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<%@ Register TagPrefix="cc" TagName="DNSSettings" Src="~/Controls/Help/Tags/dns-settings/dns-settings.ascx" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="cc" TagName="CustomDomain" Src="~/Controls/Help/Tags/custom-domain-name/custom-domain-name.ascx" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="cc" TagName="TrustedDomain" Src="~/Controls/Help/Tags/trusted-domains/trusted-domains.ascx" %>
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<%@ Register TagPrefix="cc" TagName="DataBackup" Src="~/Controls/Help/Tags/data-backup/data-backup.ascx" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="cc" TagName="DeactivatePTag" Src="~/Controls/Help/Tags/deactivate-portal/deactivate-portal.ascx" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="cc" TagName="DeletePTag" Src="~/Controls/Help/Tags/delete-portal/delete-portal.ascx" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="cc" TagName="StatTag" Src="~/Controls/Help/Tags/view-statistics/view-statistics.ascx" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="cc" TagName="ChangeTimeZone" Src="~/Controls/Help/Tags/change-time-zone/change-time-zone.ascx" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="cc" TagName="ModuleAccess" Src="~/Controls/Help/Tags/restrict-access-to-module/restrict-access-to-module.ascx" %>
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<script runat="server">
protected override void Init()
PageTitle = PageCaption = "Portal Configuration. Getting Started";
MetaKeyWords = "portal settings, language, time zone, DNS, customization, mail domain, password strength ";
MetaDescription = "Configure and customize portal according to your corporate or personal needs.";
var guides = new GuidesModel();
(Page as BasePage).Guides = guides;
<div class="MainHelpCenter GettingStarted">
<ul class="TableOfContents">
<li><span class="gs_link gs_active" id="all">All</span></li>
<li><span class="gs_link" id="Overview">Overview</span></li>
<li><span class="gs_link" id="CustomizingPortal">Customizing portal</span></li>
<li><span class="gs_link" id="ManagingPortalModules">Managing portal modules</span></li>
<li><span class="gs_link" id="WhiteLabeling">White Labeling</span></li>
<li><span class="gs_link" id="ChangingSecuritySettings">Controlling portal access</span></li>
<li><span class="gs_link" id="ManagingAccessRights">Managing access rights</span></li>
<li><span class="gs_link" id="TrackingLoginHistory">Tracking login history</span></li>
<li><span class="gs_link" id="ReceivingAuditTrailData">Receiving audit trail data</span></li>
<li><span class="gs_link" id="ChangingPortalRegion">Changing portal region</span></li>
<li><span class="gs_link" id="CreatingBackup">Creating/restoring backup</span></li>
<li><span class="gs_link" id="DeactivatingDeletingPortal">Deactivating/deleting portal</span></li>
<li><span class="gs_link" id="AdjustingIntegrationSettings">Adjusting Integration settings</span></li>
<li><span class="gs_link" id="AdjustingSMTPSettings">Adjusting SMTP settings</span></li>
<li><span class="gs_link" id="ViewingPortalStatistics">Viewing portal statistics</span></li>
<div class="keyword_block">
<li><cc:PortalSettings ID="PortalSettings1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:TimeZone ID="TimeZone1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:DNSSettings ID="DNSSettings1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:CustomDomain ID="CustomDomain1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:TrustedDomain ID="TrustedDomain1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:SelfReg ID="SelfReg1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:PassStrenght ID="PassStrenght1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:InviteTag ID="InviteTag1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:ManageModules ID="ManageModules1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:CustomizePortal ID="CustomizePortal1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:ChangeLogo ID="ChangeLogo1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:WhiteLabel ID="WhiteLabel1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:ChangeTitle ID="ChangeTitle1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:TeamTemplate ID="TeamTemplate1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:DataBackup ID="DataBackup1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:DeactivatePTag ID="DeactivatePTag1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:DeletePTag ID="DeletePTag1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:StatTag ID="StatTag1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:ChangeTimeZone ID="ChangeTimeZone1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:ModuleAccess ID="ModuleAccess1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:PortalLang ID="PortalLang1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:DisableModule ID="DisableModule1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:EnableModule ID="EnableModule1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:TwostepTag ID="TwostepTag1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:SSOTag ID="SSOTag1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:SMTPTag ID="SMTPTag1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:SecurityTag ID="SecurityTag1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:RestoreBackup ID="RestoreBackup1" runat="server" /></li>
<li><cc:LDAPSettingsTag ID="LDAPSettingsTag1" runat="server" /></li>
<div class="gs_content" id="Overview_block">
<div class="PortalHelp">
<p>Once your portal is created, you will need to customize and manage it so that it fitted your needs. This can be done in the portal <b>Settings</b> section.</p>
<p>To access the <b>Settings</b> from any portal page, click the <img alt="Settings Icon" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/GettingStarted/SettingsIcon.png")%>" /> icon at the top of the page or use the drop-down list in the top left corner and select the corresponding option.</p>
<p>You can perform the following operations via the portal <b>Settings</b> section:</p>
<p><b>Common settings</b></p>
<li><a class="see_also" href="#CustomizingPortal_block"><b>customize</b></a> the portal:
<li>change the <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#portallanguage")%>">portal language and set the correct time zone</a>;</li>
<li>set up the <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#portaltitle")%>">portal title</a> displayed on the portal <b>Sign In</b> page;</li>
<li>set an <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#alternativeurl")%>">alternative URL</a> for the portal;</li>
<li>change the <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#portalrenaming")%>">portal name</a> used in your portal URL address;</li>
<li>set up the <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#teamtemplate")%>">team template</a> used for the portal;</li>
<li>select a <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#colortheme")%>">color theme</a> that suits your company brand;</li>
<li>manage the portal <a class="see_also" href="#ManagingPortalModules_block"><b>modules</b></a>:
<li>choose which of <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#modulestools")%>">modules and tools</a> to show on the portal and which to hide from the portal users;</li>
<li>add your <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#customnavigation")%>">own links</a> into the portal navigation menu;</li>
<li>select a <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#startpage")%>">default start page</a>;</li>
<li>adjust the <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#pricingpage")%>">Pricing page</a> settings;</li>
<li>use the <a class="see_also" href="#WhiteLabeling_block"><b>White Label</b></a> feature to replace branding elements used in the online office interface with your own ones;</li>
<p><b>Security settings</b></p>
<li>update the <a class="see_also" href="#ChangingSecuritySettings_block"><b>Portal Access</b></a> settings:
<li>determine the <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#passwordstrength")%>">password strength</a> used to access the portal;</li>
<li>turn on <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#tfauthentication")%>">two-factor authentication</a>;</li>
<li>specify <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#TrustedDomain")%>">mail servers</a> allowed for user self-registration;</li>
<li>adjust the <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#ipsecurity")%>">IP security</a> settings;</li>
<li>set up the <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#loginsettings")%>">login settings</a>;</li>
<li>change the <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#administratormessage")%>">administrator message</a> settings;</li>
<li>set the <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#sessionlifetime")%>">session lifetime</a>;</li>
<li>set up the <a class="see_also" href="#ManagingAccessRights_block"><b>access rights</b></a> for portal administrators and other users:
<li>change the <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#changeowner")%>">portal owner</a>;</li>
