2018-11-30 15:59:14 +03:00

117 lines
6.0 KiB

//ini_set("display_errors", 1);
$json = '';
$totalPages = '0';
$localwebURL = '';
if(isset($_GET['submitEditor'])) {
$varEditors = $_GET['editorVersion'];
$languageLocale = $_GET['languageList'];
$pages = array_map(null, glob('OfficeWeb/apps/' . $varEditors. '/main/resources/help/' . $languageLocale. '/*/*.htm'));
if(count($pages) != 0) {
$editorList = ['Document Editor', 'Presentation Editor', 'Spreadsheet Editor'];
$editorAvatarList = ['documenteditor', 'presentationeditor', 'spreadsheeteditor'];
$languageList = ['English', 'Русский', 'Deutsch', 'Français', 'Español'];
$languageAvatarList = ['en', 'ru', 'de', 'fr', 'es'];
$lALLength = count($languageAvatarList);
$eALLength = count($editorAvatarList);
for ($i = 0; $i < $lALLength; $i++) {
if($languageAvatarList[$i] == $languageLocale) {
$languagePrint = $languageList[$i];
for ($i = 0; $i < $eALLength; $i++) {
if($editorAvatarList[$i] == $varEditors) {
$editorsPrint = $editorList[$i];
echo '<p>Editor: <b>' . $editorsPrint . '</b>, language: <b>' . $languagePrint . '</b></p>';
echo '<p>Try if it works correctly: <a target="_blank" href="' . $localwebURL . 'OfficeWeb/apps/' . $varEditors. '/main/resources/help/' . $languageLocale. '/search/search.html?query=document">' . $localwebURL . 'OfficeWeb/apps/' . $varEditors. '/main/resources/help/' . $languageLocale. '/search/search.html?query=document</a></p>';
echo '<p><a class="indexesjs_link" onclick="javascript: $(\'html, body\').animate({ \'scrollTop\': $(\'#indexesjs\').offset().top - 50}, 500)">Go to indexes.js file</a></p>';
echo '<p>___________________________________________</p>';
foreach($pages as $url) {
$page_link_for_array = '';
$title_for_array = '';
$body_for_array = '';
$html = '';
$page_link = $url;
$page_link = str_replace('OfficeWeb/apps/' . $varEditors. '/main/resources/help/' . $languageLocale. '/',"",$page_link);
$page_link_for_array = '"id": "' . $page_link . '", ';
$html = file_get_html($url);
$titleTag = $html->find('title');
foreach($titleTag as $titleValue) {
$title = $titleValue->plaintext;
$title = str_replace("\\","\\\\",$title);
$title = str_replace('"','\"',$title);
$title_for_array = '"title": "' . $title . '", ';
$bodyTag = $html->find('body');
foreach($bodyTag as $bodyValue) {
$body = $bodyValue->plaintext;
$bodyTrimmed = trim($body);
$bodyTrimmed = str_replace("\t"," ",$bodyTrimmed);
$bodyTrimmed = str_replace("\n"," ",$bodyTrimmed);
$bodyTrimmed = str_replace("\r"," ",$bodyTrimmed);
$bodyTrimmed = preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $bodyTrimmed);
$bodyTrimmed = str_replace("\\","\\\\",$bodyTrimmed);
$bodyTrimmed = str_replace('"','\"',$bodyTrimmed);
if (substr($bodyTrimmed, 0, strlen($title)) == $title) {
$bodyTrimmed = substr($bodyTrimmed, strlen($title));
$bodyTrimmed = trim($bodyTrimmed);
$body_for_array = '"body": "' . $bodyTrimmed . '"';
$json .= PHP_EOL . ' {' . PHP_EOL . ' ' . $page_link_for_array . PHP_EOL . ' ' . $title_for_array . PHP_EOL . ' ' . $body_for_array . PHP_EOL . ' },';
echo '<p>' . $page_link . ' &mdash; done!</p>';
$totalPages += 1;
$file_start = 'var indexes = ' . PHP_EOL . '[';
$file_end = PHP_EOL . ']';
$json = rtrim($json,",");
file_put_contents('OfficeWeb/apps/' . $varEditors. '/main/resources/help/' . $languageLocale. '/search/indexes.js', $file_start . $json . $file_end);
echo '<p>___________________________________________</p><p>Total pages: <b>' . $totalPages . '</b></p>';
echo '<p></p><p>===========================================</p><p><a id="indexesjs"></a><b>indexes.js</b> (file path: <u>\\\\SITESERVER2\Sites\\\Web\OfficeWeb\apps\\' . $varEditors. '\main\resources\help\\' . $languageLocale. '\search\indexes.js</u>):</p>';
echo '<pre>' . file_get_contents('OfficeWeb/apps/' . $varEditors. '/main/resources/help/' . $languageLocale. '/search/indexes.js') . '</pre>';
<title>Build indexes.js for documentation search</title>
<body id="parse">
<h1>Build indexes.js for documentation search</h1>
if($_GET['languageList'] == '') echo '<p>Select the editor and its language from the list and click the <b>Start!</b> button.</p><p>The <b>indexes.js</b> file will be formed based on <b>all</b> the pages present in the selected editor/language folder.</p><p>The file will be placed to the editor folder and used for the documentation on-page search.</p>';
<p id="back-top" style="display: none">
<a title="Scroll up" href="#top"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/arrowup.min.js"></script>