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How to switch your office to HTTPS when installing from RPM/DEB packages?


When you install Enterprise Edition using the script, you are offered an option to install it not using the Docker, but from RPM/DEB packages. But in this case the HTTPS section will be absent from the Control Panel. This does not mean that you will not be able to switch your portal to HTTPS protocol.

Starting with version 9.1 letsencrypt.org service and script are used to easily create a CA-signed certificate and switch the portal to HTTPS with a single command.

The article below will explain this can be done. To install your own certificate, please refer to ">this article.

Getting started with letsencrypt.org

To be able to create the CA-signed certificate, you need to go to the Getting started section of the letsencrypt.org website and follow the instructions on how to add Certbot ACME client to your server.

WarningOnly follow the Install section instructions of the Certbot website. If you execute commands from the Get Started section your NGINX config file will be overritten and the service will not start correctly.
Please note that you will need shell access to your server to be able to install both Certbot ACME client and CA-signed certificate from letsencrypt.org

Once everything is ready, you can go to the next step.

Creating and installing CA-signed certificate

Now run the following script:

bash /var/www/onlyoffice/Tools/letsencrypt.sh yourdomain.com subdomain1.yourdomain.com subdomain2.yourdomain.com

Where yourdomain.com is the address of the domain where your Enterprise Edition portal is installed, and subdomain1.yourdomain.com and subdomain2.yourdomain.com (and any other subdomains separated with a space) are the subdomains for the main domain which you use.

The script will create and install the CA-signed certificate to your server and restart the NGINX service for the changes to take effect.

Now your portal should be available using the https:// address.