<li>add users to the <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#addadmin")%>">administrators list</a>;</li>
<li><a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#restrictaccess")%>">restrict access to certain portal modules</a> for users and groups;</li>
<li>look through the recent user <a class="see_also" href="#TrackingLoginHistory_block"><b>login/logout activity</b></a> and obtain a detailed report for half a year;</li>
<li>browse log entries of the recent <a class="see_also" href="#ReceivingAuditTrailData_block"><b>actions</b></a> that users performed on the portal (such as closing and editing tasks, changing access rights, creating and deleting CRM entities, transferring documents, inviting guests etc.), as well as download a detailed statistics file that provides data for half a year;</li>
<p><b>Data Management settings</b></p>
<li>change the <a class="see_also" href="#ChangingPortalRegion_block"><b>region</b></a> of the server where your portal is hosted;</li>
<li>create and restore the portal data <a class="see_also" href="#CreatingBackup_block"><b>backup</b></a>;</li>
<li>temporarily <a class="see_also" href="#DeactivatingDeletingPortal_block"><b>deactivate</b></a> or even <b>delete</b> the portal forever;</li>
<p><b>Integration settings</b></p>
<li>enable <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#ldap")%>">LDAP</a> settings;</li>
<li>enable <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#sso")%>">SSO</a> settings;</li>
<li>connect <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#thirdparty")%>">some third-party services</a>;</li>
<li>adjust <a class="see_also" href="#AdjustingSMTPSettings_block"><b>SMTP settings</b></a> so that the email notifications to be sent using your own SMTP server;</li>
<p><b>Statistics settings</b></p>
<li>see the main portal <a class="see_also" href="#ViewingPortalStatistics_block"><b>statistics</b></a>: creation date, total number of users, storage space used by various modules and users, user attendance.</li>
<div class="gs_content" id="CustomizingPortal_block">
<h2>Common settings</h2>
<div class="PortalHelp">
<p>The <b>Common</b> settings section opens by default. It allows you to adapt the appearance of the portal to your needs and choose the modules you wish to use. It includes three subsections: <b>Customization</b>, <a class="see_also" href="#ManagingPortalModules_block"><b>Modules & Tools</b></a> and <a class="see_also" href="#WhiteLabeling_block"><b>White Label</b></a>.</p>
<h5>Customizing portal</h5>
<p>The <b>Customization</b> subsection of the <b>Common</b> settings allows you to change the look and feel of your portal. You can use your own company logo, name and text to match your organization brand.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Customizing Portal" target="img3_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/small/CustomizingPortal.png")%>" />
<img alt="Customizing Portal" id="img3_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/big/CustomizingPortal.png")%>" />
<div target="img3_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="portallanguage">Language and time zone settings</h5>
<p>This section allows you to change the language of the whole portal for all portal users and to configure the time zone so that all the events of the portal will be shown with the correct date and time.</p>
<p>To configure the <b>Language and Time Zone</b> settings,</p>
<li>drop-down the <b>Language</b> list and select an appropriate language to display all portal pages and notification,
<div class="notehelp">
This setting specifies the default portal language for new users. Each user can later override the default language by choosing a preferred one on his/her profile page (this setting will have higher priority than the language selected in the <b>Common</b> Settings).
<p>At present the online office is available in 23 languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Latvian, Portuguese (Brazilian), Turkish, Greek, Polish, Czech, simplified Chinese, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Finnish, Portuguese, Azeri, Korean, Japanese, Slovenian, Dutch and Slovak. If your language is not yet present in the list of the available ones or the translation to your language is not complete, you may contribute to the translation sending your request at <a href=""></a>.</p>
<li>set the time zone that corresponds to your location from the <b>Time Zone</b> drop-down list,</li>
<li>click the <b>Save</b> button at the bottom of the section to make the parameters you set take effect.</li>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="portaltitle">Welcome Page Settings</h5>
<p>This section allows you to change the default title to be displayed on the <b>Sign In</b> page of your portal. To do that,</p>
<li>enter the name you like in the <b>Title</b> field (e.g. your company title, its motto etc.),</li>
<li>click the <b>Save</b> button at the bottom of the section to make the parameters you set take effect.</li>
<div class="notehelp">
The same name is also used for the <b>From</b> field of your portal email notifications.
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="alternativeurl">DNS settings</h5>
<p>This section allows you to set an alternative URL for your portal. By default, your portal is registered at <i></i>. To change it to your own domain name:</p>
<li>Configure your domain name to point to the online office server by setting up the appropriate DNS records with your registrar. Please contact your registrar from whom you purchased the domain name for help on how to do it. Add a <b>DNS CNAME</b> entry, such as for example: - <i></i> (for the US West (Oregon) region), <i></i> (for the EU (Frankfurt) region), or <i></i> (for the Asia Pacific (Singapore) region).</li>
<li>After you set up your <b>DNS CNAME</b> entry, click the <b>Send request</b> button in the <b>DNS settings</b> section to send your request to our support team. The <a target="_blank" href=""></a> page will open in a new browser tab. Enter the details of your request and click Submit.
<div class="notehelp">
In addition to setting up your custom domain, our specialists can also generate an ssl certificate using letsencrypt.
<li>After processing the request, your custom domain name will be displayed in the <b>DNS settings</b> section.</li>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="portalrenaming">Portal renaming</h5>
<p>This section allows you to change the <i>name</i> part of your portal URL address <i></i> so that your portal is available at <i></i>. Enter a desired name in the <b>New portal name</b> field and click the <b>Save</b> button.</p>
<div class="notehelp">
Once you click the <b>Save</b> button, your old portal name will become available to new users who want to register a new portal.
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="teamtemplate">Team template</h5>
<p>This section allows you to name the organization (or group), its members and their activities within your portal. To do that,</p>
<li>choose one of the available presets from the <b>Template</b> drop-down list,</li>
<li>select the <b>Custom</b> option from the list and enter the names yourselves in the fields below,</li>
<li>click the <b>Save</b> button at the bottom of the section to make the parameters you set take effect.</li>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="colortheme">Color themes</h5>
<p>This section allows you to change the default color palette of your portal interface so that it suits your company brand. To do that,</p>
<li>switch between the available <b>Color Themes</b> to preview them: <b>Mellow green</b>, <b>Dark green</b>, <b>Deep blue</b>, <b>Wild pink</b>, <b>Bright blue</b>,</li>
<li>select the one which suits you best,</li>
<li>click the <b>Save</b> button to apply the selected color theme.</li>
<p>To return to the default color theme, click the <b>Pure orange</b> radiobutton and save your changes.</p>
<div class="gs_content" id="ManagingPortalModules_block">
<h5 id="modulestools">Managing portal modules</h5>
<div class="PortalHelp">
<p>The <b> Modules &amp Tools </b> subsection of the <b>Common</b> settings gives you the access to the list of portal modules and tools and the ability to manage them. To do that,</p>
<li>leave checked the necessary modules and tools and uncheck those you don't need for your work,
<p>Starting from v12.0, the Community module is disabled by default for newly created installations and cloud portals. It can be enabled in this section of the settings. It's also possible to manage the tools for your social network within the <b>Community</b> module checking those you need.</p>
<li>click the <b>Save</b> button at the bottom of the section to make the parameters you set take effect.</li>
<p>The disabled modules and tools will be hidden from all portal users.</p>
<div class="notehelp">
After enabling the modules and tools again they will become available for all portal users as well. To restrict the access, refer to the <a href="#ManagingAccessRights_block"><b>Access Rights</b></a> section of the portal <b>Settings</b>.
