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How to update your Document Server for Linux to the latest version?



Document Server for Linux distributions packages and the source code can be found here:

Starting from version 4.1, Document Server uses PostgreSQL instead of MySQL database which had been used in previous versions, so in this guide we will show the upgrade from version 4.1 to the latest available version. This update procedure cannot be applied to earlier versions that use MySQL.

Shutting down Document Server

Due to the operational characteristic, Document Server saves a document only after the document has been closed by all the users who edited it. To avoid data loss, you must forcefully disconnect the Document Server users when you need to stop Document Server in case of the application update. To do that, execute the following script:

Executing the script may take a long time (up to 5 minutes).
Disconnecting users may take a long time (up to 5 minutes).

Installing dependencies

Some of the dependencies required for Document Server correct work are not included into Ubuntu 14.04 by default, so they require additional steps for the newer versions of Document Server.

The following dependencies will be installed automatically if you use Ubuntu 14.04 LTS or later when you update Document Server (in case some of them were not installed with Document Server earlier versions for some reason):

  • libcurl3
  • libxml2
  • supervisor
  • fonts-dejavu
  • fonts-liberation
  • ttf-mscorefonts-installer
  • fonts-crosextra-carlito
  • fonts-takao-gothic
  • fonts-opensymbol

Earlier distributions might require their manual installation.

If you want to update version 4.1, you will need to manually add the repository containing the proper nodejs package version (this action is not required when updating version 4.2).

Add repository:

curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | sudo bash - 
Ubuntu distributions prior to 14.04 LTS might require some other dependencies to be installed.

Installing new version of Document Server

Update repository:

sudo apt-get update

And install the latest version of Document Server:

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

The database and all necessary files should be picked up automatically from the previous version. Please run Document Server and check it for correct work.