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<script runat="server">
protected override void Init()
PageTitle = PageCaption = "Config";
MetaDescription = "Статьи документации по API сервера документов.";
<div class="MainHelpCenter">
<h1 class="subHeaderFeaturesCaption Guides_Video_Captions">Config</h1>
<div class="header-gray">Description</div>
<p class="dscr">The config base section allows to change the platform type used, document display size (width and height) and type of the document opened.</p>
<div class="header-gray">Parameters</div>
<table class="table">
<col class="table-name" />
<col />
<col class="table-type" />
<col class="table-example" />
<tr class="tablerow">
<tr class="tablerow">
<td id="documentType" class="copy-link">documentType</td>
<td>Defines the document type to be opened:
<em>open a text document (.doc, .docm, .docx, .dot, .dotm, .dotx, .epub, .fodt, .htm, .html, .mht, .odt, .ott, .pdf, .rtf, .txt, .djvu, .xps) for viewing or editing</em> - <b>text</b>,
<em>open a spreadsheet (.csv, .fods, .ods, .ots, .xls, .xlsm, .xlsx, .xlt, .xltm, .xltx) for viewing or editing</em> - <b>spreadsheet</b>,
<em>open a presentation (.fodp, .odp, .otp, .pot, .potm, .potx, .pps, .ppsm, .ppsx, .ppt, .pptm, .pptx) for viewing or editing</em> - <b>presentation</b>.
<tr class="tablerow">
<td id="height" class="copy-link">height</td>
<td>Defines the document height (<b>100%</b> by default) in the browser window.</td>
<tr class="tablerow">
<td id="token" class="copy-link">token</td>
<td>Defines the encrypted signature added to the <b>Document Server</b> config in the form of a <a href="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/api/editors/signature/browser.aspx#config")%>">token</a>.</td>
<tr class="tablerow">
<td id="type" class="copy-link">type</td>
<td>Defines the platform type used to access the document. Can be:
<em>optimized to access the document from a desktop or laptop computer</em> - <b>desktop</b>,
<em>optimized to access the document from a tablet or a smartphone</em> - <b>mobile</b>,
<em>specifically formed to be easily embedded into a web page</em> - <b>embedded</b>.
The default value is <b>"desktop"</b>.
<tr class="tablerow">
<td id="width" class="copy-link">width</td>
<td>Defines the document width (<b>100%</b> by default) in the browser window.</td>
<div class="header-gray">Example</div>
var docEditor = new DocsAPI.DocEditor("placeholder", {
"documentType": "text",
"height": "100%",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.e30.t-IDcSemACt8x4iTMCda8Yhe3iZaWbvV5XKSTbuAn0M",
"type": "desktop",
"width": "100%",