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Managing Portal Modules" target="img2_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/small/ManagingPortalModules.png")%>" />
<img alt="Managing Portal Modules" id="img2_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/big/ManagingPortalModules.png")%>" />
<div target="img2_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="customnavigation">Custom Navigation</h5>
<p>This section allows you to add your own items into the portal navigation menu for a greater portal usability. E.g. you can add links to some other websites, services etc.</p>
<p>To add a new menu item:</p>
<li>Click the <b>Add Item</b> link in the <b>Custom Navigation</b> section. A new window opens.
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Adding custom menu items" target="img14_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/small/AddingCustomMenuItems.png")%>" />
<img alt="Adding custom menu items" id="img14_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/big/AddingCustomMenuItems.png")%>" />
<div target="img14_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<li>Enter the menu item title in the <b>Label</b> text entry field.</li>
<li>Specify the link to the necessary resource in the <b>URL</b> field.
<div class="notehelp">
Please note, that if your site is using HTTPS, all the links must also be in HTTPS, otherwise the warning will be displayed in the browsers.
<li>The <b>Show in menu</b> and <b>Show on home page</b> options are selected by default. You can uncheck one of them if necessary.</li>
<li>Replace the default icons with your own ones. The <b>Small icon, 16x16</b> will be used in the navigation menu located in the portal header. The <b>Large icon, 100x100</b> will be displayed on the portal start page. Click the corresponding <b>Change image</b> link below to upload a new image.</li>
<li>When ready, click the <b>Save</b> button.</li>
<p>The newly created navigation item will be added to the navigation menu and/or to the portal start page depending on the specified settings. It will also be displayed below the <b>Custom Navigation</b> title on the portal settings page. To edit the item, click the <img alt="Settings Icon" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/GettingStarted/menuitemsettings.png")%>" /> <b>Settings</b> icon next to it. In the <b>Item Settings</b> window, change the necessary parameters and click the <b>Save</b> button. If you want to remove the added navigation item, use the <b>Remove Item</b> button in the <b>Item Settings</b> window.</p>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="startpage">Default start page</h5>
<p>This section allows you to choose the page you go to right after you log in to the portal or click the online office logo when you have already signed in. You can select one of the following options:</p>
<li>one of the portal modules (Documents, Projects, CRM, Community, People),</li>
<li>one of the tools (Mail, Talk, Calendar),</li>
<li>the Feed page,</li>
<li>the default <b>Module Choice</b> page.</li>
<p>Just check the corresponding radiobutton and click the <b>Save</b> button at the bottom of the section to make the parameters you set take effect.</p>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="pricingpage">Pricing Page Settings</h5>
<p>This section allows you to determine whether the pricing page should be accessible for all portal users or for administrators only. </p>
<p>Check the <b>Pricing page available for administrators only</b> box to make this page visible for portal administrators only and click the <b>Save</b> button at the bottom of the section to make the parameters you set take effect.</p>
<div class="gs_content" id="WhiteLabeling_block">
<h5>White Labeling</h5>
<div class="PortalHelp">
<div class="notehelp">
This option is available for paid portals only.
<p>The <b>White Label</b> subsection of the <b>Common</b> settings allows you to replace branding elements used in the online office interface with your own ones. You can use your company name in the text elements (such as tooltips, message boxes etc.) as well as replace the default favicon and logos with your own logo. To do that,</p>
<li>Enter your <b>Company name</b> in the text entry field to change all the titles and messages in the online office interface where the default value is used replacing it with the one you specified. Click the <b>Use as logo</b> button below the entry field if you want to use your company name as a text logo (instead of an image logo) - all the logos below will change correspondingly.</li>
<li>Replace all the image <b>Logos</b> which appear in the online office:
<li><b>Logo for the portal header (284x46)</b> - this logo appears in the upper left corner of every portal page.</li>
<li><b>Logo for the Login page - light theme (432x70)</b> - this logo appears on the <b>Sign In</b> page of the portal, is used if the light theme is enabled.</li>
<li><b>Logo for the Login page - dark theme (432x70)</b> - this logo appears on the <b>Sign In</b> page of the portal, is used if the dark theme is enabled.</li>
<li><b>Favicon (32x32)</b> - this logo appears in the address bar or tab of a web browser when the portal is opened in it, or on the bookmarks panel if you've added the portal address to the bookmarks.</li>
<li><b>Logo for the editors header (172x40)</b> - this logo appears in the upper left corner of the online editors launched. The first, second and third logos are used for document, spreadsheet and presentation editors correspondingly if the light theme is enabled, the fourth logo is used for all editors if the dark theme is enabled.</li>
<li><b>Logo for the editors header - embedded mode (172x40)</b> - this logo appears in the upper left corner of your portal documents embedded into web pages.</li>
<p>Click the <b>Change Logo</b> link below the logo you want to replace. In the Windows Explorer window, browse for the necessary image file and click the <b>Open</b> button. The image will be loaded and displayed in the corresponding <b>Logo</b> field.</p>
<div class="notehelp">
We recommended that you use images in the <b>PNG</b> format with a transparent background. To improve your logos legibility and make their outline clearly distinguishable, you also need to optimize them for use on dark or light backgrounds. The image sizes are shown for the Retina displays. For the displays with standard resolutions the logo width and height will be resized accordingly upon upload.
<li>click the <b>Save</b> button at the bottom of the section to make the parameters you set take effect.</li>
<p>To return to the default settings, click the <b>Restore to Default</b> button.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="White Labeling" target="img12_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/small/WhiteLabeling.png")%>" />
<img alt="White Labeling" id="img12_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/big/WhiteLabeling.png")%>" />
<div target="img12_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<div class="gs_content" id="ChangingSecuritySettings_block">
<h2>Security settings</h2>
<div class="PortalHelp">
<p>The <b>Security</b> section allows you to control access to your portal and monitor all users activity. It includes four subsections: <b>Portal Access</b>, <a class="see_also" href="#ManagingAccessRights_block"><b>Access Rights</b></a>, <a class="see_also" href="#TrackingLoginHistory_block"><b>Login History</b></a> and <a class="see_also" href="#ReceivingAuditTrailData_block"><b>Audit Trail</b></a>.</p>
<h5 id="portalaccess">Controlling portal access</h5>
<p>The <b>Portal Access</b> subsection of the <b>Security</b> settings allows you to provide users with secure and convenient ways to access the portal.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Changing Portal Access Settings" target="img1_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/small/PortalAccessSettings.png")%>" />
<img alt="Changing Portal Access Settings" id="img1_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/big/PortalAccessSettings.png")%>" />
<div target="img1_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<h5 id="passwordstrength">Password strength settings</h5>
<p>This section allows you to determine password complexity (the effectiveness of a password in resisting guessing and brute-force attacks). To do that,</p>
<li>use the <b>Password length range</b> bar to determine how long the password should be to be considered strong,
<p>By default, the password must be at least <b>8</b> but no more than <b>120</b> characters long.</p>
<li>check the appropriate boxes below the bar to determine the character set that must be used in the password: <b>capital letters</b>, <b>digits</b>, <b>special characters</b>,</li>
<li>click the <b>Save</b> button at the bottom of the section to make the parameters you set take effect.</li>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="tfauthentication">Two-factor authentication</h5>
<p>This section allows you to enable the two-step verification with <b>SMS</b> or <b>authenticator apps</b> that ensures more secure portal access. </p>
<div class="notehelp">
For the <b>SaaS version</b>, the SMS provider used on your portal is selected depending on the portal region: <b>smsc</b> is used for CIS, <b>Clickatell</b> and <b>Twilio</b> are used for all other regions. You can add available SMS providers in the <a class="see_also" href="#AdjustingIntegrationSettings_block"><b>Settings</b> -> <b>Integration</b> -> <b>Third-Party Services</b></a> section.<br />
If you are using the <b>server version</b>, you first need to connect at least one SMS provider in the <a class="see_also" href="#AdjustingIntegrationSettings_block"><b>Settings</b> -> <b>Integration</b> -> <b>Third-Party Services</b></a> section so that you can enable the <b>Two-factor authentication</b> option.
