <b>Whole document</b> or the <b>Current section</b> only.
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: to use different endnotes formatting in separate parts of the document, you need to add <a href="../UsageInstructions/SectionBreaks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">section breaks</a> first.</p>
<li>When you finish, click the <b>Apply</b> button.</li>
<h2>Removing endnotes</h2>
<p>To remove a single endnote, position the insertion point directly before the endtnote mark in the text and press <b>Delete</b>. Other endnotes will be renumbered automatically.</p>
<p>To delete all the endnotes in the document,</p>
<li>click the arrow next to the <img alt="Footnote icon" src="../images/addfootnote.png" /> <b>Footnote</b> icon on the <b>References</b> tab located at the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the <b>Delete All Notes</b> option from the menu.</li>
<li>choose the <b>Delete All Endnotes</b> option in the appeared window and click <b>OK</b>.</li>
<h2>Converting endnotes and footnotes</h2>
<p>You can also convert endnotes to footnotes and vice versa.</p>
<li>Click the arrow next to the <img alt="Footnote icon" src="../images/addfootnote.png" /> <b>Footnote</b> icon on the <b>References</b> tab located at the top toolbar,</li>
<li>Hover over the <b>Convert all notes</b> menu item and choose one of the options from the list to the right:
<li><b>Convert all Footnotes to Endnotes</b> to change all footnotes into endnotes;</li>
<li><b>Convert all Endnotes to Footnotes</b> to change all endnotes to footnotes;</li>
<li><b>Swap Footnotes and Endnotes</b> to change all endnotes to footnotes, and all footnotes to endnotes.</li></ul></li>

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@ -1,82 +1,105 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Insert footnotes</title>
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<h1>Insert footnotes</h1>
<p>You can insert footnotes to add explanations or comments for certain sentences or terms used in your text, make references to the sources, etc.</p>
<p>To insert a footnote into your document,</p>
<li>position the insertion point at the end of the text passage that you want to add the footnote to,</li>
<li>switch to the <b>References</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>click the <img alt="Footnote icon" src="../images/addfootnote.png" /> <b>Footnote</b> icon on the top toolbar, or<br/>
<h1>Insert footnotes</h1>
<p>You can insert footnotes to add explanations or comments for certain sentences or terms used in your text, make references to the sources, etc.</p>
<h2>Inserting footnotes</h2>
<p>To insert a footnote into your document,</p>
<li>position the insertion point at the end of the text passage that you want to add the footnote to,</li>
<li>switch to the <b>References</b> tab located at the top toolbar,</li>
click the <img alt="Footnote icon" src="../images/addfootnote.png" /> <b>Footnote</b> icon on the top toolbar, or<br />
click the arrow next to the <img alt="Footnote icon" src="../images/addfootnote.png" /> <b>Footnote</b> icon and select the <b>Insert Footnote</b> option from the menu,
<p>The footnote mark (i.e. the superscript character that indicates a footnote) appears in the text of the document, and the insertion point moves to the bottom of the current page.</p>
<li>type in the footnote text.</li>
<p>Repeat the above mentioned operations to add subsequent footnotes for other text passages in the document. The footnotes are numbered automatically.</p>
<p><img alt="Footnotes" src="../images/footnotesadded.png" /></p>
<p>If you hover the mouse pointer over the footnote mark in the document text, a small pop-up window with the footnote text appears.</p>
<p><img alt="Footnote text" src="../images/footnotetext.png" /></p>
<p>To easily navigate through the added footnotes in the text of the document,</p>
<li>click the arrow next to the <img alt="Footnote icon" src="../images/addfootnote.png" /> <b>Footnote</b> icon on the <b>References</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>in the <b>Go to Footnotes</b> section, use the <img alt="Previous footnote icon" src="../images/previousfootnote.png" /> arrow to go to the previous footnote or the <img alt="Next footnote icon" src="../images/nextfootnote.png" /> arrow to go to the next footnote.</li>
<hr />
<p>To edit the footnotes settings,</p>
<li>click the arrow next to the <img alt="Footnote icon" src="../images/addfootnote.png" /> <b>Footnote</b> icon on the <b>References</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the <b>Notes Settings</b> option from the menu,</li>
<li>change the current parameters in the <b>Notes Settings</b> window that will appear:
<p><img alt="Footnotes Settings window" src="../images/footnotes_settings.png" /></p>
<li>Set the <b>Location</b> of footnotes on the page selecting one of the available options:
<li><b>Bottom of page</b> - to position footnotes at the bottom of the page (this option is selected by default).</li>
<li><b>Below text</b> - to position footnotes closer to the text. This option can be useful in cases when the page contains a short text.</li>
