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<h1>Collaborative Document Editing</h1>
<p><b>Document Editor</b> offers you the possibility to work at a document collaboratively with other users. This feature includes:</p>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures">simultaneous multi-user access to the edited document</li>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures">visual indication of passages that are being edited by other users</li>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures">real-time changes display or synchronization of changes with one button click</li>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures">chat to share ideas concerning particular document parts</li>
<li>comments containing the description of a task or problem that should be solved (it's also possible to work with comments in the offline mode, without connecting to the <em>online version</em>)</li>
<div class="desktopDocumentFeatures">
<h3>Connecting to the online version</h3>
<p>In the <em>desktop editor</em>, open the <b>Connect to cloud</b> option of the left-side menu in the main program window. Connect to your cloud office specifying your account login and password. <!--В окне ввода логина и пароля также доступна ссылка для регистрации в Облаке.--></p>
<div class="onlineDocumentFeatures">
<p><b>Document Editor</b> allows to select one of the two available co-editing modes:</p>
<li><b>Fast</b> is used by default and shows the changes made by other users in real time.</li>
<li><b>Strict</b> is selected to hide other user changes until you click the <b>Save</b> <img alt="Save icon" src="../images/saveupdate.png" /> icon to save your own changes and accept the changes made by others.</li>
<p>The mode can be selected in the <a href="../HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Advanced Settings</a>. It's also possible to choose the necessary mode using the <img alt="Co-editing Mode icon" src="../images/coeditingmode.png" /> <b>Co-editing Mode</b> icon at the <b>Collaboration</b> tab of the top toolbar:</p>
<p><img alt="Co-editing Mode menu" src="../images/coeditingmodemenu.png" /></p>
<p class="note">
<b>Note</b>: when you co-edit a document in the <b>Fast</b> mode, the possibility to <b>Redo</b> the last undone operation is not available.
<p>When a document is being edited by several users simultaneously in the <b>Strict</b> mode, the edited text passages are marked with dashed lines of different colors. By hovering the mouse cursor over one of the edited passages, the name of the user who is editing it at the moment is displayed. The <b>Fast</b> mode will show the actions and the names of the co-editors once they are editing the text.</p>
<p>The number of users who are working at the current document is specified on the right side of the editor header - <img alt="Number of users icon" src="../images/usersnumber.png" />. If you want to see who exactly are editing the file now, you can click this icon or open the <b>Chat</b> panel with the full list of the users.</p>
<p>When no users are viewing or editing the file, the icon in the editor header will look like <img alt="Manage document access rights icon" src="../images/access_rights.png" /> allowing you to manage the users who have access to the file right from the document: invite new users giving them permissions to <em>edit</em>, <em>read</em>, <em>comment</em>, <em>fill forms</em> or <em>review</em> the document, or <em>deny</em> some users access rights to the file. Click this icon to manage the access to the file; this can be done both when there are no other users who view or co-edit the document at the moment and when there are other users and the icon looks like <img alt="Number of users icon" src="../images/usersnumber.png" />. It's also possible to set access rights using the <img alt="Sharing icon" src="../images/sharingicon.png" /> <b>Sharing</b> icon at the <b>Collaboration</b> tab of the top toolbar.</p>
<p>As soon as one of the users saves his/her changes by clicking the <img alt="Save icon" src="../images/savewhilecoediting.png" /> icon, the others will see a note within the status bar stating that they have updates. To save the changes you made, so that other users can view them, and get the updates saved by your co-editors, click the <img alt="Save icon" src="../images/saveupdate.png" /> icon in the left upper corner of the top toolbar. The updates will be highlighted for you to check what exactly has been changed.</p>