<p>To enable the two-factor authentication with <b>SMS</b>,</p>
<li>make sure that one of the SMS providers is connected in the <a class="see_also" href="#AdjustingIntegrationSettings_block"><b>Integration</b></a> section,</li>
<li>check the <b>By SMS</b> radiobutton under the <b>Two-factor authentication</b> section,</li>
<li>click <b>Show Advanced Settings</b>,</li>
<li>in the <b>Mandatory Two-factor authentication</b> section, add users or groups for which two-factor verification will be performed,</li>
<li>in the <b>Trusted Networks</b> section, you can add trusted IP addresses for which two-factor verification will not be performed. Specify separate IP addresses in the IPv4 format (#.#.#.#, where # is a numeric value from 0 to 255), or set an IP addresses range by entering the starting and ending IP addresses of the range in the #.#.#.#-#.#.#.# format, or use CIDR masking in the #.#.#.#/# format.</li>
<li>click the <b>Save</b> button at the bottom of the section to make the parameters you set take effect.</li>
<p>When the two-factor authentication with SMS is enabled, a user can access the portal data after entering his/her regular email and password or signing in via a social account and typing in a six-digit verification code received via SMS. </p>
<p>The SMS messages are sent to the user primary mobile phone which is specified at the first portal login via the two-factor authentication and later can be changed on the <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/people.aspx")%>">user profile</a> page. A verification code can be resent by clicking the <b>Send code again</b> button, but no more often than 5 times per 5 minutes. The sent code is valid for 10 minutes.</p>
<p>SMS messages can be sent if you have a positive balance only. You can always check your current balance in your SMS provider account. Do not forget to replenish your balance in good time.</p>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<p>To enable the two-factor authentication with an <b>authenticator app</b>,</p>
<li>check the <b>By authenticator app</b> radiobutton under the <b>Two-factor authentication</b> section,</li>
<li>click <b>Show Advanced Settings</b>,</li>
<li>in the <b>Mandatory Two-factor authentication</b> section, add users or groups for which two-factor verification will be performed,</li>
<li>in the <b>Trusted Networks</b> section, you can add trusted IP addresses for which two-factor verification will not be performed. Specify separate IP addresses in the IPv4 format (#.#.#.#, where # is a numeric value from 0 to 255), or set an IP addresses range by entering the starting and ending IP addresses of the range in the #.#.#.#-#.#.#.# format, or use CIDR masking in the #.#.#.#/# format.</li>
<li>click the <b>Save</b> button at the bottom of the section to make the parameters you set take effect.</li>
<p>When the two-factor authentication with an authenticator app is enabled, a user can access the portal data after entering his/her regular email and password or signing in via a social account and typing in a six-digit verification code or a backup code generated by the authenticator app. </p>
<p>To access the portal for the first time after enabling the two-factor authentication:</p>
<li>Enter your regular credentials to access the portal. The QR code and your secret key are displayed at your portal login confirmation page.</li>
<li>Install an authenticator app on your mobile device. You can use <b>Google Authenticator</b> for <a target="_blank" href="">Android</a> and <a target="_blank" href="">iOS</a> or <b>Authenticator</b> for <a target="_blank" href="">Windows Phone</a>.</li>
<li>Open the authenticator app on your mobile device and configure it in one of the following ways:
<li>Scan the QR code displayed in the browser, or</li>
<li>Manually enter your secret key displayed in the browser,</li>
<li>At your portal login confirmation page, enter a 6-digit code generated by your application.</li>
<li>Click the <b>Connect app</b> button.</li>
<p>To learn more on how to use the two-factor authentication on your portal you can read the following <a class="links" target="_blank" href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/two-factor-authentication.aspx")%>">article</a>.</p>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="TrustedDomain">Trusted mail domain settings</h5>
<p>This section allows you to specify the mail servers used for user self-registration on your portal. By default, this option is disabled. To enable it,</p>
<li>check the <b>Custom domains</b> radiobutton,</li>
<li>enter the trusted mail server in the field which appears below,
<li>check the <b>Add users as guests</b> box if you wish the added users to get the view-only <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/people.aspx#ManagingAccessRights_block")%>">permissions</a>,</li>
<li>click the <b>Save</b> button at the bottom of the section to make the parameters you set take effect.</li>
<p>To add more mail servers, use the <b>Add trusted domain</b> link. To delete a server added by mistake, click the corresponding <img alt="Remove Icon" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/GettingStarted/RemoveServerIcon.png")%>" /> icon to the right of the field.</p>
<p>After that any user who has an account at a specified mail server will be able to register him(her)self clicking the <b>Click here to join</b> link on the <b>Sign In</b> page and entering the email address. An invitation email with a link to the portal will be sent at the specified email address. To sign in the user will need to follow the link provided in the email, enter a password and confirm it.</p>
<p>To disable this option again just check the <b>Disabled</b> radiobutton.</p>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="ipsecurity">IP security settings</h5>
<p>This section allows you to prevent unwanted visitors from accessing your portal by allowing access to the portal from trusted networks only. If a user attempts to log in to your portal from any IP address except those you specify, this login attempt will be blocked. To restrict access to your portal based on the IP addresses,</p>
<li>check the <b>Enable</b> radio button;</li>
<li>click the <b>Add allowed IP address</b> link in the necessary section:
<li><b>For all users</b> - this section allows you to set rules which are applied to all users including full access administrators.</li>
<li><b>For full access administrators</b> - this section allows you to set additional rules which are applied to full access administrators only.</li>
<li>in the entry field that appears, specify a single IP address in the IPv4 format (#.#.#.#, where # is a numeric value from 0 to 255), or set an IP addresses range by entering the starting and ending IP addresses of the range in the #.#.#.#-#.#.#.# format, or use CIDR masking in the #.#.#.#/# format;
<div class="notehelp">
You can find the information on your portal visitors IP addresses in the <b>Login History</b> subsection of the <b>Security</b> settings by clicking the <b>Download and open report</b> button.
