2019-12-10 17:18:55 +03:00

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<h1>Add borders</h1>
<p>To add and format borders to a worksheet,</p>
<li>select a cell, a range of cells with the mouse or the whole worksheet by pressing the <b>Ctrl+A</b> key combination,
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: you can also select multiple non-adjacent cells or cell ranges holding down the <b>Ctrl</b> key while selecting cells/ranges with the mouse.</p>
<li>click the <b>Borders</b> <img alt="Borders icon" src="../images/addborders.png" /> icon situated at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar or click the <b>Cell settings</b> <img alt="Cell settings icon" src="../images/cellsettings_rightpanel.png" /> icon at the right sidebar,
<p><img alt="Cell settings tab" src="../images/cellsettingstab.png" /></p>
<li>select the border style you wish to apply:
<li>open the <b>Border Style</b> <!--<img alt="Border Width icon" src="../images/borderwidth.png" />--> submenu and select one of the available options, </li>
<li>open the <b>Border Color</b> <img alt="Border Color icon" src="../images/bordercolor.png" /> submenu or use the <b>Color</b> palette at the right sidebar and select the color you need from the palette,</li>
<li>select one of the available border templates: <b>Outside Borders</b> <img alt="Outside Borders icon" src="../images/outsideborders.png" />, <b>All Borders</b> <img alt="All Borders icon" src="../images/allborders.png" />, <b>Top Borders</b> <img alt="Top Borders icon" src="../images/topborders.png" />, <b>Bottom Borders</b> <img alt="Bottom Borders icon" src="../images/bottomborders.png" />, <b>Left Borders</b> <img alt="Left Borders icon" src="../images/leftborders.png" />, <b>Right Borders</b> <img alt="Right Borders icon" src="../images/rightborders.png" />, <b>No Borders</b> <img alt="No Borders icon" src="../images/noborders.png" />, <b>Inside Borders</b> <img alt="Inside Borders icon" src="../images/insideborders.png" />, <b>Inside Vertical Borders</b> <img alt="Inside Vertical Borders icon" src="../images/insideverticalborders.png" />, <b>Inside Horizontal Borders</b> <img alt="Inside Horisontal Borders icon" src="../images/insidehorizontalborders.png" />, <b>Diagonal Up Border</b> <img alt="Diagonal Up Border icon" src="../images/diagonal_up_border.png" />, <b>Diagonal Down Border</b> <img alt="Diagonal Down Border icon" src="../images/diagonal_down_border.png" />.</li>