<li>Adjust the footnotes <b>Format</b>:
<li><b>Number Format</b> - select the necessary number format from the available ones: <em>1, 2, 3,...</em>, <em>a, b, c,...</em>, <em>A, B, C,...</em>, <em>i, ii, iii,...</em>, <em>I, II, III,...</em>.</li>
<li><b>Start at</b> - use the arrows to set the number or letter you want to start numbering with.</li>
<li><b>Numbering</b> - select a way to number your footnotes:
<li>type in the footnote text.</li>
<p>Repeat the above mentioned operations to add subsequent footnotes for other text passages in the document. The footnotes are numbered automatically.</p>
<p><img alt="Footnotes" src="../images/footnotesadded.png" /></p>
<h2>Display of footnotes in the document</h2>
<p>If you hover the mouse pointer over the footnote mark in the document text, a small pop-up window with the footnote text appears.</p>
<p><img alt="Footnote text" src="../images/footnotetext.png" /></p>
<h2>Navigating through footnotes</h2>
<p>To easily navigate through the added footnotes in the text of the document,</p>
<li>click the arrow next to the <img alt="Footnote icon" src="../images/addfootnote.png" /> <b>Footnote</b> icon on the <b>References</b> tab located at the top toolbar,</li>
<li>in the <b>Go to Footnotes</b> section, use the <img alt="Previous footnote icon" src="../images/previousfootnote.png" /> arrow to go to the previous footnote or the <img alt="Next footnote icon" src="../images/nextfootnote.png" /> arrow to go to the next footnote.</li>
<h2>Editing footnotes</h2>
<p>To edit the footnotes settings,</p>
<li>click the arrow next to the <img alt="Footnote icon" src="../images/addfootnote.png" /> <b>Footnote</b> icon on the <b>References</b> tab located at the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the <b>Notes Settings</b> option from the menu,</li>
change the current parameters in the <b>Notes Settings</b> window that will appear:
<p><img alt="Footnotes Settings window" src="../images/footnotes_settings.png" /></p>
Set the <b>Location</b> of footnotes on the page selecting one of the available options:
<li><b>Continuous</b> - to number footnotes sequentially throughout the document,</li>
<li><b>Restart each section</b> - to start footnote numbering with 1 (or another specified character) at the beginning of each section,</li>
<li><b>Restart each page</b> - to start footnote numbering with 1 (or another specified character) at the beginning of each page.</li>
<li><b>Bottom of page</b> - to position footnotes at the bottom of the page (this option is selected by default).</li>
<li><b>Below text</b> - to position footnotes closer to the text. This option can be useful in cases when the page contains a short text.</li>
<li><b>Custom Mark</b> - set a special character or a word you want to use as the footnote mark (e.g. * or Note1). Enter the necessary character/word into the text entry field and click the <b>Insert</b> button at the bottom of the <b>Notes Settings</b> window.</li>
<li>Use the <b>Apply changes to</b> drop-down list if you want to apply the specified notes settings to the <b>Whole document</b> or the <b>Current section</b> only.
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: to use different footnotes formatting in separate parts of the document, you need to add <a href="../UsageInstructions/SectionBreaks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">section breaks</a> first.</p>
<li>When you finish, click the <b>Apply</b> button.</li>
<hr />
<p>To remove a single footnote, position the insertion point directly before the footnote mark in the text and press <b>Delete</b>. Other footnotes will be renumbered automatically.</p>
<p>To delete all the footnotes in the document,</p>
<li>click the arrow next to the <img alt="Footnote icon" src="../images/addfootnote.png" /> <b>Footnote</b> icon on the <b>References</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the <b>Delete All Footnotes</b> option from the menu.</li>
Adjust the footnotes <b>Format</b>:
<li><b>Number Format</b> - select the necessary number format from the available ones: <em>1, 2, 3,...</em>, <em>a, b, c,...</em>, <em>A, B, C,...</em>, <em>i, ii, iii,...</em>, <em>I, II, III,...</em>.</li>
<li><b>Start at</b> - use the arrows to set the number or letter you want to start numbering with.</li>
<b>Numbering</b> - select a way to number your footnotes:
<li><b>Continuous</b> - to number footnotes sequentially throughout the document,</li>
<li><b>Restart each section</b> - to start footnote numbering with 1 (or another specified character) at the beginning of each section,</li>
<li><b>Restart each page</b> - to start footnote numbering with 1 (or another specified character) at the beginning of each page.</li>
<li><b>Custom Mark</b> - set a special character or a word you want to use as the footnote mark (e.g. * or Note1). Enter the necessary character/word into the text entry field and click the <b>Insert</b> button at the bottom of the <b>Notes Settings</b> window.</li>
Use the <b>Apply changes to</b> drop-down list if you want to apply the specified notes settings to the <b>Whole document</b> or the <b>Current section</b> only.
