alexandervnuchkov 71f171fb08 First commit
2016-08-29 16:51:20 +03:00

245 lines
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<member name="T:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore">
DynamoDBSessionStateStore is a custom session state provider that can be used inside of an ASP.NET application. Session state is saved
inside a DynamoDB table that can be configured in the web.config. If the table does not exist the provider will create
it during initialization with default read and write units set to 10 and 5 unless configured otherwise. If the table is created
the application startup will block for about a minute while the table is being created.
Example web.config entry setting up the session state provider.
&lt;add name="DynamoDBSessionStoreProvider"
The schema for the table used to store session requires a string hash key with no range key. The provider will look up the name of the hash key during
initialization so any name can be given for the hash key.
Below is a list of configuration attributes that can specified in the provider element in the web.config.
<list type="table">
<term>Config Constant</term>
<description>Access key used. This can be set at either the provider or in the appSettings.</description>
<description>Secret key used. This can be set at either the provider or in the appSettings.</description>
<description>Required string attribute. The region to use DynamoDB in. The default is us-east-1. Possible values are us-east-1, us-west-1, us-west-2, eu-west-1, ap-northeast-1, ap-southeast-1.</description>
<description>Optional string attribute. Application is used to partition the session data in the table so it can be used for more then one application.</description>
<description>Optional string attribute. The table used to store session data. The default is ASP.NET_SessionState.</description>
<description>Optional int attribute. The read capacity units if the table is created. The default is 10.</description>
<description>Optional int attribute. The write capacity units if the table is created. The default is 5.</description>
<description>Optional boolean attribute. CreateIfNotExist controls whether the table will be auto created if it doesn't exist. Default is true.</description>
<member name="M:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore.#ctor">
Default Constructor
<member name="M:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore.#ctor(Amazon.DynamoDB.AmazonDynamoDB)">
Constructor for testing.
<param name="ddbClient"></param>
<member name="M:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore.Initialize(System.String,System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)">
Initializes the provider by pulling the config info from the web.config and validate/create the DynamoDB table.
If the table is being created this method will block until the table is active.
<param name="name"></param>
<param name="config"></param>
<member name="M:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore.SetItemExpireCallback(System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateItemExpireCallback)">
Provider returns false for this method.
<param name="expireCallback"></param>
<member name="M:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore.GetItem(System.Web.HttpContext,System.String,System.Boolean@,System.TimeSpan@,System.Object@,System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateActions@)">
Returns read-only session-state data from the DynamoDB table.
<param name="context"></param>
<param name="sessionId"></param>
<param name="locked"></param>
<param name="lockAge"></param>
<param name="lockId"></param>
<param name="actionFlags"></param>
<member name="M:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore.GetItemExclusive(System.Web.HttpContext,System.String,System.Boolean@,System.TimeSpan@,System.Object@,System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateActions@)">
Returns session-state data from the DynamoDB table.
<param name="context"></param>
<param name="sessionId"></param>
<param name="locked"></param>
<param name="lockAge"></param>
<param name="lockId"></param>
<param name="actionFlags"></param>
<member name="M:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore.GetSessionStoreItem(System.Boolean,System.Web.HttpContext,System.String,System.Boolean@,System.TimeSpan@,System.Object@,System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateActions@)">
Get the session for DynamoDB and optionally lock the record.
<param name="lockRecord"></param>
<param name="context"></param>
<param name="sessionId"></param>
<param name="locked"></param>
<param name="lockAge"></param>
<param name="lockId"></param>
<param name="actionFlags"></param>
<member name="M:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore.SetAndReleaseItemExclusive(System.Web.HttpContext,System.String,System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateStoreData,System.Object,System.Boolean)">
Updates the session-item information in the session-state data store with values from the current request, and clears the lock on the data.
<param name="context">The HttpContext for the current request.</param>
<param name="sessionId">The session identifier for the current request.</param>
<param name="item">The SessionStateStoreData object that contains the current session values to be stored.</param>
<param name="lockId">The lock identifier for the current request. </param>
<param name="newItem">true to identify the session item as a new item; false to identify the session item as an existing item.</param>
<member name="M:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore.ReleaseItemExclusive(System.Web.HttpContext,System.String,System.Object)">
Releases a lock on an item in the session data store.
<param name="context">The HttpContext for the current request.</param>
<param name="sessionId">The session identifier for the current request.</param>
<param name="lockId">The lock identifier for the current request. </param>
<member name="M:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore.RemoveItem(System.Web.HttpContext,System.String,System.Object,System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateStoreData)">
Removes the session record for DynamoDB.
<param name="context"></param>
<param name="sessionId"></param>
<param name="lockId"></param>
<param name="item"></param>
<member name="M:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore.CreateUninitializedItem(System.Web.HttpContext,System.String,System.Int32)">
Creates an initial session record in the DynamoDB table.
<param name="context"></param>
<param name="sessionId"></param>
<param name="timeout"></param>
<member name="M:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore.CreateNewStoreData(System.Web.HttpContext,System.Int32)">
Creates a new SessionStateStoreData object to be used for the current request.
<param name="context"></param>
<param name="timeout"></param>
<member name="M:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore.ResetItemTimeout(System.Web.HttpContext,System.String)">
Updates the expiration date and time of an item in the DynamoDB table.
<param name="context"></param>
<param name="sessionId"></param>
<member name="M:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore.DeleteExpiredSessions(Amazon.DynamoDB.AmazonDynamoDB)">
A utility method for cleaning up expired sessions that IIS failed to delete. The method performs a scan on the ASP.NET_SessionState table
with a condition that the expiration date is in the past and calls delete on all the keys returned. Scans can be costly on performance
so use this method sparingly like a nightly or weekly clean job.
<param name="dbClient">The AmazonDynamoDB client used to find a delete expired sessions.</param>
<member name="M:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore.DeleteExpiredSessions(Amazon.DynamoDB.AmazonDynamoDB,System.String)">
A utility method for cleaning up expired sessions that IIS failed to delete. The method performs a scan on the table
with a condition that the expiration date is in the past and calls delete on all the keys returned. Scans can be costly on performance
so use this method sparingly like a nightly or weekly clean job.
<param name="dbClient">The AmazonDynamoDB client used to find a delete expired sessions.</param>
<param name="tableName">The table to search.</param>
<member name="M:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore.Dispose">
Empty implementation of the override.
<member name="M:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore.InitializeRequest(System.Web.HttpContext)">
Empty implementation of the override.
<param name="context"></param>
<member name="M:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore.EndRequest(System.Web.HttpContext)">
Empty implementation of the override.
<param name="context"></param>
<member name="M:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore.ValidateTable">
Make sure existing table is valid to be used as a session store.
<member name="M:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore.GetHashKey(System.String)">
Combine application and session id for hash key.
<param name="sessionId"></param>
<member name="P:Amazon.SessionProvider.DynamoDBSessionStateStore.TableName">
Gets the name of the table used to store session data.