<li>in the same way, add as many trusted IP addresses as you need;</li>
<li>click the <b>Save</b> button at the bottom of the section.</li>
<p>If necessary, you can delete the added IP addresses by clicking the corresponding <img alt="Remove Icon" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/GettingStarted/RemoveServerIcon.png")%>" /> icon to the right of the IP address. To disable this option again just check the <b>Disable</b> radio button and click the <b>Save</b> button.</p>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="loginsettings">Login Settings</h5>
<p>This section allows you to protect the portal against brute-force attacks.</p>
<li>in the <b>Number of attempts</b> field, set up the limit of unsuccessful login attempts by the user;</li>
<li>in the <b>Blocking time (sec)</b> field, set up the time interval for blocking new login attempts;</li>
<li>in the <b>Check period (sec)</b> field, set up the time interval for counting unsuccessful login attempts.</li>
<p>When the specified limit of unsuccessful login attempts is reached, attempts coming from the associated IP address will be banned (or, if captcha is configured, captcha will be requested) for the chosen period of time.</p>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="administratormessage">Administrator message settings</h5>
<p>This section allows you to display the contact form on the <b>Sign In</b> page so that people could send the message to the portal administrator in case they have troubles accessing the portal.</p>
<p>To enable it, just check the corresponding radiobutton and click the <b>Save</b> button at the bottom of the section to make the parameters you set take effect.</p>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="sessionlifetime">Session Lifetime</h5>
<p>This section allows you to set time (in minutes) before the portal users will need to enter the portal credentials again in order to access the portal.</p>
<p>To set session lifetime, check the <b>Enable</b> radiobutton, enter the necessary time value measured in minutes in the <b>Lifetime</b> field that appears and click the <b>Save</b> button at the bottom of the section to make the parameters you set take effect. After save all the users will be logged out from portal.</p>
<div class="gs_content" id="ManagingAccessRights_block">
<h2>Managing access rights</h2>
<div class="PortalHelp">
<p>The <b>Access Rights</b> subsection of the <b>Security</b> settings is used to change the portal owner, grant administrator privileges to users and restrict access to certain portal modules for users and groups.</p>
<div class="notehelp">
To see the detailed information about existing access levels on the portal and find out which permissions have guests, users and administrators, please refer to <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/people.aspx#ManagingAccessRights_block")%>">this section</a>.
<h5 id="changeowner">Changing portal owner</h5>
<p>If the portal owner wants to appoint another portal member to this position, he/she needs to:</p>
<li>click the <b>Choose Owner</b> link under his photo in the <b>Portal Owner</b> section,</li>
<li>select a person from the dropdown list,</li>
<li>click the <b>Change Portal Owner</b> button,</li>
<li>check the mail box and follow the confirmation link sent in the email message.</li>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Changing Portal Owner" target="img15_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/GettingStarted/People/small/ChangePortalOwner.png")%>" />
<img alt="Changing Portal Owner" id="img15_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/GettingStarted/People/big/ChangePortalOwner.png")%>" />
<div target="img15_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="addadmin">Adding administrators</h5>
<p>The portal owner or full access administrators can grant administrator privileges to users only (not to guests). To do that, they need to proceed through the following steps:</p>
<li>click the <b>Show</b> link next to the <b>Administrators</b> caption,</li>
<li>click the <b>Choose user</b> link under the list of administrators,</li>
<li>select a person or several persons at once from the existing users/guests or create a new administrator right here by clicking the <b>Create new profile</b> link,</li>
<li>click the <b>Save</b> button,</li>
<li>the selected person(s) will get the maximum access to all portal modules by default; to limit it, uncheck the <b>Full Access</b> box first and then the boxes corresponding to the modules you don't want to grant administrator access to.</li>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Adding Administrators" target="img16_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/GettingStarted/People/small/AddAdministrators.png")%>" />
<img alt="Adding Administrators" id="img16_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/GettingStarted/People/big/AddAdministrators.png")%>" />
<div target="img16_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="restrictaccess">Restricting access to portal modules</h5>
<p>The portal owner or full access administrators can restrict access to certain portal modules for some users or groups.</p>
<p>To restrict access to a portal module,</p>
<li>find the necessary module section below the <b>Administrators</b> list,</li>
<li>check the <b>Users from list</b> radio button,</li>
<li>select the users you wish to grant access to,
<p>To do that, use one of the available options;</p>
<li>use the <b>Add user</b> link if you wish to grant access to one or more people;</li>
<li>use the <b>Add group</b> link if you wish to grant access to all portal users, or to one or more groups.</li>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Restricting access to portal modules" target="img9_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/GettingStarted/NewProjects/small/ChangeProjectsModuleSettings.png")%>" />
<img alt="Restricting access to portal modules" id="img9_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/GettingStarted/NewProjects/big/ChangeProjectsModuleSettings.png")%>" />
<div target="img9_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<div class="gs_content" id="TrackingLoginHistory_block">
<h5>Tracking login history</h5>
<div class="PortalHelp">
<p>The <b>Login History</b> subsection of the <b>Security</b> settings is used to monitor the latest user login activity including successful logins and failed attempts with an indication of reasons.</p>
<p>This page displays only the last 20 records. Each record shows which action took place, who performed it and when the event occurred. You can also set the period to store the data. By default, it is set to 180 days.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Tracking Login History" target="img7_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/small/LoginHistory.png")%>" />
<img alt="Tracking Login History" id="img7_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/big/LoginHistory.png")%>" />
<div target="img7_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<p>To view the detailed statistics for the latest half year click the <b>Download and open report</b> button. The report will open in an .xlsx spreadsheet <em>(LoginHistory_ReportStartDate-EndDate.xlsx)</em>. </p>
<div class="notehelp">
The file will also be automatically saved to the <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/documents.aspx")%>"><b>My documents</b></a> section.
<p>The login history report includes the following details: user <b>IP</b> address, <b>Browser</b> and <b>Platform</b> which were being used when the registered event occurred, <b>Date</b> and time of the event, name of the <b>User</b> who made an attempt to log in/log out, portal <b>Page</b> where the action has been performed, specific <b>Action</b> (for example, <em>Login Fail. Associated Social Account Not Found</em>).</p>
<p>The records are sorted chronologically in descending order, but you can easily <a class="links" href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/ONLYOFFICE-Editors/ONLYOFFICE-Spreadsheet-Editor/UsageInstructions/SortData.aspx")%>">sort and filter</a> the data by any parameter or use the <a class="links" href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/ONLYOFFICE-Editors/ONLYOFFICE-Spreadsheet-Editor/HelpfulHints/Search.aspx")%>">search tool</a> to quickly find a specific record.</p>
<p>In the <b>Online Users</b> section, you can also view the list of the users who are currently logged in as well as each online user session duration.</p>
<div class="gs_content" id="ReceivingAuditTrailData_block">
<h5>Receiving audit trail data</h5>
<div class="PortalHelp">
<p>The <b>Audit Trail</b> subsection of the <b>Security</b> settings allows you to browse through the list of the latest changes (creation, modification, deletion etc.) made by users to the entities (tasks, opportunities, files etc.) on your portal.</p>
<div class="notehelp">
This feature is currently available for the <b>Common</b> section of the <b>Documents</b> module, <b>Projects</b>, <b>CRM</b> and <b>People</b> modules, as well as for portal settings.
<p>This page displays only the last 20 records. Each record shows which action took place, who performed it and when the event occurred. You can also set the period to store the data. By default, it is set to 180 days.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Receiving Audit Trail Data" target="img8_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/small/AuditTrail.png")%>" />
<img alt="Receiving Audit Trail Data" id="img8_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/big/AuditTrail.png")%>" />
<div target="img8_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<p>To view the detailed statistics for the latest half year click the <b>Download and open report</b> button. The report will open in an .xlsx spreadsheet <em>(AuditTrail_ReportStartDate-EndDate.xlsx)</em>. </p>
<div class="notehelp">
The file will also be automatically saved to the <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/documents.aspx")%>"><b>My documents</b></a> section.