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: to use different footnotes formatting in separate parts of the document, you need to add <a href="../UsageInstructions/SectionBreaks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">section breaks</a> first.</p>
<li>When you finish, click the <b>Apply</b> button.</li>
<h2>Removing footnotes</h2>
<p>To remove a single footnote, position the insertion point directly before the footnote mark in the text and press <b>Delete</b>. Other footnotes will be renumbered automatically.</p>
<p>To delete all the footnotes in the document,</p>
<li>click the arrow next to the <img alt="Footnote icon" src="../images/addfootnote.png" /> <b>Footnote</b> icon on the <b>References</b> tab located at the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the <b>Delete All Notes</b> option from the menu.</li>
<li>choose the <b>Delete All Footnotes</b> option in the appeared window and click <b>OK</b>.</li>
<h2>Converting endnotes and footnotes</h2>
<p>You can also convert footnotes to endnotes and vice versa.</p>
<li>Click the arrow next to the <img alt="Footnote icon" src="../images/addfootnote.png" /> <b>Footnote</b> icon on the <b>References</b> tab located at the top toolbar,</li>
Hover over the <b>Convert all notes</b> menu item and choose one of the options from the list to the right:
<li><b>Convert all Footnotes to Endnotes</b> to change all footnotes into endnotes;</li>
<li><b>Convert all Endnotes to Footnotes</b> to change all endnotes to footnotes;</li>
<li><b>Swap Footnotes and Endnotes</b> to change all endnotes to footnotes, and all footnotes to endnotes.</li>

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@

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<h1>Insert line numbers</h1>
<p>The <b>ONLYOFFICE Document Editor</b> can count lines in your document automatically. This feature can be useful when you need to refer to a specific line of the document, e.g. in a legal agreement or a code script. Use the <img alt="Line Numbers icon" src="../images/linenumbers_icon.png" /> <b>Line Numbers</b> tool to apply line numbering to the document. Please note that the line numbering sequence is not applied to the text in the objects such as tables, text boxes, charts, headers/footers, etc. These objects are treated as one line.</p>
<h2>Applying line numbering</h2>
<li>Open the <b>Layout</b> tab located at the top toolbar and click on the <img alt="Line Numbers icon" src="../images/linenumbers_icon.png" /><b>Line Numbers</b> icon.</li>
Choose the required parameters for a quick set-up in the opened drop-down menu:
<li><b>Continuous</b> - each line of the document will be assigned a sequence number.</li>
<li><b>Restart Each Page</b> - the line numbering sequence will restart on each page of the document.</li>
<li><b>Restart Each Section</b> - the line numbering sequence will restart in each section of the document. Please refer to <span><a href="">this guide</a></span> to learn more about section breaks.</li>
<li><b>Suppress for Current Paragraph</b> - the current paragraph will be skipped in the line numbering sequence. To exclude several paragraphs from the sequence, select them via the left-mouse button before applying this parameter.</li>
Specify the advanced parameters if needed. Click the <b>Line Numbering Options</b> item in the <b>Line Numbers</b> drop-down menu. Check the <b>Add line numbering</b> box to apply the line numbering to the document and to access the advanced parameters of the option:
<li><b>Start at</b> sets the starting numeric value of the line numbering sequence. The parameter is set to <b>1</b> by default.</li>
<li><b>From text</b> specifies the distance between the line numbers and the text. Enter the required value in cm. The parameter is set to <b>Auto</b> by default.</li>
<li><b>Count by</b> specifies the sequence numbers that are displayed if not counted by 1, i.e. the numbers are counted in a bunch by 2s, 3s, 4s, etc. Enter the required numeric value. The parameter is set to <b>1</b> by default.</li>
<li><b>Restart Each Page</b> - the line numbering sequence will restart on each page of the document.</li>