<p>You can specify what changes you want to be highlighted during co-editing if you click the <b>File</b> tab at the top toolbar, select the <b>Advanced Settings...</b> option and choose between <b>none</b>, <b>all</b> and <b>last</b> real-time collaboration changes. Selecting <b>View all</b> changes, all the changes made during the current session will be highlighted. Selecting <b>View last</b> changes, only the changes made since you last time clicked the <img alt="Save icon" src="../images/saveupdate.png" /> icon will be highlighted. Selecting <b>View None</b> changes, changes made during the current session will not be highlighted.</p>
<h3 id="chat">Chat</h3>
<p>You can use this tool to coordinate the co-editing process on-the-fly, for example, to arrange with your collaborators about who is doing what, which paragraph you are going to edit now etc.</p>
<p>The chat messages are stored during one session only. To discuss the document content it is better to use comments which are stored until you decide to delete them.</p>
<p>To access the chat and leave a message for other users,</p>
<li>click the <img alt="Chat icon" src="../images/chaticon.png" /> icon at the left sidebar, or <br />
switch to the <b>Collaboration</b> tab of the top toolbar and click the <img alt="Chat icon" src="../images/chat_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Chat</b> button,
<li>enter your text into the corresponding field below,</li>
<li>press the <b>Send</b> button.</li>
<p>All the messages left by users will be displayed on the panel on the left. If there are new messages you haven't read yet, the chat icon will look like this - <img alt="Chat icon" src="../images/chaticon_new.png" />.</p>
<p>To close the panel with chat messages, click the <img alt="Chat icon" src="../images/chaticon.png" /> icon at the left sidebar or the <img alt="Chat icon" src="../images/chat_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Chat</b> button at the top toolbar once again.</p>
<h3 id="comments">Comments</h3>
<p>It's possible to work with comments in the offline mode, without connecting to the <em>online version</em>.</p>
<p>To leave a comment,</p>
<li>select a text passage where you think there is an error or problem,</li>
switch to the <b>Insert</b> or <b>Collaboration</b> tab of the top toolbar and click the <img alt="Comment icon" src="../images/comment_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Comment</b> button, or<br />
use the <img alt="Comments icon" src="../images/commentsicon.png" /> icon at the left sidebar to open the <b>Comments</b> panel and click the <b>Add Comment to Document</b> link, or<br />
right-click the selected text passage and select the <b>Add Сomment</b> option from the contextual menu,
<li>enter the needed text,</li>
<li>click the <b>Add Comment/Add</b> button.</li>
<p>The comment will be seen on the panel on the left. Any other user can answer to the added comment asking questions or reporting on the work he/she has done. For this purpose, click the <b>Add Reply</b> link situated under the comment.</p>
<p>The text passage you commented will be highlighted in the document. To view the comment, just click within the passage. If you need to disable this feature, click the <b>File</b> tab at the top toolbar, select the <b>Advanced Settings...</b> option and uncheck the <b>Turn on display of the comments</b> box. In this case the commented passages will be highlighted only if you click the <img alt="Comments icon" src="../images/commentsicon.png" /> icon.</p>
<p>You can manage the comments you added in the following way:</p>
<li>edit them by clicking the <img alt="Edit icon" src="../images/editcommenticon.png" /> icon,</li>
<li>delete them by clicking the <img alt="Delete icon" src="../images/deletecommenticon.png" /> icon,</li>
<li>close the discussion by clicking the <img alt="Resolve icon" src="../images/resolveicon.png" /> icon if the task or problem you stated in your comment was solved, after that the discussion you opened with your comment gets the resolved status. To open it again, click the <img alt="Open again icon" src="../images/resolvedicon.png" /> icon. If you want to hide resolved comments, click the <b>File</b> tab at the top toolbar, select the <b>Advanced Settings...</b> option, uncheck the <b>Turn on display of the resolved comments</b> box and click <b>Apply</b>. In this case the resolved comments will be highlighted only if you click the <img alt="Comments icon" src="../images/commentsicon.png" /> icon.</li>
<p>If you are using the <b>Strict</b> co-editing mode, new comments added by other users will become visible only after you click the <img alt="Save icon" src="../images/saveupdate.png" /> icon in the left upper corner of the top toolbar.</p>
<p>To close the panel with comments, click the <img alt="Comments icon" src="../images/commentsicon.png" /> icon at the left sidebar once again.</p>