<p>The audit trail report includes the following details: user <b>IP</b> address, <b>Browser</b> and <b>Platform</b> which were being used when the registered event occurred, <b>Date</b> and time of the event, name of the <b>User</b> who performed the operation, portal <b>Page</b> where the action has been performed, generic <b>Action Type</b> (for example, <em>download, attach, updated access</em>), specific <b>Action</b> (for example, <em>Projects [Product development and promotion]. Tasks [Distribute coupons]. Status Updated: Closed </em>), <b>Product</b> and <b>Module</b> that the changed entity is referred to.</p>
<p>The records are sorted chronologically in descending order, but you can easily <a class="links" href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/ONLYOFFICE-Editors/ONLYOFFICE-Spreadsheet-Editor/UsageInstructions/SortData.aspx")%>">sort and filter</a> the data by any parameter or use the <a class="links" href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/ONLYOFFICE-Editors/ONLYOFFICE-Spreadsheet-Editor/HelpfulHints/Search.aspx")%>">search tool</a> to quickly find a specific record.</p>
<div class="gs_content" id="ChangingPortalRegion_block">
<h2>Data management settings</h2>
<div class="PortalHelp">
<p>The <b>Data Management</b> settings section allows you to ensure data protection and recoverability as well as to manage your portal status. It includes three subsections: <b>Migration</b>, <a class="see_also" href="#CreatingBackup_block"><b>Backup<%--/Restore--%></b></a> and <a class="see_also" href="#DeactivatingDeletingPortal_block"><b>Deactivating/Deleting Portal</b></a>.</p>
<h5>Changing portal region</h5>
<div class="notehelp">
This option is available for the owners of the paid portals only.
<p>The <b>Migration</b> subsection of the <b>Data Management</b> settings section allows you to change the location of the server where your portal is hosted. The closer the server region is to your geographical location, the faster the portal speed will be.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Changing Portal Region" target="img11_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/small/ChangingPortalRegion.png")%>" />
<img alt="Changing Portal Region" id="img11_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/big/ChangingPortalRegion.png")%>" />
<div target="img11_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<p>At present you can select between three server regions: EU (Frankfurt) Region, US West (Oregon) Region and Asia Pacific (Singapore). To migrate from one region to another one,</p>
<li>select the necessary <b>Server Region</b> from the drop-down list,</li>
<li>check the <b>Migrate Mail as well</b> box if you wish to transfer your mail as well,
<div class="notehelp">
The Mail migration may considerably increase the migration time. Besides that, only the mail for the last 30 days will be transferred. Therefore it's recommended to set your account once again once the process is completed instead of transfering the messages.
<li><b>notify users about portal migration</b> leaving the corresponding box checked,</li>
<li>click the <b>Change Server Region</b> button to start the migration process.</li>
<div class="notehelp">
Once the process is started, it cannot be cancelled.
<p>The migration process may take some time depending of your portal data amount. During this process the portal will not be available. Once the migration is complete, you will receive the email with the new portal address.</p>
<p>After the migration, current passwords will be reset and users will need to restore their access. Users will receive notifications to the emails specified in their profiles and will be able to use the <b>Set password</b> button in this message to specify the password which will be used for signing in.</p>
<div class="gs_content" id="CreatingBackup_block">
<h5>Creating backup</h5>
<div class="PortalHelp">
<p>The <b>Backup</b> subsection of the <b>Data Management</b> settings allows you to backup your portal data.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Creating Backup" target="img4_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/small/BackupRestore.png")%>" />
<img alt="Creating Backup" id="img4_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/big/BackupRestore.png")%>" />
<div target="img4_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<h5>Data backup</h5>
<p>To create your portal data backup manually, use the <b>Data Backup</b> section:</p>
<li>select the desired <b>Storage</b> for your backup files:
<li>select the <b>Temporary</b> radio button if you wish to download the backup to your local drive when the backup process is over. You'll be able to do that using the link that appears below.</li>
<li>select the <b>Documents</b> radio button and click the <b>Choose</b> button next to the field that appears below. The <b>Select folder</b> window will open. Set a folder in the <b>Common Documents</b> section where you wish to store your backup and click the <b>OK</b> button.</li>
<li>select the <b>Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, Google Drive</b> radio button and click the <b>Choose</b> button next to the field that appears below. The <b>Select folder</b> window will open. Set a third-party resource directory located in the <b>Common Documents</b> section where you wish to store your backup and click the <b>OK</b> button.
<div class="notehelp">
The third-party resource must be previously connected to the Documents module as well as make shared and put into the <b>Common Documents</b> section. Otherwise the <b>Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, Google Drive</b> option will be disabled.
<li>select the <b>Third-Party Storage</b> radio button and choose one of the available services from the list: <b>Amazon AWS S3</b> (Amazon Simple Storage Service), <b>Google Cloud Storage</b>, <b>Rackspace Cloud Storage</b> or <b>Selectel Cloud Storage</b>. Enter the necessary data to access the selected third-party storage in the fields below.
<div class="notehelp">
The corresponding service must be previously connected in the <a class="see_also" href="#AdjustingIntegrationSettings_block"><b>Integration</b></a> section. Otherwise the following settings will be disabled.
<li>For the <b>Amazon AWS S3</b> service, the following fields are available:
<li><b>Bucket</b> - unique Amazon bucket name, e.g. <em>my-new-test-bucket-12345</em>.</li>
<li><b>Region</b> - an AWS region where your Amazon bucket resides, e.g. <em>us-east-2</em>.</li>
<li><b>Service Url</b> - this is an optional property; change it only if you want to try a different service endpoint. Leave this field empty to use the default value.</li>
<li><b>Force Path Style</b> - when <em>true</em>, requests will always use path style addressing. Leave this field empty, as the <b>Service Url</b> property is not specified.</li>
<li><b>Use Http</b> - if this property is set to <em>true</em>, the client attempts to use HTTP protocol, if the target endpoint supports it. By default, this property is set to <em>false</em>. Set it to <em>true</em> or leave this field empty to use the default value.</li>
<li><b>Server Side Encryption Method</b> - the server-side encryption algorithm used when storing this object in S3. The possible values are:
<li><b>Server-Side Encryption</b> - SSE-S3 (your assets will be encrypted with strong AES-256 GCM keys, one separate key for each object. The keys themselves are encrypted with a rotating root key for additional protection) or SSE-KMS (your assets will be encrypted with with a versatile encryption mechanism. Like SSE-S3, it relies on strong AES-256 encryption method, but provides more complex and flexible model, offering separate permissions for a KMS key, audit trail feature, and ability to create unique custom keys). For SSE-KMS, you can choose <b>Managed CMK</b> - Default AWS managed CMK or Customer managed CMK. When the Customer managed CMK option is selected, you need to specify the KMS Key Id.</li>
<li><b>Client-Side Encryption</b> - when this option is selected, you need to specify the KMS Key Id.</li>
<li>For the <b>Google Cloud Storage</b> service, the following field is available: <b>Bucket</b>.</li>
<li>For the <b>Rackspace Cloud Storage</b> service, the following fields are available: <b>Public container</b>, <b>Private container</b> and <b>Region</b>.</li>
<li>For the <b>Selectel Cloud Storage</b> service, the following fields are available: <b>Private container</b> and <b>Public container</b>.</li>
<div class="notehelp">
If you select the <b>Documents</b> or <b>Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, Google Drive</b> option, the backup file size affects the overall disk space used on your portal.