<li><b>Restart Each Section</b>the line numbering sequence will restart in each section of the document.</li>
<li><b>Continuous</b> - each line of the document will be assigned a sequence number.</li>
<li>The <b>Apply changes to</b> parameter specifies the part of the document you want to assign sequence numbers to. Choose one of the available presets: <b>Current section</b> to apply line numbering to the selected section of the document; <b>This point forward</b> to apply line numbering to the text following the current cursor position; <b>Whole document</b> to apply line numbering to the whole document. The parameter is set to <b>Whole document</b> by default.</li>
<li>Click <b>OK</b> to apply the changes.</li>
<h2>Removing line numbering</h2>
<p>To remove the line numbering sequence,</p>
<li>open the <b>Layout</b> tab located at the top toolbar and click on the <img alt="Line Numbers icon" src="../images/linenumbers_icon.png" /> <b>Line Numbers</b> icon,</li>
<li>choose the <b>None</b> option in the opened drop-down menu or choose the <b>Line Numbering Options</b> item in the menu and deactivate the <b>Add line numbering box</b> in the opened <b>Line Numbers</b> window.</li>

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<h1>Manage sheet view presets</h1>
<p>The <b>ONLYOFFICE Spreadsheet Editor</b> offers a <b>sheet view</b> manager for view presets that are based on the applied filters. Now you can save the required filtering and sorting parameters as a view preset and use it afterwards together with your colleagues as well as create several presets and switch among them effortlessly. If you are collaborating on a spreadsheet, create individual view presets and continue working with the filters and sorting parameters you need without being disrupted by other co-editors.</p>
<h2>Creating a new sheet view preset</h2>
<p>Since a view preset is designed to save customized filtering and sorting parameters, first you need to apply the said parameters to the sheet. To learn more about filtering and sorting, please refer to <span><a href="">this page</a></span>.</p>
<p>There are two ways to create a new sheet view preset. You can either</p>
<li>go to the <b>View</b> tab and click the <img alt="Sheet View icon" src="../images/sheetview_icon.png" /><b>Sheet View</b> icon,</li>
<li>choose the <b>View manager</b> option from the drop-down menu,</li>
<li>click the <b>New</b> button in the opened <b>Sheet View Manager</b> window,</li>
<li>specify the name of the sheet view preset,</li>
<li>click the <img alt="New preset icon" src="../images/new_icon.png" /><b>New</b> button on the <b>View</b> tab located at the top toolbar. The preset will be created under a default name <em>“View1/2/3...”</em>. To change the name, go to the <b>Sheet View Manager</b>, select the required preset, and click <b>Rename</b>.</li>
<p>Click <b>Go to view</b> to activate the created view preset.</p>
<h2>Switching among sheet view presets</h2>
<li>Go to the <b>View</b> tab and click the <img alt="Sheet View icon" src="../images/sheetview_icon.png" /><b>Sheet View</b> icon.</li>
<li>Choose the <b>View manager</b> option from the drop-down menu.</li>
<li>Select the sheet view preset you want to activate in the <b>Sheet views</b> field.</li>
<li>Click <b>Go to view</b> to switch to the selected preset.</li>
<p>To exit the current sheet view preset, <img alt="Close preset icon" src="../images/close_icon.png" /><b>Close</b> icon on the <b>View</b> tab located at the top toolbar.</p>
<h2>Managing sheet view presets</h2>
<li>Go to the <b>View</b> tab and click the <img alt="Sheet View icon" src="../images/sheetview_icon.png" /><b>Sheet View</b> icon.</li>
<li>Choose the <b>View manager</b> option from the drop-down menu.</li>
<li>Select the sheet view preset you want to edit in the opened <b>Sheet View Manager</b> window.</li>
Choose one of the editing options:
<li><b>Rename</b> to rename the selected preset,</li>
<li><b>Duplicate</b> to create a copy of the selected preset,</li>
<li><b>Delete</b> to delete the selected preset.</li>
<li>Click <b>Go to view</b> to activate the selected preset.</li>

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