2017-07-18 10:59:11 +03:00

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PageTitle = PageCaption = "How to create a mailing list";
MetaKeyWords = "talk, mailing list, send multiple, send file";
MetaDescription = "Talk. Send one and the same message to many people at once creating the mailing list.";
var guides = new GuidesModel();
guides.CaptionRelatedTips = "Related Tips & Tricks";
guides.Title = "Integrating Talk into an IM Client";
guides.TitleVideo = "Several ways to communicate with team using Talk";
guides.RelatedTips = "If you decided to integrate the Talk module into an instant messenger like Miranda, Trillian, Pidgin or Psi and don't know how to do that, you are at the right place!";
guides.LearnMore = "Learn more...";
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<div class="MainHelpCenter">
<h1 class="subHeaderFeaturesCaption Guides_Video_Captions">How to create a mailing list in Talk?</h1>
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<li><cc:LocalizeContent runat="Server" ControlName="~/Controls/Help/Tags/mailing-list/mailing-list.ascx" /></li>
<li><cc:LocalizeContent runat="Server" ControlName="~/Controls/Help/Tags/send-multiple/send-multiple.ascx" /></li>
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<a onclick="showVideoContainer();" class="ways_communicate"><span class="playbackbutton"></span></a>
<p>Are you tired of typing one and the same message each time selecting a recipient from the contact list?</p>
<p>Follow these easiest steps to create a mailing list and send the message to many people at once.</p>
<h2 id="step1"><span class="style_step">Step 1. </span>Access the Talk</h2>
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<p>Enter your <b>ONLYOFFICE</b> portal and click the <b>Talk</b> <img alt="Talk" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/GettingStarted/Talk.png")%>" /> icon available at the top of each portal page.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="How to create a mailing list in Talk? Step 1" target="img1_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/Guides/small/guide17/step1.png")%>" />
<img alt="How to create a mailing list in Talk? Step 1" id="img1_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/Guides/big/guide17/step1.png")%>" />
<div target="img1_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto magnifier"></div>
<h2 id="step2"><span class="style_step">Step 2. </span>Create a mailing list</h2>
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<p>The <b>Talk</b> window will open.</p>
<p>Press the <b>Send multiple</b> <img alt="Send multiple button" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/Guides/small/guide17/Sendmultiple.png")%>" /> button below the <b>Talk</b> main area. Enter a name for your mailing list and click the <b>Create</b> button.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="How to create a mailing list in Talk? Step 2" target="img2_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/Guides/small/guide17/step2.png")%>" />
<img alt="How to create a mailing list in Talk? Step 2" id="img2_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/Guides/big/guide17/step2.png")%>" />
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<p>Select a contact you wish to add to your mailing list and click the <img alt="Plus sign" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/Guides/small/guide17/plussign.png")%>" /> button to the right. Or simply drag and drop it to the <b>Talk</b> main area.</p>
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<img class="img_note" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Site/Icons/iy.gif")%>" alt="Note!" />
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To facilitate the search of the necessary user you can enable the filter clicking the corresponding button above the contact list.
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<img alt="How to create a mailing list in Talk? Step 2" target="img3_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/Guides/small/guide17/step2_1.png")%>" />
<img alt="How to create a mailing list in Talk? Step 2" id="img3_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/Guides/big/guide17/step2_1.png")%>" />
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<p>The same way you can add as many recipients as you wish.</p>
<h2 id="step3"><span class="style_step">Step 3. </span>Compose a message for your recipients</h2>
<div class="block_of_step">
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<p>When all the recipients are selected, type in your message and click the <b>Send</b> button.</p>
<div class="screen_block">
<img alt="How to create a mailing list in Talk? Step 3" target="img4_eventcom_guides" class="screenphoto screen_guides" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/Guides/small/guide17/step3.png")%>" />
<img alt="How to create a mailing list in Talk? Step 3" id="img4_eventcom_guides" class="bigphoto_screen" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/Guides/big/guide17/step3.png")%>" />
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<p>If you need to send a file click the <b>Send File</b> <img alt="Send File button" src="<%=VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute("~/images/Help/Guides/small/guide14/sendfile.png")%>" /> button below the <b>Talk</b> main area. Select the file you need and click the <b>Open</b> button. The file will be sent.</p>