<li>check the <b>Include Mail in backup</b> box if you want to backup the <b>Mail</b> data as well. This increases the backup process time and backup file size, but if this option is unchecked, the <b>Mail</b> data will be lost after restoring and you'll need to connect accounts again.</li>
<li>click the <b>Make copy</b> button.</li>
<p>Once the backup process is completed you'll find the backup <b>.tar.gz</b> file (<em>portal-name_date_time.tar.gz</em>) in the specified folder. If you've selected the <b>Temporary</b> storage, the link to download the created backup will be available for 24 hours.</p>
<p>To automate the backup process, use the <b>Automatic backup</b> section:</p>
<div class="notehelp">
The <b>Automatic backup</b> function is only available if your pricing plan includes it.
<li>check the <b>Enable</b> radiobutton.</li>
<li>select the desired <b>Storage</b> for your backup files (the available options are the same as those described above, except for the <b>Temporary</b> storage which is only available in the <b>Data Backup</b> section).</li>
<li>check the <b>Include Mail in backup</b> box if you want to backup the <b>Mail</b> data as well.</li>
<li>specify the time interval at which backups should be created: <b>Every day</b> with an indication of the necessary time of the day, <b>Every week</b> with an indication of the necessary day of the week and time of the day, or <b>Every month</b> with an indication of the necessary day of the month and time of the day.</li>
<li>set <b>The maximal number of backup copies to be stored</b> selecting the necessary value from the corresponding drop-down list.</li>
<li>click the <b>Save</b> button.</li>
<p>Backups will be created automatically with the specified periodicity.</p>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5>Data restore</h5>
<div class="notehelp">
The <b>Restore</b> function is only available if your pricing plan includes restoring from a backup.
<p>To restore your portal data from the previously created backup file that has been hashed (for ONLYOFFICE Workspace Cloud 11.5 or later),</p>
<li>Select the <b>Source</b> where the backup is stored.
<li>select the <b>ONLYOFFICE Documents</b> option and click the <b>Choose</b> button below. In the <b>Select file</b> window, choose the necessary backup file stored in the <b>Common</b> folder and click OK.</li>
<li>select the <b>DropBox</b>, <b></b>, <b>OneDrive</b>, <b>Google Drive</b> option (third-party services connected to the <b>Documents</b> module, including services connected via the WebDAV protocol) and click the <b>Choose</b> button below. In the <b>Select file</b> window, choose the necessary backup file stored in the third-party resource directory and click <b>OK</b>.</li>
<li>select the <b>Third-Party Storage</b> option, choose the necessary third-party storage previously connected in the <b>Integration</b> section and enter the data required to to access the chosen storage.</li>
<li>select the <b>Computer file</b> option, click the <b>Choose</b> button below, and browse for the necessary backup file stored on your local drive.
<div class="notehelp">
Instead of selecting a backup file from a certain <b>Source</b>, you can just click the <b>Show the backup list</b> link below the Choose field to select the necessary backup file from the backup history (if a backup file was deleted manually from the storage, it will not be available in the list). Click the <b>Restore</b> link next to the necessary backup file. To delete a backup file from the list, click the <img alt="Delete Icon" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/Guides/big/guide148/deleteicon.png")%>" /> icon.
<li>Leave the <b>Send notification about portal restoring to users</b> box checked to notify your portal users;</li>
<li>Click the <b>Restore</b> button.</li>
<p>After restoring the backup in the cloud version, current passwords will be reset and users will need to restore their access via the emails specified in their profiles by specifying the password which will be used for signing in. <%--Users will receive notifications to the emails specified in their profiles and will be able to use the <b>Set password</b> button in this message to specify the password which will be used for signing in.--%></p>
<div class="notehelp">If you created a backup file in the cloud version and then restore it in the <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/control-panel-backup.aspx#step3")%>">server version</a>, access can only be restored via the <b>Forgot your password?</b> link on the authorization page.</div>
<p>For more tips, you can refer to this article for <a class="links" href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/backup-saas.aspx")%>">the Cloud version</a> and <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/control-panel-backup.aspx")%>">the Server version</a>.</p>
<div class="gs_content" id="DeactivatingDeletingPortal_block">
<h5>Deactivating/deleting portal</h5>
<div class="PortalHelp">
<p>The <b>Deactivating/Deleting Portal</b> subsection of the <b>Data Management</b> settings allows you to temporarily deactivate or permanently delete your portal.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Deactivating/Deleting Portal" target="img5_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/small/DeactivatingDeletingPortal.png")%>" />
<img alt="Deactivating/Deleting Portal" id="img5_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/big/DeactivatingDeletingPortal.png")%>" />
<div target="img5_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<h5>Portal deactivation</h5>
<p>If you decide to not use the portal for some temporary reasons, deactivate it. To do that,</p>
<li>click the <b>Deactivate</b> button.</li>
<li>a link to confirm the operation will be sent to the email address of the portal owner. Follow the link to confirm the operation.</li>
<div class="notehelp">
This link is valid for 7 days only. Please complete the portal deactivation process within that period.
<p>After that your portal and all information associated with it will be blocked so that no one has access to it for a particular period.</p>
<p>You will be able to reactivate your portal at any moment. To come back to the portal and resume using it, use the second link provided in the confirmation email. So, please, <b>keep this email in a safe place</b>.</p>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5>Portal deletion</h5>
<p>If you do not think you will use the portal and would like to delete your portal permanently,</p>
<li>click the <b>Delete</b> button to submit your request.</li>
<li>a link to confirm the operation will be sent to the email address of the portal owner. Follow the link to confirm the operation.</li>
<div class="notehelp">
This link is valid for 7 days only. Please complete the portal deletion process within that period.
<p>All the data stored on your portal, as well as your registration details will be deleted. You will not be able to reactivate your portal or recover any information associated with it.</p>
<div class="gs_content" id="AdjustingIntegrationSettings_block">
<h2>Integration settings</h2>
<div class="PortalHelp">
<p>The <b>Integration</b> section is used to enable <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#ldap")%>"><b>LDAP</b></a> and <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#sso")%>"><b>SSO</b></a> settings, integrate your portal with <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/configuration.aspx#thirdparty")%>"><b>third-party services</b></a> and adjust the <a class="see_also" href="#AdjustingSMTPSettings_block"><b>SMTP settings</b></a>.</p>
<h5 id="ldap">LDAP settings</h5>
<p>When using <b>ONLYOFFICE Workspace</b>, the first thing that you need to do is to create accounts for all your company employees. But if it numbers more than 50 persons, the process of creating new portal users will take a lot of time. <span class="saasversion_display">Your portal offers you</span> the <b>LDAP Settings</b> option which allows you to import the necessary users and groups from an LDAP Server (e.g. OpenLDAP Server or Microsoft Active Directory) to your portal, literally, in several minutes. The newly created users, in turn, don't need to memorize new passwords and logins because they will sign in to the portal using their credentials stored on your LDAP Server.</p>
<p>Fill out the required fields and click <b>Save</b>.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="LDAP settings - Main page" target="img18_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/GettingStarted/NewConfig/small/ldapusers.png")%>" />
<img alt="LDAP settings - Main page" id="img18_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/GettingStarted/NewConfig/big/ldapusers.png")%>" />
<div target="img18_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<p>For more detailed information on each field and corresponding values, please refer to the following instructions for <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/ldap-settings-saas.aspx")%>">the SaaS version</a> and <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/control-panel-ldap.aspx")%>">the Server version</a>.</p>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="sso">Single sign-on settings</h5>
<p>The <b>Single Sign-on</b> section allows you to enable/disable third-party authentication using SAML, thereby providing a more quick, easy and secure way to access the portal for users. </p>
<p>Generally, the <b>Single Sign-on</b> technology allows users to sign in only once and then get access to multiple authorized (i.e. integrated with an Identity Provider) applications/services without having to enter their credentials each time they access a different application.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Enabling SSO Authentication" target="img17_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/GettingStarted/NewConfig/small/SSO.png")%>" />
<img alt="Enabling SSO Authentication" id="img17_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/GettingStarted/NewConfig/big/SSO.png")%>" />
<div target="img17_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<p>To learn more about configuring SSO, read the corresponding articles for <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/sso-settings-saas.aspx")%>">the SaaS version</a> and <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/control-panel-sso-description.aspx")%>">the Server version</a>.</p>
<div class="inner_delimiter"></div>
<h5 id="thirdparty">Third-party service integration</h5>
<p>If you use the SaaS version, the authorization keys parameters for most services, such as <b>Facebook</b>, <b>Twitter</b>, <b>Google</b>, <b>LinkedIn</b>, <b>Box</b>, <b>Dropbox</b>, <b>OneDrive</b>, <b>Bitly</b>, <b>Firebase</b>, and <b>Yahoo</b> are set up automatically, so the corresponding switchers are disabled. You can connect your <b>Facebook/Google/LinkedIn/Twitter</b> account on your profile page right away or follow <a class="links" target="_blank" href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/tipstricks/add-resource.aspx")%>">this article</a> instructions to learn how to connect third-party services within the <b>Documents</b> module.</p>
<p>In the SaaS version, you can connect the following services on the <b>Third-Party Services</b> page:</p>
<li><b>DocuSign</b> - to send files from the <b>Documents</b> module for electronic signature to your portal employees.</li>
<li><b>Twilio</b> - to be able to call your CRM contacts from a web browser. You can also use <b>Twilio</b> to enable the two-factor authentication.</li>
<li><b>Amazon AWS S3</b>, <b>Google Cloud Storage</b>, <b>Rackspace Cloud Storage</b> or <b>Selectel Cloud Storage</b> - to backup and store data from your portal.</li>
<p>For more details on the third-party service integration, please refer to our instructions for the <a class="links" target="_blank" href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/administration/authorization-keys-saas.aspx")%>">SaaS version</a> or <a class="links" target="_blank" href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/server/windows/community/authorization-keys.aspx")%>">server version</a>.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Adjusting Integration Settings" target="img13_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/small/Integration.png")%>" />
<img alt="Adjusting Integration Settings" id="img13_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/big/Integration.png")%>" />
<div target="img13_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<div class="gs_content" id="AdjustingSMTPSettings_block">
<div class="PortalHelp">
<h5>Adjusting SMTP settings</h5>
<p>The <b>SMTP Settings</b> subsection allows you to configure your portal so that the email notifications to be sent using your own SMTP server. To do that,</p>
<li>in the <b>Host</b> field, specify the domain name of the SMTP server you use;</li>
<li>in the <b>Port</b> field, specify the SMTP port number. It's recommended to use port 587 or 25.</li>
<li>check the <b>Authentication</b> box if the SMTP server requires authentication;</li>
<li>in the <b>Host Login</b> and <b>Host Password</b> fields, specify the login and password you use to access the SMTP server;</li>
<li>check the <b>Auth via NTLM</b> box to be able to login using SaslMechanismNtlm;</li>
<li>in the <b>Sender Display Name</b> field, specify the name of the sender which will be displayed in the <b>From:</b> field;</li>
<li>in the <b>Sender Email Address</b> field, specify the email address of the sender;</li>
<li>check the <b>Enable SSL</b> box to enable encrypted connections;</li>
<li>click the <b>Save</b> button.
<div class="notehelp">
To verify whether the specified settings are correct, click the <b>Send Test Mail</b> button. If the settings are specified correctly, you'll receive the <b>SMTP Test Message</b> to the email address specified in your user profile on the portal.
<p>For more details, please refer to <a class="links" href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/server/windows/community/smtp-settings.aspx")%>">this article</a>.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Adjusting SMTP Settings" target="img10_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/small/SMTP.png")%>" />
<img alt="Adjusting SMTP Settings" id="img10_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/big/SMTP.png")%>" />
<div target="img10_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<div class="gs_content" id="ViewingPortalStatistics_block">
<h2>Statistics settings</h2>
<div class="PortalHelp">
<p>The <b>Statistics</b> section is used to present and summarize all your portal data in order to analyze and manage them.</p>
<h5>Viewing portal statistics</h5>
<p>Here you can view the following information:</p>
<li>your portal creation date,</li>
<li>the number of active users registered on your portal,</li>
<li>the storage space allowed for the selected pricing plan (for the SaaS solution),</li>
<li>the base memory quota for all new users and the list of users with the amount of space used in each module (for the SaaS solution),</li>
<li>the total storage space used,
<p>You can also view the storage space used by each portal module or tool.</p>
<li>the total number of visits per day,
<p>By default, the <b>Usage Graph</b> shows data for the last 3 months. You can change the period selecting one of the available options: <b>last week</b>, <b>last month</b>, or <b>for a period</b> setting the start and end date in the corresponding fields.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="Viewing Portal Statistics" target="img6_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/small/ViewingPortalStatistics.png")%>" />
<img alt="Viewing Portal Statistics" id="img6_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/help/gettingstarted/newconfig/big/ViewingPortalStatistics.png")%>" />
<div target="img6_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<h5>Managing memory quota</h5>
<p>You can enable and set the base memory quota that will be applied to all new users:</p>
<li>Select the <b>With quota</b> radio button.</li>
<li>Set the necessary value in the input field and choose the unit of measure from the dropdown list (bytes, Kb, Mb, Gb, Tb).</li>
<li>Click <b>Save</b>.</li>
<p>To disable the quota use the <b>No quota</b> option. The <b>Recalculate</b> button is used to recalculate the space used by users.</p>
<p>The user list below allows you to set the quota for several users or for a certain user separately. To easily find users, you can filter the list by email (Active, Pending), by type (Administrator, User, Guest), or by group. It's also possible to sort the list by first or last name or enter the necessary name in the search field.</p>
<p>To set the quota for several users:</p>
<li>Check the necessary users in the list.</li>
<li>Click the <b>Edit quota</b> button above.</li>
<li>Set the necessary value in the input field and choose the unit of measure from the dropdown list (bytes, Kb, Mb, Gb, Tb).</li>
<li>Click the checkmark button to save the settings.</li>
<div class="notehelp">If the memory quota you set is less than the memory used by one of the selected users, you'll get an error.</div>
<p>To set the quota for a certain user:</p>
<li>Click the <b>No quota</b> caption to the right of the user name.</li>
<li>Select the <b>Edit quota</b> option from the dropdown list.</li>
<li>Set the necessary value in the input field and choose the unit of measure from the dropdown list (bytes, Kb, Mb, Gb, Tb).</li>
<li>Click the checkmark button to save the settings.</li>
<div class="notehelp">If the memory quota you set is less than the memory used by the selected user, you'll get an error.</div>